wheeler walked away from MWI

2002-09-26 Thread vznuri

hi all. I just read an amazing factoid in john gribbins
search for sch.cat. it says that wheeler, in spite
of his initial enthusiasm for MWI  promoting it, and being
the advisor to everett, eventually abandoned
it, feeling it carried too much metaphysical baggage
or something like that. I was not aware of that. is
everyone else? I wonder if there are other refs on the
subject. I will quote the gribbin section if ppl are interested.

Re: wheeler walked away from MWI

2002-09-26 Thread Hal Finney

VZ Nuri writes:
 hi all. I just read an amazing factoid in john gribbins
 search for sch.cat. it says that wheeler, in spite
 of his initial enthusiasm for MWI  promoting it, and being
 the advisor to everett, eventually abandoned
 it, feeling it carried too much metaphysical baggage
 or something like that. I was not aware of that. is
 everyone else? I wonder if there are other refs on the
 subject. I will quote the gribbin section if ppl are interested.

Yes, I'd heard this.  I wrote last June about my perceptions of Wheeler's
shifts of positions at http://www.escribe.com/science/theory/m3699.html.
My speculation was that he didn't like being known as just a supporter
of someone else's theory, that he wanted to come up with his own idea.
However in the recent Scientific American article co-authored with Max
Tegmark, they seemed to endorse the MWI pretty strongly.

Hal Finney

Re: wheeler walked away from MWI

2002-09-26 Thread vznuri

ok thanks HF for the clarification. I didnt realize
all the recent threads on tegmark were also referring
to a tegmark-wheeler article.

fyi, here is the quote from gribbin. I havent noticed,
but is everyone aware of this book? good stuff.. from 1984,
a bit dated, but it keeps getting reprinted apparently
because its so superb. gribbin is a big advocate of MWI in
a later chapter  cites a lot of early science fiction ideas
relating to it. he's got a phd in astrophysics. very good
on the conceptual history/foundations of QM. 

perhaps it is only fair, at this point,
to mention that wheeler himself has recently expressed
doubts about the whole business. in response to a questioner
at a symposium held to mark the centenary of einstein's birth,
he said of the MWI, I confess that I have reluctantly
had to give up my support of that POV in the end,
much as I advocated it in the beginning--because I m
afraid it carries too great a load of metaphysical baggage.
this shouldnt be read as pulling out the rug from under
the everett interpretation; the fact that einstein changed
his mind about the statistical basis of QM didnt pull
the rug from under that interpretation.

as for your point in your post about wheeler attaching
his name to the theory, I think its ok for proponents
and not originators of a theory to be named along with it.
for example lately Ive been referring to the
fredkin-wolfram thesis. fredkin is far more the 
originator; wolfram is far more the proponent. seems
to me the everett-wheeler theory can be fairly seen in the
same way.

btw, I recently finished deutschs fabric of reality
which imho is really outlandish  unfocused in places.
after reading it I thought he earned the nickname
mad scientist heh heh