Re: [Evolution] New list member and curious.

2007-06-02 Thread Javier Kohen
El sáb, 02-06-2007 a las 03:56 -0500, Elizabeth Wright escribió:
> I've never heard about Evolution before. Can one use this email client
> without using the desktop? I'm very disgusted with Windows Mail. I
> really don't care for Thunderbird's set up. I wanted something closer
> to the functionality I had with Outlook Express. I quite literally
> stumbled over the name of this email client when I downloaded Open
> Office. I refuse to have Office 2007 and I won't buy another copy of
> Windows 2003.

Those are noble goals, but while you don't need GNOME to run Evolution,
this is still a UNIX application.

That said, quickly googling around yielded some results for Windows
versions of Evolution. See for instance for a fairly recent (though
not completely) version of Evolution that installs or runs on Windows.

Javier Kohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ: blashyrkh #2361802

Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente
Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Rearrange mail folders

2007-06-01 Thread Javier Kohen
El vie, 01-06-2007 a las 09:46 -0400, Patrick M. Kelecy escribió:
> On Fri, 2007-06-01 at 09:32 -0400, Matthew Barnes wrote:
> > On Fri, 2007-06-01 at 09:19 -0400, Patrick M. Kelecy wrote:
> > > Is there a way to rearrange mail folders?  For example, suppose I want
> > > the inbox at the bottom of the list (below Trash) rather than at the top, 
> > > how would I
> > > move it?
> > 
> > Folders are listed alphabetically.  I'm not aware of an option to change
> > that.
> > 
> Uhm?  On mine they're not entirely alphabetical.  For example, I have
> three folders (Archived, Drafts, and Junk) that sit below Inbox.  Inbox
> appears to be set to always display at the top.  I wonder how they do
> that?

I actually want the behavior you get, but here all folders appear in
alphabetical order. I'm using Evolution 2.10.x in the es_AR.UTF-8

Javier Kohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ: blashyrkh #2361802

Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente
Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] duplicate copies in trash

2007-05-30 Thread Javier Kohen
El mié, 30-05-2007 a las 16:15 -0400, carpetnailz escribió:
> Why am I finding duplicate copies in Trash of items I have not
> deleted--that is, the item still exists in its proper non-Trash folder?

I've seen this happen when filters copy/move mail around, although I
didn't bother looking for more specific patterns.

I hope that helps,
Javier Kohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ: blashyrkh #2361802

Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente
Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Show embedded pictures in email?

2007-05-30 Thread Javier Kohen
El mié, 30-05-2007 a las 11:10 -0400, Patrick M. Kelecy escribió:
> I'm using Evolution 2.8.2 and often get email with embedded pictures
> (such as eBay watch notices, etc).  Right now the pictures just appear
> as a box with a red "x" in it.  Is there anyway to actually display the
> picture, like MS Outlook does?

Ctrl-I or through the menu: View, Load Images.

Javier Kohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ: blashyrkh #2361802

Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente
Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] separated folders

2007-05-21 Thread Javier Kohen
El sáb, 19-05-2007 a las 19:47 +0200, Federico Lucca escribió:
> Hi,
> Can you give me a tip for create a different folder for different
> account?same as thunderbird,where any account have the its inbox folder.
> Thanks

I answered this before the weekend. You need to use filters according to

Check the mailing list archives.

Javier Kohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ: blashyrkh #2361802

Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente
Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] Separate evolution applications possible on one computer?

2007-05-17 Thread Javier Kohen
El jue, 17-05-2007 a las 12:27 -0400, Dinbandhu escribió:
> Sent this a couple days ago but got no reply. Please if someone can help
> I would appreciate it. Thanks!
> Hello all,
> I've just set up Ubuntu 7.04 on my laptop and started using evolution.


> Two quick questions:
> 1. I live in a rural area that still only has dial-up modem access. I
> sometimes need to dial up from one or another account, and so like to
> have three different dialer icons set up on my desktop, one for each
> account. Is this possible with Gnome PPP? If so, how do you do it?

Wrong list. I suggest you write to gnome-users or whatever is
appropriate for the dial-up application you are using.

> 2. Is it possible to keep separate evolution applications for each
> e-mail account? That is, to open a separate "evolution" program with a
> separate in-box for each e-mail account? With all separate folders for
> each e-mail account? Or does one have to receive mail from all one's
> various e-mail accounts into the same "in-box", in the same application?
> For example, can one have 4 different versions of evolution open at the
> same time, each dealing with a separate e-mail account?

I'm not in a position to answer your question directly. However, I'll
tell you what I do to handle a similar case.

I keep two different inbox mailboxes; one for personal and the other for
corporate mail. I've created a mail filter based on the "origin account"
with an action that moves all e-mail coming from that account to a given
folder I created. You could add one such rule for each of your 4
accounts (or you can use 3 and leave one as the default).

I was hoping to hear opinions from others as well, but from my personal
experience, it seems people here are shy when it comes to share
information about their workflows.

Javier Kohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ: blashyrkh #2361802

Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente
Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] help menu

2007-05-11 Thread Javier Kohen
El vie, 11-05-2007 a las 11:10 -0400, Ray Schrempf escribió:
> Nothing comes up when I select "Contents" in the help menu. Does this
> have to be activated somehow?

If you are using Evolution as packaged in Debian/unstable or related
distributions, then you might have hit this bug I reported a couple days

You can still access the help through GNOME's Yelp.

Javier Kohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ: blashyrkh #2361802

Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente
Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] E-mail tracking - workflow inquiry

2007-05-11 Thread Javier Kohen
El mié, 09-05-2007 a las 15:12 -0600, Brett Johnson escribió:
> On Wed, 2007-05-09 at 19:00 +0200, Javier Kohen wrote:
> > Assuming that you also sort your e-mail in folders according to source,
> > or projects, or mailing lists, or any other criteria, how do you scale
> > your two-bit system to cope with multiple folders?
> Maybe I don't understand your question.  This method works on any
> folder/inbox you employ it on.  Are you looking for a single place to
> see all of your "need to follow up" emails?  If so, just create a
> virtual folder which searches all the relevant folders for emails
> flagged with "follow up" or "important".

If you read my original post you'll find out that that is exactly what
I'm doing now. However, it's been suggested that such usage of virtual
folders might be the cause of Evolution consuming several hundreds of
megabytes of RAM at any time. I'm trying to free up some RAM so I can
work more smoothly in other applications, so I'd like to avoid this
"umbrella" virtual folder.

I had to upgrade the computer to 2 GB of RAM because 1 GB wasn't enough:
Evolution was taking over 1/3 of it and I don't think my mailboxes are
that big, really.

Javier Kohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ: blashyrkh #2361802

Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente
Evolution-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution] E-mail tracking - workflow inquiry

2007-05-09 Thread Javier Kohen
El mié, 09-05-2007 a las 10:55 -0600, Brett Johnson escribió:
> On Wed, 2007-05-09 at 14:17 +0000, Javier Kohen wrote: 
> > In particular, I would like to hear how you keep all your pending e-mail
> > at a glance. That is, how you track unread e-mail (this one is easy by
> > default), but also e-mail you have read, but still need to act upon.
> I use a two-bit system :o)
> First, I have a custom sort on my inbox view, which sorts on the
> "Important" IMAP attribute, and the "Followup" evolution flag first.
> Then if I need to respond to an email eventually, I'll right-click on
> the message and select "Mark for followup...".  Sometimes I'll also
> select "Mark as important" to flag messages as well.  The "important"
> attribute is nice because it's an IMAP attribute, which means it's
> stored on the server, which means it'll be there when you connect from a
> different client.  The "followup" flag is only local to the current
> evolution instance.

Well, this is what my current workflow looks like, only that I need to
work with two inbox folders (personal and work) and several mailing
lists, whose messages are sorted by different filters into corresponding

Assuming that you also sort your e-mail in folders according to source,
or projects, or mailing lists, or any other criteria, how do you scale
your two-bit system to cope with multiple folders?

Javier Kohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ: blashyrkh #2361802

Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente
Evolution-list mailing list

[Evolution] E-mail tracking - workflow inquiry

2007-05-09 Thread Javier Kohen
I'm using Evolution 2.10.1 and I'd like to hear the community's view on
best practices for my current workflow.

In particular, I would like to hear how you keep all your pending e-mail
at a glance. That is, how you track unread e-mail (this one is easy by
default), but also e-mail you have read, but still need to act upon. For
instance, sometimes I need to reply to an e-mail, but I have to wait to
get some information from a third-party, or I'm waiting for an answer to
an e-mail and I don't want to forget, or I need to work on a request and
then get back to the sender. I like to keep these e-mails handy until I
can fully process them.

I receive e-mail from several e-mail accounts through POP3 and local
delivery. E-mail is moved to different folders according to mailing list
and source account; I leave the main inbox for personal e-mail and have
a subfolder for my corporate e-mail. I don't have any remote folders at
the time.

I used to mark pending e-mail as unread, but that proved unmanageable
whenever I had 30 of those and new e-mail arrived. I would accidentally
mark some as read, or miss _really_ unread incoming e-mail.

Currently, I have created a virtual folder so I can track the e-mail
that I haven't read and that is pending a response. The folder groups
unread messages, messages I mark with with the Important tag, those
marked as "Follow Up" and last those with the "Pending task" label. I
spend about 95% of the time I use Evolution in that folder, leaving
aside mail reading and composing, of course.

My current workflow works, but I'm having a problem that makes me
question this approach. Namely the fact that Evolution allocates several
hundreds of megabytes for its process. More so if you include EDS. I've
read that virtual folders could be the origin of the huge memory usage,
so I'm trying to get rid of them or, at least, avoid having a single
virtual folder that pulls all the mailboxes.

Looking forward to your input.
Javier Kohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ: blashyrkh #2361802

Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente
Evolution-list mailing list