[Evolution] Failed to open calendar “Contacts : Birthdays & Anniversaries” Invalid object

2020-03-22 Thread John Murrell

I am running Evolution 3.28.5-0ubuntu0.18.04.1  under Linux Mint 9.3
Mate 64 Bit

Evolution has been operating satisfactorily since I installed it in
February until the last couple of days when I get the error 'Failed to
open calendar “Contacts : Birthdays & Anniversaries” Invalid object'
when I try to create a new entry in the calendar.

There is one previous post in the archive that implies that turning the
calendars off and on again cures it - I have tried this but it does not
work in my case.

I have looked at the dta file in
/home/john/.local/share/evolution/calendar/system and the only file is
'calendar.ics' which Has Read - Wrirte permission for th eowner and
read only for the others. Changing the group to read write does not
cure it.

Nothing on the internet for this error other than the one report in the
archive as shown above.

The 'Birthdays & Anniversarys still show in the calendar and can be
turned on & off with the tick box so evolution still seems to be
reading the data.

The error occurs even if I turn off B&A and then try to create a new

Can anyone help me on fixing this.


John Murrell

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Re: [Evolution] Failed to open calendar “Contacts : Birthdays & Anniversaries” Invalid object

2020-03-23 Thread John Murrell
In response to below:

> 'It's important to say how your calendar is configured. Is it local?
> Does it use a server such as Google Calendar or Exchange?
> poc

I believe my calender is local - I imported the email messages from MS
Outlook when I dumped Win7 and moved to Linux in February. 
I don't think I told the installation programme about Google Mail or an
Exchange Server. My email is downloaded from a remote mail server but I
don't think that has any calendar facility. 
There is an outside possibility the problem may be related to my
installing the Microsoft Teams Linux version. The problem seems to have
started around the same time I held my initial meeting in MS Teams.
I can't see anything obvious under 'Preferences' or accounts to show
how the calendar is configured. Should I look elsewhere ?

On Sun, 2020-03-22 at 13:29 +, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Sun, 2020-03-22 at 09:44 +, John Murrell wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running Evolution 3.28.5-0ubuntu0.18.04.1  under Linux Mint
> 9.3Mate 64 Bit
> Evolution has been operating satisfactorily since I installed it
> inFebruary until the last couple of days when I get the error 'Failed
> toopen calendar “Contacts : Birthdays & Anniversaries” Invalid
> object'when I try to create a new entry in the calendar.
> There is one previous post in the archive that implies that turning
> thecalendars off and on again cures it - I have tried this but it
> does notwork in my case.
> I have looked at the dta file
> in/home/john/.local/share/evolution/calendar/system and the only file
> is'calendar.ics' which Has Read - Wrirte permission for th eowner
> andread only for the others. Changing the group to read write does
> notcure it.
> Nothing on the internet for this error other than the one report in
> thearchive as shown above.
> The 'Birthdays & Anniversarys still show in the calendar and can
> beturned on & off with the tick box so evolution still seems to
> bereading the data.
> The error occurs even if I turn off B&A and then try to create a
> newappointment.
> Can anyone help me on fixing this.
> It's important to say how your calendar is configured. Is it
> local?Does it use a server such as Google Calendar or Exchange?
> poc
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Re: [Evolution] Failed to open calendar “Contacts : Birthdays & Anniversaries” Invalid object

2020-03-23 Thread John Murrell
I guess I may have imported my calender from outlook, it was 6 weeks
ago and I did the transfer from following some web pages - I think
converting to mbox and then importing them if I remember correctly
 - it think it was working ok until a few days ago though I am not sure
when I tried to add the last entry - most seem to be deleted or
cancelled at present couple of days ago. I can still edit existing
entries in the calendar. I have cancelled a couple today. However what
I can't do is to create a new appointment I get the error message in
the title.
As in the original post I have a calendar.ics file and I also have a
contacts.db file in
/home/john/.local/share/evolution/addressbook/system. My contacts seem
to be working ok. The only odd thing is they mostly have a Birth date &
Anniversary  date as 1/1/ !! As a result if I edit them I get a
message stating 'Birth Date Cannot Be a future date'
Hope this helps
John Murrell

On Sun, 2020-03-22 at 17:08 +, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Sun, 2020-03-22 at 14:58 +, John Murrell wrote:
> 'It's important to say how your calendar is configured. Is it
> local?Does it use a server such as Google Calendar or Exchange?poc
> I believe my calender is local - I imported the email messages from
> MSOutlook when I dumped Win7 and moved to Linux in February. I don't
> think I told the installation programme about Google Mail or
> anExchange Server. My email is downloaded from a remote mail server
> but Idon't think that has any calendar facility. There is an outside
> possibility the problem may be related to myinstalling the Microsoft
> Teams Linux version. The problem seems to havestarted around the same
> time I held my initial meeting in MS Teams.I can't see anything
> obvious under 'Preferences' or accounts to showhow the calendar is
> configured. Should I look elsewhere ?
> You mean you didn't actually configure a calendar when setting
> upEvolution? If that's the case, I don't quite see why you have
> anycalendar functionality at all, so maybe start there. The online
> Helphas several relevant entries if you search for 'calendar'.
> poc
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> listevolution-list@gnome.orgTo change your list options or
> unsubscribe, visit ...
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Re: [Evolution] Failed to open calendar “Contacts : Birthdays & Anniversaries” Invalid object

2020-03-23 Thread John Murrell
On Sun, 2020-03-22 at 22:34 +, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Sun, 2020-03-22 at 20:51 +0000, John Murrell wrote:
> On Sun, 2020-03-22 at 19:49 +, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> Mbox is for mail. It has nothing to do with calendars. Neither does the
> contacts.db file. A date of 1/1/ looks very much like an
> uninitialized field.
> I suggest you save your existing *.ics file(s) somewhere as a backup,
> delete or rename the calendar from within Evolution, then create an
> entirely new calendar (also in Evolution), and import the backup .ics
> file(s). That should at least start things off in a consistent state.
> poc
> I have backed up my calendar.ics file - looking at it with notepad it looks 
> ok no corruption and the edits I made to appointments today are all there.
> I can't delete my calendar file as the command is greyed out. The
> delete contacts command is also greyed out. Not sure why.
> You can always delete it from outside Evolution. Before doing so, stop
> Evo completely, including all associated processes (quit Evo and run
> 'pkill evolution'). Then restart, create a new calendar and import the
> old file.
> NB: I'm just improvising here as personally I use online calendars
> rather than local ones. Perhaps other list members have a better idea.
> poc
I have stumbled on a cure In Evolution Accounts - Address Book Properties On 
this Computer - Personal there is a tickbox Use in Birthdays & Anniversaries 
If I untick this I can now create new entries in the Calendar and the error 
message above no longer appears. 
The birthdays which are in the Contacts book still appear though I have not 
tested if any new entries appear.

Does this give any clue as to what the problem is ?



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Re: [Evolution] Failed to open calendar “Contacts : Birthdays & Anniversaries” Invalid object

2020-03-23 Thread John Murrell
On Sun, 2020-03-22 at 19:49 +, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> Mbox is for mail. It has nothing to do with calendars. Neither does the
> contacts.db file. A date of 1/1/ looks very much like an
> uninitialized field.
> I suggest you save your existing *.ics file(s) somewhere as a backup,
> delete or rename the calendar from within Evolution, then create an
> entirely new calendar (also in Evolution), and import the backup .ics
> file(s). That should at least start things off in a consistent state.
> poc

I have backed up my calendar.ics file - looking at it with notepad it looks ok 
no corruption and the edits I made to appointments today are all there.

I can't delete my calendar file as the command is greyed out. The
delete contacts command is also greyed out. Not sure why.

However I have found that Under Evolution Accounts - Address Book
Properties - Type on this computer - Name Personal there is a tick box
'use in Birthdays & Anniversaries Calendar' if I untick this I am now
able to create new appointments instead of getting the error message
above.  Does this help in the diagnostics ?

I can use that as a temporary fix but it would be good to get Birthdays
& anniversaries shown again.

Could the error message be the result of a corrupted / invalid birthday
in the address book as I have edited several of these recently ?


John Murrell

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Re: [Evolution] Failed to open calendar “Contacts : Birthdays & Anniversaries” Invalid object

2020-03-23 Thread John Murrell
On Mon, 2020-03-23 at 10:52 +0100, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
> On Sun, 2020-03-22 at 20:49 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:Neither
> does the contacts.db file. A date of 1/1/ looks very muchlike an
> uninitialized field.
>   Hi,being this about Birthdays & Anniversaries calendar, then
> the addressbooks data matters, because this calendar opens the
> configured booksand searches for contacts with either birthday or
> anniversary datesfilled and shows them as the calendar events.
> Looking at the code, theonly place where the Birthdays &
> Anniversaries calendar returns"Invalid object" is not on open, but
> when something adds a timezone toit.
> What I do not understand is why you see such error when you
> arecreating a new event. The component editor doesn't open all
> calendars,it opens only the one to be used as the target calendar. Is
> it possiblethe Birthdays & Anniversaries calendar is selected as the
> defaultcalendar (you can see it in its Properties)? Eventually, when
> in theCalendar view, is the Birthdays & Anniversaries calendar
> selected onthe left side, in the list of available calendars? Both
> can be used todetermine in which calendar start the component editor.
> The Birthdays &Anniversaries calendar is read-only, you may see such
> information atthe top when you selected it as the destination
> calendar.
> I believe the year  is the problem. Try to cleanup your
> contactsfrom these odd values. It can be the export tool from the
> Outlook savedincorrect date. Maybe cleanup the contacts before
> importing. It mightbe semi-easy being it a vCard format. You can save
> your address book asone large vCard by right-clicking it in the
> Contacts view and pick Saveas vCard, then edit the file, delete the
> contacts in Evolution andimport it back. Having a backup before doing
> this is a good idea.
>   Bye,Milan
> P.S.: by the way, John, I didn't receive mails you sent, I see
> onlymessages from poc for some reason (neither the archives show
> yourmails [1]). Could you reply to the list (Ctrl+L in Evolution)
> insteadof to me only (if that's the case), please? Private mails do
> not helpothers. I added you into the CC just in case you are not on
> the list (Ido not know whether you are), but I usually reply only to
> the list,because I receive the messages through the list. If you are
> not on thelist, then just say so, I can keep you in CC if needed.
> Thanks for yourunderstanding.
> [1] 
> https://mail.gnome.org/archives/evolution-list/2020-March/thread.html
Milan thanks - I will try removing the Birthday & anniversary dates but
I have around 700 to edit. Exporting to a vCard sounds like the way to
go but I don't think I can delete my contacts as this is greyed out.
After that I will see if that is a fix. I have been able to create new
calendar entries since I imported the data from Outlook - the Invalid
Object problem has only started in the last few days. If it is related
to time zones could it have been triggered by the US
Summer time change even though I am in the UK ? (UK have not changed to
Summer Time Yet)
FYI - not sure if it a 'bug' but in the contacts list view the year
'' shows as '99' so could be confused with 1999
I suspect there is a bit of a hole in the software as normally it does
not allow you to enter a date in the future for Birthdays - not sure
about anniversaries ? Having got the date in the future in there thre
is no net to catch it. By the look of it all the 1/1/ dates should
be blank or none as it
shows when you delete the 1/1/
In terms of the reply to the list I have been but all my messages seem
to be held for moderation as a non-user. Not sure why as I signed up
and replied to the email before sending the first of these.
It may be that my emails originate from a different address to the one
I signed up for. I signed up with a 'disposable address' so if it gets
spammed I just divert all emails to that address to the trash.
John Murrell

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Re: [Evolution] Failed to open calendar “Contacts : Birthdays & Anniversaries” Invalid object

2020-03-24 Thread John Murrell
On Mon, 2020-03-23 at 14:23 +0100, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
> On Mon, 2020-03-23 at 11:55 +0100, John Murrell wrote:Exporting to a
> vCard sounds like the way to go but I don't think I can delete my
> contacts as this is greyed out.
>   Hi,I didn't mean to delete the address book, I meant to delete
> only thecontacts in it (aka select the book, then click on one of the
> contacts,then in menu Edit->Select All, followed by Edit->Delete
> Contact). Youcan also create a new local address book and try to
> import yourmodified contacts there first, to verify the imported bits
> will lookproperly.
I exported my contacts to a VCard file and then deleted all my contacts
as suggested - select all then delete. I tried to create a new
appointment but still get the Invalid Object error even with no
I then cleaned the VCF file using a text editor to delete all the BDAYS
* Anniversary dated  and reloaded it and I still get the same
error. The file looks clean now with no 1/1/ dates.
I have tried with and without 'Birthdays & Anniversary selected and it
makes no difference - Birthdays no longer show if the box is ticked or
not unlike last night when I could turn them on & off using the tick
box. The only way to get the Birthdays to show is to re-enable
the 'Evolution Accounts - Address Book Properties On this Computer -
Personal there is a tickbox Use in Birthdays & Anniversaries calendar.'
See below for my 'cure' last night that has now failed again.
> If it is related to time zones could it have been triggered by the
> USSummer time change even though I am in the UK ? (UK have not
> changedto Summer Time Yet)
> I guess (and hope) not. The code I've been referring to is not
> calledduring the calendar open, thus it should not influence the
> openbehavior.
> FYI - not sure if it a 'bug' but in the contacts list view the
> year'' shows as '99' so could be confused with 1999
> That is derived from your locale. You can change the format inEdit-
> >Preferences->Contacts->Date/Time format, at the very top of
> theGeneral tab.
> I suspect there is a bit of a hole in the software as normally itdoes
> not allow you to enter a date in the future for Birthdays - notsure
> about anniversaries ?
> There is a difference between content validation when user edits
> thecontact in the GUI and between contact import. The check on edit
> triesto avoid user mistakes. The import expects valid data.

I mentioned in an earlier message that I had solved the problem by
'I have stumbled on a cure In Evolution Accounts - Address Book
Properties On this Computer - Personal there is a tickbox Use in
Birthdays & Anniversaries calendar.'
This worked ok last night but by this morning the error had returned.

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[Evolution] ***UNCHECKED*** Re: Failed to open calendar“Contacts : Birthdays &Anniversaries” Invalid object

2020-03-26 Thread John Murrell
Following on from my earlier message I have found a fix - at least
temporarily I have purged all the entries in my Calendar older than 60
days and I can now enter new appointments.
The calendar was imported from an outlook PST file using 'LibPST' so my
guess is that there was some entry in there that caused problems.
However it is not clear why it worked from around the 20th January
until around the 20th March when the error above appeared.
I will update this thread if the problem reappears (hope not !) if not
this may be a cure for others that have a similar problem.
John Murrell

On Mon, 2020-03-23 at 14:21 +0000, John Murrell wrote:
> On Mon, 2020-03-23 at 14:23 +0100, Milan Crha via evolution-list
> wrote:
> > On Mon, 2020-03-23 at 11:55 +0100, John Murrell wrote:Exporting to
> > a vCard sounds like the way to go but I don't think I can delete my
> > contacts as this is greyed out.
> > Hi,I didn't mean to delete the address book, I meant to delete
> > only thecontacts in it (aka select the book, then click on one of
> > the contacts,then in menu Edit->Select All, followed by Edit-
> > >Delete Contact). Youcan also create a new local address book and
> > try to import yourmodified contacts there first, to verify the
> > imported bits will lookproperly.
> I exported my contacts to a VCard file and then deleted all my
> contacts
> as suggested - select all then delete. I tried to create a new
> appointment but still get the Invalid Object error even with no
> contacts.
> I then cleaned the VCF file using a text editor to delete all the
> * Anniversary dated  and reloaded it and I still get the same
> error. The file looks clean now with no 1/1/ dates.
> I have tried with and without 'Birthdays & Anniversary selected and
> it
> makes no difference - Birthdays no longer show if the box is ticked
> or
> not unlike last night when I could turn them on & off using the tick
> box. The only way to get the Birthdays to show is to re-enable
> the 'Evolution Accounts - Address Book Properties On this Computer -
> Personal there is a tickbox Use in Birthdays & Anniversaries
> calendar.'
> See below for my 'cure' last night that has now failed again.
> > 
> > If it is related to time zones could it have been triggered by the
> > USSummer time change even though I am in the UK ? (UK have not
> > changedto Summer Time Yet)
> > I guess (and hope) not. The code I've been referring to is not
> > calledduring the calendar open, thus it should not influence the
> > openbehavior.
> > FYI - not sure if it a 'bug' but in the contacts list view the
> > year'' shows as '99' so could be confused with 1999
> > That is derived from your locale. You can change the format inEdit-
> > >Preferences->Contacts->Date/Time format, at the very top of
> > theGeneral tab.
> > I suspect there is a bit of a hole in the software as normally
> > itdoes not allow you to enter a date in the future for Birthdays -
> > notsure about anniversaries ?
> > There is a difference between content validation when user edits
> > thecontact in the GUI and between contact import. The check on edit
> > triesto avoid user mistakes. The import expects valid data.
> I mentioned in an earlier message that I had solved the problem by
> 'I have stumbled on a cure In Evolution Accounts - Address Book
> Properties On this Computer - Personal there is a tickbox Use in
> Birthdays & Anniversaries calendar.'
> This worked ok last night but by this morning the error had returned.
> ___evolution-list mailing
> listevolution-list@gnome.orgTo change your list options or
> unsubscribe, visit ...
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[Evolution] Printing Mail to PDF

2020-11-17 Thread John Murrell
When I print mail from Evolution as a PDF file any hyperlinks in the
mail message are shown as text and can not be clicked on to follow

Is this a problem in Evolution or in my (Linux Mint) PDF printer ?

Being able to print to a PDF with active links would be a lot easier
than copying and pasting the original message or appointment into a
writer document so I can open it on another computer.


John Murrell
evolution-list mailing list
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Re: [Evolution] Printing Mail to PDF

2020-11-18 Thread John Murrell
The Emails are in HTML - I can click on the links in Evolution and they
work Ok. The same happens if I paste the email body into the Calendar ,
the links work Ok but fail when printed to PDF.
I am using the version of Evolution in the Linux Mint Repository
I am using Linux Mint 19.3 MATE 64 bit . I'm not sure what version the
Print to File as PDF is, I can't find where this is located in the
system, it does not appear on the printer list

On Tue, 2020-11-17 at 09:57 +0100, Andre Klapper via evolution-list
> Hi,
> On Mon, 2020-11-16 at 11:24 +0000, John Murrell wrote:
> When I print mail from Evolution as a PDF file any hyperlinks in
> themail message are shown as text and can not be clicked on to
> followthem.
> A plain text email? Or a HTML email?
> Is this a problem in Evolution or in my (Linux Mint) PDF printer ?
> Hard to say. Which exact Evolution version?
> Cheers,andre--Andre Klapper  |  ak...@gmx.net
> https://blogs.gnome.org/aklapper/
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> listevolution-list@gnome.orgTo change your list options or
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Re: [Evolution] Printing Mail to PDF

2020-11-19 Thread John Murrell
Thanks Milan,
Looks like I will have to continue with my work around of copying the
email or appointment into a Libre Office document.
John Murrell

On Wed, 2020-11-18 at 07:33 +0100, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
> On Tue, 2020-11-17 at 09:57 +0100, Andre Klapper via evolution-
> listwrote:
> Is this a problem in Evolution or in my (Linux Mint) PDF printer ?
> Hard to say. Which exact Evolution version?
>   Hi,I'm afraid it's a problem of the WebKitGTK. Evolution just
> passes datato it and it does whatever it wants to with it. I doubt it
> canrecognize real print to the PDF, it uses only styles. For example
> whenI try to print Andre's mail, which is plain text, then the
> headers losttheir mailto: "links" (more or less expected, Evolution
> can processsome parts differently on print), but the text part has
> properly styled(blue & underlined here) the links in the Andre's
> signature and thelinks to the mailing list, they are only not
> clickable.
> I do not know whether this could be done at all, though. It's
> aquestion on the WebKitGTK developers. When I print a web page from
> theEpiphany (which is WebKitGTK application), then it doesn't make
> thelinks clickable too.
>   Bye,Milan
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> unsubscribe, visit ...
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[Evolution] Status of Meeting that has been cancelled not showing in Calendar

2022-04-16 Thread John Murrell
I subscribe to a online Calendar, there is an event tonight that has
been cancelled as the speaker has Covid.  The organiser has told me
that he has changed the status to cancelled but the meeting is still
showing as happening in Evolution Calendar.  

I have tried changing the refresh interval from 3 to 1 hours and waited
for a couple of hours. I have also tried a manual refresh.

The meeting cannot be edited as it is on an external site but the
header shows the status box as ticked even though it cannot be edited.

I cannot see the raw '.ics' file to see if the cancelled status has
been sent.

Any clues on how I diagnose the problem or correct it ?

I note that even if I create an appointment on my local calendar I
cannot change the dispaly of the status - it it ticked but still greyed


John Murrell

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