[Evolution] Messages with large text attachments bog Evolution down

2015-10-28 Thread Tim Wescott
Yesterday a customer sent me an email with a long (400kB) text file

Clicking on the mail seriously bogs Evolution down -- I believe that
Evolution is trying to display the text attachment inline, and that
rather than doing it by whatever chunk is visible, it's trying to suck
the whole thing into memory, then format it, etc., before showing it.

It's a severe problem.  I had the guy trained not to do that but to send
zip files, but he's back-slid, and I don't like asking customers to
change their ways just because my email client acts oddly sometimes.

Is there a way to tell Evolution to NOT automagically expand text
attachments by default?



Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
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Re: [Evolution] Messages with large text attachments bog Evolution down

2015-10-29 Thread Tim Wescott
On Thu, 2015-10-29 at 02:54 +, Ian Mortimer wrote:
> On Wed, 2015-10-28 at 17:16 -0700, Tim Wescott wrote:
> > Yesterday a customer sent me an email with a long (400kB) text file
> > attached.
> > 
> > Clicking on the mail seriously bogs Evolution down
> You don't say which version of Evolution which might be important.
> I get the same problem on CentOS 7 with Evolution 3.8.5. Notices sent
> from environment monitoring with 3 text attachments cause evolution to 
> freeze for ~ 4 minutes.
> I tried running with debugging turned on and with strace but didn't
> get any more clues.  My current workaround is to filter those messages
> to a separate folder and process them in alpine.

3.10.4, because I'm using Ubuntu LTS.


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

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Re: [Evolution] evolution starts offline

2016-12-25 Thread Tim Wescott
This is happening to me, too, and the same "fix" works.  Same version.
 It just happened, apparently coincident with changing my computer to a
fixed IP address -- but no other networking was broken.

Has a bug report been filed?

On Mon, 2016-11-28 at 15:45 -0700, Security Guy via evolution-list
> camel-WARNING **: Failed to initialize NSS SQL database in
> sql:/etc/pki/nssdb: NSS error -8126
> I have made it start online with:
> GIO_USE_NETWORK_MONITOR=base evolution
> and 
> evolution --force-online
> but the underlying problem is not resolve and evolution continues to
> start offline.
> Anything I missed?
> ___
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> evolution-list@gnome.org
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Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

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[Evolution] I think I broke it

2011-08-23 Thread Tim Wescott
I'm using the version of Evolution that comes with Ubuntu 11.04: 2.32.2.
It is running slowly, and it is crashing on me unexpectedly.  The
crashes sometimes happen at startup, most often when I send mail (in
which case the mail seems to get through, but nothing gets put into my
"sent" box).

I think I may have done this myself: for a while I had been running
Evolution from my laptop in the house, thinking that since it ran at all
it would run trouble free (and is it that hard to check for another
running version?)  Apparently what I did instead was to corrupt some

I know that my address book is corrupted -- fortunately I have an
exported copy that's quite recent.

When I start it up from a command line I get a flood of messages akin to
the following

(evolution:8199): camel-WARNING **: Could not find key entry for word

with various different (large) numbers at the end of the line.  Then it
either crashes with a segmentation fault, or it says 

(evolution:8361): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: Object class EMFolderTree
doesn't implement property 'paste-target-list' from interface

(evolution:8361): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: Object class EMFolderTree
doesn't implement property 'copy-target-list' from interface

and starts up.

Anyone know what's going on, and what I might try to fix this?  I'm
about ready to go back to Thunderbird.


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.

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Re: [Evolution] I think I broke it

2011-08-25 Thread Tim Wescott
On Thu, 2011-08-25 at 07:07 +0200, Thomas Mittelstaedt wrote:
> Am Dienstag, den 23.08.2011, 10:30 -0700 schrieb Tim Wescott:
> > I'm using the version of Evolution that comes with Ubuntu 11.04: 2.32.2.
> > It is running slowly, and it is crashing on me unexpectedly.  The
> > crashes sometimes happen at startup, most often when I send mail (in
> > which case the mail seems to get through, but nothing gets put into my
> > "sent" box).
> > 
> > I think I may have done this myself: for a while I had been running
> > Evolution from my laptop in the house, thinking that since it ran at all
> > it would run trouble free (and is it that hard to check for another
> > running version?)  Apparently what I did instead was to corrupt some
> > files.
> > 
> > I know that my address book is corrupted -- fortunately I have an
> > exported copy that's quite recent.
> > 
> > When I start it up from a command line I get a flood of messages akin to
> > the following
> > 
> > (evolution:8199): camel-WARNING **: Could not find key entry for word
> > 101
> > 
> > with various different (large) numbers at the end of the line.  Then it
> > either crashes with a segmentation fault, or it says 
> > 
> > (evolution:8361): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: Object class EMFolderTree
> > doesn't implement property 'paste-target-list' from interface
> > 'ESelectable'
> > 
> > (evolution:8361): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: Object class EMFolderTree
> > doesn't implement property 'copy-target-list' from interface
> > 'ESelectable'
> > 
> > and starts up.
> > 
> > Anyone know what's going on, and what I might try to fix this?  I'm
> > about ready to go back to Thunderbird.
> > 
> Well, you could start with a clean setup, i.e. make a backup of you
> evolution data, by running the Backup/Restore from the File-menu and
> then rename ~/.evolution, ~/.local/share/evolution,
> ~/.local/config/evolution, ~/.cache/evolution. Also run gconf-editor and
> delete the key for /apps/evolution.
> Then restart evolution and see if it comes up cleanly or if those
> messages appear again. Maybe, something is wrong with your installation
> and you need to reinstall evolution.
> Then use the Backup/Restore from the menu again to reimport your
> backed-up data.
> If the import does not run cleanly, try importing the missing stuff
> one-by-one using the import functionality, also from the file menu.
> By one-by-one, I mean calendar ics-files, address-book files, mbox files
> and so-on. 
> Hope that helps!!
Thanks Thomas -- that was the how-to I was looking for.

I rather suspect that the initial install was just fine, but that I
corrupted something when I was running two versions at once.


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.

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[Evolution] Evolution not synchronized to server after crash

2013-07-18 Thread Tim Wescott
My ISP's email server crashed yesterday in the wee hours.  They got
everything put back together by about 5:00PM, and I can receive email
just fine on their web interface.

However, I have this really strange problem with Evolution now.  Every
time that another email shows up on the server, Evolution loads an email
-- but it's running a day late.  When I see a message appear on the web
interface, Evolution downloads an old message, right after the last old
message that it downloaded.

I haven't tried talking to their tech support about this yet, because
I'm not sure if it's an Evolution problem or their problem.

Do these symptoms just scream out that they belong to some particular
problem?  Is the fix on my side or theirs?  If it's on theirs, what do I
tell them?  If it's on mine, I can deal with having a bunch of duplicate
messages, as long as I start getting the latest messages normally.



Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.

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[Evolution] Mailing lists corrupted

2013-12-27 Thread Tim Wescott
I'm using Ubuntu 12.04, Evolution 3.2.3.

Whenever I try to make a mailing list, I end up with the right number of
entries, but with the entries themselves hopelessly corrupted -- it's
not that the names are mixed up, but that it appears that they're not
even coming from a US character set.

I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but must of my address
book was imported from Thunderbird via a comma-delimited list, and in
the process the entries got scrambled.  In this case all the entries are
there, but not always in the fields where they're supposed to be.

Any one have any clues as to what this may be, and how to fix it?



Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.

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Re: [Evolution] Installing evolution 3.12 in Ubuntu 14.04

2014-08-11 Thread Tim Wescott
On Fri, 2014-08-08 at 12:34 +0200, Andre Klapper wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 2014-08-07 at 11:11 -0500, James R. Martin wrote:
> > I have installed Ubuntu 14.94 in Vituralbox v4.3 and downloaded
> > evolution-3.12.2.tar.xz and
> So you downloaded a *source code* tarball of Evolution (and source code
> needs to get compiled first to be executed as a program).
> And just for the records, 3.12.4 is the latest stable Evolution version.
> > extracted it to a folder evolution-3.12.2 and need instructions on how
> > to install it?
> If you really want to do this and know what you are doing:
> http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2012/06/install-from-source/
> But if you have never compiled and installed source code tarballs and
> their dependencies, then this is nothing to recommend.
> Instead, take the pre-compiled package provided by your distribution and
> install that one.

Sorry for the previous effusion of snark -- I'm really not happy with
Ubuntu at the moment over the whole bogofilter thing.

Can you suggest the least painful way of getting a version of Evolution
working on Ubuntu 14.04 that has a working bogofilter interface?


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

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Re: [Evolution] Installing evolution 3.12 in Ubuntu 14.04

2014-08-11 Thread Tim Wescott
On Fri, 2014-08-08 at 12:34 +0200, Andre Klapper wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 2014-08-07 at 11:11 -0500, James R. Martin wrote:
> > I have installed Ubuntu 14.94 in Vituralbox v4.3 and downloaded
> > evolution-3.12.2.tar.xz and
> So you downloaded a *source code* tarball of Evolution (and source code
> needs to get compiled first to be executed as a program).
> And just for the records, 3.12.4 is the latest stable Evolution version.
> > extracted it to a folder evolution-3.12.2 and need instructions on how
> > to install it?
> If you really want to do this and know what you are doing:
> http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2012/06/install-from-source/
> But if you have never compiled and installed source code tarballs and
> their dependencies, then this is nothing to recommend.
> Instead, take the pre-compiled package provided by your distribution and
> install that one.

Ubuntu decided to disable bogofilter for Evolution in Ubuntu 13.10, and
carried this policy over to 14.04.

So if you want Bogofilter, you must do something outside of Ubuntu's
blessed way.

I just "upgraded" to 14.04, and am faced with becoming a sysadmin to get
Spamassassin working, or to submit to the Apple-like joys of only using
the software that some god-like organization deems is correct for me.  I
don't like either choice.


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

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[Evolution] Large text attachments hang Evolution

2014-08-20 Thread Tim Wescott
I have a problem that _seems_ to be related to getting large (>5MB) text

A customer sent me a pair of very large text files as attachments.
Everything was fine until I clicked on the attachment icon, expecting to
get a list of attachments to download.  Instead, Evolution hung, and
stayed that way for ten minutes before I killed it.

Subsequent trials have Evolution hanging when I just click on the
offending mail in my inbox, without even looking inside.

I assume that Evolution is trying to display the text without
consideration for how big it is and is wrapping itself around the axle
in the process.

Is there a way to get Evolution to suppress the display of .txt files,
either entirely or by size?

Failing that, is there a way to delete mail from my inbox outside of

Does anyone have any other suggestions?


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

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Re: [Evolution] Large text attachments hang Evolution

2014-08-20 Thread Tim Wescott
3.10.4.  It's what comes with Ubuntu 14.04.


On Wed, 2014-08-20 at 16:17 -0400, Matthew Barnes wrote:
> On Wed, 2014-08-20 at 13:13 -0700, Tim Wescott wrote:
> > I have a problem that _seems_ to be related to getting large (>5MB) text
> > attachments.
> You forgot to give your Evolution version, but possibly:
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=724909


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

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[Evolution] Evolution dies when I try to add a contact

2014-12-18 Thread Tim Wescott
I think my contacts list is corrupted.  It's been messy since forever --
I carried it forward through several revisions of Thunderbird, then
exported it & imported it to Evolution when I switched, and then carried
it forward through several revisions of Evolution.

But now things are really bad:

I'm trying to add a contact to my mailing list.  When I hit "OK",
Evolution closes.

When I run Evolution from the command line, it sends up the following
smoke signal:

(evolution:2696): evolution-util-ERROR **:
eab-contact-duplicate-detected.ui: Invalid type function on line 88:
Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)

Is it obvious what the problem is?  Is there something I can do about



Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

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Re: [Evolution] Evolution dies when I try to add a contact

2014-12-18 Thread Tim Wescott
On Thu, 2014-12-18 at 10:20 -0800, Tim Wescott wrote:
> I think my contacts list is corrupted.  It's been messy since forever --
> I carried it forward through several revisions of Thunderbird, then
> exported it & imported it to Evolution when I switched, and then carried
> it forward through several revisions of Evolution.
> But now things are really bad:
> I'm trying to add a contact to my mailing list.  When I hit "OK",
> Evolution closes.
> When I run Evolution from the command line, it sends up the following
> smoke signal:
> (evolution:2696): evolution-util-ERROR **:
> eab-contact-duplicate-detected.ui: Invalid type function on line 88:
> 'eab_contact_display_get_type'
> Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)
> Is it obvious what the problem is?  Is there something I can do about
> this?

Well, I found part of the answer by accident: I tried sending mail to
the person by hand-typing their email.  It showed up as being under an
entirely different name in my address book.  I deleted that entry (which
had bits and bobs of other people's address book entries from
Thunderbird), then I could enter the correct one.

In future, if I can remember, looking up an entry by email address may
work, at least to tell me where the corrupted entry is.


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

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[Evolution] Ubuntu, Bogofilter, Spamassasin

2015-03-19 Thread Tim Wescott
Spamassassin seems to not work at all for me, as of about a month ago.
All it does is consume lots of CPU time when I mark mail as junk, but
it's not finding spam on its own.

I'd prefer Bogofilter (it just seemed to work better in Ubuntu 12), but
I've never been able to get it to work with Evolution on this iteration
of Ubuntu.

This is installed in Ubuntu 14.04.  It's version 3.10.4.

Bogofilter is installed on the system, but it does not show up in

I'm assuming that I'm missing the bogofilter plugin even though the
Synaptic page on Evolution claims that it's included.

So, um -- help?  I'm not sure how to find out what the disconnect is
between Evolution and Bogofilter (or for that matter, why Spamasassin
isn't working), but I haven't a clue.


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
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Re: [Evolution] Ubuntu, Bogofilter, Spamassasin

2015-03-20 Thread Tim Wescott
On Fri, 2015-03-20 at 07:52 -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
> On Fri, 2015-03-20 at 10:20 +, Pete Biggs wrote:
> > The most recent version of this thread from a couple of weeks ago
> > starts
> > here:
> > 
> > https://mail.gnome.org/archives/evolution-list/2015-March/msg00032.html
> Just a note, Iain submitted a patch this week for this for the next
> Ubuntu 15.04 release, so it should be fixed there.  I'll see if there's
> any interest in backporting it to the 14.04 LTS release.

Pete: Thank you.  I searched for relevant threads and found bits of that
one that misled my about it's subject -- it is, indeed, what I'm asking
about.  It doesn't sound like there's much joy there unless I want to
build Evolution from source, but it's what I'm asking about.

Paul: I'm not sure how much influence you have, but I'm (a) very much
interested in seeing this fix applied to 14.04, and (b) using 14.04
specifically because it's an LTS version and not just to be a jerk: I
use Ubuntu for my work machine, and every upgrade requires a bunch of
fiddling and fettling that comes right out of my ability to support my


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

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Re: [Evolution] Ubuntu, Bogofilter, Spamassasin

2015-03-20 Thread Tim Wescott
On Fri, 2015-03-20 at 14:43 -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
> On Fri, 2015-03-20 at 10:04 -0700, Tim Wescott wrote:
> > Paul: I'm not sure how much influence you have, but I'm (a) very much
> > interested in seeing this fix applied to 14.04, and (b) using 14.04
> > specifically because it's an LTS version and not just to be a jerk: I
> > use Ubuntu for my work machine, and every upgrade requires a bunch of
> > fiddling and fettling that comes right out of my ability to support my
> > family.
> I have no influence, except that of "squeaky wheel".  You should join in
> the fun: the squeakier the better!
> I did post a request to the bug asking Iain to backport to 14.04; it
> should be a clean apply so I don't think it'll be technically much work.
> I don't really know how much the procedural overhead is involved with
> getting a fix into the LTS.

Paul, I can no longer even figure out how to navigate to a spot to
report a bug in the new Ubuntu site.

Can you post a link to the bug listing?  I'll get to find out if my
login still works, and I can squeak in harmony with you about this


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
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[Evolution] Upgrade Evolution outside of Ubuntu mechanism

2015-03-25 Thread Tim Wescott
PROBLEM STATEMENT (may repeat things you already know):

I have Lubuntu 14.04, and I use Evolution.

Lubuntu is just Ubuntu with a different desktop and otherwise
streamlined to be lighter weight on the processor (and, it refrains from
a lot of the stupid gew-gaws that Ubuntu seems to have acquired).  So it
uses the Evolution that comes with the mainstream Ubuntu.

Canonical, in their infinite wisdom, decided to disable Bogofilter in
Evolution somewhere around 13.xx or 14.04.  This leaves one with
SpamAssasin, which has always sucked for me and has recently stopped
filtering spam almost entirely, while still robbing huge amounts of
processing power from things I'd like to do.

Folks have begged for this support to be backported to Evolution in
Ubuntu 14.04, but so far there's no word from Canonical.


I'm just about out of patience.  I'd like to back up my Evolution stuff,
uninstall Evolution, and build/download/whatever the latest, or latest
pertinent Evolution, with Bogofilter support turned on, and use that.

So -- what should I do?  Assume that I've just told Evolution to make a
backup and waited for the requisite hour for it to happen, and I've
uninstalled Evolution.  Assume also that I've had the occasional success
building from source, but that I'm not an expert (Expert at small
embedded software code bases -- yes.  Expert at enormous desktop
software code bases that throw out tentacles everywhere -- no).

- Is there a binary, or should I build?
- Where should I get source?
- What configuration parameters should I give so that Bogofilter 
  will work?

It occurs to me that perhaps the safest thing to do would be to install
the source for Evolution 10.3.whatever from the Ubuntu repository, then
look around here to find out what flag it is you need to set to tell
Evolution to please use Bogofilter, then build.

Opinions?  Guidance?  

I'll even accept a measured amount of useless sympathy at this point --
I'm tired of hand deleting offers of magic devices and/or drugs to
enlarge certain organs, and dating services so that I may arrange to
test them out on the sort of women who actually respond to junk email
from dating services.


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

evolution-list mailing list
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Re: [Evolution] Upgrade Evolution outside of Ubuntu mechanism

2015-03-25 Thread Tim Wescott
On Wed, 2015-03-25 at 18:28 +, Pete Biggs wrote:
> > 
> > I have Lubuntu 14.04, and I use Evolution.
> > 
> Have you thought about using a different distribution other than Ubuntu?
> It's a serious question and not meant to be the prompt for a long
> discussion on distros, but if your current one is not providing you with
> what you need, then there are plenty more out there.

<< other stuff snipped >>

Having used Ubuntu for ages and become used to its quirks, I'm not
really thrilled with finding out all the quirks of some other distro.

I'm not using Linux for the joy of playing around with an OS.  I'm using
Linux to get paying work done.  Changing distros is a significant and
definite hit on my ability to get paying work done, with no promise that
in the end the new distro will be any better than the last.


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

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Re: [Evolution] Upgrade Evolution outside of Ubuntu mechanism

2015-03-25 Thread Tim Wescott
On Wed, 2015-03-25 at 18:28 +, Pete Biggs wrote:
> > 
> > I have Lubuntu 14.04, and I use Evolution.
> > 
> Have you thought about using a different distribution other than Ubuntu?
> It's a serious question and not meant to be the prompt for a long
> discussion on distros, but if your current one is not providing you with
> what you need, then there are plenty more out there.

I do appreciate the suggestion, however much my previous answer may have
sounded brusque.  I just have reasons to think long and hard before
going away from Ubuntu derivatives.


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

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Re: [Evolution] Upgrade Evolution outside of Ubuntu mechanism

2015-03-31 Thread Tim Wescott
On Wed, 2015-03-25 at 19:39 +0100, Milan Crha wrote:
> On Wed, 2015-03-25 at 09:55 -0700, Tim Wescott wrote:
> > - Is there a binary, or should I build?
> > - Where should I get source?
> > - What configuration parameters should I give so that Bogofilter
> >   will work?
> > 
> > It occurs to me that perhaps the safest thing to do would be to 
> > install the source for Evolution 10.3.whatever from the Ubuntu 
> > repository, then look around here to find out what flag it is you 
> > need to set to tell Evolution to please use Bogofilter, then build.
> Hi,
> please do not take this as an expertise guidance, it's just an idea 
> how to make things easier for you.
> I agree with you to use your distribution's package as the starter. 
> Better to not get into a dependency hell. Install necessary 
> development packages, like if you'd like to build whole evolution, 
> together with the evolution's itself development package. Do not 
> install any source packages.
> The trick is that the bogofilter module is only a module, just few KB 
> binary plus some GSettings/GConf definitions (which are always 
> installed) and nothing else. No need to compile evolution for it, if 
> you can use the development packages.

Thank you!

I just got done with this, and it appears to work -- at least, the
bogofilter option came up in Evolution, and after tagging a few dozen
messages as junk there's a file ~/.bogofilter/wordlist.db that got

Now I need to see if things start showing up automagically in my junk
folder (and watching my junk (that sounds bad) for good mail).

I'll try to remember to update in a day or two about whether it actually
took hold properly.


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

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Re: [Evolution] Upgrade Evolution outside of Ubuntu mechanism

2015-04-01 Thread Tim Wescott
On Wed, 2015-03-25 at 19:39 +0100, Milan Crha wrote:
> On Wed, 2015-03-25 at 09:55 -0700, Tim Wescott wrote:
> > - Is there a binary, or should I build?
> > - Where should I get source?
> > - What configuration parameters should I give so that Bogofilter
> >   will work?
> > 
> > It occurs to me that perhaps the safest thing to do would be to 
> > install the source for Evolution 10.3.whatever from the Ubuntu 
> > repository, then look around here to find out what flag it is you 
> > need to set to tell Evolution to please use Bogofilter, then build.
> Hi,
> please do not take this as an expertise guidance, it's just an idea 
> how to make things easier for you.
> I agree with you to use your distribution's package as the starter. 
> Better to not get into a dependency hell. Install necessary 
> development packages, like if you'd like to build whole evolution, 
> together with the evolution's itself development package. Do not 
> install any source packages.
> The trick is that the bogofilter module is only a module, just few KB 
> binary plus some GSettings/GConf definitions (which are always 
> installed) and nothing else. No need to compile evolution for it, if 
> you can use the development packages.
> Let's say your bogofilter can be run as:
> and there exists a file
> It's possible that your version of evolution has a version number in 
> the folder names, just check it.
> Download evolution-bogofilter.c from [1] and save it anywhere in your 
> system, just that you'll find it. Then compile it:
>$ gcc -shared -fPIC -DPIC evolution-bogofilter.c \
> -DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"evolution-bogofilter\" \
> -DGETTEXT_PACKAGE=\"evolution\" \
> -DWELCOME_MESSAGE=\"/usr/share/evolution/default/C/mail/local/Inbox\" 
> \
> -DBOGOFILTER_COMMAND=\"/usr/bin/bogofilter\" \
> `pkg-config --cflags --libs evolution-mail-3.0` \
> -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--export-dynamic -Wl,-soname \
> -Wl,module-bogofilter.so \
> -o `pkg-config --variable=moduledir 
> evolution-shell-3.0`/module-bogofilter.so
> If everything will go smoothly you might get it. Start evolution and 
> you should see Bogofilter settings in Edit->Preferences->Mail 
> Preferences->Junk tab.
> Please note that this is not an official way of doing things, thus it 
> might be possible that something will go wrong. If it does, then 
> delete module-bogofilter.so from evolution's module directory [2].
> Bye,
> Milan
> [1] 
> https://git.gnome.org/browse/evolution/tree/modules/bogofilter?h=gnome-3-10
> You said you use 3.10. If you use a different version, then pick a 
> different branch.
> [2] It's the result of the below command,
> can be something like /usr/lib/evolution/modules
>     $ pkg-config --variable=moduledir evolution-shell-3.0

Well, so far it's consuming far less processor power as it fails to
correctly identify spam.  Which is actually a benefit, but I'd hoped for

I need to review settings to make sure that something hasn't been turned
off, but I suspect that's not the case.


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

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Re: [Evolution] Upgrade Evolution outside of Ubuntu mechanism

2015-04-01 Thread Tim Wescott
On Wed, 2015-03-25 at 19:39 +0100, Milan Crha wrote:
> On Wed, 2015-03-25 at 09:55 -0700, Tim Wescott wrote:
> > - Is there a binary, or should I build?
> > - Where should I get source?
> > - What configuration parameters should I give so that Bogofilter
> >   will work?
> > 
> > It occurs to me that perhaps the safest thing to do would be to 
> > install the source for Evolution 10.3.whatever from the Ubuntu 
> > repository, then look around here to find out what flag it is you 
> > need to set to tell Evolution to please use Bogofilter, then build.
> Hi,
> please do not take this as an expertise guidance, it's just an idea 
> how to make things easier for you.
> I agree with you to use your distribution's package as the starter. 
> Better to not get into a dependency hell. Install necessary 
> development packages, like if you'd like to build whole evolution, 
> together with the evolution's itself development package. Do not 
> install any source packages.
> The trick is that the bogofilter module is only a module, just few KB 
> binary plus some GSettings/GConf definitions (which are always 
> installed) and nothing else. No need to compile evolution for it, if 
> you can use the development packages.
I wish this list would send you your own posts -- then you could respond
to them when it's appropriate.  I suppose you could also then easily get
into some sort of automatic response hell (Hi, I'm currently out of the
office ...).

At any rate, no sooner had I sent mail saying that this solution wasn't
junking mail -- than it started up!  Whoopie!  It works!

I do have to do the usual new Bogofilter training thing, where now that
it's junking mail I need to be diligent about checking for _good_ mail
-- but I can live with that, oh yes I can!


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

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[Evolution] Calendar entries lost in translation

2015-06-03 Thread Tim Wescott
I just moved to a new machine, and from Lubuntu 12.04 to Xbuntu 14.04.
I did the whole backup to a file thing, then restore from the file,
expecting that my calendar would be brought along.

It's not.

Is there a way to make that happen?

Thanks in advance.


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

evolution-list mailing list
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Re: [Evolution] Calendar entries lost in translation

2015-06-04 Thread Tim Wescott
On Thu, 2015-06-04 at 11:10 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Wed, 2015-06-03 at 22:34 -0700, Tim Wescott wrote:
> > I just moved to a new machine, and from Lubuntu 12.04 to Xbuntu 
> > 14.04.
> > I did the whole backup to a file thing, then restore from the file,
> > expecting that my calendar would be brought along.
> > 
> > It's not.
> > 
> > Is there a way to make that happen?
> > 
> > Thanks in advance.
> Once again, please *always* state your version of Evolution (Help
> ->About). No-one can give you proper help without this information. The
> specific Linux distro you have is almost never important and in any
> case is meaningless to other members who don't have that distro (which
> is probably most of them).

3.10.4 in both cases.  Slightly tweaked for Ubuntu, as I understand
(i.e., you have to make Bogofilter happen yourself, which I need to do
at some point).


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

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[Evolution] Making Bogofilter work in Ubuntu 14.04, again

2015-06-05 Thread Tim Wescott
Specifically, Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit, which uses Evolution 3.10.4, with the
special Ubuntu "no-bogo" feature.

Sorry to add yet another element to this endless discussion, but I
distinctly remember that someone described how to add a patch by hand to
Evolution under Ubuntu 14.04 to make it work with Bogofilter, but I
cannot remember who (Milan?), or the details.  All I remember was that I
applied the patch on my previous machine and it worked splendidly.

(I do vaguely remember that it involves compiling one .c file into (I
think) a .so, that provides an interface between bogofilter and
Evolution.  But, the watchword here is "vaguely".)

Moreover, if it's already out there in the cyberverse, my google-fu is
inadequate for finding it.

If someone can tell me (again!) how to do this, or point me to a web
page, I'd vastly appreciate it.  I just changed from an ancient Dell to
a brand-new computer.  Along with that change I moved to a fresh 64-bit
version of Ubuntu, which means that I lost my nifty customization.


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

evolution-list mailing list
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Re: [Evolution] Calendar entries lost in translation

2015-06-05 Thread Tim Wescott
Argh.  Turns out to be a false alarm.  Either I poked the wrong button,
or Evolution needed to be exited and reentered.  At any rate, I have my
calendar entries, and the world is a much less scary place.

On Thu, 2015-06-04 at 11:10 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Wed, 2015-06-03 at 22:34 -0700, Tim Wescott wrote:
> > I just moved to a new machine, and from Lubuntu 12.04 to Xbuntu 
> > 14.04.
> > I did the whole backup to a file thing, then restore from the file,
> > expecting that my calendar would be brought along.
> > 
> > It's not.
> > 
> > Is there a way to make that happen?
> > 
> > Thanks in advance.
> Once again, please *always* state your version of Evolution (Help
> ->About). No-one can give you proper help without this information. The
> specific Linux distro you have is almost never important and in any
> case is meaningless to other members who don't have that distro (which
> is probably most of them).
> poc
> ___
> evolution-list mailing list
> evolution-list@gnome.org
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Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

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