Hi Laszlo,
          You can save your contacts in vcard from Evolution2.6.x and
can import these into new Evolution.
You can import them from File > Import > Import a single file then
browse to that .vcf file and select similar file format.
By this way, you can get your previous contacts.

Hope this will help you.

- Akhil

On Mon, 2007-04-30 at 03:35 +0200, Tör*csik László wrote:
> Hi All,
> Please help me with any good idea if it is possible.
> I am using since a long time Evolution without any havy problem. Now, a
> few weeks ago, I upgraded my Linux environment changed Evolution from
> 2.6.x to 2.10.x
> At the same time my HW was change as well. I am looked for the easyest
> way to export my old addressbook and all my old messages to any
> importable file format for the new Evolution or any other email client.
> My goal is to continouse using Evo in my dally work but I'm interested
> any other possibilities.
> Thanks for all idea and any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Laszlo (dr-leo)
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