$$Excel-Macros$$ VBA Code for Hide specific column as per criteria

2014-01-01 Thread amar takale
Dear Experts

Pls help me on this topic.All detailed give in excel attached.

Amar T

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Hide Column.xls
Description: MS-Excel spreadsheet

$$Excel-Macros$$ Excel Charts Gallery

2014-01-01 Thread mrExcel4u
Hi All Visit for Excel Chart Gallery.

Excel Charts Gallery 

Thanks & regards,

Vikas Verma

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$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Find Item in combobox

2014-01-01 Thread Basole
Hi Mr., sorry try this now:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim contA As Integer
Dim contP As Integer
Dim small As String
Dim Elm As Integer
Elm = ComboBox1.ListCount
For contA = 0 To Elm - 2
For contP = contA + 1 To Elm - 1
If ComboBox1.List(contA) > ComboBox1.List(contP) Then
small = ComboBox1.List(contP)
ComboBox1.List(contP) = ComboBox1.List(contA)
ComboBox1.List(contA) = small
End If
Next contP
Next contA

Dim LastRow As Integer, x As Integer
With sheet1
LastRow = .Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For x = 1 To LastRow + 1
ComboBox1.AddItem .Cells(x, 1).Value
End With
End Sub

Em quarta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2014 06h19min55s UTC-2, Rupesh Patil 
> Hi Experts,
> I have one combox with 1000 items, What i want is find item in that combo 
> box, suppose user enter "B" then item come in drop down all started with 
> "B" if Ba then start with "Ba" list come 
> Thanks in advance  
> -- 
> Thanks and Regards, Rp.

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Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Find Item in combobox

2014-01-01 Thread Rupesh Patil
Thanks Basole Sir for response

this is not working

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 8:46 PM, Basole  wrote:

> Hi Rp,try this other option:
> Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
> Dim contA As Integer
> Dim contP As Integer
> Dim small As String
> Dim Elm As Integer
> Elm = ComboBox1.ListCount
> For contA = 0 To Elm - 2
> For contP = contA + 1 To Elm - 1
> If ComboBox1.List(contA) > ComboBox1.List(contP) Then
> small = ComboBox1.List(contP)
> ComboBox1.List(contP) = ComboBox1.List(contA)
> ComboBox1.List(contA) = small
> End If
> Next contP
> Next contA
> Dim LastRow As Integer, x As Integer
> With Sheets("plan1")
> LastRow = .Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
> For x = 1 To LastRow + 1
> ComboBox1.AddItem .Cells(x, 1).Value
> Next
> End With
> End Sub
> ''rgds.
> 'happyNyear
> 'Basole
> Em quarta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2014 06h19min55s UTC-2, Rupesh Patil
> escreveu:
>> Hi Experts,
>> I have one combox with 1000 items, What i want is find item in that combo
>> box, suppose user enter "B" then item come in drop down all started with
>> "B" if Ba then start with "Ba" list come
>> Thanks in advance
>> --
>> Thanks and Regards, Rp.
>  --
> Are you =EXP(E:RT) or =NOT(EXP(E:RT)) in Excel? And do you wanna be? It’s
> =TIME(2,DO:IT,N:OW) ! Join official Facebook page of this forum @
> https://www.facebook.com/discussexcel
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> will not get quick attention or may not be answered.
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> 3) Don't post questions regarding breaking or bypassing any security
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> 6) Sharing copyrighted material and their links is not allowed.
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Thanks and Regards, Rp.

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$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Find Item in combobox

2014-01-01 Thread Basole
Hi Rp,try this other option:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim contA As Integer
Dim contP As Integer
Dim small As String
Dim Elm As Integer
Elm = ComboBox1.ListCount
For contA = 0 To Elm - 2
For contP = contA + 1 To Elm - 1
If ComboBox1.List(contA) > ComboBox1.List(contP) Then
small = ComboBox1.List(contP)
ComboBox1.List(contP) = ComboBox1.List(contA)
ComboBox1.List(contA) = small
End If
Next contP
Next contA

Dim LastRow As Integer, x As Integer
With Sheets("plan1")
LastRow = .Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For x = 1 To LastRow + 1
ComboBox1.AddItem .Cells(x, 1).Value
End With

End Sub


Em quarta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2014 06h19min55s UTC-2, Rupesh Patil 
> Hi Experts,
> I have one combox with 1000 items, What i want is find item in that combo 
> box, suppose user enter "B" then item come in drop down all started with 
> "B" if Ba then start with "Ba" list come 
> Thanks in advance  
> -- 
> Thanks and Regards, Rp.

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Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Find Item in combobox

2014-01-01 Thread Rupesh Patil
can any buddy help me here.

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 4:42 PM, Rupesh Patil wrote:

> Thanks you for looking into my problem, I am really appreciate for your
> time,
> But that is not exactly same what  I am looking for. may be I was't clear
> enough.
> what i wants is that if i enter "B" then all the item present in the drop
> down come first which started with "B"
> and i have only one combo box on userform. I hope it is clear now. please
> tell me if you want more clarification.
> Thanks again...
> On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 3:36 PM, Bé Trần Văn wrote:
>> You refer to the Code in File.
>> 2014/1/1 Rupesh Patil 
>>>  Hi Experts,
>>> I have one combox with 1000 items, What i want is find item in that
>>> combo box, suppose user enter "B" then item come in drop down all started
>>> with "B" if Ba then start with "Ba" list come
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> --
>>> Thanks and Regards, Rp.
>>> --
>>> Are you =EXP(E:RT) or =NOT(EXP(E:RT)) in Excel? And do you wanna be?
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>>> https://www.facebook.com/discussexcel
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>>  --
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> --
> Thanks and Regards, Rp.

Thanks and Regards, Rp.

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$$Excel-Macros$$ E-Books free

2014-01-01 Thread mrExcel4u
Hi All,

Download e-books free 

Warm regards,

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Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Find Item in combobox

2014-01-01 Thread Rupesh Patil
Thanks you for looking into my problem, I am really appreciate for your
But that is not exactly same what  I am looking for. may be I was't clear

what i wants is that if i enter "B" then all the item present in the drop
down come first which started with "B"
and i have only one combo box on userform. I hope it is clear now. please
tell me if you want more clarification.

Thanks again...

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 3:36 PM, Bé Trần Văn wrote:

> You refer to the Code in File.
> 2014/1/1 Rupesh Patil 
>>  Hi Experts,
>> I have one combox with 1000 items, What i want is find item in that combo
>> box, suppose user enter "B" then item come in drop down all started with
>> "B" if Ba then start with "Ba" list come
>> Thanks in advance
>> --
>> Thanks and Regards, Rp.
>> --
>> Are you =EXP(E:RT) or =NOT(EXP(E:RT)) in Excel? And do you wanna be? It’s
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>> https://www.facebook.com/discussexcel
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>  --
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Thanks and Regards, Rp.

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$$Excel-Macros$$ Excel & VBA

2014-01-01 Thread mrExcel4u
Hi All,

Must visit below mentioned ...

Happy New Year 2014 

Thanks & regards,

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=TIME(2,DO:IT,N:OW) ! Join official Facebook page of this forum @ 


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$$Excel-Macros$$ Find Item in combobox

2014-01-01 Thread Rupesh Patil
Hi Experts,

I have one combox with 1000 items, What i want is find item in that combo
box, suppose user enter "B" then item come in drop down all started with
"B" if Ba then start with "Ba" list come

Thanks in advance

Thanks and Regards, Rp.

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=TIME(2,DO:IT,N:OW) ! Join official Facebook page of this forum @ 


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