$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Excel Add-In or XLSTART file not working

2011-12-19 Thread Fin
Anyone ? This is a really annoying issue that I am just unable to fix.

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Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Excel Add-In or XLSTART file not working

2011-12-19 Thread Fin
Thanks Noorain, appreciate the response.

The problem however isn't the opening of files so much as it is the 
execution of the macros contained therein. I tried the articles 
recommendations and it didn't help. The code I pasted works fine when 
manually pasted into excel vba editor, however if I create an add-in or use 
an xlstart file the code fails with a generic 400 error.

If I debug the macro in the add-in or the xlstart file it seems to failing 
on the range select statement RANGE(A2).select and I have no idea why. 
Why it works when manually pasted and not when included in the 
add-in/xlstart file ?

That is my problem. When using the xlstart file, it opens automatically 
every time I open a csv file no problem at all, it's just I get the 400 
error every time I execute one of the macros contained therein.

Any other suggestions ? Regards, Fin.

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$$Excel-Macros$$ Excel Add-In or XLSTART file not working

2011-12-18 Thread Fin
I am very new to Excel VBA Code so please forgive my coding clumsiness.

I have the following Code that I use to format various reports. I want to 
be able to install it automatically for CSV files I open, format then save 
as xls files. I have tried creating both an xla add-in file and when that 
didn't work, an XLSTART auto file, both with the below code inserted and 

The problem I have is that the add-in file does not show the marcos, or if 
using the XLSTART file they both fail on the Range(A2).Select statement 
but if I disable both and manually copy and paste the code into the 'vIEW 
CODE sheet option of an opened CSV file it works fine. I can view the code 
when using the add-in but it still fails to execute on any range select 

The add-in is available to select via the add-ins menu, but after doing so 
the macros still fail to be available via ALT-F8 and fail when run through 
the VBA Editor. Paste it in manallu however and it runs fine.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong ? Many thanks for any assistance.
Sub AutoFit()
Dim Del_Char As Integer
ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 16
.Pattern = xlSolid
End With
Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 2
Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
Del_Char = Len(Selection.End(xlDown).Select)
If Del_Char = 4 Then
End If
End Sub

Sub Color_OffSet()
Dim str_Date As Date
iRows = Selection.Rows.Count
iColumns = Selection.Columns.Count
For iC = 2 To 2
   For iR = 2 To iRows
   Select Case Selection.Item(iR, iC).Value
   Case YELLOW
   Selection.EntireRow(iR).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
   Case ORANGE
   Selection.EntireRow(iR).Interior.ColorIndex = 45
   Case BLUE
   Selection.EntireRow(iR).Interior.ColorIndex = 33
   End Select
   Next iR
Next iC
End Sub

Sub AlignShrinkToFit()
Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
iRows = Selection.Rows.Count
iCols = Selection.Columns.Count
Selection.EntireRow.ShrinkToFit = True
End Sub


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$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Excel Add-In or XLSTART file not working

2011-12-18 Thread Fin
Oops, Excel 2002 on Office XP Pro OS = XP Pro SP3.

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$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Test Cell String for Element match and report Accuracy

2011-11-02 Thread Fin
So, no takers huh ? .. Anyone .. ?

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$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Test Cell String for Element match and report Accuracy

2011-11-02 Thread Fin
Haseeb, thank you so much for your efforts, that is amazing I must say.

I'm frankly staggered how you achieved that with formulas. Now I must admit 
I'm lost as to how you did so, but I kind of need to know if I am to repeat 
the task with the next days report. The end of day data that the original 
rexx script contained was taken from my stock database at the close of 
business. If I am to test the day3 strings with say today's data, I need to 
refresh it and then test that against the new active strings. The report 
will produce new strings to be tested each day against new close of day 

So, how do I add the latest close of day data to whatever you did, and then 
apply that to todays report ?

I'm not sure I am explaining this correctly. Basically there will be a 
fresh CSV file with a varying number of rows per day (report with day3 
strings) and obviously fresh close of day stock data (with a fixed number 
of stock symbols) to test the strings. I need a way to be able to test one 
against the other. I'm a bit lost here I am afraid.

And as an aside, to previous post by Don, 

I'm sorry but this was my first attempt at Excel / VBA coding so please 
forgive my crude and inefficient code. I frankly had no idea what I was 
doing when I started and was simply pleased enough to get to work at all. 
I'm not sure how you define a 'project' but if that is the case, then I 
guess I am sorry for that too.

Thanks again Haseeb, you have no idea how much I appreciate your help.

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$$Excel-Macros$$ Test Cell String for Element match and report Accuracy

2011-11-01 Thread Fin
--here we write out the macro to highlight active stocks in 
v.line_out = 'Sub Color_Active_Yellow()'
v.line_out = 'Dim CellVal As Variant'
v.line_out = 'Selection.CurrentRegion.Select'
v.line_out = 'iRows = Selection.Rows.Count'
v.line_out = 'iColumns = Selection.Columns.Count'
v.line_out = 'For iC = 1 To iColumns'
v.line_out = '   For iR = 1 To iRows'
v.line_out = '   Select Case Selection.Item(iR, iC).Value'
do i = 1 to ctl.0
   v.line_out = '   Case '||ctl.1.i||''
   v.line_out = '   Selection.Item(iR, 
iC).Interior.ColorIndex = 6'
v.line_out = '   End Select'
v.line_out = '  Next iR'
v.line_out = 'Next iC'
v.line_out = 'Range(A2).Select'
v.line_out = 'End Sub'

I have a Daily Stock worksheet that in one specific column, I have various 
strings containing multiple 
combinations of stocks in various conditions separated by '+' ie: 

I need to be able to test the results of these strings based upon how the 
individual stock closed on a specific
day. I have the above partial REXX script that does a similar process but 
based on individual stocks in a cell
(not in combined strings) and when it finds said condition it changes the 
background color to indicate

I need to be able write a new REXX script that produces a VBA script to 
break each these combined cell strings in the column into individual 
test for true/false and write results to another 2 columns counting the 
number of correct stocks in one,
then writing those that were wrong to another. Perhaps also turning the 
cell background color green if all elements are correct.

For example,if column J2 contains the string 'ABC_POS+DEF_NEG+GHI_POS' and 
the stock DEF actually closed 
DEF_POS in my REXX script, then I need to write 2 columns that says 
If 2 are wrong, then I need the columns to say 2, DEF_POS+GHI_NEG. I 
Already have a column stating 
the number of elements contained in the string, and I can use that to 
calculate accuracy.

In the REXX script above, the actual result of that script gives me a macro 
with as many lines in the
Case '||ctl.1.i||'' as are present in the ARRAY I populate. Each line in 
the resulting VBA script might therefore say:

... and so on depending on the day in question.

The worksheet may contain some 20 columns and say 5000 rows (different 
stock combination strings).

Can anyone please give me some idea if this is possible with a VBA script 
and how to do so ?

Many thanks in advance.

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$$Excel-Macros$$ Rexx xlobj cell value check to color background.

2011-03-12 Thread Fin
Hey folks,

I am new to Excel programming and using oorexx to read a column of
cells in a worksheet checking for certain values and setting the
background color when the value matches. The code I have written works
fine, but being that it calls from rexx to an xlobj for each cell it
is not perhaps the most efficient way of doing it.

I was wondering if some kind soul could please advise if I am missing
a much more efficient method.

First I read from my database a series of text values into an array
with which to check each cell against. If the value matches one of the
46 values in the array then set the color, else next row, column.

-- ctl.1.i is the array values containing 46 string values

iColumns = xlobj~Selection~Columns~Count
iRows = xlobj~Selection~Rows~Count
Do iC = 1 To iColumns
-- here I check the column name so that I do not have to do this for
EVERY column in the sheet.
-- check meets approx 10 cols of 40
   If Lastpos('_COND',xlobj~Selection~Item(1, ic)~Value,)  0 Then
  Do iR = 1 To iRows -- could be well over 100k rows
   body =  xlobj~Selection~Item(iR, iC)~Value
   do i = 1 to ctl.0
   If body = ctl.1.i then xlobj~Selection~Item(iR,
iC)~Interior~ColorIndex = 6
   End -- Do ctl.0
 End -- Do iRows

The rest of the code is of course a lot bigger but the above is the
area I was hoping to optimize.

Anyone with any bright ideas ?

Cheers, Fin.

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