$$Excel-Macros$$ User form Find code to ignore if text box is blank

2013-04-15 Thread Thomas Yantorno

I have code that looks to modify a cell when there is a value placed in a 
user form. My issue is that there are multiple text boxes in the user form 
and I only want the user form to update the cell if there is a value, but 
ignore a text box if there is no value. Currently, it will update the cell 
with value but also update if there is no value by blanking out the cell. I 
would like the program to change the cell if there is a value in text box, 
but if text box blank then leave original value intact. Thank you in 

Sub ALTaxType()
Dim wbData As Workbook, ws1 As Worksheet, lngLastRow As Long, r As Long, 
ans As Variant
  Set wbData = ThisWorkbook
  Set ws1 = wbData.Sheets(Sheet1)

With ws1
lngLastRow = .Cells.Find(what:=*, After:=.Cells(1, 1), 
LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False).Row
  For r = lngLastRow To 2 Step -1  ' Assumes row 1 contains col headers
  If .Cells(r, A) = Alabama Then
' Populates column G with textboxvalue
.Cells(r, G) = frmTx.txtboxAL.Value ' .Rows(r).Delete ' If you 
want to delete row
  End If
  Next r
End With

End Sub 

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$$Excel-Macros$$ Blank out corresponding column if multiple criteria found

2013-01-31 Thread Thomas Yantorno

Hello All,

I have code that will look through column A for the string AL and if it if 
found will blank out column B 
if there is a value in the cell in the same row as column A. What I have 
been trying to do is perform 
same procedure but is there a way I can use multiple states, e.g. Look to 
column A for AL,AR,AZ,CA and 
blank out corresponding column B if found. Any questions or concerns feel 
free to post.
Thank you so much, your assistance is greatly appreciated.


'This will blank out column B if AL in column A

Sub Blankitout()

Dim lastrow As Integer, i As Integer

lastrow = Range(A  Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
 For i = 1 To lastrow
  If Range(A  i) = AL Then
 Range(B  i).ClearContents
  End If
End Sub

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