$$Excel-Macros$$ Copy Variable data

2011-07-25 Thread Dkin
The below code works and return on single name match. Basically copies
the data from sheet one to sheet two using Name as a key. Now would
like create loop to go through both sheets and compare the names, and
if the name exist in sheet one then copy his value into sheet two.
Please let me know the possibilities.

Sheet one: “Cargo”
Cargo Summary

Total 1 Total 2
Lori Trump
Susan doo
Dii Kon 888 111
Moo Kevin
Ajax James
Alex Trapek
Kevin O'neil
Ming Kii
Kung Kwan
Dii Kii
Nung No
Li  Morgan

Sheet2:” ORDER”
New Cargo

Cargo   Captain Sea NameTotal A Total B
General ZW  N/A Lori Trump  122 66
General DE  N/A Moris Bee   40  56
General DD  N/A Dii Kon 888 78
General DD  N/A Moo Kevin   127 99
General DD  N/A Ajax James  24  33
General DD  N/A Alex Trapek 231 12
General MM  N/A Kevin O'neil0   10
General Total
Reeefer HU  N/A Dii Kon 0   33
Reefer  HU  N/A Kevin O'neil515 55
Reefer  Total   515
Fish cargo  NI  N/A Moris Bee   0   67
Fish cargo  NI  N/A Ajax James  0   83
Fish cargo  Total

Here the code:
Option Explicit

Option Compare Text

Public Captain As String
Public LastRow As Double
Public Variable(15) As Variant
Public VarTemp(15) As Variant

Sub Cargo_Data()
Dim iCol As Long
Dim x As Long, x1 As Long, x2 As Long
Dim NewBook As Workbook
Dim bFind As Boolean
Dim Name As String
Dim iTmp As Long


'clear the array variable
For x1 = 1 To 15
Variable(x1) = 0
VarTemp(x1) = 0
Next x1

   Captain = Name
If CaptainThen
  '  GoTo Name
End If

LastRow = ActiveCell.Row

For x1 = 6 To LastRow
If Cells(x1, 4) = Dii Kon Then

Call AddTo(Variable(2), Cells(x1, 5))
Call AddTo(Variable(3), Cells(x1, 6))

End If

Next x1

'Imports to the data

LastRow = ActiveCell.Row
For x1 = 7 To LastRow
If Cells(x1, 1) = Dii Kon Then

For iCol = 2 To 15
Select Case iCol
Case 2 To 3

Cells(x1, iCol) = Variable(iCol)
End Select
Next iCol

Exit For
End If
Next x1

End Sub

Sub AddTo(ByRef vValue As Variant, vNew As Variant)
If IsNumeric(vNew) Then
If IsNumeric(vValue) Then
vValue = vValue + vNew
ElseIf vValue = na Or vValue =  Then
vValue = vNew
End If
ElseIf vNew = na Then
If vValue = 0 Then
vValue = na
End If
End If

End Sub

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RE: $$Excel-Macros$$ Copy Variable data

2011-07-25 Thread Rajan_Verma
See if it helps
If You have Name Range(A:A) in Sheet1 then Use this Code

Sub CopyIfNotExist()
Dim rng1 As Range
Dim rng2 As Range
Dim cell1 As Range
Dim cell2 As Range
Dim Flag As Boolean

Set rng1 = Sheets(Sheet1).Range(A2:A 
Set rng2 = Sheets(Sheet2).Range(A2:A 
For Each cell1 In rng1
Flag = False
For Each cell2 In rng2
If cell2.Value = cell1.Value Then
Flag = True
Exit For
End If
If Flag = True Then

cell1.EntireRow.Copy Sheets(Sheet2).Range(A 
Sheets(Sheet2).UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1)
End If

End Sub

-Original Message-
From: excel-macros@googlegroups.com [mailto:excel-macros@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of Dkin
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 7:41 AM
Subject: $$Excel-Macros$$ Copy Variable data

The below code works and return on single name match. Basically copies
the data from sheet one to sheet two using Name as a key. Now would
like create loop to go through both sheets and compare the names, and
if the name exist in sheet one then copy his value into sheet two.
Please let me know the possibilities.

Sheet one: Cargo
Cargo Summary

Total 1 Total 2
Lori Trump
Susan doo
Dii Kon 888 111
Moo Kevin
Ajax James
Alex Trapek
Kevin O'neil
Ming Kii
Kung Kwan
Dii Kii
Nung No
Li  Morgan

Sheet2: ORDER
New Cargo

Cargo   Captain Sea NameTotal A Total B
General ZW  N/A Lori Trump  122 66
General DE  N/A Moris Bee   40  56
General DD  N/A Dii Kon 888 78
General DD  N/A Moo Kevin   127 99
General DD  N/A Ajax James  24  33
General DD  N/A Alex Trapek 231 12
General MM  N/A Kevin O'neil0   10
General Total
Reeefer HU  N/A Dii Kon 0   33
Reefer  HU  N/A Kevin O'neil515 55
Reefer  Total   515
Fish cargo  NI  N/A Moris Bee   0   67
Fish cargo  NI  N/A Ajax James  0   83
Fish cargo  Total

Here the code:
Option Explicit

Option Compare Text

Public Captain As String
Public LastRow As Double
Public Variable(15) As Variant
Public VarTemp(15) As Variant

Sub Cargo_Data()
Dim iCol As Long
Dim x As Long, x1 As Long, x2 As Long
Dim NewBook As Workbook
Dim bFind As Boolean
Dim Name As String
Dim iTmp As Long


'clear the array variable
For x1 = 1 To 15
Variable(x1) = 0
VarTemp(x1) = 0
Next x1

   Captain = Name
If CaptainThen
  '  GoTo Name
End If

LastRow = ActiveCell.Row

For x1 = 6 To LastRow
If Cells(x1, 4) = Dii Kon Then

Call AddTo(Variable(2), Cells(x1, 5))
Call AddTo(Variable(3), Cells(x1, 6))

End If

Next x1

'Imports to the data

LastRow = ActiveCell.Row
For x1 = 7 To LastRow
If Cells(x1, 1) = Dii Kon Then

For iCol = 2 To 15
Select Case iCol
Case 2 To 3

Cells(x1, iCol) = Variable(iCol)
End Select
Next iCol

Exit For
End If
Next x1

End Sub

Sub AddTo(ByRef vValue As Variant, vNew As Variant)
If IsNumeric(vNew) Then
If IsNumeric(vValue) Then
vValue = vValue + vNew
ElseIf vValue = na Or vValue =  Then
vValue = vNew
End If
ElseIf vNew = na Then
If vValue = 0 Then
vValue = na
End If
End If

End Sub


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