Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ macro efficiency

2010-03-23 Thread rf1234 rf1234
Poor calculation speed affects productivity and increases user errors.
Studies have shown that a user's productivity and ability to focus on
a task
deteriorate as response time lengthens.

Excel has two main calculation modes, which let you control when
calculation occurs:

* Automatic calculation   Formulas are automatically recalculated
whenever you make a change.

* Manual calculation   Formulas are only recalculated when you
request it (for example, by pressing F9).

If you write the code for VBA  it run slow.There are many cases
3.loop in code

So if it is not possible to upgrade your pc,Then try to switch on
manual calculation.
You have to first ensure that there is no any bug,error.


Sub GoToManual()

Dim xlCalc As XlCalculation

xlCalc = Application.Calculation

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

On Error GoTo CalcBack


Application.Calculation = xlCalc

Exit Sub


Application.Calculation = xlCalc

End Sub

Hope it will Help
Happy to Help

On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 2:56 AM, scubagirl wrote:
 Thanks for your suggestions/help. I checked to make sure that all of
 the loops use Exit For when appropriate. I am using Excel 2007 which
 *could* be causing some of the slowdown, but Excel only really comes
 in at the end for result output, it could explain why my speed tests
 are so slow (I've been outputting the time for some functions to
 complete to Excel). The following function seems to be taking up a
 good chunk of the time:

 'create a list of tasks that are eligible to run
 Private Function GetEligibleTasks() As Collection

    Dim eligible_tasks As New Collection
    Dim t As cTask

    For Each t In tasklist

        'make sure the task hasn't been started yet
        If t.Status = 0 Then

            t.StartDate = tracker.CurrentDate

            'make sure it can be started
            If t.ReadyToStart() Then

                eligible_tasks.Add t

 eligible_tasks.item(eligible_tasks.count).EligibleTaskIndex =

            End If
        End If

    Next t

  Set GetEligibleTasks = eligible_tasks
 End Function

 'determine if a task is ready to start by checking
 'whether its predecessors have completed
 Public Function ReadyToStart() As Boolean

    Dim pred As Tasks
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim start As Date
    Dim p As task

    Set pred = ActiveProject.Tasks(Index).PredecessorTasks 'get a list
 of the preceeding tasks

    'if the task has no predecessors, it's ready to run
    If pred.count = 0 Then
        ReadyToStart = True
        Exit Function
    End If

    For Each p In pred

        Dim test As Date
        test = p.Finish

        'if a predecessor hasn't been completed, this task isn't ready
 to run
        If tasklist.item(p.ID).Status  2 Then
            ReadyToStart = False
            Exit Function

            ReadyToStart = True
        End If

 End Function

 In this case tasklist is a Collection. To me, it doesn't look like
 this could get much more efficient - any suggestions? (I can't post
 the whole project because it's company protected information)

 Some important links for excel users:
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Thanks Regards
Software Engineer

Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ macro efficiency

2010-03-22 Thread scubagirl
Thanks for your suggestions/help. I checked to make sure that all of
the loops use Exit For when appropriate. I am using Excel 2007 which
*could* be causing some of the slowdown, but Excel only really comes
in at the end for result output, it could explain why my speed tests
are so slow (I've been outputting the time for some functions to
complete to Excel). The following function seems to be taking up a
good chunk of the time:

'create a list of tasks that are eligible to run
Private Function GetEligibleTasks() As Collection

Dim eligible_tasks As New Collection
Dim t As cTask

For Each t In tasklist

'make sure the task hasn't been started yet
If t.Status = 0 Then

t.StartDate = tracker.CurrentDate

'make sure it can be started
If t.ReadyToStart() Then

eligible_tasks.Add t
eligible_tasks.item(eligible_tasks.count).EligibleTaskIndex =

End If
End If

Next t

  Set GetEligibleTasks = eligible_tasks
End Function

'determine if a task is ready to start by checking
'whether its predecessors have completed
Public Function ReadyToStart() As Boolean

Dim pred As Tasks
Dim j As Integer
Dim start As Date
Dim p As task

Set pred = ActiveProject.Tasks(Index).PredecessorTasks 'get a list
of the preceeding tasks

'if the task has no predecessors, it's ready to run
If pred.count = 0 Then
ReadyToStart = True
Exit Function
End If

For Each p In pred

Dim test As Date
test = p.Finish

'if a predecessor hasn't been completed, this task isn't ready
to run
If tasklist.item(p.ID).Status  2 Then
ReadyToStart = False
Exit Function

ReadyToStart = True
End If

End Function

In this case tasklist is a Collection. To me, it doesn't look like
this could get much more efficient - any suggestions? (I can't post
the whole project because it's company protected information)

Some important links for excel users:
1. Follow us on TWITTER for tips tricks and links :
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Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ macro efficiency

2010-03-19 Thread Paul Schreiner
It's the without looking at the code part that makes it difficult !!!

There are LOTS of ways to speed up loops, but everything
doesn't always apply!

first of all, what version of Excel are you using?
Excel2007 has a way of dropping to a lower priority after several seconds,
thus causing long running macros to run even longer!

To elaborate on what Ayush mentioned:
When you're looking for something, why is it always in the last place you 
because once you find it, you stop looking!
In Loops, sometimes we forget to stop looking once we find it.

Something else.
Let's say you're loading an array with data.
Then, you're using several loops to look through the array.

This can be very cpu-intensive.
In true databases, it is possible to create an index.
then, your search uses the index, the index returns the record number
(or numbers) that matches your search criteria.

what i have done is created an index using the Dictionary Object.
(or several Objects)
I have a spreadsheet of 91,400 rows and 74 columns.
the combination the first two columns constitute the unique Record
(they are Requisition # and line item#)

see this:

Sub timetest()
    Dim tStart, tStop, Dict_Data, R, nRows, TGORitem, stat
    tStart = Now()
    Set Dict_Data = CreateObject(Scripting.Dictionary)
    stat = Dict_Data.RemoveAll
    nRows = 
    For R = 2 To nRows
    TGORitem = Sheets(Data).Cells(R, 1).Value  .  
Sheets(Data).Cells(R, 2).Value
    If (Dict_Data.exists(TGORitem)) Then
    Dict_Data.Item(TGORitem) = Dict_Data.Item(TGORitem)  ,  R
    Dict_Data.Add TGORitem, R
    End If
    Next R
    tStop = Now()
    MsgBox DateDiff(s, tStart, tStop)  Chr(13)  tStart  Chr(13)  tStop
End Sub

It takes approximately 3 seconds to load the dictionary.
but if I wanted to find the record(s) for Requision: 3000819624.10
it doesn't matter if it is the first record, or in this case record #90162
it finds it instantaneously.

And I can have multiple custom indexes.
for instance: Dict_Create could be the date a requisition  was created.
The value of the index would be a comma-separated list of row numbers.
I could instead make the index the year-month it was created, or even the 
or simply the year.

As you can imagine,  putting a =VLookup formula in 90,000 rows would cause the 
file to calculate VERY slowly.
But instead, I can create a dictionary index and do the VLookup quickly.

if you'd like to send me your code, I would be glad to look it over and see if 
I see
any potentials for improvement!!!


From: scubagirl
Sent: Thu, March 18, 2010 10:00:34 PM
Subject: $$Excel-Macros$$ macro efficiency

I have a fairly large VBA project for work - it runs a Monte Carlo
simulation on some data that is grabbed from MS Project. It takes
longer than I'd like to run - about 4 minutes for 1000 iterations, not
including writing out to Excel. I have done everything I can think of
to make it efficient: using For Each loops, declaring variables by
type, using early binding and Option Explicit...

I know that it's not going to be super-speedy given the nature of the
project (lots of nested loops, 20x1000 arrays, etc.), but I feel like
it should run faster than it does. I've tried timing sections of it,
and with a small number of iterations, the speed is not always bad
(subsections can take .3 and 1.1 seconds to run), but as I increase
the number of iterations, it always seems to run at the worst case
(e.g., the aforementioned subsections always take 1.1 seconds to run).
Without looking at the code, does anyone have any suggestions for
things I can look into to speed up runtime?

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$$Excel-Macros$$ macro efficiency

2010-03-18 Thread scubagirl
I have a fairly large VBA project for work - it runs a Monte Carlo
simulation on some data that is grabbed from MS Project. It takes
longer than I'd like to run - about 4 minutes for 1000 iterations, not
including writing out to Excel. I have done everything I can think of
to make it efficient: using For Each loops, declaring variables by
type, using early binding and Option Explicit...

I know that it's not going to be super-speedy given the nature of the
project (lots of nested loops, 20x1000 arrays, etc.), but I feel like
it should run faster than it does. I've tried timing sections of it,
and with a small number of iterations, the speed is not always bad
(subsections can take .3 and 1.1 seconds to run), but as I increase
the number of iterations, it always seems to run at the worst case
(e.g., the aforementioned subsections always take 1.1 seconds to run).
Without looking at the code, does anyone have any suggestions for
things I can look into to speed up runtime?

Some important links for excel users:
1. Follow us on TWITTER for tips tricks and links :
2. Join our Facebook Group @
3. Excel tutorials at
4. Learn VBA Macros at
5. Excel Tips and Tricks at
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