Re: stop information store

2003-11-19 Thread hawkinsgp
 Had another episode where my Outlook clients (Outlook 2003 and 2002)
 showed my Exchange Server as unavailable (Exchange 2003 on Windows 2003
 member server).Exchange server did not show any errors.  The server's
 shared folders were available.
 I decided to stop the exchange services and restart them (stopped IIS and
 dependent services, SMTP,) When I tried to stop the Exchange Information
 Store it showed stopping, but would not stop.  I gave it fifteen minutes.
 I then had to reboot the system as I could not wait any longer.
 What would prevent the Information Store from stopping?
 I had stopped the GFI mail essentials services, and the GFI mail security
An Information Store can take up to an hour to shut down gracefully.  It
depends on the number of uncommitted transactions it has to write to the
logs.  It depends on how long it's been since there was an online backup
of the database.  It depends on how long the server's been up without

I've found that it's often faster to stop the Exchange services from the
command line rather than from Services.  The command is usually in a
format such as this:  net stop msexchangesa (to stop the System Attendant,
which will stop the other services as well).

But it's VERY normal for a store to take a long time to shut down.
 I had gone two weeks since the last time this happened.

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Re: On the theme of spam......

2003-10-30 Thread hawkinsgp
I restrict all kinds of mail attachments - HTML, .exe, .vbs., .vcf...all
kinds of things.  I only let about five attachment types through at all. 
I get a lot of complaints about it, but there's usually a workaround, and
our incidence of email-borne viruses has decreased dramatically.


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RE: Exchange 5.5 Licensing

2003-06-26 Thread hawkinsgp
Yes, that's correct - the 5.5 CALs are no longer available, but the
Exchange 2K CALs entitle you to use downlevel versions of the product. 
If you have 250 users and one Exchange server, purchase one server license
and 250 CALs.

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Re: Exchange 5.5 Changing Domains

2003-06-26 Thread hawkinsgp
The domain is all but irrelevant.  All the Exchange servers care about
really is the sites and site connectors.  It's users, particularly those
using OWA, who need to worry about the domain.

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RE: Not Open Relay, but...

2003-06-26 Thread hawkinsgp
I highly recommend going to one of the sites like and
following their directions to verify that you're not an open relay BEFORE
you get blacklisted.  It can be a real pain to get off all the blacklists,
and your users will scream bloody murder.

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Re: Closing Outlook doesn't kill process

2003-06-26 Thread hawkinsgp
I'd do a complete uninstall of Outlook 2002, then reinstall it, preferably
from different source media.  It's possible the initial installation got a
bit hosed.

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RE: Strange OWA authentication issue

2003-06-24 Thread hawkinsgp
Yes, it worked for the first few weeks, and then for no reason I could
discern, it stopped.  Both servers are in the same site.  The behavior is
consistent on both; neither will authenticate each other's users, but they
authenticate their own with no problems at all.  There is nothing logged
in the event log.

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RE: Monitor Email content

2003-06-24 Thread hawkinsgp
I worked for twenty years for Large Unnamed Airplane Manufacturer in
Seattle (use your imagination).  In their case, they had been sued
innumerable times for breach of privacy, but in virtually every case,
their right to monitor employee communications was upheld.  The computers
all had a logon warning that they were company property and any data on
them was subject to monitoring.  Bags were subject to search by Security
at any time.  It was understood that telephone conversations could be
monitored at any time by a supervisor, particularly in help desk areas. 
They had hidden cameras all over the place.  The one instance I know of
where they did lose such a case was in the matter of hidden cameras in the
restrooms.  But everywhere else there, you pretty much assumed anything
you typed, said, did, was monitored.

Where I am now, they have the same rights (spelled out in the AUPs that
the users don't read before they sign), but they're more leery of
exercising them.  We pretty much only monitor a user's communication in
conjunction with our Security department, when there's been an actual
complaint or suspicion of wrongdoing (misuse of company property, surfing
porn, inappropriate behavior with students, etc.).  I would never agree to
let anyone, including a supervisor, monitor someone else's mail simply
because they wanted to see what they were sending and receiving; they
would have to approach me through the appropriate chain of command (HR and
Security) and tell me what, specifically, we were looking for.  Then
Security and I would do the monitoring, NOT the supervisor in question. 
The whole idea is to prevent this being used for personal vendettas.

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Strange OWA authentication issue

2003-06-22 Thread hawkinsgp
I'm having an issue with my OWA authentications (kind of like a
feature in a product).  I have two Exchange 5.5 SP4 servers, one running
on WNT 4.0 SP6a, one running on W2K SP3.  Both have all the Exchange post
SP-4 critical updates and hotfixes installed.  Both are running OWA right
now, because for some reason, they abruptly stopped authenticating users
on each other - in other words, each will only authenticate users whose
mailboxes reside locally.  They won't authenticate each other's users
(failed to get inbox).  I've fiddled with the directory permissions in
IIS, and right now, have all three authentication methods selected on both
servers, but it doesn't seem to affect this if I turn off NT
authentication.  It's a colossal pain, since I have a firewall port open
specifically for OWA, and now that they're being buttheads, I have to have
two ports open, and I have to make sure users know which URL to use.

I realize that Exchange 2000 would probably help alleviate this, but we
are not ready for Active Directory, and probably will not be for some time
yet.  Nor am I ready to single-handedly transition 2500 users right this
minute.  So I'm looking for advice, but hopefully not along the lines of,
why don't you just upgrade?  ;-)

Thanks for any help with this.


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Re: Changing Mailbox name

2003-06-18 Thread hawkinsgp
 I have a user that has gotten married, and her name has to be changed.
 Does anyone know the procedure of doing this. I was under the impression
 that if i just changed her name in the display and the SMTP address on
 Exchange Server, that would have done it, but it was brought to me that
 there was a correct way of doing it. I really appreciate you help.
 Thank you

That will work, but depending on the size of your directory, number of
sites, etc., it can take awhile for replication to complete.  It's
sometimes easier - again, depending on the size of your overall Exchange
infrastructure - to export the mail to a .pst and create an entirely new
mailbox, remove the old one, and add her old email address as a secondary
SMTP address.  If yours is a small infrastructure, it won't matter too
much, but be sure you change alias and directory name as well as adding
the new SMTP address.

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