Title: How to setup internet email on E2k

We have now successfully migrated about 99% of our users over to our E2k server now.  Thanks to everyone who gave my advice along the way.  We have one 5.5 server and one E2k in the same site.  Right now, all internet email is going through the 5.5 server and we need to get that role over to the E2k server so the 5.5 can be removed.  This seems like it should be fairly simple.  All our email goes from E5.5 to a relay server. 

To set this up on E2k, do I set it up as a new routing group connector?  Or do I configure it under Protocols, SMTP, Default SMTP Virtual Server?  And can I have an SMTP connector setup on E2k at the same time as the IMC is setup on 5.5?   Will both deliver internet email or should I turn off the IMC before installing E2k SMTP mail?

Thanks for any assistance.


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