Title: Message
1. You need to install the E2K client tools on any W2K pro machine you are going to use to manage AD.
2. Was the second DC your Operations Master? That could be the issue. 
3. Same answer as #2.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jean-Francois Bourdeau [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 7:11 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: 2Dc'S, one ex2k Member, lost one DC (2nd one)



Question 1 : I have 2 DCs with Ex 2k on a 3rd server (member)

When using AD User and Computer on the 2 DC's and looking at the user

properties, we don't see the exchange options (tabs) or Exchange Task

When using AD user and computer on the Ex2K server, the user properties has

the Exchange tabs, and Exchange Task (righ clicking on the user) is there

Why ?

Question 2 :

Why does my exchange 2000 server (Member server) was having problem when my 2nd DC died ? In the Event viewer, the exchange server was trying to talk the the second dc everytime I was trying to address an eMail to someone. I was expecting him to talk to the 1st DC that was still there.


My second DC just died and Ex 2k server seem to try to talk to DC 2.. When

creating user, the smtp address [EMAIL PROTECTED] does not appear...IS it

beacause of lack of communication between the ex2k server and the second DC

he is trying to reach (event viewer error on trying to contact the dead

DC. That was the second DC in the AD )

I have reinstalled a W2K machine as a server, did a DC promo and made it again the 2nd DC's. Is it ok ? I have been told by MS that when adding a 2nd DC to an AD that the SchemaMaster role is beeing magically transfered to the 2nd DC. Then if my 2DC died, and was replace with a brand new 2nd DC' then the ScheMaster role is may be not anywhere ?


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