[expert] Strange gnome Quirks with 8.0 beta 3

2001-04-05 Thread Adam Clater

I just updated my machine at home from lm7.2 to the 8.0 beta 3. (Boot
from cd, select upgrade, select almost all packages, etc.) and now in
Gnome and only gnome, the letters "g" and "r" do not work.  I updated
gnome-core and gnome-libs this morning from cooker, but still no luck.
Any ideas?  I'm going to try with a different user ID tonight, see if
it's possibly (i doubt) an enviornment issue.  Until then, i'm forced to
use KDE (personal yuck!)

Any ideas??

Re: [expert] Where is path?

2001-01-12 Thread Adam Clater

check /etc/profile and /etc/profile.d/ and /etc/bashrc  -- linux
distributions have a habit of using "extra" profile options.

On 12 Jan 2001 10:38:08 -0700, Praedor Tempus wrote:
> OK, I once thought I understood this but now I guess I do not.
> If I run "env", my path appears thus:
> PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:
> /opt/IBMJava2-13/jre/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games:
> /home/praedor/bin:/usr/local/mozilla:/usr/X11R6/bin:/opt/IBMJava2-13/
> jre/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games:/usr/X11R6/bin:
> /opt/IBMJava2-13/jre/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games
> As you can see there are redundant entries for just about everything. 
> If I look at /etc/profile, there is nothing there to cause this, as its 
> entries are in no way duplicates of my personal .bash_profile path.
> Where is this all coming from?  I want everything in the path to appear ONCE 
> and I want everything in it EXCEPT my home directory to appear globally.
> If not profile and .bash_profile, then what file am I looking for that 
> creates the global path environment?
> -- 
> Praedor
> Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain

Adam Clater
Global Operations 
+1 703 471 2405

Re: [expert] Mandrake Update link and Zope

2000-12-28 Thread Adam Clater

Have you considered just downloading the rpms and installing them

On 28 Dec 2000 01:59:43 -0700, Traci Collins wrote:
> I'm hoping someone can help me resolve a problem I am having with the
> Mandrake Update Link. There is a security update for the entire Zope
> system, if I avoid updating any of my zope code everything works just
> fine. Unfortunately the update zope release has a conflict with the
> installed zope release, even after I used rpm to remove all of the
> existing zope packages from the rpm database. It asks me if I want to
> force the update and I say yes, hoping that Mandrakesoft didn't
> really put up a series of update packages that wouldn't work with
> Mandrake 7.2. What happens is I get an error message that runs off my
> screen, even at 1248X1024, and there is nothing I can do that will
> show me the bottom of the error message. I think it is waiting for me
> to make a decision and tell it how to proceed. Because I can't see
> the question or get to the bottom to make a response the update hangs
> at that point. I can kill it and get on with life but the zope
> packages keep coming up whenever I run update and with a serious
> security problem I would like to do the update just in case I ever
> want to use it.
> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to proceed with the update
> given the extremely long error screen?
> Traci
> civileme wrote:
> > 
> > OK, I looked it over.
> > 
> > I had some updating to do anyway and I did a few packages from each of 4 of
> > the 5 sites.  rpmfind might be listed but doesn't have a 7.2 directory.  All
> > of the 4 sites worked.
> > 
> > Update is sensitive to how people mirror the site  If the timestamps are
> > not mirrored properly the site can try to load things you have already
> > updated, or just say there is nothing to update.  If the permissions are
> > wrong, the update fails and it redisplays the list of things to update.
> > 
> > Civileme
> -- 
> Traci Collins, MA, CCAI, CCNA
> Professor of Computer Education
> Colorado Mountain College
> http://www.rof.net/wp/tcollins/traci.html

Adam Clater
Global Operations 
+1 703 471 2405

Re: [expert] shell script function to pause / wait

2000-12-14 Thread Adam Clater

sleep x 


> What is the function to have the script pause for n amount of seconds before
> executing the next line of instructions?  I'm trying to write a script that
> uses Samba mounts to backup documents and E-mail on clients.  The problem is
> that when I try to umount the smbfs directory to mount another for another
> computer, it does it too quickly and it never umounts the first mount.  Any
> help would be much appreciated.
> Andy
> =_976823516-6145-0
> Keep in touch with http://mandrakeforum.com: 
> Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

Adam Clater
Global Operations 
+1 703 471 2405

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Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

Re: [expert] FTP Server Trouble

2000-12-05 Thread Adam Clater

in.ftpd, along with a variety of other applications that one might expect are not 
installed by default in 7.2.  An attempt to install it using urpmi also fails, with  
no package found for :

You will also note that no cli (command line interface) ftp client is installed 
either!  To make a long story short, check out freshmeat and download an rpm for 
wu-ftpd, or if you have it, install from the old mandrake 7.1 cd.

> Ladies and Gentlemen
> I am fumbling around with a Mandrake 7.2 install and cannot seem to
> configure the FTP Server to get it to connect.  inetd is running, but I
> cannot get a connect and cannot seem to undestand why.  I have set up a
> group called "everyone" and place all the users in that group and given
> that group permissions.  I've set up annomouoyus log in, but still cannt
> get the thing to work.  I must be missing something.  Could someone job my
> memory as to what I could be doing wrong?  THe FTP Client refuses to make a
> connection.
> Lee Buller
> Newton Medical Center
> =_976053695-19745-4
> Keep in touch with http://mandrakeforum.com: 
> Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

Adam Clater
Global Operations 
+1 703 471 2405

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