Re: [expert] ESS 1868 sound card

2000-08-27 Thread Jim Hodgers

At 11:25 PM 8/26/00 -0700, Anton Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Submitted 26-Aug-00 by Jim Hodgers:
>> Put it somewhere were I can find it too, I have the same card and problem
>This is my modules.conf (conf.modules for most of you) that sets it all up,
>I have no /etc/isapnp.conf, the isapnp.o module from ALSA handles that for
(Delete for brevity)
>Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
>A copy of the universe is not what is required of art; one of the damned
>things is ample.
>  -- Rebecca West
Thanks a bunch! Will try ASAP
Jim ( From Buena Vista, 8000 ft. high in the beautiful Colorado Rockies )

Re: [expert] ESS 1868 sound card

2000-08-26 Thread Jim Hodgers

At 04:48 AM 8/26/00 -0400, you wrote:
>On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Anton Graham wrote:
>Can you send me all the related configuration files for setting this up
>please?  That is, /etc/isapnp.conf (if anything is in it) and
>/etc/conf.modules; maybe other necessary config files.  I'd like to give
>ALSA a whirl, but since it's not my machine, I'd like to have a relatively
>simple install process.

Put it somewhere were I can find it too, I have the same card and problem

Re: [expert] OT: harddrive flashback

2000-07-27 Thread Jim Hodgers

At 06:10 PM 07/26/2000, Mark wrote:
>I've really been enjoying it. I think it's really cool to hear about the
>early days of computers and programming. These people that were in the
>industry in those days really broke the ground and set the standards that
>the rest of us take for granted!
>No Penguins were mistreated in the making of this message.
Since you insist :>)

In the late 60's/early 70's I worked for Teledyne Semiconductor making what
was called a Fettron(ap), which was a FET equivalent of a tube. The
engineer I was technician for, and i, were handed the job of duplicating a
12AX7 for a hush-hush goverment project. The first several attempts were
all rejected by the goverment, but they kept refusing to tell us what the
application was. Finally my engineer had gotten a gutfull of this and
informed the goverment represative we were dealing with that he just could
not give them what they wanted without being able to measure the circuit to
see what was needed. Tha caused us to go through the channels to get top
secret clearances. We were then flown to Seattle where we were taken to a 1
block square 7 story building with several(7, I think) air conditioning
units. It turned out that this was the computer for the Dew Line(radar
scanning of the northern path for missiles). After finally giving them a
working equivalent af a 12AX7 I understand they were able to turn off all
but one of the air conditioning units on the roof because a Fettron had no
filament to heat. Turned out this was cheaper than going to a newer
computer and writing an all new program!

[expert] strange net and sound problem

2000-06-14 Thread Jim Hodgers

I have a strange problem, to wit:
With a fresh install of Mandrake(7.0 and 7.1) i can install my Western
Digital 8013 with "modprobe wd" and my sound card with "sndconfig". When I
the reboot for any reason both fail tp come back up, both modprobe and
sndconfig give the message "device busy". This happens whether 1 or both
cards are installed, and I have repeated this about a dozen times. I have
an old copy of Suse(6.1) and it finds the net card dsuring install and
works reliably!! 

1) why doesn't M find the network card and install during the install process?
2) what am I doing wrong?


PS I am getting tired of reinstalling M over and over to sort this out
without success!!

[expert] Still no net (sob)

2000-05-19 Thread Jim Hodgers

first THANKS to :

for responding to my question Since 2 of them suggested "modprobe wd", I tried
that first with aparently good results. Luckily I did not break out the
champane! I then shutdown and installed my sound card and it worked!! boy was I
excited. Unfortunately I needed to shutdown again for other reasons. When I
restarted I got this as part of my dmesg:

  Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (C)
by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996 SB 3.01 detected OK (220)
ESS chip ES1868 detected
YM3812 and OPL-3 driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen, Rob Hooft 1993-1996
wd.c: No wd80x3 card found (i/o = 0x12c).
CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California
ISDN subsystem Rev: 1.93/1.80/1.95/1.60/1.17/1.3 loaded
HiSax: Linux Driver for passive ISDN cards
HiSax: Version 3.3c (module)
HiSax: Layer1 Revision 2.36
HiSax: Layer2 Revision 2.20
HiSax: TeiMgr Revision 2.13
HiSax: Layer3 Revision 2.10
HiSax: LinkLayer Revision 2.40
HiSax: Approval certification valid
HiSax: Approved with ELSA Quickstep series cards
HiSax: Approval registration numbers:
HiSax: German D133361J CETECOM ICT Services GmbH
HiSax: EU (D133362J) CETECOM ICT Services GmbH
HiSax: Approved with 
Eicon Technology Diva 2.01 PCI cards
HiSax: Total 1 card defined
HiSax: Card 1 Protocol EDSS1 Id=Teles1 (0)
HiSax: Teles IO driver Rev. 2.14
Teles: 16.3 Byte at d80 is ff
HiSax: Card Teles 16.3 not installed !
ISDN-subsystem unloaded
VFS: Disk change detected on device ide1(22,0)
wd.c: No wd80x3 card found (i/o = 0x12c).
Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
SB 3.01 detected OK (240)
ESS chip ES1868 detected
YM3812 and OPL-3 driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen, Rob Hooft 1993-1996
OPL3 not detected ff
Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
SB 3.01 detected OK (240)
ESS chip ES1868 detected
YM3812 and OPL-3 driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen, Rob Hooft 1993-1996
OPL3 not detected ff

running "modprobe ed" gives:

/lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/net/wd.o: init_module: Device or resource busy 

when I run "sndconfig" I can play the first sample but the midi sample gives me:

Device or resource busy

Boy am I bummed, if I had opened thebooze I'd be crying in it.

[expert] Ethernet problem

2000-05-18 Thread Jim Hodgers

I have been using Suse (5.1, 6.1 and 6.3) and decided to see what all the
hype about Mandrake was. I like what I see with one exception. With Suse my
ethernet card was always auto-configured and just was there. Mandrake
refuses to mount the card. When I run insmod I get the following:

[root@localhost jim]# insmod wd
/lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/net/wd.o: unresolved symbol ei_open
/lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/net/wd.o: unresolved symbol ethdev_init
/lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/net/wd.o: unresolved symbol ei_interrupt
/lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/net/wd.o: unresolved symbol NS8390_init
/lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/net/wd.o: unresolved symbol ei_close

computer is an AMD K6-2 350 with Azus MB and 64M ram running Masndrake 7.0
ethercard is an old Western Digital 8013 16 bit ISA (I have a coax network
and it would be very hard to change)

If I swap cards with one of my Windoze machines it works in the Windows
box, but the replacement that is put in the Linux box does the same thing
(all are WD8013 cards)

A friend offered some TrendNet cards but I can't find drivers for them.

Am I missing something in the kernal?

[expert] Still can't install KNEWS

2000-04-14 Thread Jim Hodgers

At 11:17 PM 04/12/2000 -0400, brian wrote:
>You can fix your immediate problem with
>cd /usr/lib   (or cd /lib, whereever they got installed), and
>ln -s
>ln -s
>[verify which version it actually installed for each of these.  I have
>png so I'm pretty sure it's correct, but I don't have jpg, so that's a

I tried putting the links in both in both directories, no dice, knews still
does not install cause it can't find those libs. 
The rpm file seems to be binary, is there a way to edit it and see where it
is looking for these libs?
The version for libjpeg seemed to be and it was in /usr/lib


I doownloaded Zope last night, and it looks worth learning, is there a
tutorial somewhere on the net to help you to learn it?
BTW, it installed without a hitch and contained everything necessary, I
downloaded it at 33.6K without problem.

Re: [expert] Can't install KNEWS, and an opinion

2000-04-13 Thread Jim Hodgers

At 11:17 PM 04/12/2000 -0400, Brian T. Schellenberger wrote:

[A reasoned reply to my comments, unlike some others, PLUS help for my
MANY THANKS Brian, I will try that tonight.

I guess I didn't express myself fully, I think that a minimal and a maximum
install should both be provided. That way, if you are not a guru and run
into problems installing, and you do want to install THAT program, you
could drop back to the full install. I have been to DLL Hell more than once
and prefer the Linux solution. What I'm saying that if Linux ever gets to
the desktop this problem MUST be addressed. Mr or Mrs DesktopUser is NOT
going to put up with installations like this, it will be "To hell with
this, I'll use some other program", or "This Linux sucks, back to Windows".
I know that including all materials necessary  will work, I installed
Applix, Star Office, Wordperfect, bluefish, nedit and Igloo FTP Pro without
encountering the problem of unresolved dependencies. 

PS Nedit rocks!!

RE: [expert] Can't install KNEWS, and an opinion

2000-04-13 Thread Jim Hodgers

At 11:33 AM 04/12/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>Sorry, but yet another opinion
>I find that a good operating system has a reason for everything and when I
>finally understand the O/S, I agree with the reasons. This has been true of
>AOS/VS (ok, anybody remember that one?), O/S-9, CPM, RSTS, VM, MVS,
>Unix/XENIX/Linux and others. The O/S that resembles a Kommitee Kludge and is
>supposed to be easy to configure is the one I never seem to agree with its
>conventions. But maybe after all these years I just don't understand NT yet.
Huh, what does this have to do with missing libraries. or is this to help
me with knews?

RE: [expert] Can't install KNEWS, and an opinion

2000-04-12 Thread Jim Hodgers

On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, james.fogg wrote, foaming at the mouth:
> Sorry, but yet another opinion
> I find that a good operating system has a reason for everything and when I
> finally understand the O/S, I agree with the reasons. This has been true of
> AOS/VS (ok, anybody remember that one?), O/S-9, CPM, RSTS, VM, MVS,
> Unix/XENIX/Linux and others. The O/S that resembles a Kommitee Kludge and is
> supposed to be easy to configure is the one I never seem to agree with its
> conventions. But maybe after all these years I just don't understand NT yet.

Since this was posted twice I decided to elaborate.
1) Talk about heated feelings, WOW.
2) Nowhere in my opinion statement did I say that LINUX is at fault, it is the
convention of incomplete installs I am talking about.
3) My first OS was on a NorthStar floppy in a homebuilt system(1974). I've used
DOS(2-6.2), CPM, various Mac systems.VM,VMS,Unix and the OS the Data General
Nova used for paper tapes, so my OS lineage is close to as old as yours.
4) I LIKE Linux, that is why I'm trying to do all this stuff!
%) I live about 2 hours from the nearest Linux gurus so I depend on you
experts for help.

 Jim "I'm not trolling, but I've hooked something" Hodgers

 >  > -Original Message-
> From: Jim Hodgers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 2:59 AM
> Subject: [expert] Can't install KNEWS, and an opinion
> Now my opinion
> I am a programmer writing Accounting software for the Windows platform
> using Visual Basic.
> One of my REQUIRED tasks is assuring that the program will load on ANY
> Windows machine 
> meeting the required hardware, using either Win95 or Win98. ANY required
> libraries MUST be 
> included to assure this. In the Linux, it is quite common to find that you
> must go out onto 
> the net and search for and load many required libraries, sometimes even
> those won't install
> until other files are obtained. Why not provide a COMPLETE package for
> those that need it?
> All the required dependency stuff it GPLed so all you would need to do is
> acknowledge the 
> sources. This seems to be a matter of some heated feelings with some
> developers, in fact
> I was thoroughly chewed out by one developer whose program I still can't
> install.
> As long as Linux continues to have these niggling issues it will remain out
> of the 
> range of most users.
> PS I know! Visual Basic, ugg, yeck, boo hiss! It gets the job done and pays
> the bills.

[expert] Can't install KNEWS, and an opinion

2000-04-12 Thread Jim Hodgers

I have been looking for a good KDE news reader and wanted to install KNEWS.
I downloaded knews-1.0b.0-1.i386.rpm from the net and tried to install.
It failed on dependencies for "" and "" so I downloaded
"libpng-1.0.5-2mdk.i586.rpm" and "libjpeg-6b-12mdk.i586.rpm" and installed
both with command rpm -i {filename}. Neither returned errors but rpm -i 
{Knews file} still complains about the same dependencies. What am I doing

Now my opinion
I am a programmer writing Accounting software for the Windows platform
using Visual Basic.
One of my REQUIRED tasks is assuring that the program will load on ANY
Windows machine 
meeting the required hardware, using either Win95 or Win98. ANY required
libraries MUST be 
included to assure this. In the Linux, it is quite common to find that you
must go out onto 
the net and search for and load many required libraries, sometimes even
those won't install
until other files are obtained. Why not provide a COMPLETE package for
those that need it?
All the required dependency stuff it GPLed so all you would need to do is
acknowledge the 
sources. This seems to be a matter of some heated feelings with some
developers, in fact
I was thoroughly chewed out by one developer whose program I still can't
As long as Linux continues to have these niggling issues it will remain out
of the 
range of most users.

PS I know! Visual Basic, ugg, yeck, boo hiss! It gets the job done and pays
the bills.

Re: [expert] Wine Is Not an Emulator

2000-04-11 Thread Jim Hodgers

At 04:02 PM 04/10/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, John Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>'Cause there's a few DARN nice programs that are ONLY
>available under Windoze -- Forte Agent is one that comes to
>mind immediately. Although I haven't yet run Agent under
>Wine, I would LOVE to be sure it would work, as that's one
>of the few reasons I keep Windows on hand these days...
>   John
There are 2 programs that keep me in Windows, and Agent is one of them.
The other is Ashlar"s Vellum, a drafting program. I must admit, however, that
I still prefer Eudora(3.5) to any Linux mail program I have found. I tried
but could not get it to load, and was seriously rebuffed by the maintainer
I asked questions on the mail list. The other thing that keeps me having a M$ 
box is no support for my IBM scanner in Linux.
Jim Hodgers