Re: [expert] telnet/ftp problem into host m/c..

2001-03-30 Thread Kevin Venkiteswaran

 from my m/c I am able to login into any other machine
 the other way I am NOT able to ...Where did I screw up...

Note sure what you mean by m/c, but anyway...

 I enabled inet services in startup drake.
 I compared with other machines here, found that I dont have
 ftpaccess file,,,generated that...even thenI am unable to login
 from other machines to my machine...
 from other machines if try : for example:
 [shiva@prism ~]$ ftp cryst  // cryst is my machine
 Connected to cryst.
 421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection
 ftp by
 [shiva@prism ~]$

 I believe this message is caused by the ftp server being taken offline
-- the service hasnt been shut off, but just taken offline... Try
restarting the servicing / checking logs (/var/log/messages is a good
place to start). Also, see comment below for telnet problem.

 [shiva@prism ~]$ telnet cryst   // my machine...
 Connected to cryst.
 Escape character is '^]'.
 Connection closed by foreign host.
 [shiva@prism ~]$

 Check /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow. There is a man page (run
'man hosts.allow') for more info. Just of the file is: 'service:
source', where service is the service you are offering (ftp, telnet,
sshd, etc) and source is the ip/domain/etc. There is also the keyword
'ALL'. First suggestion to see if this is your problem is to comment out
all lines in hosts.deny and hosts.allow, then add to hosts.allow 'ALL:
ALL'. This will allow connections from any host to any service. NOTE:
you do NOT want to leave your machine like this -- its just an easy way
to see if the problem lies in these files. If that fixes your problem,
then add the appropriate directives to these files (say 'ftp: localhost
192.168.1.' for allowing connections from localhost and -- again, see the man page for more details).

Best of luck

There are those who claim that magic is like the tide; that it swells
fades over the surface of the earth, collecting in concentrated pools
and there, almost disappearing from other spots, leaving them parched
wonder.  There are also those who believe that if you stick your fingers
your nose and blow, it will increase your intelligence.
-- The Teachings of Ebenezum, Volume VII

[expert] ProFTPd and IP/interface binding, startup services ordering

2001-03-28 Thread Kevin Venkiteswaran

 Im running proftpd-1.2.0rc3-1.1mdk (from rpm). I run 2 ftp servers: the
default (port 21) and a virtual host (port 22 -- this isnt the real
case, but easier for this discussion). Proftpd is set to start as a
service in run level 3 (run level I run in). In proftpd.conf, I have
'VirtualHost' -- I make use of's dynamic
DNS service b/c I have a DSL connection and my IP changes anytime the
connection resets. I am using 'rp-pppoe-2.5-1' to manage my DSL
connection. What I want to do is have Proftpd accept ftp connections on
the 2 ports, listening on all interfaces/IPs associated with this
physical machine. That means both external (internet) IP and internal
 If I set /etc/proftpd.conf to use the LAN hostname for both of the 2
servers, I can connect from my LAN fine on both ports and get the
approriate server. But, if I connect to the external hostname
(originating from either the LAN or internet), I only get the default
ftp server on both ports. So, how should I be doing this?
 Problem 2: If I use as the hostname for the 2nd ftp
server (port 22), I have problems. This is because when I start my
machine, the DSL service starts *after* Proftpd. This caused Proftpd to
complain that it cant resolve and not start. So, how can
I change the order that the services start?
 Third problem: Proftpd seems to bind to the hostname, rather than an
interface. So, when the DSL connection drops, rp-pppoe handles the
auto-reconnecting. But, Proftpd must be restarted everytime! This is
certainly not the desired behaviour. I have 'proftpd restart' in
/etc/ppp/ip-up.local, but that doesn't seem to always work...

 I cant imagine Im the only one with a similar setup. If anyone can shed
some light on my errs, it would be greatly appreciated. I may even name
my first born child after he/she who can give me the magic answer of my
specific problem.

Thanks in advance
Kevin Venkiteswaran

The chains of marriage are so heavy that it takes two to carry them, and
sometimes three.
-- Alexandre Dumas

Re: [expert] 128bit encryption mozilla

2001-03-20 Thread Kevin Venkiteswaran

Benjamin Sher wrote:
 You can tell by going to
 your bank or to Fortify (

 I tried the above URL for and got the infamous 404 Not
Found. I believe you wanted to point users to  
 Something to note:'s ssl certificate expired on March 07,
2001, 13 days ago. Whether this has any implications Ill leave up to the
experts to explain.


Re: [expert] getting gimp to print under cups

2001-03-08 Thread Kevin Venkiteswaran

 On Tuesday 27 February 2001 14:27, you wrote:
  I have Mandrake 7.1 with CUPS installed.  Gimp refuses to print.
   What should I do to make GIMP recognize and print through cups?
  Registered Linux user  183185
 Personally I get very good print results from gimp, by
 right-clicking in the image selecting "file" and then "print...".
 After sellecting and saving my specific printer in "setup" ,it
 works like a breeze :o)

I, too, have no problem after doing the above steps.

 However, the first time I printed (and foolishly a few times later), I
forgot to select and save the type of printer I had in the gimp's print
dialog. So, my printer starts spewing page after page of postscript
text. I run the cupsWedAdmin and cancel the job but it keeps printing!
So, I turn on/off the printer -- no luck. Try taking the printer offline
(in cups) and also have it reject jobs -- it still prints. In order to
finally make it stop, I have to reset the computer. 
 There has to be a better way to empty the print
'queue'/'buffer'/whatever its called. How?


Re: [expert] xinetd and proftpd

2001-02-21 Thread Kevin Venkiteswaran

 Has anyone configured the xinetd service to run proftpd. The documentation
 states the use of inetd but no xinetd. If anyone has configured it please
 let me know how.

 In /etc/proftpd.conf, put the line 'ServerType inetd' to make the ftp
server non-standalone. Then, to add a service to xinetd,  simply add a
file to /etc/xinetd.d. I called my proftpd, and its contents follow:
service ftp
socket_type = stream
protocol= tcp
wait= no
user= root
id  = ftp
server  = /usr/sbin/proftpd

 Note that I just examined the other files in that directory and kludged
this together. If anyone has a more authoritative word or better idea,
please let us all know.


A fool and his money are soon popular.

Re: [expert] Re: Epson or HP Printers

2001-01-08 Thread Kevin Venkiteswaran

 Would some one please reco either an Epson or HP printer in the US$500 range for use 
with Mandrake 7.2 and up.

 Im using an Epson Stylus Color 740 that I found on sale for US$100. 
Prints at 1440x720, works w/ CUPS (which btw is just fabulous), and Ive
never had a problem w/ it.  Spending US$500 on a printer seems excessive
unless you need the ability to print large (12" width) at very high
resolutions...  Best suggestion I can give is to check out the
respective websites for specs and compare w/ what you actually need (as
opposed to your dream printer).


Re: [expert] setiathome

2000-03-01 Thread Kevin Venkiteswaran

its shipped onl with certain versions -- the i386 should come with it.

 good question
 On Wed, 01 Mar 2000, you wrote:
  So where does one find the 'xseti' binary?  I downloaded the
  setiathome binary and have it running with the -graphics flag, but I
  need the companion program...

Re: [expert] Netscape and java

2000-02-28 Thread Kevin Venkiteswaran

 I know, I know, Java on Netscape for Unix bites.  BUT, say I wanted to
 test it out.  I've uninstalled the 4.70 NS files (both common and
 communicator) from my system and installed the tarball from Netscape of
 the 128-bit version.  Call me silly, but if I'm entitle to good crypto,
 I'm gonna use it.
 All is normal, or as normal as NS gets.  Then, I turn on Java and go to
 a site with an applet.  I get the error that java40.jar is not in the
 CLASSPATH.  Where is the CLASSPATH located and how can I change it to
 point to my directory of java classes?  I would have thought the
 supposedly automatic ns-install shell script would do that for me, but
 apparently not.
 Any help?  Am I missing something obvious here?

 You shouldnt have to set it to get netscape to work.  Im running 4.7
(and have run numerous other versions) and never had to use the
variable.  However, you can set it (in your shell initialization script,
for example) to point to the java40.jar located somewhere beneath the
netscape lib directory (/usr/lib/netscape/java/classes/ on my machine).

Good luck,

[expert] mysterious netscape-communicator network access on startup

2000-01-30 Thread Kevin Venkiteswaran


 Running LM6.1, with netscape-communicator-4.70-1mdk and
netscape-common-4.70-1mdk (installed from RPMs).  When i load Netscape,
it makes some sort of network (to the internet) access (for ppp0 monitor
shows activity).  However, nothing shows up when running 'netstat -n -t
tcp'.  When my connection (dial-up 33.6, so very slow) is quite active,
Netscape can take upto 3minutes to display its 'home' page (local
bookmark file).  Can anyone suggest what it is that Netscape is doing? 
Why does it need network access when it starts?  I am also using it for
email, but have turned _off_ the 'check for new email every XXX minutes'
as well as 'What Related'...

Any help/suggestions/etc are greatly appreciated.


[expert] AMD Athlon support

1999-12-15 Thread Kevin Venkiteswaran


from looking at the hardware support page
(, i saw that the AMD Athlon (k7)
was not listed as being supported.  i wondered if this was, in fact, the
case, or if the page simply hasnt been updated yet?  if anyone could
give me info pertaining to this, it would be greatly appreciated
(motherboard support, etc etc)... and of course, any hardware
suggestions are welcome
