Re: [expert] DNS cache to disk (Is it possible?)

2000-04-22 Thread Michael Moore

On Fri, 21 Apr 2000, you wrote:
 I have installed bind/named on my system and configured it to act as
 cache-only. However, I have seen that the information is stored IN MEMORY. Ok,
 this is not good news for me because I have a dial-up account and the servers
 of my ISP seem to be quite slow (even slower than my local DNS). Do you know of
 any way to make named store DNS information on disk? That would be a real DNS
 cache. Maybe I should use 3rd. party programs.
 Moreover, when named is started, everything is fine, but...
 named[365]: listening on [].53 (lo) 
 named[365]: Forwarding source address is [].1024 
 named: named startup succeeded
 named[377]: Ready to answer queries.
 named[377]: sysquery: sendto([].53): Network is unreachable
 What does this last line mean? What the hell is that "sysquery"?
 Joan Ensesa

You can use Squid to proxy for named and tell it to cache to disk.  The
simplest way to configure this (in terms of effort) is to download


from a cooker mirror and then use netscape to open

with login name root and root password for password, then click the "servers"
tab and configure squid...  Perhaps there is an option under BIND 8 which may
also be configured from that same screen.


Re: [expert] Apartment network wishlist

2000-02-26 Thread Michael Moore

On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, you wrote:
 I have a question on a higher level, not so much about mandrake in particular. Sorry 
if it is too "newbie".
 I want to build a little network in my apartment, and I would like some pointers as 
to how.
 I have two computers, going on three.
 1) A windows/mandrake workstation, OC:d, so I don't want this to run all the time
 2) A linux server, rather old and slow, but fully capable of SSH and serving files
 3) An old compaq (486/33) with should be a terminal.
 I'm on a 10Mbit student housing network, and this is rather choked(tm). I have two 
IPs, so communication over this using my hub is possible, albeit slow. I'd like some 
extra bandwidth of my own, since I want to use the fileserver for my windows files 
and I want to tunnel some communication over ssh without doubling my load on the 
external network.
 1) The linux server to be the gate to the external net, posing as 
 2) The windows machine to be able to use ICQ etc. with it's own IP.
 How do I do this? I probably need another NIC, but that's ok. But will the passing 
of traffic through the linux machine pose any problems, like ICQ not beeing able to 
connect (I've seen this happen when behind firewalls).
 /Adam Skogman

Using the ip masquerade you can accomplish this easily.

Here's how

The linux server needs two NICs say eth0 connected to your local hub and  eth1
to ONE IP.  You will not need the other.  Do not make any other external
connections or you can be easily exploited.

OK  here is the code for the minimal setup  You can set up a script file,
type it in manually or put it in /etc/rc.d/rc.local

ipchains -P forward DENY
ipchains -A forward -i eth1 -j MASQ
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

ICQ, licq, everybuddy, gAIM, all work
Netscape works...  kfm as an ftp works beautifully.
FTP requires "passive mode"  The port commands otherwise point to the wrong
places.  If you are a fan of FTP command lines, use them from the linux server
toward the outside. has the ipchains-HOWTO available in a variety of formats.  You
might also find it at /usr/doc/ipchains-x.y.z on your installation, but I am
told not to bother to learn it because it will be replaced in the imminent
kernel 2.4 release.

I use it all the time(the configuration of a masquerading server, and
ipchains).  It is a wonderful way of closing ports, rejecting certain IPs,
port-forwarding things you want other servers to handle  But most important
your internet IP cannot be used to reach you unless you want to be reached.

Naturally ipchains and a masquerading server and all the known virus and
exploit filters cannot make a winbox behind the masquerading firewall secure. 
Perhaps secure from winnuke, but some bonehead will still find a hostile site
with MSIE or get an Excel spreadsheet in email from a trusted source and end up
toast.  The takeover from Netmeeting won't work  Aggghhh.  

Some of my users have windows in dual boot situations but the NetBIOS ports are
dead locally (yep, no Samba) and onto the internet, so their windows are without
network services locally and without support as well (and for that matter,
their Network Neighborhoods aren't loaded with the info for the system)  So if
they want to get beyond their boxes, they need to use the friendly linux
installations on their desktops.


[expert] 2 AIR Experiences

2000-02-17 Thread Michael Moore

1.  FIC PAG 2130 with AMD K6-2 and 128M RAM Built-in Cyberblade (Trident) video
and "SB-compatible:" sound on the SouthBridge  VIA MVP4 Chipset

GRaphical install worked.  Sound reported "device or resource busy"  Tried
three more installs with different BIOS settings for enabling/disabling sound. 
Tried Lother, which also saw the sound, but could not make it audible.

Video was twitchy.  640x480 at 16 bit depth was all the install would do. 
After playing with the graphical configurator for a while, I managed to get a
flickering 1024x768 at 32 bit.  Strangely enough, Xconfigurator on LM 6.1
working with this board found a non-flickering 1024x768 in 32 bit depth the
first time.

2.  S3 Trio 64V+ with 2 Meg...  Vanilla sound card (ESS1688) Cyrix 686MX PR-200
processor on an Antec Motherboard using the 430 TX intel chipset.  Stayed in
text install.  Froze "in second stage install"  and this was from a boot off
the CD-ROM.  CD was a vanilla 24X and HDD was WD24300.  Only other hardware
present was an RTL8029 NIC.  This one was running SuSE 6.1.

2a.  Trident 9440 video substituted Came up in graphics this time, but froze
"in second stage install" again.

2b.  Switched to a Cyrix 686-PR200+ Processor and dropped the bus speed to 66,
making it essentially a 686-pr166+  Graphical install started working.  This is
probably an artifact of the TX chipset overclocking the PCI bus when it is
pushed past 66MHz  (but why did SuSE work?).

I have had more difficulty with Cyrix Processors under Mandrake than I can
properly deal with.  I still have two machines that won't update (Cyrix GXi-S
types) because, while Mandrake will install, the update packages claim "this is
for a different architecture".  Moreover, in the linuxmall ads, it is posted
that there are issues with Mandrake and Cyrix processors and that while a patch
exists, it was never made available on the Mandrake sites.

I have machines running 686MX-PR200 processors running L-M 6.1 using terrible
chipsets, but not the Intel 430TX, which seems to be in a category by itself. 
Strangely, the TX Chipset can be used to advantage at 75MHz bus speed with a
K6-233 running at 3x bus speed, and LM 6.1 runs there as well, but it fails
with a 686MX running at 2x 75MHz on the 430TX.  I am beginning to wonder if some
instructions do a "not quite back to back" bus locking that evokes a version of
the 686 coma bug which shows up only at the higher clock speed with the timing
of the intel 430 TX chipset for the bus.

Anyone have any similar experiences to share?



Re: [expert] More Printer Woes!

1999-10-26 Thread Michael Moore

WH Bouterse wrote:

 I am presently using L-M 6.1 Helios
 Thanks for the response!

 My printtool config is as follows:
 Name lp
 Spool Directory /var/spool/lpd/lp
 Printer Device /dev/lp0
 Input Filter DeskJet 850

 The ASCHII "directly to port" test prints the proper line
 The other tests go to the que and wait

 #'lpr filename' ques and does nothing
 #'lpr -Plp' filename , the same

 #'lpc stat' gives
 queuing is enabled
 printing is disabled
 no entries
 no daemon present

 Even when 'lpd restart' is done and even rebooting the machine
 'lpc stat' shows "no daemon present" and "printing disabled"

 A least I have seen where the problem "may" be but don't know what to do

 Thanks for any help or ideas!

 William Bouterse
 Juneau Alaska

FIrst, change the print device to the HP 550c, ... 6xxc series

Then see if you have the same problem

Lots of 850s and 870s were shipped which will not respond to the language
they are spec'd for.


Same problem here in Kotzebue.  That was the fix.

Re: [expert] Boot problems

1999-08-21 Thread Michael Moore


That's THREE.

Seagate drive plus L-M 6.0 plus somekinda BIOS

Shuttle HOT591 with VIA Chipset and Seagate 38641  Locked up on install...
Worked fine
With IBM IDE drives  Used K6-2 300  Worked fine
with Seagate and Festen
J-Mark J-5TXC  (Intel TX Chipset)with L-M 6.0 CD and Seagate ST38641 and
Looked good on install  Used 6x86-200 MX
Got running on the disk.  Logout from K Desktop
produced Kernel Panic on reboot
when it tried to remount any partition on the
Seagate 38641
 That same Seagate worked fine in an install and is still cooking along
like a champ on
 a Shuttle HOT 599 (SiS 530 chipset)

And now yours/ with I would guess a ST2850.

I would suggest you try a new install without the Seagate.  I think we might be
triggering some undocumented
diagnostic microcode on the drive electronics.  Otherwise, I, too, am totally
mystified.  Also, the BIOS most likely plays a role in whatever is happening.


John Aldrich wrote:

 As I mentioned in my previous message, I installed Mandrake on my dual-ppro
 200mhz system (192 mb ram and about 9 gb drive space total.)

 I had a problem after I'd installed with the system hard-locking after the
 second or third boot on checking /dev/hda. There is no other file system on
 the computer, just ext2 and swap. I have about 50 mb swap space on /dev/hda2
 and about 75 mb swap on /dev/sdax (don't recall which partition...I *think*
 I put it on /dev/sda2)

 Anyone got any suggestions? I had no problems installing. The system is
 mostly running off the scsi card (Advansys Ultra SCSI ABP940-UA) and
 Mandrake was installed off the CDROM just fine. The first hint of trouble
 came when it locked up.


Re: [expert] Unsupported Disk?

1999-07-09 Thread Michael Moore


Well, I had the channels separated, but I went back and tested with the CD as
IDE0 Slave, IDE1 Master, and IDE1 Slave--same results.  Also tried
UNDERClocking the HOT-591 to 66MHz FSB  (the PCI Bus runs asynchronously to
the Front Side so this showed no improvement, as expected)  I looked at the
SOURCE, (Usually the definitive authority) and the differences between 5.3
(which worked) and 6.0 (which didn't) were unrevealing.  One item I was
unable to chase down in the source I had was the function
ideGetDevices(ide)  I cannot find the source for this function, just a
header in scsi.h.  I have the complete source on the way, but I wonder if
this function was changed between the two sources, perhaps to accommodate the
'new' Ultra 33/66 ???  Anyone else looking at this?

Michael Moore aka Civileme

 I had probs with a Seagate ST36xxx Medalist drive: The installation would
 bomb as soon as I started to install packages. Fixed by (a) moving cdrom
 onto different IDE chain, so hard disk is on its own, or (b) stopped
 oveclocking my Mboard.

 Michael Moore wrote:
  Linux Mandrake  version 6.0 Power Pack
  Installation CD in Panasonic PD Drive
  AMD K6-2 on Shuttle HOT-591P with latest VIA BIOS patches installed
  Processor Clocked at 3 x 100 MHz.
  Jaton/Trident 875 AGP Video card
  Yamaha Opl-3SAx generic sound card
  64 Mb SDRAM PC100.
  Seagate ST38641 HDD (Note:  Has more than 1024 cylinders )
  System was reliably running Windows98 and L-M 5.3 in a dual-boot
  Reached Second Stage Install after booting from CD--When SERVER was
  selected, it froze
  Restart--Same point reached--When WORKSTATION was selected., it froze
  Restart--Same point Reached--CUSTOM got to the Disk Druid/fdisk/Done
  screen.  Both Disk Druid and fdisk froze.
  Restart, now with L-M 5.3 Boot disk.  Used fdisk to set up the
  partitions as I wanted them, then back to L-M 6.0
  Restart--Same point reached, but now I chose "Done".  Installation
  Restart--Now new CD, a plain vanilla 36X proven with LM 6.0 installation
  on another system.  Results unchanged.
  Restart--Now using an IBM TravelStar 3.0 Gb 2.5" HDD--worked all through
  the installation!!!
  Restart--Now with IBM DTTA 351010 10Gb HDD, also with more than 1024
  cylinders.  Worked again to perfection.
  anyone?  ideas? flames? offers to buy a Seagate Drive for $1 US?
  Michael Moore