Francois Desloges wrote:
> Do I need libc5 package installed on a machine built with Mandrake 6.0 from
> scratch?
> I've read all ELF, Glibc2 and GCC HOWTO, but there's of course no
> distribution related info like: is there a single reason on earth why I would
> need glibc 5 if I start to use Linux now? Is there a list somewhere stating
> which applications still require libc5 or until which version
> each application need libc5? Something like:

As far as I know, there is no such list. However (this is my opinion), you
should just leave the libc5 package installed. Everything in a new
distribution uses libc6, as will everything you compile yourself, but if
you ever get a binary compiled with libc5, it'll work fine. It may happen
tomorrow or a year from now, but it's still good not to have to install
anything new.

Also, if you use Netscape, the libc5 version is quite more stable than the
glibc2 one, so there you go - one reason to have libc5 installed right now!

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