[expert] new log error

2001-07-18 Thread Scott Taylor

Suddenly I started to get this message with my morning logs, anyone know 
what it is all about? (it's from an internal machine)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
Subject: Cron  run-parts /etc/cron.daily

error: syslog.rpmnew:1 duplicate log entry for /var/log/auth.log


Scott Taylor
Systems Administrator
DCT Chambers Trucking Ltd.

Re: [expert] JRE

2001-06-29 Thread Scott Taylor

At 03:03 PM 06/29/01, Laura Conrad wrote:
> >>>>> "Scott" == Scott Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Scott> A little off topic here, but what is this x-face header in
> Scott> your email Laura?
> Scott> X-Face:
>If you were reading mail via *emacs and had it configured to do so, it would
>show you a small picture, by which you could identify me.  It's called
>an x-face.  Maybe there are other mail readers that show them, but I
>only know about *emacs.

Ah, I C.  Cute.


Re: [expert] JRE

2001-06-29 Thread Scott Taylor

At 02:43 PM 06/29/01, Laura Conrad wrote:
> > "Alan" == Alan N <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Alan> Can anyone tell me WHAT JRE works with MDK 8?  I've tried

A little off topic here, but what is this x-face header in your email Laura?

From: Laura Conrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Re: [expert] Re: [Announce] MDKA-2001:011-1 - ImageMagick update

2001-06-29 Thread Scott Taylor

At 03:06 PM 06/29/01, Sören Hjalmarsson wrote:


>Jag är på SEMESTER!!
>Jag kommer åter den 9 juli.

I don't speak it, is it Sweden?
Perhaps you found the end of something, and you are going to be found after 
the 9th of July?  Did you just get out of School?  I'm guessing here. :)

>Ha en trevlig sommar!!

You have a terrific summer too.  :)



Re: [expert] bizarre remote access/network problem -Solved

2001-06-29 Thread Scott Taylor

At 01:41 PM 06/29/01, Karl Cunningham wrote:
>I solved a similar bizarre LAN problem by threading one of the CAT-5 
>cables through a ferrite toroid core as many times as it would go.  The 
>symptoms were similar to yours and not consistent -- any time any hardware 
>changed the symptoms would change.  One of the machines on the network was 
>putting noise on the line and messing up one of the switches.  Putting a 
>long cable (80') between that machine and the switch fixed it, but not 
>wanting a mess of cables tried the ferrite core on that cable and it 
>worked too.
>If you have more trouble, you might consider the ferrite core method.

If you have that kind of trouble with CAT-5 I would suggest getting someone 
in to test the cables and find out where the noise is coming from (it could 
be as simple as a kink or a mouse chewed it, etc.).  I don't think you 
should ever need to put a ferrite core on CAT-5, it's already designed to 
reduce noise through it's twisted pair design.  If the cable is up to 
specification and the ends are terminated properly it should be fine up to, 
at least, 50 meters.  AFAIK, if you were to do something like that on a 
Levington install, you would void the lifetime warranty.


Re: [expert] Moving linux to a different, larger drive

2001-06-29 Thread Scott Taylor

At 01:40 PM 06/29/01, David Paik wrote:
>Whats the easiest and safest way to move a linux install from a 6 gig drive
>to a 20 gig drive enlarging the / and /home dirs and making it bootable?

Maybe not the easiest, but safe and my personal favorite:  Do a fresh 
install on the new drive, using a newer release of course, and use tar or 
cpio, or simply "cp -a" to copy your old /home to it's new one and any 
config files you can't live with out to a backup location (you may not want 
to just cp configs from older wares).  Heck, if you are going to retire the 
6 gig drive, you may want to cp the rest of the drive to a backup directory 
on the new one, in case you need something later, it can always be removed 
at a later date.  Othewise leave it intact and just leave it mounted some 
place on the new drive.

If you have a large user database you can take the old /etc/passwd group 
and shadow files, remove the lines up to your first "real" user or group, 
probably user 501 if an MDK7-8 install and just cat the remaining lines to 
the new files ( "cat /old/etc/passwd>>/etc/passwd" don't forget the 
two >>'s for append to instead of replace).  Make sure to change 
/etc/shadow back to 0400 when done.

Try doing that in Windoze. :)


Re: [expert] Resizing / partition

2001-06-29 Thread Scott Taylor

At 11:45 AM 06/29/01, Frederic Soulier wrote:
>I have a linux box (setup by someone else) which has only 1 swap
>partition and 1 / partition.
>This machine also has a windows partition.
>I appears I can delete the windows partition (not needed anymore)
>and resize the / partition to get more space for tux.
>What would be the best way to achieve that? I have tried this
>once and after resizing lilo could not boot the system.
>note: I have no pbm with the resizing part, only with the lilo part

depending on the size available on the Windoze partition, you could 
partition it in 2 parts then use them for /usr and or /home.

the recipe:
Get a copy of Tom's Root n Boot floppy, http://www.toms.net/rb/home.html
then boot from the floppy, mount both drives, all three partitions, use "cp 
-a" to copy the old /usr and /home to the new ones.
mkdir /mnt/old
mkdir /mnt/new
mkdir /mnt/new/usr
mkdir /mnt/new/home

mount -t ext2 /dev/hda1 /mnt/old
mount -t ext2 /dev/hda2 /mnt/new/usr
mount -t ext2 /dev/hda3 /mnt/new/home

cp -a /mnt/old/usr/* /mnt/new/usr
cp -a /mnt/old/home/* /mnt/new/home

I know it looks a little redundant, (could be cp -a /mnt/old/usr /mnt/new/) 
but I do that on purpose to minimize mistakes.  You may have to adjust that 
depending on your hardware and where your new partitions are, how many, etc.

Once that is done, go and edit "/mnt/old/etc/fstab" and add the new /usr 
and /home parts, something like "/dev/hda2 /usr ext2 defaults 1 2"

Compare and confirm all your files are in place then "cd /mnt/old/usr", 
"pwd" make sure you are where you want to be, and "rm -rf *" the whole 
thing.  You'll need to leave /usr in place to mount to when you restart, do 
the same with /home.  Once you are sure everything is in place, remove 
tomsrtbt diskette (if you haven't already) and "init 0".  Hope I haven't 
missed anything.  Be careful.

Do not do this live, make sure you do this with a root n boot set, or plug 
the drives into another Linux boxen.  If you have a tape drive, a backup is 
always a good thing, if you care about the data that is there of course.

Good luck.


[expert] RPM Upgrade

2001-06-27 Thread Scott Taylor

I can't find it.  Does anyone know where to get it or how I can upgrade RPM 
for my Linux 7.1 server?



Re: [expert] IP Alias - What File Stores The Settings?

2001-06-11 Thread Scott Taylor

At 01:56 PM 06/11/01, Sevatio wrote:
>What file is used to store the settings for multiple IP addresses to one
>eth card?


You should be able to find the scripts, ifup and ifdown here:

and the config file for each card, i.e.:

example eth0:0 (alias 0 of eth0) file:



RE: [expert] inetd ?

2001-06-09 Thread Scott Taylor

On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, Scott Pham wrote:

>   -Original Message-
>   From: Sheldon E. Newhouse
>   Sent: Fri 6/8/2001 11:12 PM
>   Cc:
>   Subject: Re: [expert] inetd ?

Yuch!  ExShank headers in Pine really sux.
Someone please remind me to put this in my .procmailrc file on Monday:

*^X-Mailer: *Microsoft*


Re: [expert] NS6 and Virus

2001-06-08 Thread Scott Taylor

At 10:40 AM 06/08/01, OOzy Pal wrote:
>I downloaded NS6 from Netscape ftp site using WinNT
>workstation, while downloading VShield poped up saying
>that this file has a virus. Is this true? or becaus
>the file is Linux type and VShield is Windows type program

Save yourself the grief and don't bother with that version of Netscape, 
it's broken.

Netscape 4.77, on the other hand, is not too bad and stable for the most part.

As for the virus thingy, VShield looks at the execution of the code, and it 
could very well look like a virus to Windows.

Re: [expert] Create a link (shortcut) to my html dir

2001-06-08 Thread Scott Taylor

At 08:46 AM 06/08/01, OOzy Pal wrote:
>My html directory which was created by apache is
>How can I link this directory to a directory in my
>home dir
>such as /home/oozy/html
>so every time I go to home/oozy/html it takes me to /var/www/html/

ln -s /var/www/html /home/ozzy/html

Re: [expert] bizarre remote access/network problem

2001-06-08 Thread Scott Taylor

At 07:56 AM 06/08/01, brian wrote:
>I have a bizarre problem that I hope someone may be able to give me a clue in
>the right direction to solve.
> I have 3 Linux-MDK8.0 PC's on my desk at work. All connected to same
>switch. A,B,C all have public static IP's can all ping each other and ssh
>into each other.

How do these 3 PC's connect to the Internet?  What is the subnet?

> I have a 4th MDK8.0 computer, "D", at home with a publc static IP 
> over an
>ADSL connection.
>A,B,C can all ping and ssh into D.
>When I go home, D can not ping A,B,or C.

That would be a proper firewall behavior.
I'm starting to think that you connection looks like this:


>If I leave a ping running from home for about 1.5 hours, A,B,C start
>responding to my pings.  If I close all ssh sessions and stop pinging for
>approx 1 hour, and then try to ping from D again, the pings fail.
>If I get one of A,B,C to respond from D, I can ssh into it from D, then ssh
>to another computer of A,B,C, and then it will start responding to pings as

Eventually All DoS attacks get through.  You succeeded in compromising your 
own Firewall.  You should discuss this with your Network Administrator.


>Help! I have to get these working. B,C will be web/email servers that won't
>be much good if I can't ping them from outside my office.

Either get more IP addresses from your ISP for the mail and Web servers, 
use a small hub between the servers and the ISP's router/modem/whatever, or 
you can put a third nic in your firewall and using ipchains rules forward 
packets, by port number, to the proper server(s).

Network could look like this:

Mail Srv<--->DMZ<--->Web Srv

Re: [expert] DB2 problem

2001-06-06 Thread Scott Taylor

At 01:02 PM 06/06/01, Scott Taylor wrote:
>At 11:57 AM 06/06/01, Paul Cox wrote:
>>On Wednesday, Jun 06, 2001, Scott Taylor wrote:
>> > >If I remember right, this is from the htdig cron job.  If memory serves,
>> > >after I setup htdig (/etc/htdig/htdig.conf) to scan what I wanted, I
>> > >didn't get that message anymore.  I could be wrong, though.
>> >
>> > That wasn't it either.  htdig runs fine without any errors.
>> > Thanks for the suggestion.
>>I was sure that was it... oh well, sorry I couldn't help you.  I know I
>>fixed that somehow.  Have you looked at the contents of all the scripts 
>>in cron.daily?  Maybe one of them mentions something about DB2?
>Sorry, I was wrong.  I removed the "su -" out of that line and it runs 
>fine, just out of curiosity I tried it with the "su -" in and the error 
>occurred right away.
>So, why was "su -" in there in the first place?
Oops, sorry again, let me clarify that -- removed the "su -" from the line 
in the file "/etc/cron.daily/htdig-dbgen"

Re: [expert] DB2 problem

2001-06-06 Thread Scott Taylor

At 11:57 AM 06/06/01, Paul Cox wrote:
>On Wednesday, Jun 06, 2001, Scott Taylor wrote:
> > >If I remember right, this is from the htdig cron job.  If memory serves,
> > >after I setup htdig (/etc/htdig/htdig.conf) to scan what I wanted, I
> > >didn't get that message anymore.  I could be wrong, though.
> >
> > That wasn't it either.  htdig runs fine without any errors.
> > Thanks for the suggestion.
>I was sure that was it... oh well, sorry I couldn't help you.  I know I
>fixed that somehow.  Have you looked at the contents of all the scripts in 
>cron.daily?  Maybe one of them mentions something about DB2?

Sorry, I was wrong.  I removed the "su -" out of that line and it runs 
fine, just out of curiosity I tried it with the "su -" in and the error 
occurred right away.

So, why was "su -" in there in the first place?


Re: [expert] DB2 problem

2001-06-06 Thread Scott Taylor

At 11:57 AM 06/06/01, Paul Cox wrote:
>On Wednesday, Jun 06, 2001, Scott Taylor wrote:
> > > > From: Cron Daemon 
> > > > To: root
> > > > Subject: Cron  run-parts /etc/cron.daily
> > > >
> > > > DB2 problem...: missing or empty key value specified
> > > >
> > > > Has anyone seen this, know how to get rid of it?
> > > > I know it comes from /etc/cron.daily but I can't see the reference 
> to it,
> > > > an I don't remember installing any IBM database stuff.
> > >
> > >If I remember right, this is from the htdig cron job.  If memory serves,
> > >after I setup htdig (/etc/htdig/htdig.conf) to scan what I wanted, I
> > >didn't get that message anymore.  I could be wrong, though.
> >
> > That wasn't it either.  htdig runs fine without any errors.
> > Thanks for the suggestion.
>I was sure that was it... oh well, sorry I couldn't help you.  I know I
>fixed that somehow.  Have you looked at the contents of all the scripts
>in cron.daily?  Maybe one of them mentions something about DB2?

Checked, no reference to it, it has to be something else I installed, that 
I'm sure I'm not using, it's probably broken, and I'd rather just remove 
it, whatever it is. :)

Guess I could remark out each job until I find the right one.



Re: [expert] DB2 problem

2001-06-06 Thread Scott Taylor

At 11:29 AM 06/05/01, Paul Cox wrote:
>On Tuesday, Jun 05, 2001, Scott Taylor wrote:
> > I'm running LM7.2 and every morning I get this annoying message from
> > cron.daily about DB2 problem:
> >
> > From: Cron Daemon 
> > To: root
> > Subject: Cron  run-parts /etc/cron.daily
> >
> > DB2 problem...: missing or empty key value specified
> >
> > Has anyone seen this, know how to get rid of it?
> > I know it comes from /etc/cron.daily but I can't see the reference to it,
> > an I don't remember installing any IBM database stuff.
>If I remember right, this is from the htdig cron job.  If memory serves,
>after I setup htdig (/etc/htdig/htdig.conf) to scan what I wanted, I
>didn't get that message anymore.  I could be wrong, though.

That wasn't it either.  htdig runs fine without any errors.
Thanks for the suggestion.

[expert] DB2 problem

2001-06-05 Thread Scott Taylor


I'm running LM7.2 and every morning I get this annoying message from 
cron.daily about DB2 problem:

From: Cron Daemon 
To: root
Subject: Cron  run-parts /etc/cron.daily

DB2 problem...: missing or empty key value specified

Has anyone seen this, know how to get rid of it?
I know it comes from /etc/cron.daily but I can't see the reference to it, 
an I don't remember installing any IBM database stuff.


Re: [expert] URGENT!Memory crashes LM 8.0

2001-05-31 Thread Scott Taylor

At 03:01 PM 05/31/01, Dan Swartzendruber wrote:
>On Thu, 31 May 2001, Ric Tibbetts wrote:
> > When you boot it, from the LILO prompt, try:
> >
> > linux mem=384
> >
> > Also, try going back to Windows, and check to see if it is recognizing
> > ALL of that memory.
>none of this explains why he is freezing though.

Right.  I add more RAM to servers running LMdk7.x all the time, never seen 
this problem.  Only differences I can see, is I don't dual boot these 
machines and I always use the same brand & speed of RAM.  Sorry, never 
cheap out on RAM.

Re: [expert] Adding new ttf fonts - didn't REALLY work

2001-05-31 Thread Scott Taylor

At 06:53 AM 05/31/01, Praedor Tempus wrote:
>Last evening I installed some Leonardo DaVinci-style TT fonts from a windows
>floppy I have using drakfont.  It seemed to go OK, in that I could navigate
>to the /mnt/floppy drive and see the ttfs there.  I selected them and
>installed.  When I run drakfont now, I see the leonardo fonts are listed and
>if I select them, they appear as they should in the preview window.
>I decided to test them out.  I first started kword (latest koffice from
>cooker) and selected the leonardo font.  When I started typing, nothing
>appeared and the cursor vanished as well.  Nothing I did would make them
>I then opened kwrite and tried to select the leonardo fonts there but they
>were not there to be selected.  I reopened drakfont and they are there and
>display properly in drakfont, as before.
>What is the deal here?  What steps are necessary to make these fonts become
>properly available to all my various apps?

After you installed the font, did you log out of X and restart xfs?

Re: [expert] Trouble with "Initializing CDROM"

2001-05-31 Thread Scott Taylor

At 08:17 AM 05/31/01, Ortmann, Chris (TIFPC) wrote:
>I realize this should probably go on the newbie list, but I'm already on
>this list.
>I've been running RedHat and Mandrake for years now, and it wasn't until
>recently with Mandrake 7.2 that I've run into trouble with the install.  I'm
>using burned copies of the downloadable cd-images.  I have attempted using
>the cdrom.img on a bootdisk, but the problem ends up the same.

Did you check the checksum on the downloaded file?

If you are using Apaptec Easy CD Creator, make sure you set it to close the 
CD when it is done, I believe the default it to leave it open (or maybe 
what ever way it was used last) so you can add more files to it at a later 

Re: [expert] RPM version

2001-05-31 Thread Scott Taylor

At 07:22 AM 05/31/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>How would I find out what version of RPM I have? I'm currently using LM 7.0
>and am in the process of updating several things but cannot because I get "
>only packages with major numbers <=3 are supported by this version of RPM".
>I need to update glibc, RPM, and seveal other things but cannot due to

rpm -- version
rpm -q rpm
man rpm for more info

Re: [expert] CUPS and Samba problem

2001-05-30 Thread Scott Taylor

On Wed, 30 May 2001, Dan Swartzendruber wrote:

> At 08:55 AM 5/30/2001 -0700, Scott Taylor wrote:
> > > >Do you really need CUPS?
> > > >
> > > >If not, go back to BSD style printing (lpr) and Samba should work fine.
> > >
> > > odd.  i'm using samba with cups under 8.0 and it works fine.
> >
> >So then, what is wrong with his config.  I had the same problem, I removed
> >CUPS and went back to lpr and everything just worked.  Does CUPs need some
> >special setting, file perms or something?
> dunno.  here's what i've been using:
> [printers]
>  comment = All Printers
> #   path = /var/spool/samba
> #   create mask = 0700
>  guest ok = Yes
>  printable = Yes
>  printing = CUPS
> #   print command = lpr-cups -P %p %s # using cups own drivers (use
> generic
> PostScript on clients).
> #   print command = lpr -o raw
> #   lpq command = lpstat -o %p
> #   lprm command = cancel %p-%j
> this is samba 2.0.9.  look at the files  in /var/log/cups/, any hints there?
May also want to check the samba logs. ;)

Re: [expert] kmail & importing mails

2001-05-30 Thread Scott Taylor

On Wed, 30 May 2001, Andreas [iso-8859-1] Müller wrote:

> Hallo,
> I'm using kmail and would like to import mails from an older LM installation.
> Is there any easy way to import the mails or ADD them to the exinting ones?

man cat

Re: [expert] CUPS and Samba problem

2001-05-30 Thread Scott Taylor

On Wed, 30 May 2001, Neil Kittipalo wrote:

> I have several 98/95 boxes which have previously printed to the LaserJet 5L
> connected to my Linux box. I was using SuSE then and had no problems.
> Now with Mdk 7.2 and 8.0 I'm trying to make printing work with CUPS and I'm
> having no luck.
> I changed my smb.conf as follows ( I read this somewhere )...
> ;   printing = bsd
> ;   printcap name = /etc/printcap
>printing = cups
>load printers = yes
> When I try to print from a windows box the light on the printer gives a quick
> flash and that is all that happens - no output.
> Printing from Linux apps is working fine.

Do you really need CUPS?

If not, go back to BSD style printing (lpr) and Samba should work fine.

Re: [expert] /etc/hosts.deny ?

2001-05-30 Thread Scott Taylor

On Wed, 30 May 2001, Andreas [iso-8859-1] Müller wrote:

> Hallo,
> I just have a dialup account and want to prevent all machines from the
> internet to connect to mine. As much as I understand it hosts.deny will do
> this. I have added the following line to /etc/hosts.deny

All: All: deny

All: localhost: allow

Re: [expert] logrotate still stuck

2001-05-29 Thread Scott Taylor

At 03:57 PM 05/29/01, Stephen Lawrence Jr. wrote:
>Hmm, the only problem I had on 7.1 servers was in the logrotate.d/syslog
>configuration. It was set like this:
>/var/log/mail/* {
>which is wrong.
>The correct entrie would be:
>/var/log/mail/errors {
>/var/log/mail/info {
>The '/var/log/mail/*' was causing the previously compressed and rotated logs
>to be rotated once more, causing a whole slew of rotations of rotations of
>rotations of rotations,  etc..
>Does this help?

Thanks, but I already figured that part out.  I think this problem goes a 
little deeper.  A corrupt file or bad memory or some such.

>Scott Taylor wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have been going through the archives regarding the broken logrotate
> > script and see a few that have this same problem, but still can't find the
> > fix.  Maybe I missed it.
> >
> > So far, I have cleaned out the bad /var/log/mail and news
> > directories.  Updated logrotate and slocate and all the rest of LMdk7.1
> > updates and still the logrotate proc never stops.  It is only happening on
> > one of three 7.1 servers, so I figure something is corrupt, but can't
> > figure out what.  Any body have a fix for this?
> >
> > In case this helps:  after a few minutes strace on logrotate shows these
> > lines over and over like it's in a forever loop:
> > 19779 mremap(0x4013d000, 606208, 606208, MREMAP_MAYMOVE) = 0x4013d000
> > 19779 time(NULL)= 991160911
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > --
> > Scott Taylor
> > Systems Administrator
> > DCT Chambers Trucking Ltd.
>Stephen Lawrence Jr. - Programmer
>California Animal Health & Food Safety Laboratory System, UC Davis

Scott Taylor
Systems Administrator
DCT Chambers Trucking Ltd.

[expert] logrotate still stuck

2001-05-29 Thread Scott Taylor


I have been going through the archives regarding the broken logrotate 
script and see a few that have this same problem, but still can't find the 
fix.  Maybe I missed it.

So far, I have cleaned out the bad /var/log/mail and news 
directories.  Updated logrotate and slocate and all the rest of LMdk7.1 
updates and still the logrotate proc never stops.  It is only happening on 
one of three 7.1 servers, so I figure something is corrupt, but can't 
figure out what.  Any body have a fix for this?

In case this helps:  after a few minutes strace on logrotate shows these 
lines over and over like it's in a forever loop:
19779 mremap(0x4013d000, 606208, 606208, MREMAP_MAYMOVE) = 0x4013d000
19779 time(NULL)= 991160911


Scott Taylor
Systems Administrator
DCT Chambers Trucking Ltd.