> ken bonner wrote:
> >  128 megs ram,rage fury pro video, on an Asus A7V133 motherboard with onboard 
>promise ATA 100 controller.  (I think that's the trouble)
> Found in a Mandrake forum once upon a time (can't find it now though).
>   User's Day II: LM 7.2 And Asus A7V With ATA 100 Hard Disk
>   Contributed by Tom on Friday December 01, @ 07:59AM
>   from the bleeding-edge dept. 
>   chri writes "Hi, I've finally found a way to install (and use) LM 7.2
>   with my A7V and an ATA 100 hard disk." 
>   "First, you need to have the Promise driver loaded in Windows. Then,
>   in the devices manager, find the Promise Ultra 100 IDE controler. In
>   the last tab of the properties ("ressources" in french), make a note 
>   of the four first I/O addresses (for  example, i have 9000,8800,8400 
>   and 8000).
> Note: you can use lspci to get this io information.
>   Then, you can boot with the LM 7.2 CD.
>   At boot, press F1, and choose the "expert" mode with parameters. With
>   my I/O addresses, I used:
>   "expert ide2=0x9000,0x8802 ide3=0x8400,0x8002"
>   (you add 2 for the 2nd and 4th i/o adress).
>   Now your hd is detected, and you can install Linux.
>   The last thing to do is to put these parameters in the "append" line
>   of the lilo configuration (or GRUB's 'menu.lst')
>   It worked fine for me and I really hope it'll be the same for
>   everybody ! " 
> -- 
> Blue skies...       Todd
> | Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get what you want.      |
> | http://www.mrball.net  |  Sometimes you get experience.         |
> | http://faq.mrball.net  |                     --unknown origin   |
 Thank you very much, I'll give that a try in the morning or evening for you normal 
people, I apreciate it! and hopefully I can get linux up and running again pretty 
quick here.
 My ambition is to someday be able to get rid of everything to do with windows, and 
have a pure linux box, but for some reason, I keep running into some game or bit of 
hardware that is made for windows, so I end up with something from redmond no matter 
what....it's a pain
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