        This lot is to do with finding a way to introduce a valid /dev/sequencer
        socket on MDK 8.2

        The sound/audio subsystem is as per original installation.

        Under W2K SP3 , one needs to introduce a special driver to get
        the (on board) sound working, which (to me) implies that the
        sound system has something `funny' about it ( getting technical now eh? <g>)

        The (on board) purports to be ep 1370 and the driver loaded
        is i_810_audio.
                So far so good.  Timidity & Kmid work OK - well, a bit glitchy
        but i have never bothered about that, since I have (so far)
        only used 'em to play back MIDI files generated from ABC
        scripts. The actual music eventually coming planks with
        bits of string fastened to them ;=)
                I assume that Kmid (like timidity) is doing the MIDI - >wav
        conversion in software BTW, which would explain the 'glitches' i think.

                I have quite recently though started to look at things like 
        rosegarden, which (as I expect is true of most more recent MIDI
        software) DOES require /dev/sequencer

        Quite a lot of the multimedia stuff has never worked on my  Linux
        side because of the 'can't' find /dev/sequencer  socket, which judging
        by the mail archive is a very common problem.

        On this system , for ex, /dev/sequencer does not even exist, which
        I gather means that either:

        a.              The incorrect set of drivers is loaded.
        b.              The driver loaded is correct but needs some additional 
        c.              The driver does not provide /dev/sequencer because the sound
                        hardware will not support it.

        The documents in  the kernel source appear to support [c]
        especially  as wav / mp3 playing work quite adequately which implies that
        the driver IS `correct'.

        If [c]  is the case, then no amount of adding things to modules.conf
        or rebuilding bits of the kernel is going to sort it out, so I reckon that
        the two options open are:

        1.   Sack the on-board sound & put in something that works instead.
        2.   Find a way of introducing an extra bit of software that will provide
                a /dev/sequencer socket - which would at least get it working
                after a fashion ......

        Anybody got any useful ideas on this?  - 'twould be nice to get this
        part of linux working here finally!

Regards,  RJP


RJP  Web    <http://sedric.co.uk>. || <http://www.apum26.dsl.pipex.com>

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