Re: [expert] CL Voodoo Banshee and other 7.2 bugs!

2000-11-03 Thread Larry Marshall

> Now since mdk 7.2 has xfree 4.0 I have the SAME problem ( duh, guess its
> xfree 4.0??  :) )

Why don't you just install using 3.3?  When you do an expert install
you're asked which you want to use.  

> Any clues and/or drivers are welcome!

I would suggest that you reflect on your Linux history.  Being on the
cutting edge of this distro release stuff is going to generate problems,
whether it's RH7.0 or LM7.2.  LM7.2 has not only XFree86 4.01 but it's got
a new, not completely ready for prime time KDE.  If you're having X
problems you might consider installing LM7.1.

Cheers --- Larry 

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Re: [expert] CL Voodoo Banshee and other 7.2 bugs!

2000-11-03 Thread Jason Straight

Is sounds like your modelines are messed up - try running xvidtune as root 
and see if you can't adjust your picture to look normal from there.

On Thursday 02 November 2000 20:49, you wrote:

> > I'm posting this in the slim hopes someone's gotta answer..
> After running RH 6.2 changing to mdk 7.1 was the most awsome install of
> linux I ever had, and I posted it here..
> However, 7.2's got a few problems ( and I don't think they are Mandrake
> problems!!! )..
> I was running RH 6.2 and tried RH 7 beta.. For 3 days I tried to get my (
> mandrake working ) CL Voodoo Banshee and Maxtech 17" monitor working
> properly in 1280x1024..  I gave up and dloaded mdk 7.1.. ( I used mdk 5.3
> as my FIRST PRODUCTIVE linux distro and kept mdk until the 7.0 horror
> stories appeared )..
> Anyway, RH 7 beta contained the ( at the time brand new Xfree 4.0
> server )... I tried for 3 days to get my vid/monitor combo to work.. All
> with the same result, pix, but a  terribly distorted pincushion ( curve
> )...
> Now since mdk 7.2 has xfree 4.0 I have the SAME problem ( duh, guess its
> xfree 4.0??  :) )
> So, I think it's an Xfree 4.0/Voodoo Banshee problem and I'm so pissed
> 'cause KDE 2.0 looks so good and as usual MDK installed flawless..
> But in the slim hopes someone ELSE is running a CL Voodoo Banshee and has
> fixed this, please post and better yet email me!!
> Since I think I will try to go back to a known good ( Matrox ) tomorrow..
> Windows, I don't worry about, everything works ( ha! ), but I run BeOS also
> ( which I like and Matrox G400's and such are supported )..
> Any clues and/or drivers are welcome!
> Thanks!
> Alan

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Jason Straight - Senior Network Tech - Personal Page
ICQ 1796276

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[expert] CL Voodoo Banshee and other 7.2 bugs!

2000-11-02 Thread Alan N.

I'm posting this in the slim hopes someone's gotta answer..

After running RH 6.2 changing to mdk 7.1 was the most awsome install of
linux I ever had, and I posted it here..

However, 7.2's got a few problems ( and I don't think they are Mandrake
problems!!! )..

I was running RH 6.2 and tried RH 7 beta.. For 3 days I tried to get my (
mandrake working ) CL Voodoo Banshee and Maxtech 17" monitor working
properly in 1280x1024..  I gave up and dloaded mdk 7.1.. ( I used mdk 5.3 as
my FIRST PRODUCTIVE linux distro and kept mdk until the 7.0 horror stories
appeared )..

Anyway, RH 7 beta contained the ( at the time brand new Xfree 4.0
server )... I tried for 3 days to get my vid/monitor combo to work.. All
with the same result, pix, but a  terribly distorted pincushion ( curve )...

Now since mdk 7.2 has xfree 4.0 I have the SAME problem ( duh, guess its
xfree 4.0??  :) )

So, I think it's an Xfree 4.0/Voodoo Banshee problem and I'm so pissed
'cause KDE 2.0 looks so good and as usual MDK installed flawless..

But in the slim hopes someone ELSE is running a CL Voodoo Banshee and has
fixed this, please post and better yet email me!!

Since I think I will try to go back to a known good ( Matrox ) tomorrow..

Windows, I don't worry about, everything works ( ha! ), but I run BeOS also
( which I like and Matrox G400's and such are supported )..

Any clues and/or drivers are welcome!


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