I am running Linux-Mandrake 7.0 for UltraSPARC on my SPARCstation 20 and I am 
attempting to use a dual monitor, each monitor has its own graphics card (SGX 8 bit 
card).  I know in the earlier versions of Linux, dual monitor capability was not 
available, but that was around 1996.  Well, time has passed, and I would like to know 
if this feature is available for Linux-Mandrake, and if so, can I implement this 
feature on my SPARCstation 20. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.


PS- If anyone is remotely wondering why two monitors, well, I use to use Solaris and 
dual monitor feature was available. Therefore I would like to use the other monitor 
instead of it just sitting there collecting dust :)


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