Im running proftpd-1.2.0rc3-1.1mdk (from rpm). I run 2 ftp servers: the
default (port 21) and a virtual host (port 22 -- this isnt the real
case, but easier for this discussion). Proftpd is set to start as a
service in run level 3 (run level I run in). In proftpd.conf, I have
'<VirtualHost>' -- I make use of's dynamic
DNS service b/c I have a DSL connection and my IP changes anytime the
connection resets. I am using 'rp-pppoe-2.5-1' to manage my DSL
connection. What I want to do is have Proftpd accept ftp connections on
the 2 ports, listening on all interfaces/IPs associated with this
physical machine. That means both external (internet) IP and internal
 If I set /etc/proftpd.conf to use the LAN hostname for both of the 2
servers, I can connect from my LAN fine on both ports and get the
approriate server. But, if I connect to the external hostname
(originating from either the LAN or internet), I only get the default
ftp server on both ports. So, how should I be doing this?
 Problem 2: If I use as the hostname for the 2nd ftp
server (port 22), I have problems. This is because when I start my
machine, the DSL service starts *after* Proftpd. This caused Proftpd to
complain that it cant resolve and not start. So, how can
I change the order that the services start?
 Third problem: Proftpd seems to bind to the hostname, rather than an
interface. So, when the DSL connection drops, rp-pppoe handles the
auto-reconnecting. But, Proftpd must be restarted everytime! This is
certainly not the desired behaviour. I have 'proftpd restart' in
/etc/ppp/ip-up.local, but that doesn't seem to always work...

 I cant imagine Im the only one with a similar setup. If anyone can shed
some light on my errs, it would be greatly appreciated. I may even name
my first born child after he/she who can give me the magic answer of my
specific problem.

Thanks in advance
Kevin Venkiteswaran

The chains of marriage are so heavy that it takes two to carry them, and
sometimes three.
                -- Alexandre Dumas

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