Hello all,

I was dropped off the mailing list for some reason last week so forgive me if 
this question has already been answered.

I managed to install the KDE 2.1.1 XFree files but I'm having a problem with 
kdelibs. This is the error that I get:

unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/actions/ 
kde: cpio: mkdir.

Quite a lot of the file unpacks before the error message is displayed. Does 
this mean that there is an error in my copy of kdelibs-2.1.1 or is it a 
packaging fault?

I suspect a packaging fault because rpm test gives this response:
rpm: --tarbuild (-t) requires one of a,b,i,c,p,l as its sole argument 


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