yes, i have used text editor but as my post described, this doesn't show
all the info. my example was my datebook.pdb file created after a
hotsync from my pilot, in win98 i could see that all two years stuff was
in there but in kde the same file only displayed a tiny proportion of
the same info (approx 3 days worth), perhaps there is some preference in
text editor that i need to set,

i also have another post about right click menu items, as text editor
isn't always shown this way - i would like to change that,
if you always have this option on a right click, please let me know as
maybe something is broken?


"Jonathan S." wrote:
> Have you tried right clicking on the file and choosing text editor, I use
> this all the time to open files in mandrake. If using gnome, then use the
> gnotepad or gedit.
> bascule wrote:
> > what is a good kde equivalent of notepad?

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