Just to set the record stratght.  Now you know "The rest of the story"
This email exchange took place BEFORE he posted the message of what a "jerk" I was.  It sounds like he is on some kind of a crusade.  You be the judge!
>>>From me to Douglas>>>
Chill out- I don't believe I was getting nasty at all.  This wasn't a "F*up" on any server at all, it was "A USER" - "ONE USER" on a personal desktop configuration who had created a rule for auto-reply.  I understand the issue, I subscribe to the list myself and yes, it is annoying.  If you meant it as a funny comment, then I apologize for mentioning it, but again, I am thankful for you bringing this to my attention so the problem could be resolved.  Incidently, others had replied to that individual himself and he was aware of the problem as soon as he got to work this morning and the issue was resolved.

>>> Douglas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/07/00 09:01AM >>>
it was supposed to be a funny comment on a very crummy situation. In any case
the list has thousands of people on it worldwide with no moderator, so this
wouldn't be a threat just a valid assesment of the likelyhood of somebody
getting nasty with you for the F*up on your servers. I was advising the
people on the list in any case to NOT get nasty, so back off jack!

On Tuesday 07 November 2000 08:46 am, you wrote:

> > This was a simple mistake and the problem has been fixed.  We thank you
> bringing it to our attention and we appologize for any inconvience this has
> caused.  In the future, threats are inappropriate, (I wouldn't want to
> think what they might do, if this isn't addressed soon.), so please avoid
> them. Thank you,
> Dave
> Webmaster
> >>> Douglas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/07/00 01:39AM >>>
> Dear sirs
> Below are some samples of an irritating auto reply that appears to be
> coming from a machine on your URL. Could you investigate this please?
> The natives of this list are beginning to complain, and are getting
> restless. I wouldn't want to think what they might do, if this isn't
> addressed soon. The stupid " fred " we are getting is only coming from this
> email address;

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