civileme wrote:
> Mark Lucas wrote:
>>I've set up a software RAID 0 on my 8.2 system and it works very well.
>>Until, that is, I need to restart at which point the system won't mount
>>/dev/md0 and complains of 'invalid file type'. I don't have to restart very
>>often (thankfully) but when I do I need to make a backup forst then reset
>>the RAID when the system comes up. This is a real pain! Anybody had a
>>similar problem?
>> Mark
> Check
> Your question should be answered there... basically you need a non-RAID
> /boot partition with an initrd that loads the RAID modules.
> Civileme

heading that way shortly. thanks for 'hot link'.

interesting to see how it works with scsi bussed raid boxes.

spend any time with scsi as a box buss?

would you happen to know of some good sources for info
for sharing scsi buss between 2 or more controllers.

ria, i am looking to set up a 'full scsi linked system'.

"_raid ide on lan_ + _raid scsi hd internal system + _raid scsi external_"

aka,  "_ril+sin+sex_" ...

you may be giving up your position, but never, give up your posts.

i have learned from them all. look forward to next.

peace out, rocky.



Subject: Re: [expert] Software RAID

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