I installed mdk 7.2 at a friends computer but couldn't seem to get X up and 
running, I had set the correct Horisontal and vertical refresh rates (I know 
they're correct 'cause I borrowed the monitor for a while and used it at my 
computer with mdk 7.2 on it).  I took the machine home, used another monitor 
and got the nvidia drivers installed and X/kde up and running. Everything 
worked smoothly.

When I got back to his place and pluged in his monitor X wouldn't start, more 
to it the computer seems to freeze when trying to do so.  The monitor changes 
to the correct resolution and refresh rates (found with the on-screen-display 
of the monitor), but it displays a black screen with a smaaall green line at 
the top left corner.  The system refuses to take any input from both the 
keyboard and the mouse, and I have to reboot the machine (can't even turn the 
numlock on and off).

The monitor is a Hyundai P910 (19") and the display adapter is a RIVA ULTRA 
TNT2.  Everything seems to be correct in the XF86Config-4 file and I checked 
to see that the X symlink points to 4.0.1 and not 3.3.6.

Ps. the startx script doesn't do anything at all, just sits there.  I have to 
start the server either with XFree86 or xinit.

Pps. tried with the nv driver instead of nvidia, but it still gives me the 
same fault, also tried with the vga driver and a resolution of 800x600 in 

\ Christian A Strømmen /
\ Number1/NumeroUno @ Undernet - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
\ Web: www.realityx.net - Cell: +47 911 43 948 /
   Live your life by your dreams,
     not by the limits of reality...

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