Swap is necessary when you need more memory than physical memory, so
if your memory need is below the physical memory, you don't need swap.

Windows XX needs swap because their VM system doesn't work well, and
memory leaks very quickly. My notebook has 192M RAM but I have to
reclaim memory using "WinSystem" now and then, or applications will
be blank, slow, or corrupt.

Friday, June 09, 2000, 9:44:00 AM, you wrote:

J> physical RAM that you don't have?  This last time I installed, I didn't
J> give Linux any swap space, and it runs better now than I've ever seen
J> it.  I also run Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 without any virtua
J> memory, and their performance has had a substantial gain lately.  Just a
J> little advice from experience, and take it with a grain of salt.  I
J> wouldn't drop the swap completely, unless you have 256MB or better.


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