I'm tryping to fix an annoying behavior in the version of KDE that comes with
Mandrake. I've traced it down to the the "kcontrol -init" line in the startkde
script. What happens is that when X starts, my screen goes to the normal
1280x1024 resolution, with all edges going to the edge of the monitor. However,
once "kcontrol -init" runs, the screen resets to the same resolution, but with
the edges about 1/2 away from the edge of the monitor. By pressing c-a-- and
c-a-+, I can get back to where I want it. My monitor is telling me that I'm
running in the same "custom" mode each time.

Why is this happening in Mandrake and not Redhat? I need to run "kcontrol
-init" so that my settings are restored, so turning it off is not an option.
Does anyone know what is going on, or where I can find a decent FM for kcontrol?


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