I made it through kernelbuild...some of the return messages were difficult to
understand...but everything seemed to work. No "real" error messages or missing
components(development install of Mandrake 7.1). Tells me that
bzImage-2.2.17-... is in /boot. Upon rebooting. 2.2.15 is still the kernel and
the only kernel to load. The 2.2.17 kernel is nowhere to be found. So, just to
experiement, I type "make install" in usr/src/2.2.17...puts the kernel into
place. Reboot and 2.2.17 lives! But...it finds 8 scsi drives(I only have an
ATAPI/IDE CD-R/RW that needs any scsi support) and refuses to identify my
NIC's. How do I get my kernel source to include all the "drivers" and modules
that I have for 2.2.15 so that when I config, they are active for selection? I
guessing this is where I am falling short...I can potentially identify
everthing I'll need from the 2.2.15 source, but I need to know if this is going
in the right direction or am I heading for yet another failed kernelbuild??? 
Can I re-use the config file from 2.2.15 in some way in order avoid make
xconfig again?

 Currently I am re-making the 2.2.15 kernel for re-installation so everything
works again and I can more easily identify the source files.

 ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
Subject: Re: [expert] [Fwd: Updating ML and Kernel]
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 10:23:05 -0400

Praedor or any one else who has knowledge and conversation with the holy kernel:

        Maybe you can help me understand this a little better. I got past all
the hurdles and got to the make xconfig step in buildkernel. Now here's my
dilemma...I have a C-Media chipset (8738am) which is supported in Mandrake 7.1
iso image. The support is marked EXPERIMENTAL which is not a problem for the CD
install. I have no trouble with it as long as I use the eSound daemon instead
of OSS to play back mp3 files. However, when checking off my xconfig I come to
the sound card menu and C-Media is locked out of selection. Does this mean that
I need to add the proper include, .o files, etc from my previous source set
(2.2.15) for make xconfig to allow the C-Media support to be selected? 2.2.16
installs by RPM with little difficulty and no impact on my system, but I'd like
to try 2.2.17 in any case.  Do I need the headers for 2.2.17 for this to work
correctly? R'ingTFM is not doing me any good since I'm doing that now for this
C-Media support. The difference between the source RPM's, the tarballs, and the
bz2 files has me in a little mental knot. If there is a headers file for 2.2.17,
where can I find that? If you consider these newbie questions, sorry, but I
don't think they are questions that a newbie can possibly answer...

On Sat, 07 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> I would like to strongly advocate dispensing with doing
> an rpm install of kernels and, instead, download the
> buildkernel rpm and use that.  It is a wonderful app that
> makes building your own kernel painless and simple.
> You run "buildkernel --help" to get a list of all the options
> (I usually use "buildkernel --BKBUILDTYPE=bzImage --HOSTTYPE=i386"
> and sometimes, I even indicate the kernel with
> It takes it from there.  First, it looks at your system, checks
> to make sure you have enough harddrive space available, removes
> any pre-existing kernel source (not the tarball), automatically
> connects and downloads the latest kernel or the specific version
> you specify (see above with --BKKERNELTOBUILD).  It downloads the
> kernel, with hashmarks to indicate progress.  It then decompresses
> it and starts xconfig (or you can specify another config type).
> You then just go down the nice list of options and modules you
> want in your kernel. When done, select "save and exit" and that
> is that.  The kernel and all the proper modules are compiled 
> and installed.  A proper entry is made to your lilo.conf, and
> all the appropriate files and symlinks are produced in your
> boot directory.  Once done, run lilo to install the new conf,
> reboot to try your new kernel.  Simple, and the kernel is
> customized to YOUR specifications for YOUR system.  Real nice.
> I have been doing it this way since RedHat 5.0.  It is the 
> only way to go.  
> praedor

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