Is the installer for mdk 8.2 going to make it easier to set up a software RAID
under Linux?  The main thing that steered me away from pure Linux software RAID
after I got past all of the other snags was that I realized maintaining a
bootable software RAID would be too much of a pain in the long run for me.  The
reason for this is that at the time that I decided to go with a 3ware controller
I had to go through a long and complicated process to install Mandrake on my
system.  Doing it once isn't so bad, but when you guys release a new version of
your OS I like to "upgrade" to it and going through the process of "upgrading"
on a bootable software RAID just takes too long.  (Now if I just had time to
hack and try to optimize the 3ware drivers. :-))

civileme wrote:

> Not supported unless you are an expert...
> These RAID controllers are like unto WinModems--really software does the job,
> which is not a bad thing because it does increase performance, but the
> drivers just aren't there for linux.
> Here is an article I wrote for a LUG about the devices.
> OK if you want a hardware IDE RAID, there is one, and it is OS transparent.
> There is nothing else that is a pure hardware IDE RAID.
> Now we have controllers from CMD, Promise, Highpoint, and at least one other
> plus 3ware.  The 3ware controller, while it existed, had GPL drivers.  Those
> are all to some extent Software RAID.  Here's how tey do it:
> Assume this line is your disk space:
> M-----------------------------
> where M is te master boot record.
> After the controller does its thing,
> MR--------------------------R
> where the R are date and timestamp info.  Also your drive has been destroked
> in the BIOS to protect those areas.  There is also a little info there to
> toggle which lie the controller will tell the system about wat is real and
> what is not.
> The result is that you have precisely one RAID extent, because of this
> design.  The R at the front of the disk is useless because LILO stomps all
> over it, but the one at the other end is the one used (originally, only the
> beginning was used so very early controllers are rotally incompatible with
> linux and in fact their RAIDs are destroyed by an attempted install.)
> OK let's look at the software RAIDs
>         "Hardware " Cards                       Linux Software RAID
> Extents                 1                               >16
> RAID Types      0, 1 0+1                                0,1,4,5
> Identical drives        Yes                             Irrelevant
> Volume mgr      No                              Volumes can be pieces of
>                                                      up to 16 drives
> Setup at install        No, requires kernel mods        Yes
> Cost                            $30-100 extra                   Your time
> Journaling filesystems will work with both.
> If you really want to use the RAID controller in RAID mode, even after all of
> this, there is some _experimental_ software to do so here:
> Of course, this is not for the faint of heart.  The one advantage of having
> this software probably is with Promise FastTrak controllers which do not
> fully work as IDE controllers in linux.  The most useful feature is
> compatibility with Windows RAID for file exchange on a stand-alone dual-boot
> system.  (A small network has better alternatives).
> RAID0 does perform better for two drives as far as access time goes.  It
> performs even better if the drives are on different IDE channels, which is
> achievable with linux Software RAID, but not with the controllers I have
> tested.
> Finally, all of the IDE-RAID controllers are closed-source at this time.
> They may all admit that linux software RAID is better in implementation than
> theirs, but they are sorely afraid of giving their competitiors advantage in
> the Windows market.
> WinRAIDs, anyone?
> Civileme
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