Hey everyone,

I am posting this question, cause I haven't had any replies to it on the newbie list, I hope it's ok.

I am running LM 8.2, and all my partitions are XFS.
I am also running the system with msec level 5.
The machine's Kernel is : kernel-secure-

Today I setup quotas for my users. I added the lines that were needed in fstab, and the quotas are being enforced.

My problem is that I would like my users to know what their current quota is, and for some reason typing quota doesn't work.

If a user types "quota",
they get something like:
"Disk quotas for user XXX(uid XXXX): none"

If they type "quota -v" they get something like:
Disk quotas for user XXX (uid XXXX):
Filesystem blocks quota limit grace files quota limit grace
/dev/hda5 0 0 0 0 0 0
/dev/hdc7 0 0 0 0 0 0

Yet, if I check their quota as root, I get the accurate values.
In other words, the quota command works as expected only if I am running it as root.

I am guessing it might be that quota can't read something that contains the quota info when it is run as a user. What else could it be? What should I try?

I read the XFS info about the quota system on SGI's site (and in the docs), but they all seem to imply that it should be possible to run the quota command as a user and get the proper result.

My second and last question is that I would like the quota info to be displayed for each user when they log on through ssh. How do I make that happen?

Thanks in advance!


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