did you try removing all hardware not absolutly necessary for an install?

like sound cards /network carts and stuff, add them later..

I had a system that would not install with the sound card in...

I took everything out of the PC, loaded linux put the cards back in and set
them up, worked fine..

Also, if its a possible hardware issue, it mighten hurt to download the
latest motherboard bios, Asus are pretty good at supplying newer bios's for
old boards so you might be in luck...



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kevin Rich
Sent: Sunday, 2 September 2001 4:54 AM
Subject: [expert] Pure install from hd (no boot floppy) how?

Hi all,

I have an older p200 asus system (with name brand
components) that the MDK 8.1 beta install program has
some problem with, as do other versions of the MDK
install (7.2 onward).

After it starts reading the media (cd rom, or hd where
ever I have mdk) I get

"error in exec of stage2 :-(
FATAL ERROR IN STAGE1: Not a directory
I can't recover from this
You may reboot your computer"

To get MDK 8 installed i had to stick that drive in my
other computer for the install.

No matter what method I choose it will crash during

I've tried
1) copy to hard drive option, then rawwrite hd.img to
floppy and boot etc (stage1 error).
2) copy to hd, use autoboot.bat option (8.1 beta has
no autoboot, but tried on older mkd, it has problems
reading my cd)
3) make cd boot disk, then install from cd (stage1
4)boot from cd, (stage1 error)

So what I want to do is just install mandrake without
any other media being involved (copy to hard drive
straight install from hd, no floppy or cd necessary)
and that should do the trick.

But I don't know how to do this...i've glanced at the
contents of the boot cds but don't see anyway to run
any kind of install manually.....

I was thinking I could boot into mandrake, then try to
install on another partition....but don't know how to
start the isntall w/o floppy etc...anyone know how?

Thanks for any help, this is a machine i use for devel
and I really hope i can figure out a way to get this
installed, without yanking the driving or randomly
swapping components.


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