On Mon, 5 Jul 1999, Bill&Virginia Hodges wrote:

> The 6.0 makefile appears to do  the copying automatically
> when it does installs.  The time stamps appear to confirm this.
> The suggestion to include sockets got me around the previous
> problem
> Now it give s about 8-10 lines more of the boot process and stops on
> "Finding module dependencies"
> Do you have a suggestion of where I should look now?

Sure.. (cd /lib/modules && mv `uname -r` `uname -r`.backup)
move the modules out of there, and rerun make modules_install
as previously(recently) noted (maybe on the other lists) by Bernard you
can hit ctrl-c when it stops there and it will continue to boot so you can
get in there to smack it or what ever needs done, in this case mv'ing and
reinstalling the modules should work.
> Thanks,
> Bill

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