Hi everybody,

I just happen to find some trouble with samba, the /root/tmp problem.

Just examining the daemon running, I found there where started with 
TMPDIR=/root/tmp environment..

So, just take a look in /etc/profile.d/tmpdir.sh and tmpdir.csh. There is 
defined the TMPDIR variable, according to the security level, it's set to 
$HOME/tmp. So when the samba daemon is started at boot, it uses /root/tmp as 
TMPDIR and of course break when a non root user try to access that directory.

So, instead of chmoding /tmp/root  777, I slightly modified the 
/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb script, exporting TMPDIR=/tmp right before launching the 
daemons. It seems to fix the problem.

Not being a security expert, I'm not sure it's the best way to make things 
work, but not working at all is a little too much secure for me.

Any best way known to make things work ?

Hope this helps


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