Re: [Factor-talk] factor vs. joy

2011-11-08 Thread Patrick Mc(avery
Why not read what Joy's creator has to say about this:

He sounds like an extremely kind person-Patrick

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[Factor-talk] io.serial example

2011-10-08 Thread Patrick Mc(avery
I would like to use the serial port library but there there does not 
seem to be any examples or descriptions of it's words  in the 
documentation. If someone could just throw a hello world like example 
together for me I would really, really appreciate it. Mixed with other 
factor features, this library could be very useful for me-Patrick

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Re: [Factor-talk] io.serial example

2011-10-08 Thread Patrick Mc(avery
Hi Doug

Thank you so much. I will try it out as soon as I can. I am still quite 
new to factor and you won't want my code for another month or two at 
least, but I will give it my best shot. I will also try to get the 
library working on Windows sometime too.

Thanks again-Patrick

On 11-10-08 02:41 PM, Doug Coleman wrote:
 Right now it only works on Unix machines, so I hope you have a Linux box 
 handy. I updated the serial library a bit -- do a `git pull' and look in 
 extra/io/serial/unix/unix-tests.factor for how to use it. I don't have a 
 serial port handy, so I hope the code still works after my refactoring of it. 
 If not, can you fix it and contribute a patch?


 On Oct 8, 2011, at 6:31 AM, Patrick Mc(  

 I would like to use the serial port library but there there does not
 seem to be any examples or descriptions of it's words  in the
 documentation. If someone could just throw a hello world like example
 together for me I would really, really appreciate it. Mixed with other
 factor features, this library could be very useful for me-Patrick

 All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
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 All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
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All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
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Factor-talk mailing list

[Factor-talk] building a native factor GUI toolkit

2011-09-29 Thread Patrick Mc(avery
This is just daydreaming right now but I was wondering if there are 
any fundamental flaws in my logic?

At the bottom of this email I have listed what appears to be the 
dependencies for FLTK. It seems they are all in C and could be accessed 
via the FFI.

FLTK is small but is still 90,305 SLOC, so it would be a huge task to 
port all the code to factor but if this was done I was thinking that it 
might give the community something to build on. It sounds like factors 
ability to reuse code is even greater then C++ so perhaps the factor 
version would be smaller too and factor coroutines might work well 
within a gui toolkit. It might be trivial for people to add new widgets 

Any thoughts? -Patrick


  13 #include math.h
  16 #include ctype.h
   1  code1 {\#include stdio.h}
   1  code3 {\#include string.h} modal visible
   1 #include aim.h
   1 #include carbon/carbon.h
   1 #include direct.h
   1 #include dlfcn.h
   1 #include eventnames.h
1 #include fastarow.h
   1 #include freglut_teapot_data.h
   1 // #include gl/gl.h
   1 #include libgen.h// dirname(3)
   1 #include limits.h
   1 #include mediumarow.h
   1 #include objidl.h
   1  #include
   1 #include print_panel.h
   1 #include setjmp.h
   1 #include shlobj.h
   1 #include slowarow.h
   1 // #include src/cgdebug.h
   1 // #include stdio.h
   1 #include stdio.h// debuging
   1 #include sys/stat.h// stat(2)
   1 #include sys/types.h// stat(2)
   1 #include tile.xpm
   1  // #include uid/uid.h
   1 #include wchar.h
   1 #include xutf8/mk_wcwidth.c
   2 #include ole2.h
   2 #include pthread.h
   2 #include shelapi.h
   2 #include sys/time.h
   2 #include windows.h
   2 #include x11/extensions/xdbe.h
   3 #include unistd.h
   3 #include x11/xft/xft.h
  41 #include config.h
   4 #include time.h
   5 #include erno.h
  64 #include stdlib.h
   6 #include stdarg.h
   6 #include sys/stat.h
   8 #include sys/types.h
   9 #include string.h

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
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Factor-talk mailing list

Re: [Factor-talk] building a native factor GUI toolkit

2011-09-29 Thread Patrick Mc(avery
[ snip ]

Modern UI toolkits are intricate things, and writing yet another one 
won't help anybody.

Hi Joe

Thanks for answering my post, indeed these toolkits are very intricate 
things and I am in way over my head already.

So I look after my kids 12 hours a day(hence IRC handle HalfMadDad), 
repair spectrometers for 4 and program for about 1. I am no one to 
question you, hope I don't sound argumentitive... but isn't  the factor 
UI an OpenGL binding? The tetris and terrain examples show how it can 
render graphics and such but is it not a layer down from let's say GTK, 
QT or WxWidgets?

GTK is apparantly 10K pages if you print the source code. FLTK may be 
less feature rich but it's small code base could be understood by a 
single developer.

Is there a common path that other factor developers are taking to create 
GUIs for desktop applications? -Patrick

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
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Factor-talk mailing list

[Factor-talk] Brute Force Ignorance!

2011-09-29 Thread Patrick Mc(avery
Here is all the .factor files that ship with the source as a PDF:
It's 4019 pages

Here is just the .factor core source:
It's 427 pages

Here is all of the IRC logs as a PDF:
It's 1275 pages

Here is all the emails to the mailing list:
It's 1990 pages

Here is Volume 1 of the words documentation:
It's 6959 pages

Volume 2 of words:
It's 9945 pages

Volume 3:
It's 7115 pages

Here is all the vocabulary documentation as a PDF
It's 2826 pages

All the articles:
783 pages

All the authors:
82 pages

All the tags
38 pages

Hopefully this will provide a quick, offline way to look for previously 
discussed topics, idioms, libraries used and such-Patrick

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security
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Factor-talk mailing list

[Factor-talk] device driver in factor (possible dumb question!)

2011-09-26 Thread Patrick Mc(avery
I am still only studying and haven't written a factor program yet but I 
have all sorts of questions, one which I probably shouldn't ask but 
can't stop myself from doing so.

In the docs it mentions:

such as manual memory management, pointer arithmetic, and inline 
assembly code

Could someone write a device driver in factor? It compiles to machine 
code and has features that might hint at this possibility.

If someone wants to slap me for asking more dumb questions, email me 
offline to set up an appointment :) -Patrick

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Factor-talk mailing list

Re: [Factor-talk] Cheat sheet?

2011-09-21 Thread Patrick Mc(avery
The documents that John prepared are very helpful but I still very much 
miss having a cheat sheet.

As I was saying, I find the line between core language and standard 
library very fuzzy. One thing I love about cheat sheets is, at a glance 
you can survey what the core language is and what is left to learn.

I have started another document, it's kind of a factor anatomy. I have 
started taking code and assigning numbered bullets to different parts of 
it, for instance:

1): sillyAdd 1 1 + ;2)

Would have a note at the bottom stating that 1) and 2) are opening and 
closing markers for a word definition.

I took someone's code and make a document in Inkscape. I contacted the 
author to make sure he did not mind but I did not hear back so I will 
have to start again. Once I have enough of these to cover the core 
language I will share with everyone.


On 11-09-21 01:25 PM, Mute clown wrote:
Oh id love one, especially since im not a frequent factor coder; would 
make it easier to do write more code in factor.

On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 12:19 PM, Patrick Mc(avery wrote:

I really miss not having a cheat sheet for factor, it's a great way to
get a compete but high level view of a language.

Does anyone know if there is one kicking around?

If not I will try to make one tonight, perhaps the list can help
me fix
errors and omissions after.


BlackBerryreg; DevCon Americas, Oct. 18-20, San Francisco, CA
Factor-talk mailing list

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
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Factor-talk mailing list

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense.
Factor-talk mailing list

[Factor-talk] Printing the docs

2011-09-18 Thread Patrick Mc(avery
I would like a hard copy of the documentation and I asked for help on 
the IRC last night and got some help:

  documentation is in **/*-docs.factor. you can run USE: help.html 
generate-help to generate HTML help, which will give you the same thing 
that's on

I tried to run this in the listener but if it generated the 
documentation in a folder I can't find it.

Sorry to be so dumb, if someone could tell me how to print the 
documentation I promise not to ask so many dumb question :)


BlackBerryreg; DevCon Americas, Oct. 18-20, San Francisco, CA
Factor-talk mailing list

Re: [Factor-talk] Printing the docs

2011-09-18 Thread Patrick Mc(avery
On 11-09-18 03:11 PM, John Benediktsson wrote:
 Which parts of the documentation are you looking for?  I wrote some 
 code to generate PDF's from parts of the Factor documentation:

[ snip ]

Hi John

This is a big help thanks! This will keep me busy for a while.

I was planning on printing all of the documentation but thanks to Joe 
and the fellow on IRC I have a folder of html documents and I can see 
there is a crap-load of documentation here(how did you guys even write 
this?). I was also thinking about printing out all of the factor files 
in the source but it looks like it would be 4600 pages. At 30 cents a 
sheet for colour(I like syntax highlighting) that would kill my 
wallet(actually several wallets) and a tree too :)

I'm not joking, I am thinking about factor at night when I dream, it's 
absolutely fascinating but I am having a hard time learning it. With 
most languages you can learn the core first and the libraries later, 
with factor the line between the two is fuzzy and it seems like a full 
blown effort is required. -Patrick

BlackBerryreg; DevCon Americas, Oct. 18-20, San Francisco, CA
Factor-talk mailing list

[Factor-talk] Cheat sheet?

2011-09-16 Thread Patrick Mc(avery
I really miss not having a cheat sheet for factor, it's a great way to 
get a compete but high level view of a language.

Does anyone know if there is one kicking around?

If not I will try to make one tonight, perhaps the list can help me fix 
errors and omissions after.


BlackBerryreg; DevCon Americas, Oct. 18-20, San Francisco, CA
Factor-talk mailing list

[Factor-talk] Understanding FFI

2011-09-14 Thread Patrick Mc(avery
 From the docs and  John Benidiktsson's blog:

fun with wav

I have learn quite a bit about the FFI. However if someone could guide 
me, I just want to make sure I have a sensible design pattern for it.

My application is control of scientific instruments. The I/O functions 
are short lived but each call is important, I don't want to miss data 

I was thinking that if factor could write to a C struct then a hardware 
control daemon in C could run I/O functions in a loop that would take 
arguments from the struct and factor would only guide the daemon from 
the struct.

  Does this sound sensible? Is there anything that might cause factor to 
block the C functions if it was only accessing the struct?

Thanks for reading-Patrick

BlackBerryreg; DevCon Americas, Oct. 18-20, San Francisco, CA
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Factor-talk mailing list

[Factor-talk] Raven link

2011-09-14 Thread Patrick Mc(avery
Not sure if this is the right place for it but there is a bad link on :

Raven: is a link farm now


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Factor-talk mailing list

[Factor-talk] frequency of vocabularies

2011-09-11 Thread Patrick Mc(avery
Like other languages with large libraries, it takes time to learn them 
and it is not always obvious what they do. I am trying to focus on 
learning the most common vocabularies.

I copied all the factor files from the factor source directory:

cp $(find  -name *.factor) /home/patrick/my_Factor

Then I used these commands to count and  sort the vocabularies used:
cat * | tr -s ' ' | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' | grep  using: | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | 
uniq -c | sort  /home/patrick/factorVocabulary.csv

After some tweaking in a spreadsheet I have a long list. Here is the the 
top 50.

Referencing the using count of 5575 do the other counts seem 
reasonable? (some may be junk from my commands)


5575 using:
3128 kernel
1634 math
1582 accessors
1420 sequences
1176 tools.test
1080 help.markup
1052 help.syntax
1040 arrays
 860 prettyprint
 814 assocs
 676 namespaces
 542 io
 524 alien.c-types
 466 combinators
 378 fry
 354 strings
 322 alien
 314 alien.syntax
 244 locals
 234 words
 224 math.parser
 206 io.files
 206 calendar
 192 math.functions
 190 math.order
 180 continuations
 172 hashtables
 164 byte-arrays
 160 quotations
 158 classes.struct
 154 classes
 144 make
 134 math.ranges
 132 project-euler.common
 120 io.streams.string
 114 ui.gadgets
 112 grouping
 110 generic
 110 destructors
 104 parser
  98 system
  96 definitions
  92 combinators.short-circuit
  90 threads
  88 math.vectors
  88 io.pathnames
  84 compiler.units
  82 splitting

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Factor-talk mailing list

[Factor-talk] beginner digest 1 / FLTK / beta? / blocking

2011-09-10 Thread Patrick Mc(avery
Hi Everyone

I am reading about Factor every chance I get, I have lots of questions. 
I'm trying to bundle them to avoid spamming the list but if this is 
still too much, let me know...
Factor is an experiment
I'd feel better if this read, factor was an experiment. Is it still 
beta software? I know that the site also mentioned that there wouldn't 
be a book written until 1.0 but were pretty close to this now, no?

So factor is single threaded, this does not alarm me. If I am reading 
data from a serial port or other hardware, there is usually data being 
buffered in hardware and by the OS, right? I won't necessary lose data 
points will I?

I understand that the FFI does not support C++. I would like to use 
FLTK(written in C++).  Does anyone have any suggestions on the best way 
to do this? Is there some sort of inter-process communication that would 
work well between the two?

This language is really neat, the wheels in my head are spinning at the 

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Factor-talk mailing list

[Factor-talk] Mixed up about deployment

2011-09-09 Thread Patrick Mc(avery
Hi Everyone

This is my first post here. Factor is kinda weird but really-REALLY 
interesting. I am thinking about using it for a for-profit but GPL 
application to control scientific instruments. The libraries seem pretty 
large, it seems suitable for pipe like communication between computer 
and instrument and I find it easy to visualize what's happening in a 
stack based language while others sometime just seem like a black box.

I was reading this:

but I am still a bit mixed up. I understand that I can generate binaries 
and deploy them on various targets but this portion of the process is a 
bit fuzzy for me. I run GNU/Linux.  If I use GCC for C I end up with an 
executable or if I use a #!/usr/bin/env lua line it calls the Lua 
interpreter if the file has executable permissions and if I use lua 
somefile.lua then I don't need the shebang line, the file gets passed to 
the interpreter.

With factor, what is happening during deployment? Is there an 
interpreter built into it's own executable like py2exe? :

Here it mentions that it uses a smalltalk like image model:

I don't know much about smalltalk, are there any downfalls to this 
approach? does it mean heavier memory use at runtime? is there more 
redundancy between files compared to files being sent to a separate 
interpreter at runtime like Lua? Disk spaces is almost irrelevant now 
but it would still be good to know. If several instances of the same 
program were running at the same time would there be memory waste vs the 
other approaches?

Thanks for reading-Patrick

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