Hello everyone,

I'm working on a coding test for a company which consists on building a
really simple web application.
As Factor is my favorite programming language ( and since I never work on
web-based programming since it is not of my interest ) I've decided to
attempt the test with it.

Between example apps, the great documentation and everything else the app
is kind of coming into being and I'm starting to understand how to work
with Furnace.

One thing that baffles me, tough, is how to test Furnace-based code. I
could not find an example with a test file or anything about testing in the
documentation nor do I have any idea about the correct procedure to test
this kind of software ( stemming from my inexperience with web applications

Is anyone able to point me towards any example I can base myself on or able
to provide me with any insight on this topic ( specifically Furnace-based )?

I know the question is quite general, and please forgive me for this, but I
really have no idea where to start.

Allow me to preemptively thanks anyone who will try to help me for their
time and knowledge,
Best Regards,
Di Sera Luca
Factor-talk mailing list

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