Re: [Factor-talk] concurrency.distributed under Windows

2018-01-07 Thread Alexander Ilin
Hello! 08.01.2018, 02:41, "John Benediktsson" :If you look at ``M\ remote-thread send``, it uses ``send-remote-message`` which opens a TCP connection using ``with-client``, which sends a message, then closes the connection. The code is 10's of lines to implement concurrency.distributed so I'm sure you could modify it in minor ways to be specific to your application and maybe useful to contribute back.   Thank you for believing in me! I think I'll give it a shot while I still have some holiday time left. If you need to get more familiar with network programming, I recommend Beej's guide: Huh? I'd better read the ZeroMQ manual, seems roughly the same volume. ---=---Александр --
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Re: [Factor-talk] concurrency.distributed under Windows

2018-01-07 Thread John Benediktsson
If you look at ``M\ remote-thread send``, it uses ``send-remote-message``
which opens a TCP connection using ``with-client``, which sends a message,
then closes the connection.

For a high-throughput messaging application, you would probably want to
re-use a TCP connections, or use UDP, and probably allow for out-of-order
messages since you could have different synchronous responses taking
different lengths of time from client to server to client.

I'm not surprised that a busy loop is causing problems because TCP
connections aren't intended to be spammed like that without causing
resource constraints and potentially exposing some bugs in handling those

The code is 10's of lines to implement concurrency.distributed so I'm sure
you could modify it in minor ways to be specific to your application and
maybe useful to contribute back.

If you need to get more familiar with network programming, I recommend
Beej's guide:


On Sun, Jan 7, 2018 at 4:41 AM, Alexander Ilin  wrote:

> > So, it doesn't seem to be a runaway buffer issue, unless Factor does
> something completely wrong, like peeking in the buffer and never removing
> messages from it.
>   Also, is it OK that I'm seeing hundreds of TCP connections being made
> between the processes?
>   It seems like every individual message is sent in a separate connection,
> which brought up and then torn down instantly.
>   I would expect a longer-lived TCP channel to be established, but what do
> I know about how networks (and Factor) work...
> ---=---
>  Александр
> --
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Re: [Factor-talk] concurrency.distributed under Windows

2018-01-07 Thread Alexander Ilin
> So, it doesn't seem to be a runaway buffer issue, unless Factor does 
> something completely wrong, like peeking in the buffer and never removing 
> messages from it.

  Also, is it OK that I'm seeing hundreds of TCP connections being made between 
the processes?
  It seems like every individual message is sent in a separate connection, 
which brought up and then torn down instantly.

  I would expect a longer-lived TCP channel to be established, but what do I 
know about how networks (and Factor) work...


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Re: [Factor-talk] concurrency.distributed under Windows

2018-01-07 Thread Alexander Ilin

07.01.2018, 07:21, "Chris Double" :
> On Sat, Jan 6, 2018 at 1:18 PM, Alexander Ilin  wrote:
>>  It seems that I overloaded the system somehow, but I don't see me doing 
>> anything illegal. Can you guys help me figure out what's going on?
> I suspect you are overloading the network stack on your machine since
> you are sending data as fast as possible and receiving it as fast as
> possible. Maybe the sender is getting ahead of the receiver and
> queuing more data in the network stack over time. Try adding a delay
> in the sender and see if that improves things.

Thank you for the suggestion!

OK, may be the sender was getting ahead of the receiver and overflooded the 
network stack buffers in the previous example. (I would have expected a 
different error message text in that case, but maybe that's what you get.) Here 
is a modified version of the same code, this time using send-synchronous and 
reply-synchronous. There is no way to overflood the network buffers in this 
code, because the two processes are moving in lockstep, exchanging one message 
at a time and waiting for the other to respond before sending anything.

Factor instance 1 (codename "Blackhole"):

USING: concurrency.distributed concurrency.messaging io.servers threads ;
9010 local-server start-node [
[ receive t swap reply-synchronous t ] loop
] "black-hole" [ spawn ] keep register-remote-thread

Factor instance 2 (codename "Pulsar"):

USING: concurrency.distributed concurrency.messaging io.servers ;
9011 local-server start-node ! a port to receive synchronous replies
9010 local-server "black-hole" 
[ f swap send-synchronous drop t ] curry loop

Unfortunately, the resulting behavior is the same. For about 14 seconds both 
instances run at 100% CPU, then both run at about 50% CPU, and after 60 seconds 
from the experiment start the same error string is thrown by the Pulsar:
"You were not connected because a duplicate name exists on the network. If 
joining a domain, go to System in Control Panel to change the computer name and 
try again. If joining a workgroup, choose another workgroup name."

So, it doesn't seem to be a runaway buffer issue, unless Factor does something 
completely wrong, like peeking in the buffer and never removing messages from 


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[Factor-talk] concurrency.distributed under Windows

2018-01-05 Thread Alexander Ilin

  I'm having further issues with the `concurrency.distributed` vocab. I was 
trying to pass some data between two Factor instances, but failed, even though 
the total data volume was about 2Mb. After spending some considerable time 
debugging my code (because I'm only learning to use this vocab) I found that 
the following code reproduces the issue.

Factor instance 1 (codename "Blackhole"):

USING: concurrency.distributed concurrency.messaging io.servers threads ;
9010 local-server start-node
[ [ receive drop t ] loop ] "black-hole" [ spawn ] keep register-remote-thread

Factor instance 2 (codename redacted):

USING: concurrency.distributed concurrency.messaging io.servers ;
9010 local-server "black-hole" 
[ f swap send t ] curry loop

For about 10 seconds from the start of the loop in instance 2 both Factor 
processes consume 100% of a CPU core each. After about 10 seconds the CPU use 
by the Blackhole drops to an idle value, while instance 2 keep going full speed.

After another 50 seconds (about one minute since the start of the experiment) 
the second instance throws the following string:
"You were not connected because a duplicate name exists on the network. If 
joining a domain, go to System in Control Panel to change the computer name and 
try again. If joining a workgroup, choose another workgroup name."

It seems that I overloaded the system somehow, but I don't see me doing 
anything illegal. Can you guys help me figure out what's going on?

  OS: Windows 10x64.


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