Re: [Fail2ban-users] errors unbanning postfix IPs : Failed to execute unban jail 'postfix-auth' action 'iptables-multiport' info

2018-03-16 Thread Sophie Loewenthal
Think I have this worked out.  non-standard postfix-auth and thet included 
postfix jail enabled that may be checking for the same stuff.  I’ve disabled 
The rogue IP had been removed from iptables. Maybe by one or the other.

> On 16 Mar 2018, at 18:32, René Berber  wrote:
> On 3/16/2018 1:37 AM, Sophie Loewenthal wrote:
>> fail2ban.log 2018-03-15 19:12:36,066 fail2ban.actions
>> [12742]: ERROR   Failed to execute unban jail 'postfix-auth' action 
>> 'iptables-multiport' info '{'matches': 'Mar 14 21:01:44 mx10 
>> postfix/smtpd[29359]: ...
> connection after AUTH from unknown[]', 'failures': 10,
> 'time': 1521140815.757546, 'ip': ''}': Error unbanning
>> 2018-03-15 19:13:08,331 fail2ban.action [13158]: ERROR 
>> iptables -w -D INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 
>> http,https,smtp,submission,pop3,pop3s,imap,imaps,sieve -j 
>> f2b-postfix
> ...
>> 2018-03-15 19:13:08,331 fail2ban.actions[13158]: ERROR Failed
>> to stop jail 'postfix-auth' action 'iptables-multiport': Error 
>> stopping action
> That's at least 2 different problems:
> 1.  What appears to be failure to unban an IP address (bantime is up)...
> Strange that the log doesn't show the actual error message, it usually
> does.  I would start by looking at `iptables -nL`, or specifically for
> that address `iptables -nL | grep` to see if it is still
> there (in f2b-postfix).
> If it is, then run the command that the log says it failed, the
> `iptables -w -D INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports
> http,https,smtp,submission,pop3,pop3s,imap,imaps,sieve -j f2b-postfix`.
> But this is a weird command, it doesn't include the IP, so what's it
> for? deleting the jail?  Yes, that's what its doing, from the INPUT
> chain it deletes f2b-postfix (side note: I use f2b-postfix-sasl only, so
> I don't even have this jail, and don't need more than one for postfix).
> 2.  The second problem shown is that f2b could not stop the jail (which
> it tries after too many unban failures).  No idea what's going on there,
> perhaps stop implies delete the jail in iptables, and its all the same
> problem.
>> I had some though; The unbans are for IP addresses detected on March 
>> 14, two days earlier.  However I only enabled the chain last night,
>> so think this strange that it would unban an IP from before it was
>> enabled.
> That's normal, f2b uses 'findtime' to look back in the log.
> -- 
> René Berber
> --
> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
> engaging tech sites,!
> ___
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Re: [Fail2ban-users] errors unbanning postfix IPs : Failed to execute unban jail 'postfix-auth' action 'iptables-multiport' info

2018-03-16 Thread Sophie Loewenthal
P.S  For reference, the current f2b chain contains :
Chain f2b-postfix (2 references)
target prot opt source   destination 
REJECT all  -- 
REJECT all  -- 
REJECT all  -- 
REJECT all  -- 
REJECT all  -- 
REJECT all  -- 
REJECT all  -- 
REJECT all  -- 
RETURN all  --   
RETURN all  --   

I had some though; The unbans are for IP addresses detected on March 14, two 
days earlier.  However I only enabled the chain last night, so think this 
strange that it would unban an IP from before it was enabled.  

> On 16 Mar 2018, at 08:37, Sophie Loewenthal  wrote:
> Good morning, 
> This is interesting ( for me ).
> I read this in my logs after enabling postfix-auth on Debian 9.2
> fail2ban.log
> 2018-03-15 19:12:36,066 fail2ban.actions[12742]: ERROR   Failed to 
> execute unban jail 'postfix-auth' action 'iptables-multiport' info 
> '{'matches': 'Mar 14 21:01:44 mx10 postfix/smtpd[29359]: lost connection 
> after AUTH from unknown[]Mar 14 21:01:44 mx10 
> postfix/smtpd[29363]: lost connection after AUTH from 
> unknown[]Mar 14 21:01:44 mx10 postfix/smtpd[29361]: lost 
> connection after AUTH from unknown[]Mar 14 21:01:45 mx10 
> postfix/smtpd[29359]: lost connection after AUTH from 
> unknown[]Mar 14 21:01:45 mx10 postfix/smtpd[29363]: lost 
> connection after AUTH from unknown[]Mar 14 21:01:45 mx10 
> postfix/smtpd[29361]: lost connection after AUTH from 
> unknown[]Mar 14 21:01:45 mx10 postfix/smtpd[29364]: lost 
> connection after AUTH from unknown[]Mar 14 21:01:46 mx10 
> postfix/smtpd[29361]: lost connection after AUTH from 
> unknown[]Mar 14 21:01:46 mx10 postfix/smtpd[29363]: lost 
> connection after AUTH from unknown[]Mar 14 21:01:46 mx10 
> postfix/smtpd[29359]: lost connection after AUTH from 
> unknown[]', 'failures': 10, 'time': 1521140815.757546, 'ip': 
> ''}': Error unbanning
> 2018-03-15 19:13:08,331 fail2ban.action [13158]: ERROR   iptables -w 
> -D INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 
> http,https,smtp,submission,pop3,pop3s,imap,imaps,sieve -j f2b-postfix
> 2018-03-15 19:13:08,331 fail2ban.action [13158]: ERROR   iptables -w 
> -D INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 
> http,https,smtp,submission,pop3,pop3s,imap,imaps,sieve -j f2b-postfix
> 2018-03-15 19:13:08,331 fail2ban.action [13158]: ERROR   iptables -w 
> -D INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 
> http,https,smtp,submission,pop3,pop3s,imap,imaps,sieve -j f2b-postfix
> 2018-03-15 19:13:08,331 fail2ban.actions[13158]: ERROR   Failed to 
> stop jail 'postfix-auth' action 'iptables-multiport': Error stopping action
> An example from /var/log/mail.log:
> Mar 14 21:01:44 mx10 postfix/smtpd[29359]: lost connection after AUTH from 
> unknown[]
> Mar 14 21:01:44 mx10 postfix/smtpd[29359]: disconnect from 
> unknown[] ehlo=1 auth=0/1 commands=1/2
> Mar 14 21:01:44 mx10 postfix/smtpd[29359]: connect from unknown[]
> Mar 14 21:01:45 mx10 postfix/smtpd[29359]: lost connection after AUTH from 
> unknown[]
> Mar 14 21:01:45 mx10 postfix/smtpd[29359]: disconnect from 
> unknown[] ehlo=1 auth=0/1 commands=1/2
> Mar 14 21:01:45 mx10 postfix/smtpd[29359]: connect from unknown[]
> Mar 14 21:01:46 mx10 postfix/smtpd[29359]: lost connection after AUTH from 
> unknown[]
> Mar 14 21:01:46 mx10 postfix/smtpd[29359]: disconnect from 
> unknown[] ehlo=1 auth=0/1 commands=1/2
> fail2ban version 0.9.6-2
> jail.local:
> [postfix]
> enabled  = true
> logpath  = /var/log/mail.log
> # mail.log because I don’t log to mail.warn. Everything in one file to see 
> all the problems in one place.
> jail.conf
> [postfix]
> port = smtp,465,submission
> logpath  = %(postfix_log)s
> backend  = %(postfix_backend)s
> # fail2ban-client status postfix
> Status for the jail: postfix
> |- Filter
> |  |- Currently failed:   0
> |  |- Total failed:   79
> |  `- File list:  /var/log/mail.log
> `- Actions
>   |- Currently banned:0
>   |- Total banned:0
>   `- Banned