[FairfieldLife] Barack Obama To Write Newsweek Cover Story On Haiti

2010-01-15 Thread TurquoiseB
A pleasant change. I'm still not convinced that George W. Bush could
write his own name with a crayon, much less an article for Newsweek.

Barack Obama To Write Newsweek Cover Story On Haiti
President Barack Obama will write the cover story for next week's
Newsweek magazine.
The Wall Street Journal's Russell Adams reports
  that Newsweek editor Jon Meacham
asked Obama's senior advisor if the President would write for the
magazine, and he agreed.

The magazine will hit newsstands on Monday.

When Newsweek unveiled its redesign in May 2009, the magazine also
turned to Obama
 ; Meacham interviewed Obama for that issue.

[FairfieldLife] Another "line item" way to contribute to Haiti

2010-01-15 Thread TurquoiseB
If you balk at giving a blank check to organizations you're 
not sure about, Huffington Post has set up a Web page on 
which you can order specific supplies to be sent to Haiti. 

Having lived through the earthquake in Agadir, Morocco in 
1960, I can testify that one of the things that will be 
most important are the water purification tablets and water 
filtration systems offered there. Water supplies are almost 
always completely contaminated by a large earthquake, and 
life simply cannot continue without water. Thirsty people 
will drink anything, and as a result die from it, no matter 
how many doctors and rescue workers are trying to help.


[FairfieldLife] Interesting questions about people power, Obama, etc forwarded to Benjamin Creme

2010-01-15 Thread nablusoss1008
Questions and Answers
Q. It's 20 years since the Berlin Wall fell and German reunification
began. (1) Was this a great example of people power or was there
Hierarchical help being given behind the scenes?( 2) What was remarkable
about that historic moment is that it could have got very badly out of
control with police shooting at people, people becoming violent and so
on. None of that happened – were Maitreya and the Masters working to
help maintain the calm and euphoria so that it wouldn't spill over
into conflict?
A. (1) It was a prime example of the forces of a united people's
will. (2) No. The time had come.

Q. Twenty years ago there was a huge surge of people power and the
overturning of the political order, the end of the Cold War – a
definite change in the world's political climate. Suddenly freedom
and new possibilities filled the air. (1) What caused these amazing
changes? (2) Do you think it has led to a better world? (3) When
communism collapsed it left a vacuum for commercialization and its
attendant problems, such as widespread criminality; has life improved in
the former Soviet Union?
(1) The ending of the Cold War was foretold by Maitreya and was set in
motion by Him when He suggested to Mr Gorbachev to go to America and
talk peace with President Reagan. It also included Maitreya's advice
to Mr Gorbachev to open up the Soviet Union to perestroika and glasnost.
Maitreya's advice was carried out by Mr Gorbachev but unfortunately
in the process he lost his position. (2) Yes. (3) Overall, yes.

Q. Could you comment on the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Barack Obama?
Do you consider it totally deserved, or premature? Or is it a way to
strengthen new political tendencies?
A. I consider it not yet deserved, therefore premature, but hopeful.

Q. Will President Obama ever turn into the liberal leader that many
Americans were hoping for when they voted for him? Will he end the wars
in Afghanistan, Iraq, and close US bases around the world and finally
start spending all that military money on something helpful for humanity
and planet Earth? Will he turn out to be the new Franklin D. Roosevelt?
Are you working on nudging him to be the `liberal lion' that we
had prayed for?
A. The answers to these questions lie in the hands of the American
people. It is up to them to bring the necessary pressure on their
government to implement the action you mentioned.
I am not working on nudging Mr Obama or anybody else. I am preparing the
way for the open demonstration of Maitreya and His group of Masters. I
would not be surprised, however, if Mr Obama becomes enamoured by
Maitreya's teaching and advice. His heart seems to be in the right

Q. George Adamski describes the form of Motherships (spacecrafts) as
cigar-shaped. Are the `stars' similar? What kind of craft are
A. Many of the larger spacecraft which work to our benefit are
cigar-shaped but some are bell-shaped, some are fish-shaped and some are
saucer-shaped. The `star' heralding Maitreya's presence is
also a spacecraft able to transform into different shapes.

Q. I would like to ask if the Space Brothers are planning to have a
`First Contact' world press conference with President Obama
and/or other open-minded world leaders, which would give them an
opportunity to tell the world about Maitreya without saying who He is.
This can be done by `them' saying something like this:
"There exists a very wise man on your planet who would like to speak
to humanity. Will you do this?" If the media does this it could mean
that the Day of Declaration could take place at this time instead of
waiting for the television interviews to take place.
A. Sorry, no, that is not the Plan – nor even a good idea, because
it leaves out entirely the question of humanity's free will.

Q. Recently I attended a discussion group that meets to talk about UFO
phenomena. They happened to be screening a Steven Greer interview. I had
the opportunity to talk about the `star', and its significance
to Maitreya's emergence into the world. While people were receptive
and interested in the information, I was asked many questions about the
`grays', `reptilians' and `abductions'. It is my
understanding that abductions are imagined since the Space Brothers are
here to help, not harm in any way.
I was wondering if you might shed some light on this – whether these
`grays' and `reptilians' exist and how best to address
this question and the issue of abduction?
A. Once again let us put this question to rest. `Grays',
`reptilians' and `abductors' do not exist among the
Space Brothers who man the so-called UFOs visiting our planet. The work
which the Space Brothers do is not only harmless but is essential to the
further life of this planet. They come to aid, they are on a spiritual
mission, a mission of mercy. `Grays', `reptilians' and
`abductors' are the figment of people's imagination based on
fear. We can thank the governments of the world and the science fiction
filmmakers for this misinformation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Letter to Swami Ramakrishna and the Bramachari, director of connectone.in

2010-01-15 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "gita...@..."  wrote:
> Dear Members,
> The Bramachari that was spoken about in this post is Kamal Bijlani, 
> information about his work can be found when you go to the website 
> www.connectone.in And the Amritapuri School of Engineering.
> It is a website encouraging the grooming of all Entrepreneurs and Venture 
> Capitalists in India, they are trying to network with other wealthy Venture 
> Capitalists around the globe to ensure the success of Indias new 
> Entrepreneurs and directly related to Amrita University School of 
> Engineering. My earlier questions to this monk and the others working on this 
> program are what does this have to do with renunciation? What does this have 
> to do with The Hugging Saint's teaching of charity and living lives as 
> renunciates in poverty? I received no answer.

You seem to know better than the Saint on many things in life. You must be a 
truly important and evolved personality. 

Surely your intellect, devotion and evolution long has transcended the status 
of this Saint, then why not start your own movement ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Letter to Swami Ramakrishna and the Bramachari, director of connectone.in

2010-01-15 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> You seem to know better than the Saint on many things in 
> life. You must be a truly important and evolved personality. 

"Saint" Dominic created the Inquisition and murdered
an estimated million people over the 600 years of its
existence, torturing many of them first before burning 
them at the stake.

Yes, I'd say that I am a slightly more evolved per-
sonality than he was. For that matter, so are you. 

Just because a person is called a "saint" doesn't
mean that they are one. And even if it did, that
doesn't make them omniscient, does it?

Or does it? If you consider Maharishi a saint, and
being one means that he should "know" and be respons-
ible for all that happens within his organization,
does that mean that Maharishi is responsible for
the murder of Levi Butler at MUM?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Letter to Swami Ramakrishna and the Bramachari, director of connectone.in

2010-01-15 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> Or does it? If you consider Maharishi a saint, and
> being one means that he should "know" and be respons-
> ible for all that happens within his organization,
> does that mean that Maharishi is responsible for
> the murder of Levi Butler at MUM?

Only in your sicko mind He is.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Simple questions that New Agers avoid

2010-01-15 Thread jeff.evans60

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000" 
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > Break the suspense Jeff.  If thoughts don't create reality, what 
> > > does?
> > 
> > Hairstyles. Just recently we've been told that
> > one spoiled an entire movie.
> > 
> Well, [dRshyam, the Seen, is] **kRtaarthaM prati naSTam** apy anaSTaM 
> tadanyasaadhaaraNatvaat... :0
But the world existed before man existed here and will continue to be long 
after we are gone , so the sutra must be referring to a change in one's 
experience of the world , rather than the world actually disappearing once 
everyone is enlightened as some have suggested. The sense of unity overshadows 
the world of name and form. I dont think its meant literally . 

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Avatar fanboys: get the script here

2010-01-15 Thread jeff.evans60

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> So you can read a few scenes each night before bed or maybe chant it 
> after meditation. ;-)
> http://www.aintitcool.com/node/43608

[FairfieldLife] Doomsday Clock has good news for human race

2010-01-15 Thread do.rflex

Doomsday clock pushed back 1 minute 

(CNN) -- The world has inched further away from doom and nuclear
disaster, said a group of respected scientists that includes 19 Nobel

The symbolic Doomsday Clock has been moved back a minute, reflecting the 
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists' more optimistic view of the world's
chances of avoiding catastrophic threats such as nuclear attacks.

The clock is now set at six minutes to midnight, with midnight
representing a nuclear apocalypse, according to the group, which is
based in Chicago, Illinois.

"We are poised to bend the arc of history toward a world free of nuclear 
weapons. For the first time since atomic bombs were dropped in 1945, leaders of 
nuclear weapons states are cooperating to vastly reduce their arsenals and 
secure all nuclear bomb-making material," the scientists said in a statement 

The Doomsday Clock was created in 1947 and had been adjusted only 18
times before Thursday, the group said.

The closest it has been to midnight is two minutes, from 1953 to 1960,
after the Soviet Union and the United States stepped up testing of
thermonuclear devices.

The farthest has been 17 minutes, from 1991 to 1995, after the signing
of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.

"A key to the new era of cooperation is a change in the U.S.
government's orientation toward international affairs, brought about in part by 
the election of [President Barack] Obama," the group said. 

"With a more pragmatic, problem-solving approach, not only has Obama initiated 
new arms-reduction talks with Russia, he has started negotiations with Iran to 
close its nuclear enrichment program, and directed the U.S. government to lead 
a global effort to secure loose fissile material in four years.

"He also presided over the U.N. Security Council last September, where
he supported a fissile material cutoff treaty and encouraged all
countries to live up to their disarmament and nonproliferation
obligations under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty," said the group, which 
added that much more work needs to be done.

Threats remain around the world, the scientists said, noting that
governments might not live up to pledges to reduce nuclear arms and
combat climate change.

Scientists and other experts who had produced the atomic bomb for the
Manhattan Project established the group in 1945, its Web site said.


[FairfieldLife] Re: 1957

2010-01-15 Thread dhamiltony2k5

> >1976  (continued)
> Maharishi inaugurates the  World Government
> Of the Age of Enlightenment, a non-political,
> Non-religious global organization, with sovereignty
> In the domain of consciousness, authority in the invincible power
> Of Natural Law, and activity in purifying world
> Consciousness with the participation of the people of over 
> 120 countries and with 1,200 Maharishi Capitals of the Age of Enlightenment
> around the world.
> > 1976
> > Maharishi's Year of Government
> > 
> > Maharishi introduced the TM-Sidhi program
> > and starts to train Governors of the Age of 
> > Enlightenment to function from the Unified
> > Field of all the Laws of Nature to purify
> > world consciousness.
> >
> > 
> > 
> > >
> > > 1975
> > > Maharishi's Year of the
> > > Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment
> > > 
> > > With the discovery of the "Maharishi Effect"
> > > the profound nature of Maharishi's Creative
> > > Intelligence is further validated.  The
> > > "Maharishi Effect" demonstrates that 
> > > the collective life of a society or nation can 
> > > be fully developed and enriched through a small proportion
> > > of the population practicing Maharishi's
> > > Transcendental Meditation.
> > >
> > 
> > 1975  (continued)
> > 
> > The 'Maharishi Effect' establishes a new formula for the creation of an 
> > ideal society, free from crime and problems.  With this, Maharishi 
> > envisions the dawn of a new age for humankind- the Age of Enlightenment.
> > 
> > On January 12, Maharishi inaugurates the Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment 
> > for the whole world in Switzerland, and travels to all six continents 
> > inaugurating the Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment for each continent.  The 
> > Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment brings the first wave of fulfillment of 
> > Maharishi's World Plan.
> > 
> > Maharishi establishes Maharishi European Research University to monitor the 
> > rise of the Age of Enlightenment in all parts of the world, and to 
> > investigate the full range of possibilities inherent in human 
> > consciousness. 
> > > 
> > > > 1974
> > > > Maharishi's Year of 
> > > > Achievement of the World Plan
> > > > 
> > > > The Discovery of the "Maharishi Effect":
> > > > one percent of the population practicing
> > > > the Transcendental Meditation program in
> > > > any city reduces negative tendencies, such
> > > > as crime, accident, and sickness rates, and
> > > > increases positive tendencies throughout
> > > > society.
> > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 1973
> > > > > Maharishi's Year of
> > > > > Action for the World Plan
> > > > > 
> > > > > More than 2,000 World Plan Centers are
> > > > > established in all parts of the world,
> > > > > offering courses in the Science of
> > > > > Creative Intelligence.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > 1972
> > > > > > Maharishi's Year of the World Plan.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Maharishi inaugurates the World Plan to "solve
> > > > > > the age-old problems of mankind in this generation",
> > > > > > with 2,000 newly trained teachers of 
> > > > > > the Science of Creative Intelligence.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > 1971
> > > > > > > Maharishi's Year of
> > > > > > > Science of Creative Intelligence
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > Maharishi formulates the Science of Creative Intelligence
> > > > > > > as the scientific theory for the development of 
> > > > > > > higher states of consciousness, which naturally develop 
> > > > > > > through the practice of Transcendental Meditation.
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > Maharishi establishes Maharishi Interantional University
> > > > > > > in the U.S.A. to serve as a model of ideal education in the world.
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > 1970
> > > > > > > > Maharishi's Year of
> > > > > > > > Scientific Research
> > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > First scientific research on Transcendental
> > > > > > > > Meditation, identifying the physiological
> > > > > > > > correlates of higher states of consciousness.
> > > > > > > > With this research Transcendental Meditation
> > > > > > > > gains worldwide publicity and inspires scientists
> > > > > > > > throughout the world to research into the wide range of 
> > > > > > > > benefits resulting from Transcendental Meditation.
> > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > 1969
> > > > > > > > > Maharishi's Year of
> > > > > > > > > Supreme Consciousness
> > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > Maharishi comments extensively on the Brahma Sutras,
> > > > > > > > > the texbook of Vedant, the aspect of Vedic literature
> > > > > > > > > which provides complete knowledge of 
> > > > > > > > > Unity Consciousness, the pinnacle of human evolution.
> > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > 1968
> > > > > > > > > > Maharishi's Year of Students
> > > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > Students International Meditation Society
> > > > > > > > > >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Simple questions that New Agers avoid

2010-01-15 Thread WillyTex
> There is so little real content on FFL lately that
> forms of cheap amusement like this are one of the
> only things that keep me around.
So, it's all about Judy, and not a 'simple question 
for the New Agers', Jeff. Reduced to a debate about 
movie hair-do's.

Very impressive. Bring the conversation down to your 
to your own level, so you can get in a word or two
edge-wise! Looks like we've got a couple of 'New
Agers', and seems to be a TB (Turq Bee) on the forum, 


> > Not sure I follow your logical sequence but hey 
> > its all about creating your own reality isnt it.
> >
TurquoiseB wrote:
> My "logical sequence" was merely a parody of Judy's.
> I just *love* pushing her buttons and then sitting
> back and watching her react and try to "win" some
> "argument" that is one only in her mind. The whole
> "Dances With Nitpicks" thread, with her making 20+
> posts simply because I corrected her by pointing
> out that Mary McDonnell made the decision to wear
> her hair loose rather than braided has been really,
> really FUN to watch. 
> > BTW When I went to see Dances with Wolves it was a first date 
> > with a pretty cute girl called Rosie ( long straight black 
> > hair not tied back , definite slattern  ). She confessed to 
> > me afterwards that she had really needed to pee most of the 
> > film but was too embarassed to get up and visit the ladies 
> > room, and was actually in quite a bit of pain for most of it ! 
> > Just wanted to share with you.
> Good to know that there are other slattern-lovers
> out there.  :-)
> In retrospect, the thing I found funniest about the
> whole "Dances With Wolves" thang was *not* that Judy
> failed to address the fact that there is *not a single
> scene in the film* that portrays Mary McDonnell's
> hair as "dirty" or "matted" the way she claimed it
> was, but the fact that this whole insane theory of
> hers *never even occurred to her* until her sister
> mentioned it. 
> Isn't that classic? On the one hand, it supports my
> theory that the whole "slattern" thing is the result
> of some childhood trauma, in that her sister was 
> *also* told to "Go comb your hair," and probably by 
> the same petty tyrant. On the other, it's one of the 
> best examples *ever* of Judy BELIEVING WHAT 
> By her own admission, it never occurred to her that
> "Dances With Wolves" could be secretly racist *until
> someone told her to believe it*. And now, 20 years
> later, she is still defending what she was told to
> believe as if it's Truth Incarnate. Classic.
> P.S. Don't take all of this seriously, Jeff, or see
> it as an attempt to draw you into the "line of fire."
> This is just me having fun with Judy "on the ropes"
> and in Gotta-keep-defending-the-dumb-idea-because-
> I-can-never-be-seen-as-admitting-I-was-dumb mode. 
> There is so little real content on FFL lately that
> forms of cheap amusement like this are one of the
> only things that keep me around.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Simple questions that New Agers avoid

2010-01-15 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jeff.evans60"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000" 
> > >  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Break the suspense Jeff.  If thoughts don't create reality, what 
> > > > does?
> > > 
> > > Hairstyles. Just recently we've been told that
> > > one spoiled an entire movie.
> > > 
> > 
> > Well, [dRshyam, the Seen, is] **kRtaarthaM prati naSTam** apy anaSTaM 
> > tadanyasaadhaaraNatvaat... :0
> >
> But the world existed before man existed here and will continue to be long 
> after we are gone , so the sutra must be referring to a change in one's 
> experience of the world , rather than the world actually disappearing once 
> everyone is enlightened as some have suggested. The sense of unity 
> overshadows the world of name and form. I dont think its meant literally .


"Krtartham prati nastam api anastam tad-anya-sadharanatvat (II.22).

Krtartham = (one) whose purpose has been fulfilled; Prati = for/to; Nastam = 
destroyed/non-existent; Api =  although; Anastam = not destroyed/existent; Tad 
= (then) that; Anya = to others; Sadharanatvat = on account of being common.

Although it (the Seen, Prakrti) becomes non-existent for him (for Purusa, the 
Seer) whose purpose has been fulfilled, it continues to exist for others on 
account of being common to others.

In previous sutra (Tad-artha eva drsyasyatma = The Seen exists for him), we saw 
that this creation (Prakrti) is for the experience and liberation of Purusa. 
What happens to it (Prakrti) once the Purusa gets liberated? Above sutra tells 
us that it continues to be there for others (who have yet to get liberation).

Let us imagine, for understanding the above point, many persons are sleeping 
together in one room and having a dream which is common to all. Now, during the 
process of the dream, one of them wakes up. For him the dream ceases to be but 
for others it continues to be. Similarly the Seen (Prakrti) ceases to be for 
the Seer but continues to be for others."

[FairfieldLife] Re: Simple questions that New Agers avoid

2010-01-15 Thread m 13
Morning of good to you!
There is so much beauty in the world!
Let's talk about that!
The sun will be peeking soonenjoy


[FairfieldLife] Re: Another "line item" way to contribute to Haiti

2010-01-15 Thread raunchydog
Barry's post and use of the term "blank check" is misleading. Huffington Post, 
in partnership with Causecast have listed several "items" with specific dollar 
amounts you can "add to your shopping cart". At check out you can charge it to 
your credit card. It has the effect of allowing you feel you are allocating 
your dollars specifically, but it still amounts to CASH. Organizations such as 
"Save the Children" also uses this method to solicit donations where you can 
donate a cow or a goat. It's a gimmick to rope in tightwads and control freaks. 
It suits Barry perfectly. By the way, I wonder how many water filtration 
systems he donated to Haiti? 

Just because Huffington Post set up a way for you to specify "Water Filtration 
System $100" doesn't mean Causecast is any more reputable in the use of money 
you send than other well established organization such as UNICEF or Doctors 
without Boarders. 

In addition to working with Causecast, Huffington Post also lists top 
organizations accepting donations: 

At the U.N. Haiti's envoy, Bill Clinton, emphasized sending CASH and not 
"Stuff" in order to give organizations maximum flexibility. The situation in 
Haiti is so chaotic, it's anybody's guess exactly what is needed in different 
parts of the county during different stages of relief efforts.  


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> If you balk at giving a blank check to organizations you're 
> not sure about, Huffington Post has set up a Web page on 
> which you can order specific supplies to be sent to Haiti. 
> Having lived through the earthquake in Agadir, Morocco in 
> 1960, I can testify that one of the things that will be 
> most important are the water purification tablets and water 
> filtration systems offered there. Water supplies are almost 
> always completely contaminated by a large earthquake, and 
> life simply cannot continue without water. Thirsty people 
> will drink anything, and as a result die from it, no matter 
> how many doctors and rescue workers are trying to help.
> https://store.causecast.org/huffingtonpost

[FairfieldLife] Living too damn Fast

2010-01-15 Thread dhamiltony2k5
You have control over action alone,
never over its fruits. Live not for 
the fruits of action, nor attach
your self to inaction.  II.47


[FairfieldLife] Re: Barack Obama To Write Newsweek Cover Story On Haiti

2010-01-15 Thread sgrayatlarge
Obama has time to write an article for Newsweek but hasn't bothered to give a 
press conference since July. Both President and Newsweek must be in the same 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> A pleasant change. I'm still not convinced that George W. Bush could
> write his own name with a crayon, much less an article for Newsweek.
> Barack Obama To Write Newsweek Cover Story On Haiti
> President Barack Obama will write the cover story for next week's
> Newsweek magazine.
> The Wall Street Journal's Russell Adams reports
>  iti-and-the-earthquake-for-newsweek/>  that Newsweek editor Jon Meacham
> asked Obama's senior advisor if the President would write for the
> magazine, and he agreed.
> The magazine will hit newsstands on Monday.
> When Newsweek unveiled its redesign in May 2009, the magazine also
> turned to Obama
>  4679.html> ; Meacham interviewed Obama for that issue.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Barack Obama To Write Newsweek Cover Story On Haiti

2010-01-15 Thread sgrayatlarge
Let's also see how many times "I" is used

Another question... in between closed door backroom deals, golf with cronies, 
and working on his 3rd. biography(no doubt), how does the emperor have time to 
write this article?

How about focusing on relief efforts instead of adoring his mug on the cover 
yet again?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> A pleasant change. I'm still not convinced that George W. Bush could
> write his own name with a crayon, much less an article for Newsweek.
> Barack Obama To Write Newsweek Cover Story On Haiti
> President Barack Obama will write the cover story for next week's
> Newsweek magazine.
> The Wall Street Journal's Russell Adams reports
>  iti-and-the-earthquake-for-newsweek/>  that Newsweek editor Jon Meacham
> asked Obama's senior advisor if the President would write for the
> magazine, and he agreed.
> The magazine will hit newsstands on Monday.
> When Newsweek unveiled its redesign in May 2009, the magazine also
> turned to Obama
>  4679.html> ; Meacham interviewed Obama for that issue.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Simple questions that New Agers avoid

2010-01-15 Thread WillyTex

Erik wrote:
> [dRshyam, the Seen, is] **kRtaarthaM prati naSTam** 
> apy anaSTaM tadanyasaadhaaraNatvaat... :0
You are correct, Sir.

All of the Upanishad thinkers were transcendentalists. 

TMer's ascribe to the transcendtalist point-of-view. 
Transcendental means 'beyond' the senses - we are are 
referring to a state of consciousness, para', in 
Sanskrit, which is  beyond the states of waking, 
sleeping, and dreaming. Ken Wilber postulates that 
there is a whole spectrum of consciousness.

According to Gaudapadacharya, there is a fourth state 
of consciouness, called 'turiya' in Sanskrit. It is 
a state free from the binding influences of the 'gunas', 
the constituents of nature. Shankara says that the 
'brahman' or transcendental state is attained through 
'moksha', that is, *realized* by experiencing 
'advaita', the absolute non-dual Reality.

According to Maharishi Patanjali, this transcendental 
state can be experienced directly through a process 
of enstasis or mental introspection by following an 
eightfold path which includes meditation that is 

According to Mahesh Yogi, this process is defined 
as "the regular passing of the attention from one 
state of conciousness to another, subtler state; a 
process which enables transcendental consciousness to 
be maintained even during activity; first at a very 
subtle level, and then later, in all the gross 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Another "line item" way to contribute to Haiti

2010-01-15 Thread authfriend
Raunchy is correct. The reputable charities always
include some "fine print" telling you that substitutions
may be made depending on what the organization has
determined is the greatest need. To think that you know
better than the group you're donating to what it should
be using your money for is the height of arrogance.

Plus which, at this point the most urgent need in Haiti
is logistical support for getting supplies into the
Port-au-Prince area. Umpty tons of water purification
tablets don't do anybody any good if they're marooned
at the airport because the roads are blocked, or
sitting in a warehouse somewhere waiting to be shipped
because the airport can't accept any more flights. The
organizations working on the ground need money to get
that sorted out before anything else useful can be done.

In any case, it doesn't take much effort to find an
established charity or NGO that you *can* be sure about.
What these groups need *above all* in this kind of
crisis is exactly your "blank check," unrestricted funds.
If you don't trust one organization to use them wisely,
find another one you do trust.

Just don't respond to unsolicited email appeals or
somebody collecting door-to-door or a table set up at
your local supermarket. Go directly to the Web sites of
one of the reputable groups--lists are plastered all
over the media--and dump as much CASH as you can spare
on them.

Maybe later, when there's less chaos, there will be
specific needs to be fulfilled. But let the organizations
tell *you* what they are, don't you try to tell them.

BTW, the Clinton Foundation now also has a text-message
donation system set up for its Haiti relief fund: Send
the word "Haiti" to 20222 to make a $10 donation.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> Barry's post and use of the term "blank check" is misleading. Huffington 
> Post, in partnership with Causecast have listed several "items" with specific 
> dollar amounts you can "add to your shopping cart". At check out you can 
> charge it to your credit card. It has the effect of allowing you feel you are 
> allocating your dollars specifically, but it still amounts to CASH. 
> Organizations such as "Save the Children" also uses this method to solicit 
> donations where you can donate a cow or a goat. It's a gimmick to rope in 
> tightwads and control freaks. It suits Barry perfectly. By the way, I wonder 
> how many water filtration systems he donated to Haiti? 
> Just because Huffington Post set up a way for you to specify "Water 
> Filtration System $100" doesn't mean Causecast is any more reputable in the 
> use of money you send than other well established organization such as UNICEF 
> or Doctors without Boarders. 
> In addition to working with Causecast, Huffington Post also lists top 
> organizations accepting donations: 
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/01/12/haiti-earthquake-relief-h_n_421014.html
> At the U.N. Haiti's envoy, Bill Clinton, emphasized sending CASH and not 
> "Stuff" in order to give organizations maximum flexibility. The situation in 
> Haiti is so chaotic, it's anybody's guess exactly what is needed in different 
> parts of the county during different stages of relief efforts.  
> http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2010/01/bill_clinton_on_haiti_we_need.html
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > If you balk at giving a blank check to organizations you're 
> > not sure about, Huffington Post has set up a Web page on 
> > which you can order specific supplies to be sent to Haiti. 
> > 
> > Having lived through the earthquake in Agadir, Morocco in 
> > 1960, I can testify that one of the things that will be 
> > most important are the water purification tablets and water 
> > filtration systems offered there. Water supplies are almost 
> > always completely contaminated by a large earthquake, and 
> > life simply cannot continue without water. Thirsty people 
> > will drink anything, and as a result die from it, no matter 
> > how many doctors and rescue workers are trying to help.
> > 
> > https://store.causecast.org/huffingtonpost
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Living too damn Fast

2010-01-15 Thread dhamiltony2k5

> You have control over action alone,
> never over its fruits. Live not for 
> the fruits of action, nor attach
> your self to inaction.  II.47
> http://www.good.is/post/you-can-drive-55/?gt1=48001

He who in this life does not follow
the wheel of life thus set revolving,
whose life is sinful, 
whose contentment lies in the senses,
he lives in vain.  III.16

Yup, spoken like a conservative meditator. Like the science on true 
spirituality is showing more and more.  Slow down and come to meditation.

[FairfieldLife] Christian Right

2010-01-15 Thread do.rflex

[FairfieldLife] Young Pundits chanting in the Himalayas

2010-01-15 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Simple questions that New Agers avoid

2010-01-15 Thread WillyTex

meow wrote:
> Morning of good to you!
Good morning to you too! 

But what about the 'simple' questions that 
'New Agers' avoid? If they are so simple, 
they would have been answered by now, I 

> There is so much beauty in the world!
It should be easy to answer these questions 
even if you're not a 'New Ager', because all 
you have to do is apply some common sense, 

> Let's talk about that!
So, you want to avoid the simple questions.
> The sun will be peeking soonenjoy
The world appears to be real and it seems
like the the sun is 'peeking', but isn't the 
earth rotating? 

I guess the eyes play tricks on us sometimes. 
Maybe the sun just 'appears' to be peeking 
out from behind the earth. Things are NOT
always exactly as they seem. 

For example, one person sees a 'sky-flower', 
but another sees clouds in the sky. The 
person who thought he saw the sky-flower 
realizes that it was just a mote in his eye.

The sky-flower was not real, yet it was not
unreal while he was experiencing it. It was
like an illusion or a dream. In reality, 
there are no sky-flowers.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Simple questions that New Agers avoid

2010-01-15 Thread dhamiltony2k5

> Erik wrote:
> > [dRshyam, the Seen, is] **kRtaarthaM prati naSTam** 
> > apy anaSTaM tadanyasaadhaaraNatvaat... :0
> >
> You are correct, Sir.
> All of the Upanishad thinkers were transcendentalists. 
> TMer's ascribe to the transcendtalist point-of-view. 
> Transcendental means 'beyond' the senses - we are are 
> referring to a state of consciousness, para', in 
> Sanskrit, which is  beyond the states of waking, 
> sleeping, and dreaming. Ken Wilber postulates that 
> there is a whole spectrum of consciousness.
> According to Gaudapadacharya, there is a fourth state 
> of consciouness, called 'turiya' in Sanskrit. It is 
> a state free from the binding influences of the 'gunas', 
> the constituents of nature. Shankara says that the 
> 'brahman' or transcendental state is attained through 
> 'moksha', that is, *realized* by experiencing 
> 'advaita', the absolute non-dual Reality.
> According to Maharishi Patanjali, this transcendental 
> state can be experienced directly through a process 
> of enstasis or mental introspection by following an 
> eightfold path which includes meditation that is 
> transcendental. 
> According to Mahesh Yogi, this process is defined 
> as "the regular passing of the attention from one 
> state of conciousness to another, subtler state; a 
> process which enables transcendental consciousness to 
> be maintained even during activity; first at a very 
> subtle level, and then later, in all the gross 
> activities..."

Yeah, is true. My experience too.  Nice summation.

Jai Adi Shankara,
-Doug in FF

[FairfieldLife] Re: Christian Right

2010-01-15 Thread WillyTex

> Christian Right
It will probably take a Christian 'miracle' to save 
most of the people of Haiti. 

>From what I've read, conservative Christians have 
donated billions of dollars in aid to Haiti in the 
past decade. That's where a lot of the aid comes 
from - Christians who donate money and pay U.S.
taxes, John.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Who to blame for the Haiti earthquake?

2010-01-15 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > The Buddhist group I sit with here from time to
> > time raised 40,000 Euros in one day. My contri-
> > bution added to the total. What would you like
> > to bet that NO ONE ELSE on this forum who has 
> > commented on this subject -- including Raunchy,
> > Judy, and those who find "karmic" reasons for
> > the earthquake has contributed a penny.
> I'd be happy to take any such bets. How much are
> you betting, Barry?
> (Loser to donate the amount of the bet to the
> relief efforts, of course.)

By my calculations Barry lost the bet and owes the Haitian relief effort an 
amount that matches the donations made by FFLife. He should consider this 
penance for his arrogance. 

$100 Judy 

$101 sgrayatlarge

$50 nabby

$210 raunchydog

Total $451. 
If it would make him feel any better about losing the bet, Barry could donate 
that amount for Water Filtration Systems.

Good job FFLife, keep up the good work. 
If you haven't done so already, please text Haiti 90999 for the Red Cross or 
Haiti 20222 for the Haiti relief fund through the Clinton Foundation. 

[FairfieldLife] Hope and horror in Haiti and Mexico

2010-01-15 Thread Rick Archer
Mark Morford at his best:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Who to blame for the Haiti earthquake?

2010-01-15 Thread TurquoiseB
LOL. Not only did I never reply to your silly post,
I had already donated more than twice what FFL
raised as a group long before you started your
"campaign." I'll stick with that amount for now, 
thanks, and congratulate you on spurring people 
to contribute.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > 
> > > The Buddhist group I sit with here from time to
> > > time raised 40,000 Euros in one day. My contri-
> > > bution added to the total. What would you like
> > > to bet that NO ONE ELSE on this forum who has 
> > > commented on this subject -- including Raunchy,
> > > Judy, and those who find "karmic" reasons for
> > > the earthquake has contributed a penny.
> > 
> > I'd be happy to take any such bets. How much are
> > you betting, Barry?
> > 
> > (Loser to donate the amount of the bet to the
> > relief efforts, of course.)
> By my calculations Barry lost the bet and owes the Haitian 
> relief effort an amount that matches the donations made by 
> FFLife. He should consider this penance for his arrogance. 
> $100 Judy 
> $101 sgrayatlarge
> $50 nabby
> $210 raunchydog
> Total $451. 
> If it would make him feel any better about losing the bet, Barry 
> could donate that amount for Water Filtration Systems.
> Good job FFLife, keep up the good work. 
> If you haven't done so already, please text Haiti 90999 for the 
> Red Cross or Haiti 20222 for the Haiti relief fund through the 
> Clinton Foundation.

[FairfieldLife] Haiti: Rush Limbaugh's compassion for the human tragedy

2010-01-15 Thread do.rflex

Rush Limbaugh's Haiti comment on Ed Schultz's Psycho talk segment: 

Video: http://snipurl.com/u3fmi 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Christian Right

2010-01-15 Thread sgrayatlarge
The actor Glover believes it's Gaia's revenge on our "inaction" against 
cliemate change.

A pox on both houses!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Christian Right

2010-01-15 Thread sgrayatlarge
The actor Glover believes it's Gaia's revenge on our "inaction" against climate 

A pox on both houses!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Christian Right

2010-01-15 Thread sgrayatlarge
Pat Robertson may be a total tool, but I imagine his supporters have donated a 
lot of money to help Haiti

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex"  wrote:
> > Christian Right
> >
> It will probably take a Christian 'miracle' to save 
> most of the people of Haiti. 
> From what I've read, conservative Christians have 
> donated billions of dollars in aid to Haiti in the 
> past decade. That's where a lot of the aid comes 
> from - Christians who donate money and pay U.S.
> taxes, John.

[FairfieldLife] Don't let Monsanto Destroy Organic

2010-01-15 Thread Rick Archer

 Food & Water Watch: Advocating for our right to safe,
affordable, healthy food and water.

Stop Monsanto from Contaminating Our Food
Protect Organic Food From Genetically Engineered Crops

January 14, 2010
Dear Michael,

Protect Organic Food from Genetically Engineered Crops! 
Tell the USDA to reject Monsanto's 
GE Alfalfa.
Many people are concerned about eating genetically engineered foods because
of possible health risks. Unfortunately, the U.S. Department of Agriculture
is getting closer to approving Monsanto's genetically engineered (GE)
alfalfa, despite the fact that it's likely to contaminate other crops,
including organic alfalfa.  Almost all organic dairies are dependent upon
organic alfalfa, and organic standards don't allow the use of GE crops.
Tell the USDA to preserve organic and reject GE alfalfa.

The USDA has studied the possible contamination issues with this perennial
grass.  They admit there could be problems, but claim they don't know if the
contamination of organic alfalfa would matter to consumers of organic food.
This is ridiculous, since avoiding genetically engineered ingredients is one
of the biggest reasons people seek out organic foods.

We need to tell the USDA loud and clear that consumers want foods that are
free from genetic engineering.  Tell the USDA that consumers do care, and
they should reject genetically engineered alfalfa.

Thanks for taking action,
Sarah, Alex, Noelle and the Food Team
Food & Water Watch
 & Water Watch is a nonprofit consumer organization that
works to ensure clean water and safe food. We challenge the corporate
control and abuse of our food and water resources by empowering people to
take action and by transforming the public consciousness about what we eat
and drink.
Talk to Us
  | Support Us
  | Subscribe


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christian Right

2010-01-15 Thread Bhairitu
So does taking action against climate change threaten your bottom line?

sgrayatlarge wrote:
> The actor Glover believes it's Gaia's revenge on our "inaction" against 
> cliemate change.
> A pox on both houses!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Living too damn Fast

2010-01-15 Thread Bhairitu
Doug, the "Gita Thumper."

dhamiltony2k5 wrote:
> You have control over action alone,
> never over its fruits. Live not for 
> the fruits of action, nor attach
> your self to inaction.  II.47
> http://www.good.is/post/you-can-drive-55/?gt1=48001

[FairfieldLife] Re: Christian Right

2010-01-15 Thread sgrayatlarge
It's a lame ass comment to make right after the earthquake, wait a few  months 
before making such statements

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> So does taking action against climate change threaten your bottom line?
> sgrayatlarge wrote:
> > The actor Glover believes it's Gaia's revenge on our "inaction" against 
> > cliemate change.
> >
> > A pox on both houses!
> >
> >
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Global Good News = Head In The Sand News?

2010-01-15 Thread TurquoiseB
Just as a counterpoint to all the real news about
Haiti, if you need a break go to the "by country"
reports on the Global Good News site. On this first
page you will see "All the news that's fit to print"
about Haiti as of today. 


"Digging down" into one of them, you find this 
fascinating talk by Raja Lucien Mansour on how TM
and TM programs are creating "Invincibility" for


Good to know that it's all Good News from that
part of the world, and that Invincibility reigns.

[FairfieldLife] Cheech and Chong want to smoke dope with Sarah Palin

2010-01-15 Thread TurquoiseB
After all, as they say, she already answers questions
like a stoner. Short clip with some good barbs in it.
I particularly liked the one about how she ran for
VP as if she was in the "Miss Vice President Contest"
and had drawn the questions to be asked of her at
press conferences out of a fishbowl.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Global Good News = Head In The Sand News?

2010-01-15 Thread sgrayatlarge
This just points out what sham all this is. After the quake, they probably 
still believe Haiti is Invincible, that is if the Rajas are still feeling the 
bliss of silence and need more time to come out of meditation, afterall what is 
more important for these bums than to think well I put my attention on my 
little piece of the earth, that's good enoughwell what's for lunch?..yumm 
dal and rice my favorite!!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> Just as a counterpoint to all the real news about
> Haiti, if you need a break go to the "by country"
> reports on the Global Good News site. On this first
> page you will see "All the news that's fit to print"
> about Haiti as of today. 
> http://www.globalgoodnews.com/world-news-c.html?abv=HTI&country=Haiti
> "Digging down" into one of them, you find this 
> fascinating talk by Raja Lucien Mansour on how TM
> and TM programs are creating "Invincibility" for
> Haiti.
> http://www.globalgoodnews.com/world-peace-a.html?art=121449800444950238
> Good to know that it's all Good News from that
> part of the world, and that Invincibility reigns.

[FairfieldLife] Gay scientists isolate the gene that makes people Christian

2010-01-15 Thread TurquoiseB
Found by Marek, passed along by moi, this clip 
details peer-reviewed research conducted by the 
prestigious Pink Tiger Research Institute:


"We have already prevented this rat from being
born Christian, and hopefully humans will follow."

[FairfieldLife] Re: Global Good News = Head In The Sand News?

2010-01-15 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > "Digging down" into one of them, you find this 
> > fascinating talk by Raja Lucien Mansour on how TM
> > and TM programs are creating "Invincibility" for
> > Haiti.
> > 
> > http://www.globalgoodnews.com/world-peace-a.html?art=121449800444950238
> > 
> > Good to know that it's all Good News from that
> > part of the world, and that Invincibility reigns.

I wish I had as much time available to research every little thingy coming from 
the TMO as the Turqey obviously has. Does this fellow have any other job ?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christian Right

2010-01-15 Thread Bhairitu
Just what does the earthquake have to do with asking if climate change 
threatens your bottom line?  If anyone is a "lame ass" it's you.

sgrayatlarge wrote:
> It's a lame ass comment to make right after the earthquake, wait a few  
> months before making such statements
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> So does taking action against climate change threaten your bottom line?
>> sgrayatlarge wrote:
>>> The actor Glover believes it's Gaia's revenge on our "inaction" against 
>>> cliemate change.
>>> A pox on both houses!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gay scientists isolate the gene that makes people Christian

2010-01-15 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> Found by Marek, passed along by moi, this clip 
> details peer-reviewed research conducted by the 
> prestigious Pink Tiger Research Institute:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCzbNkyXO50
> "We have already prevented this rat from being
> born Christian, and hopefully humans will follow."

A similar story from the Onion:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Global Good News = Head In The Sand News?

2010-01-15 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > >
> > > "Digging down" into one of them, you find this 
> > > fascinating talk by Raja Lucien Mansour on how TM
> > > and TM programs are creating "Invincibility" for
> > > Haiti.
> > > 
> > > http://www.globalgoodnews.com/world-peacea.html?art=121449800444950238
> > > 
> > > Good to know that it's all Good News from that
> > > part of the world, and that Invincibility reigns.
> I wish I had as much time available to research every 
> little thingy coming from the TMO as the Turqey obviously 
> has. Does this fellow have any other job ?

Now Nabby...think this through. You *know* that
the CIA doesn't like its operatives to moonlight
at a second job.

Didn't you see "Once Upon A Time In Mexico," known
in Europe as "Desperado 2?" The character played
by Johnny Depp in that film epitomizes today's
modern CIA agent. How am I ever going to rise in
the Agency and become as cool as he is if I try
to hold down a second job?


About the scene in this clip in which he walks 
into the restaurant kitchen and shoots the chef,
all I can say is that if you ever meet any of
my TMO-tormenting fellow CIA agents, don't 
ever offer to cook them a Puerco Pibil.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Christian Right

2010-01-15 Thread sgrayatlarge
The lame ass comment was not directed toward you but Glover

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Just what does the earthquake have to do with asking if climate change 
> threatens your bottom line?  If anyone is a "lame ass" it's you.
> sgrayatlarge wrote:
> > It's a lame ass comment to make right after the earthquake, wait a few  
> > months before making such statements
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >   
> >> So does taking action against climate change threaten your bottom line?
> >>
> >> sgrayatlarge wrote:
> >> 
> >>> The actor Glover believes it's Gaia's revenge on our "inaction" against 
> >>> cliemate change.
> >>>
> >>> A pox on both houses!
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>   
> >
> >
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Haiti relief effort through the Marians PLEASE FORWARD

2010-01-15 Thread gita...@sbcglobal.net
Here is a place to send relief donations to Haiti

- Forwarded Message 
From: Fr. Joseph MIC 
To: stacee.kra...@sbcglobal.net
Sent: Fri, January 15, 2010 3:54:14 AM
Subject: Haiti relief effort through the Marians PLEASE FORWARD

Dear Marian Helper, 

The Holy Father and leaders from around the world are urging people to come to 
the aid of the people of Haiti, the Caribbean nation devastated by an 
earthquake on Tuesday, Jan. 12. 

The Marians are asking you to pray — particularly to pray the Chaplet of The 
Divine Mercy for those trapped, injured, homeless, and dying — and to please 
give whatever financial assistance you can to relief efforts. 

The full 100% of Haiti relief donations made through the Marians will be sent 
to Catholic Relief Services, which has mobilized an immediate aid response to 
Haiti in the form of food and supplies. 

Thank you for your prayerful consideration of how you can help. 

Yours in the Merciful Savior, 
Father Joseph, MIC 

Donate now. 

Read our related article. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christian Right

2010-01-15 Thread Bhairitu
Okay, that was a little unclear and I tend to agree about Glover's comment 
which was about not passing the Copenhagen accords.  Those accords weren't good 

- Reply message -
From: "sgrayatlarge" 
Date: Fri, Jan 15, 2010 1:22 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christian Right

The lame ass comment was not directed toward you but Glover

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Just what does the earthquake have to do with asking if climate change 
> threatens your bottom line?  If anyone is a "lame ass" it's you.
> sgrayatlarge wrote:
> > It's a lame ass comment to make right after the earthquake, wait a few  
> > months before making such statements
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >   
> >> So does taking action against climate change threaten your bottom line?
> >>
> >> sgrayatlarge wrote:
> >> 
> >>> The actor Glover believes it's Gaia's revenge on our "inaction" against 
> >>> cliemate change.
> >>>
> >>> A pox on both houses!
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>   
> >
> >
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] A departure for the TMO?

2010-01-15 Thread ShempMcGurk

Would this have happened under Maharishi?  I cannot recall a time
whenever they got involved in a charity of this nature.

I could be wrong, but I don't think it even happened after 9/11.

Here's what I am referring to, an email I just got from MAPI:

Dearest Customer and Friend,

The disaster in Haiti moves us to help our international friends in
need. Sometimes we can't do much, but as the saying goes, every
little bit helps. TOGETHER, we can make a life-supporting difference.

In addition to immediate medical supplies, food, and shelter, disaster
victims also require clothing as all or most of their possessions are
lost as a result of the catastrophe. MAPI will be making a contribution
to this relief effort by donating quality, new clothing to the people of
Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  The first shipment will be leaving the USA
Friday, January 22, 2010.

We also thought that our customers might want to participate in this
effort, and we have created a simple way for you to lend your support.

MAPI has just begun a final clearance sale on all of our organic
clothing, and we have decided to donate in your name an additional $25
in clothing to the earthquake victims for every $25 clothing purchase
our customers make.

Best Wishes Always,


P.S. If you haven't received our ad for the clothing and are
interested in viewing it now, just click on this link:

Ernie Sica
VP Sales and Marketing
Maharishi Ayurveda Products International
641-469-6940 x106

[FairfieldLife] Re: Who to blame for the Haiti earthquake?

2010-01-15 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> LOL. Not only did I never reply to your silly post,
> I had already donated more than twice what FFL
> raised as a group long before you started your
> "campaign." I'll stick with that amount for now, 
> thanks, and congratulate you on spurring people 
> to contribute.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > > 
> > > > The Buddhist group I sit with here from time to
> > > > time raised 40,000 Euros in one day. My contri-
> > > > bution added to the total. What would you like
> > > > to bet that NO ONE ELSE on this forum who has 
> > > > commented on this subject -- including Raunchy,
> > > > Judy, and those who find "karmic" reasons for
> > > > the earthquake has contributed a penny.
> > > 
> > > I'd be happy to take any such bets. How much are
> > > you betting, Barry?
> > > 
> > > (Loser to donate the amount of the bet to the
> > > relief efforts, of course.)
> > 
> > By my calculations Barry lost the bet and owes the Haitian 
> > relief effort an amount that matches the donations made by 
> > FFLife. He should consider this penance for his arrogance. 
> > 
> > $100 Judy 
> > 
> > $101 sgrayatlarge
> > 
> > $50 nabby
> > 
> > $210 raunchydog
> > 
> > Total $451. 
> > If it would make him feel any better about losing the bet, Barry 
> > could donate that amount for Water Filtration Systems.
> > 
> > Good job FFLife, keep up the good work. 
> > If you haven't done so already, please text Haiti 90999 for the 
> > Red Cross or Haiti 20222 for the Haiti relief fund through the 
> > Clinton Foundation.

Whatever, Barry.  CYA as usual.  Pop quiz:  What is name of the organization 
Barry's Buddhist group donated 40K Euros to in one day?  Extra credit:  How 
much did Barry put in the pot?  

RE: [FairfieldLife] A departure for the TMO?

2010-01-15 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of ShempMcGurk
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 5:46 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] A departure for the TMO?
Would this have happened under Maharishi?  I cannot recall a time whenever
they got involved in a charity of this nature.
I could be wrong, but I don't think it even happened after 9/11.
Here's what I am referring to, an email I just got from MAPI:
Ernie is a very cool, open-minded guy. It seems that people like him are
slowly infiltrating the administration of the TMO.
Dearest Customer and Friend,
The disaster in Haiti moves us to help our international friends in need.
Sometimes we can't do much, but as the saying goes, every little bit helps.
TOGETHER, we can make a life-supporting difference.
In addition to immediate medical supplies, food, and shelter, disaster
victims also require clothing as all or most of their possessions are lost
as a result of the catastrophe. MAPI will be making a contribution to this
relief effort by donating quality, new clothing to the people of
Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  The first shipment will be leaving the USA Friday,
January 22, 2010.
We also thought that our customers might want to participate in this effort,
and we have created a simple way for you to lend your support.
MAPI has just begun a final clearance sale on all of our organic clothing,
and we have decided to donate in your name an additional $25 in clothing to
the earthquake victims for every $25 clothing purchase our customers make. 
Best Wishes Always,
P.S. If you haven't received our ad for the clothing and are interested in
viewing it now, just click on this link:  
Ernie Sica
VP Sales and Marketing
Maharishi Ayurveda Products International
641-469-6940 x106

[FairfieldLife] Re: Living too damn Fast

2010-01-15 Thread WillyTex
Bhairitu wrote:
> Doug, the "Gita Thumper."
Barry2, the "Tantric Acharya".

> > You have control over action alone,
> > never over its fruits. Live not for 
> > the fruits of action, nor attach
> > your self to inaction.  II.47
> >

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2010-01-15 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Jan 09 00:00:00 2010
End Date (UTC): Sat Jan 16 00:00:00 2010
457 messages as of (UTC) Fri Jan 15 23:57:06 2010

50 authfriend 
47 TurquoiseB 
44 WillyTex 
42 ShempMcGurk 
34 Bhairitu 
32 Rick Archer 
23 dhamiltony2k5 
22 "do.rflex" 
16 sgrayatlarge 
16 nablusoss1008 
15 raunchydog 
14 It's just a ride 
12 cardemaister 
12 Hugo 
11 off_world_beings 
11 Mike Dixon 
 8 Sal Sunshine 
 8 "jeff.evans60" 
 5 John 
 5 BillyG 
 4 Alex Stanley 
 3 m 13 
 3 "gita...@sbcglobal.net" 
 2 shukra69 
 2 seekliberation 
 2 Vaj 
 1 wvosteen 
 1 suziezuzie 
 1 michael 
 1 lurkernomore20002000 
 1 hermandan0 
 1 guyfawkes91 
 1 elanghorus 
 1 Zoran Krneta 
 1 William 
 1 wle...@aol.com
 1 RayS 
 1 PaliGap 
 1 Donna Porter 
 1 Dick Mays 

Posters: 40
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Who to blame for the Haiti earthquake?

2010-01-15 Thread WillyTex

> > > The Buddhist group I sit with here from time to
> > > time raised 40,000 Euros in one day. My contri-
> > > bution added to the total. What would you like
> > > to bet that NO ONE ELSE on this forum who has 
> > > commented on this subject -- including Raunchy,
> > > Judy, and those who find "karmic" reasons for
> > > the earthquake has contributed a penny.
> > >
> > I'd be happy to take any such bets. How much are
> > you betting, Barry?
> > 
> > (Loser to donate the amount of the bet to the
> > relief efforts, of course.)
> >
> By my calculations Barry lost the bet and owes the 
> Haitian relief effort an amount that matches the 
> donations made by FFLife. He should consider this 
> penance for his arrogance. 
> $100 Judy 
> $101 sgrayatlarge
> $50 nabby
> $210 raunchydog
> Total $451. 
willytex - $100

Since Barry lost the bet, I'd vote that he donate to 
the FFL group as much as his entire Buddhist group 
donated, plus as much as the FFL respondents donated.

Maybe Rick could set up a fund with the money to give
to the Haitian relief effort. 

Otherwise, maybe Barry should just apologize and leave 
the group and stop being such a whinny old turd. He's
a loser and apparently a cheater. Maybe he could take 
the other Barry with him, and John Manning too. They
are losers, fer sure. 

It's really low for guys kike the two Barrys and John
that try to score political or religious points at the 
the expense of 50,000 dead victims. It's outrageous!

Obviously they are really sick in the head - not any
kind of spiritual teachers at all.

> If it would make him feel any better about 
> losing the bet, Barry could donate that amount 
> for Water Filtration Systems.
> Good job FFLife, keep up the good work.
> If you haven't done so already, please text 
> Haiti 90999 for the Red Cross or Haiti 20222 
> for the Haiti relief fund through the Clinton 
> Foundation.

[FairfieldLife] Rent It .. for "Book of Eli"

2010-01-15 Thread Bhairitu
Didn't knock my socks off and would make a good rental.   Too much 
cliche apocalyptic bikers through the desert stuff.  And Mila Kunis had 
a hairdresser on hand through the trek in the desert.

"Sanctuary" tonight on Syfy takes place in Mumbai and is a two hour 
episode about a Kali cult.

And tonight is the next to final episode of "Dollhouse" and a heads up 
as "24" starts Sunday night.

I did watch "Halloween II" director's cut which is not for the weak but 
I like Rob Zombie's work.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Global Good News = Head In The Sand News?

2010-01-15 Thread authfriend
Guess what? The TMO is *more honest than Barry*.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> Just as a counterpoint to all the real news about
> Haiti, if you need a break go to the "by country"
> reports on the Global Good News site. On this first
> page you will see "All the news that's fit to print"
> about Haiti as of today.

Including, of course, a report on the earthquake. 

> http://www.globalgoodnews.com/world-news-c.html?abv=HTI&country=Haiti
> "Digging down" into one of them, you find this 
> fascinating talk by Raja Lucien Mansour on how TM
> and TM programs are creating "Invincibility" for
> Haiti.
> http://www.globalgoodnews.com/world-peace-a.html?art=121449800444950238
> Good to know that it's all Good News from that
> part of the world, and that Invincibility reigns.

If you actually go and look at the site--instead of
just smirking and feeling self-righteous on the basis
of Barry's deliberately deceptive account--you won't
find anything about Invincibility Reigning. What 
you'll find instead are hopeful mentions of *creating*
invincibility, working toward it. Nothing about its
being a fait accompli.

Nor will you find only Good News, contrary to Barry's
intentionally false claim. You'll find a long list of
detailed Bad News stories under the "Flops" heading,
as many of them as of the Good News stories, very much
part--earthquake devastation and all--of the news
considered "fit to print"...

...except in Barry's post, of course, because he wants
you to believe otherwise.

The earthquake in Haiti also tops the list of Flops
in the World News section of the site:


No kidding, if Barry tells you the sun is shining, you
need to go and look out the window before you decide
to leave your umbrella at home.

What a vile human being.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Global Good News = Head In The Sand News?

2010-01-15 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sgrayatlarge  wrote:
> This just points out what sham all this is. After the
> quake, they probably still believe Haiti is Invincible,
> that is if the Rajas are still feeling the bliss of
> silence and need more time to come out of meditation,
> afterall what is more important for these bums than to
> think well I put my attention on my little piece of the
> earth, that's good enoughwell what's for lunch?..
> yumm dal and rice my favorite!!

sgray, this time you allowed yourself to be thoroughly
skunked by Barry.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Global Good News = Head In The Sand News?

2010-01-15 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > > 
> > > "Digging down" into one of them, you find this 
> > > fascinating talk by Raja Lucien Mansour on how TM
> > > and TM programs are creating "Invincibility" for
> > > Haiti.
> > > 
> > > http://www.globalgoodnews.com/world-peace-a.html?art=121449800444950238
> > > 
> > > Good to know that it's all Good News from that
> > > part of the world, and that Invincibility reigns.
> I wish I had as much time available to research every
> little thingy coming from the TMO as the Turqey obviously
> has. Does this fellow have any other job ?

You need time to do more than just research if you're
going to do what he does. First you have to do the
research, then you have to figure out how to lie about
what you've found.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Who to blame for the Haiti earthquake?

2010-01-15 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> LOL. Not only did I never reply to your silly post,

Non sequitur. You offered to bet that you were the
only person on FFL commenting on the earthquake who
had donated anything. Since you obviously lost that
bet, Raunchy was just proposing an appropriate 
penalty amount.

And not only were you wrong, but three of the four
people who *had* donated are dedicated TMers.

BarryFAIL. Again.

No wonder you're trying to distract attention from
your gaffe by bleating about how much *you* donated,
as if that had anything to do with it.

Just vile.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 1957

2010-01-15 Thread dhamiltony2k5

> > 
> > > 1976
> > > 
> > > Maharishi introduced the TM-Sidhi program
> > > and starts to train Governors of the Age of 
> > > Enlightenment to function from the Unified
> > > Field of all the Laws of Nature to purify
> > > world consciousness.
> > >
> > 

 This is the start of a new theme of action, 
an ideal path of performance 
following the principle of least action,
which upholds all activity in nature-  Maharishi's
principle of do less and accomplish more through
 the help of natural law.

This is to give a new theme to life on earth, 
progressive life without
stress, strain, and fatigue, through alliance
with the total potential of natural law.

> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 1976  (continued)
> >  Maharishi's Year of Government
> > Maharishi inaugurates the  World Government
> > Of the Age of Enlightenment, a non-political,
> > Non-religious global organization, with sovereignty
> > In the domain of consciousness, authority in the invincible power
> > Of Natural Law, and activity in purifying world
> > Consciousness with the participation of the people of over 
> > 120 countries and with 1,200 Maharishi Capitals of the Age of Enlightenment
> > around the world.
> > 
> > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > >
> > > > 1975
> > > > Maharishi's Year of the
> > > > Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment
> > > > 
> > > > With the discovery of the "Maharishi Effect"
> > > > the profound nature of Maharishi's Creative
> > > > Intelligence is further validated.  The
> > > > "Maharishi Effect" demonstrates that 
> > > > the collective life of a society or nation can 
> > > > be fully developed and enriched through a small proportion
> > > > of the population practicing Maharishi's
> > > > Transcendental Meditation.
> > > >
> > > 
> > > 1975  (continued)
> > > 
> > > The 'Maharishi Effect' establishes a new formula for the creation of an 
> > > ideal society, free from crime and problems.  With this, Maharishi 
> > > envisions the dawn of a new age for humankind- the Age of Enlightenment.
> > > 
> > > On January 12, Maharishi inaugurates the Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment 
> > > for the whole world in Switzerland, and travels to all six continents 
> > > inaugurating the Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment for each continent.  
> > > The Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment brings the first wave of fulfillment 
> > > of Maharishi's World Plan.
> > > 
> > > Maharishi establishes Maharishi European Research University to monitor 
> > > the rise of the Age of Enlightenment in all parts of the world, and to 
> > > investigate the full range of possibilities inherent in human 
> > > consciousness. 
> > > > 
> > > > > 1974
> > > > > Maharishi's Year of 
> > > > > Achievement of the World Plan
> > > > > 
> > > > > The Discovery of the "Maharishi Effect":
> > > > > one percent of the population practicing
> > > > > the Transcendental Meditation program in
> > > > > any city reduces negative tendencies, such
> > > > > as crime, accident, and sickness rates, and
> > > > > increases positive tendencies throughout
> > > > > society.
> > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 1973
> > > > > > Maharishi's Year of
> > > > > > Action for the World Plan
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > More than 2,000 World Plan Centers are
> > > > > > established in all parts of the world,
> > > > > > offering courses in the Science of
> > > > > > Creative Intelligence.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > 1972
> > > > > > > Maharishi's Year of the World Plan.
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > Maharishi inaugurates the World Plan to "solve
> > > > > > > the age-old problems of mankind in this generation",
> > > > > > > with 2,000 newly trained teachers of 
> > > > > > > the Science of Creative Intelligence.
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > 1971
> > > > > > > > Maharishi's Year of
> > > > > > > > Science of Creative Intelligence
> > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > Maharishi formulates the Science of Creative Intelligence
> > > > > > > > as the scientific theory for the development of 
> > > > > > > > higher states of consciousness, which naturally develop 
> > > > > > > > through the practice of Transcendental Meditation.
> > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > Maharishi establishes Maharishi Interantional University
> > > > > > > > in the U.S.A. to serve as a model of ideal education in the 
> > > > > > > > world.
> > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > 1970
> > > > > > > > > Maharishi's Year of
> > > > > > > > > Scientific Research
> > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > First scientific research on Transcendental
> > > > > > > > > Meditation, identifying the physiological
> > > > > > > > > correlates of higher states of consciousness.
> > > > > > > > > With this research Transcendental Meditation
> > > > > > > > > gains worldwide publicity and inspires scientists
> > > > > > > > > throughout the world to research into the wide range of 
> > > > > > > > > benefits resulting from Transcendental Meditation.
> > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > 
> > > >

[FairfieldLife] Pet Metheny Orchestrion

2010-01-15 Thread Vaj
I've watched and enjoyed Pat's acoustic, electric and MIDI phases, but this 
susses the best acoustic-MIDI fusions that I've heard.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Living too damn Fast

2010-01-15 Thread dhamiltony2k5

> >
> > You have control over action alone,
> > never over its fruits. Live not for 
> > the fruits of action, nor attach
> > your self to inaction.  II.47
> > 
> > http://www.good.is/post/you-can-drive-55/?gt1=48001
> >
> He who in this life does not follow
> the wheel of life thus set revolving,
> whose life is sinful, 
> whose contentment lies in the senses,
> he lives in vain.  III.16
> {But Castleman, whose original motivation was saving oil, now believes 
> driving 55 could have broader benefits for our quality of life. A 
> self-described "conservative person," Castleman would rather not have a law 
> at all, but since no one wants to slow down voluntarily, it seems like the 
> only option. "I don't want police waiting at every corner to give a ticket. I 
> want my fellow drivers to get sane. We're all going to get there. Let's just 
> do it in an orderly fashion."}
> Yup, spoken like a conservative meditator. Like the science on true 
> spirituality is showing more and more.  Slow down and come to meditation.

But the man who is without
knowledge, without faith
and of a doubting nature perishes.
For the doubting mind there is neither 
this world nor another 
nor any happiness.  

[FairfieldLife] Enlightenment for Begineers

2010-01-15 Thread Ghanesh PV

[FairfieldLife] Re: Who to blame for the Haiti earthquake?

2010-01-15 Thread raunchydog
Thank you for donating $100, willytex! That means FFLife has donated $551 to 
Haiti so far. You guys rock! Thank you, everyone. Come on folks. Even if you 
can't afford very much right now, just know that every little bit helps. I just 
checked the news. The Red Cross reports it has raised $8 million from $10 text 
messages. Amazing! It's easy to do and it just takes a minute. So pick up your 
cell phone right now and text Haiti 90999 for the Red Cross or Haiti 20222 for 
the Haiti relief fund. Let's see if we can hit $1000 this weekend. We're half 
way there. I believe we can do this. What say you, Rick?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex"  wrote:
> > > > The Buddhist group I sit with here from time to
> > > > time raised 40,000 Euros in one day. My contri-
> > > > bution added to the total. What would you like
> > > > to bet that NO ONE ELSE on this forum who has 
> > > > commented on this subject -- including Raunchy,
> > > > Judy, and those who find "karmic" reasons for
> > > > the earthquake has contributed a penny.
> > > >
> > > I'd be happy to take any such bets. How much are
> > > you betting, Barry?
> > > 
> > > (Loser to donate the amount of the bet to the
> > > relief efforts, of course.)
> > >
> rd:
> > By my calculations Barry lost the bet and owes the 
> > Haitian relief effort an amount that matches the 
> > donations made by FFLife. He should consider this 
> > penance for his arrogance. 
> > 
> > $100 Judy 
> > 
> > $101 sgrayatlarge
> > 
> > $50 nabby
> > 
> > $210 raunchydog
> > 
> > Total $451. 
> > 
> willytex - $100
> Since Barry lost the bet, I'd vote that he donate to 
> the FFL group as much as his entire Buddhist group 
> donated, plus as much as the FFL respondents donated.
> Maybe Rick could set up a fund with the money to give
> to the Haitian relief effort. 
> Otherwise, maybe Barry should just apologize and leave 
> the group and stop being such a whinny old turd. He's
> a loser and apparently a cheater. Maybe he could take 
> the other Barry with him, and John Manning too. They
> are losers, fer sure. 
> It's really low for guys kike the two Barrys and John
> that try to score political or religious points at the 
> the expense of 50,000 dead victims. It's outrageous!
> Obviously they are really sick in the head - not any
> kind of spiritual teachers at all.
> > If it would make him feel any better about 
> > losing the bet, Barry could donate that amount 
> > for Water Filtration Systems.
> > 
> > Good job FFLife, keep up the good work.
> > 
> > If you haven't done so already, please text 
> > Haiti 90999 for the Red Cross or Haiti 20222 
> > for the Haiti relief fund through the Clinton 
> > Foundation.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Global Good News = Head In The Sand News?

2010-01-15 Thread shukra69

Haiti has never been claimed amoung the list of Invincible countries.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sgrayatlarge  wrote:
> This just points out what sham all this is. After the quake, they probably 
> still believe Haiti is Invincible, that is if the Rajas are still feeling the 
> bliss of silence and need more time to come out of meditation, afterall what 
> is more important for these bums than to think well I put my attention on my 
> little piece of the earth, that's good enoughwell what's for lunch?..yumm 
> dal and rice my favorite!!
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > Just as a counterpoint to all the real news about
> > Haiti, if you need a break go to the "by country"
> > reports on the Global Good News site. On this first
> > page you will see "All the news that's fit to print"
> > about Haiti as of today. 
> > 
> > http://www.globalgoodnews.com/world-news-c.html?abv=HTI&country=Haiti
> > 
> > "Digging down" into one of them, you find this 
> > fascinating talk by Raja Lucien Mansour on how TM
> > and TM programs are creating "Invincibility" for
> > Haiti.
> > 
> > http://www.globalgoodnews.com/world-peace-a.html?art=121449800444950238
> > 
> > Good to know that it's all Good News from that
> > part of the world, and that Invincibility reigns.
> >