Re: [FairfieldLife] Dome report for June

2015-05-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]

/“Texas Rising is a movie that glorifies the campaigns of white settlers
in land that technically belongs to Mexico and was initially settled by
Native Americans. There is not an inkling of post-colonial reflection about
what that means in the great scope of history. The line between good guys
and bad guys is drawn as simply and thoughtlessly as it is in a backyard
game of Cowboys and Indians.”

Quoting " [FairfieldLife]"

  "Texas Rising" - continues Monday. (lots of atrocities by the
Mexicans interspersed with the young "Texians" trying to hit on the
   Naturally, the Texians will get their revenge: "Remember the Alamo"
(RIP David Crockett and Jim Bowie, along with Travis).

Re: [FairfieldLife] I think former TM teachers fear the C word because of the D word

2015-05-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]

It probably should be noted that the only TM Teacher posting to FFL that
uses the "C" word is Barry, who used that word at least 1000 times this
year alone. Go figure.

Quoting "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]"

Here's my theory, which is mine.

I have long noticed the vehemence and exaggerated outrage with which
long-term TMers (and especially current or former TM teachers) react
to having  the C word aimed in their direction. This is curious,
because many of them use the C word all the time to describe *other*
organizations that they see as "competing" with TM, as in "Sure,
Scientology is a cult because of its weird beliefs about alien
overlords bringing humans to Earth in space ships and then dropping
them in volcanos, but when we talk about the Vedic gods and how
*they* created the Earth, we're being rational." But the moment that
term is applied to TMers -- or horror!, to themselves -- they flip
out and go crazy.

I think that this *consistent* overreaction to the C word is because
most of these former TM teachers' minds are still controlled by the D

The D word started being a big thing in their lives shortly after
they returned from their TM Teacher Training Course. On that course,
they had learned the things they were supposed to say in intro
lectures, primary among which was, "TM is not in any way religious."
But also on that course, they had learned the puja, along with its
English translation, so they clearly knew not only *that* they were
bowing down to Hindu gods every time they performed it, they actually
knew these gods' *names*.

So now the course is over, and they're giving their first intro
lecture and someone asks, "Is TM a religion?" And they look at the
person asking the question and they say "No. Absolutely not." And
then they repeat the rest of the stock phrases they were taught to
parrot whenever this question comes up.

Bingo -- the D word. DENIAL. It's *not* IMO as if these people are
actually *lying*. They've just learned to compartmentalize things
such that when they say "TM is not religious" they manage to DENY
what they know from the translation of the puja, that it is
*definitely* religious in nature. And the more often they stand up in
public and experience this level of DENIAL of what they really know,
and "tell stories" that some part of them *knows* isn't true, the
more cognitive dissonance they feel,  and the more guilty that part
of them feels about lying.

That GUILT is what I think gets triggered when they hear the C word
applied to them. Part of them bristles, because being considered a
cultist just doesn't "fit" with how they see themselves. But another
part of them -- the part that lied so easily and so smoothly so many
times during intro lectures -- realizes that this lying and this
level of denial IS part and parcel of being a cultist, so they feel
guilty. And that's why they lash out...they *hate* feeling guilty.
They want to feel special, and superior, and above all *better* than
these people who consider them to be cultists. But that feeling, too
marks them as cultists.

So that's my theory. It's *just* a theory. I am not presenting it as
if it's Truth. So if it pushes your buttons and makes you angry, you
might just want to spend a few minutes trying to figure out why.
Either that, or you could just stick with being angry and lashing
out, and remain stuck in denial.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi School retrospective

2015-05-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]

/You got to work early today!/

Quoting "Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]"

I wish it were true, but it isn't. I think the current wave of New
Age-y froo froo woo woo with all its talk of a golden age, and age of
enlightenment is just one in a long line of spiritualist movement
that always says the same thing: the world is about to be a better
more enlightened, spiritual place where all things will be hunky
dory. The last one was in the late 1800's - early 1900's with the
Theosophical Society and others like it. Things quieted down during
WWII and started gearing up in the late 60's. The current spate of
spiritual crap-ola will result in the same amount of enlightenment
the New Thought and ascended master crap of the early 1900's have

       From: " [FairfieldLife]"

  Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 1:15 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi School retrospective

    Fortunateare we to be born at a time such as this
Diving deep within theself we know that life is bliss
All the world we see, in the lightof the unified field
As we grow in unity the truth of life’srevealed
So we give thanks for the gift of this knowledge Heavensent
And sing the praise of Maharishi School of the Age
ofEnlightenmentEducationis ideal, when the knower, known, and knowing
Three in onereality makes learning pure deligh.
Nature must be pleased, as awitness to wisdom’s rebirth
Young enlightened sages bringingpeace to all on earth
So we give thanks, for the gift, of thisknowledge Heaven sent
and sing the praise, of Maharishi School ofthe Age of
Enlightenment-MSAE Anthem

---In,  wrote :

So, just as the TM haters here learned to meditate with TM and may
use it, I know a lot of TM'ers in Fairfield who are simply
practitioners and not cultist.

---In,  wrote :

It's really rather fascinating to watch.
It's like an orgy really, or like dropping a few pellets of food into
a pond with koi fish and watching them fall over themselves in a
frenzy to eat the food.
Someone throws out a tidbit of negativity about TM, or anything
remotely connected to TM and these three, just go into hysterics
trying to outdo the other with how to demean the whole organization.
And one of the three still practices the technique religiously!
 Another of the three is on record describing all his unity and
celestial experiences, and the other of the three says he still
meditates daily, I presume, according to system where he thinks a
mantra, quietly comes back to the mantra when he's lost it, and
doesn't try to force out thoughts.  But still, he considers TM an
insignificant technique.
And the leader of this pack left the organization over 40 years ago,
but still writes about it daily, or dozens of times a week.
Does kind of leave you wondering.

---In,  wrote :

Wrong! You are bristling and taking personally something that has
nothing to do with you. 
Buck is correct. You are using the classic "guilt by association"
tactic in a debate. It is also a classic non sequitur. The current
thread concerns the Maharishi School and basic meditation, not the
cult you used to work for a few decades ago.

---In,  wrote :

You guyswho seem to be hating so much on TM here, did you once learn
tomeditate? Was it TM? Do you do TM of a form even now when you
takequiet time? Are you a meditator practitioner, a TM'er as such,
andnot a cultist as a practitioner? Evidently you would seem to be
one with a lotof meditators here in Fairfield, Iowa. 
anartaxius writes:  The lack of cultism in meditators is probably a
reflection of their ability for critical thinking, logical analysis,
and fact-checking, which tend to be in inverse proportion to a
person's susceptibility to gullibility. I think everyone here now
except for the occasional post from 'emily' is or was a meditator,
and what is posted here, all of it, is a reflection of TM's and the
TMO's variable effect on people's minds. So what I post, what Steve
posts, what Barry posts, what you post, etc., is all a testament to
having learned TM, a testament to its effectiveness or its lack of it
as the case may be.

---In,  wrote :

“What is Transcendental Meditation? Transcendental Meditation [can
be] a simple, natural, and effortless technique practiced 20 minutes
twice a day, while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. It is
easy to learn and enjoyable to practice and is not a religion,
philosophy or lifestyle.”

---In,  wrote :

And yourview points asserting that TM is all cultism does not include
peoplewho are just practitioners of the meditation. You all seem to
begrinding on a particular ax in a method as a means to slur
meditators and meditation practice.  

---In,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogrou

Re: [FairfieldLife] Posting Ratio

2015-05-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]

/Thanks. I try to post as much as possible to keep the numbers up on both
forums. LoL!/

Quoting " [FairfieldLife]"

From May 21 to this post, FFL has 458% more posts than The Peak. They
are discussing crop circles over there.

[FairfieldLife] Some good tips for living to a rotten old age

2015-05-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Or confusing tips at least:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Anyone else here watching the telomere world?

2015-05-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I watched the first video.  Don't have time for the second but it looks 
like telomeres are an indicator. What I mentioned is how the body slows 
down it's aging by cooling down.  And if you nourish it properly the 
body regenerates including brain cells which until recently weren't 
thought to regenerate.  I still think science is poking around in the 
dark as to how the brain works.  It would confound them but the brain 
may be nothing more than a communications device and memory really is 
stored in the akashic record.  That might explain a few things like 
people still functioning normally after losing a part of their brain.  
It may have a lot of redundancy built it.

On 05/29/2015 01:41 PM, ultrarishi wrote:

You guys crack me up.  Missed the point the entirely!

I didn't post this to engage folks in the pros or cons of veganism, 
but on the merits of meditation and specificially telomere length as a 
measure of longevity. I am NOT a vegan, I was just giving contextt to 
the story.

The take away was supposed to be how our thoughts effect our health 
and how long we live and how long we live without disease.

Probably you all didn't even watch it.

Elissa Epel, PhD. is doing incredible work with Nobel Prize winner 
Elizabeth Blackburn and others at the University of California San 
Francisco.  Her work on stress management and obesity is remarkable.
Here's another video I know you won't watch discussing the length of 
telomeres of chronically stressed care givers.

Emotions Stress and Rate of Telomere Shortening: Are Our Cells 
Listening to Us? 


Emotions Stress and Rate of Telomere Shortening: Are O... 

(Visit: Does stress speed up the aging process at 
a genetic level? Our cells are constantly aging. When cell divide some 

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[FairfieldLife] new species of "Terror Bird' discovered.

2015-05-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 One of South America's top predators before going extinct about 2.5 million 
years ago.

[FairfieldLife] Vampire bats prefer bacon

2015-05-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Vampire bats have a taste for bacon 
 Vampire bats have a taste for bacon DNA 
analysis shows that the flying mammals have an unexpected preference for pigs
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Sat 30-May-15 00:15:07 UTC

2015-05-29 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 05/23/15 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 05/30/15 00:00:00
456 messages as of (UTC) 05/29/15 23:32:59

 93 richard
 55 Michael Jackson mjackson74
 50 salyavin808 
 50 TurquoiseBee turquoiseb
 38 dhamiltony2k5
 38 Bhairitu noozguru
 27 steve.sundur
 23 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 13 anartaxius
 12 yifuxero
 12 LEnglish5
 10 jr_esq
  6 ultrarishi 
  6 s3raphita
  5 email4you mikemail4you
  4 j_alexander_stanley
  3 hepa7
  3 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius
  2 turquoiseb
  2 William Leed WLeed3
  2 Duveyoung 
  2 'Rick Archer' rick
Posters: 22
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

[FairfieldLife] Kavyakantha Ganapati Muni

2015-05-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
(a disciple of Ramana Maharshi):


[FairfieldLife] Re: Grave New World?

2015-05-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It's not "unlearning"! It's brainwashing. 
 A conservative would describe liberal attitudes as being biased. I'd rather 
liberals, conservatives and others sorted out their differences using sweet 
reason and evidence-based argument rather than psychological tricks.

 If the technique does work it could maybe be useful for someone trying to kick 
smoking or a drug habit. 



---In,  wrote :


 What else could we do once we've mastered the technology? Who watches the 
 In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, the overlords use “sleep teaching” to 
condition children to submit to their sinister moral values. Now scientists 
have found a more noble purpose for the technique in a study that suggests 
deep-rooted biases about race and gender could be “unlearnt” during a short nap.
 The findings appear to confirm the idea that sleeping provides a unique window 
for accessing and altering fundamental beliefs – even prejudices that we don’t 
know we have.
 Gender and racial bias can be 'unlearnt' during sleep, new study suggests
 Gender and racial bias can be 'unlearnt' during ...
 Playing auditory cues during sleep partially undid biases, raising possibility 
of using the technique to make permanent behavioural changes

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



Re: [FairfieldLife] I think former TM teachers fear the C word because of the D word

2015-05-29 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
It was pre-sidhis. Mine was october'75 through April '76. It was a good course. 
The focus of the course was to develop ritam. Before, my experiences were kind 
of off and on. By the end of the course I was having very nice clear 
transcending. Lots of *lights*, fire, ritam and experiences of sidhis. The 
sidhis I experienced were not the ones M taught on the sidhi courses. All in 
all, I liked it better than my Sidhi course.
   From: "Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 9:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I think former TM teachers fear the C word 
because of the D word
    What was the Age of Enlightenment course like? Was it just for teachers? 
Was it fun?


 From: "Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 9:48 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I think former TM teachers fear the C word 
because of the D word
    Let me agree with you for a moment. I also recognize the TMO as a cult, a 
dirty, sneaky little cult, hell bent on controlling your every thought and how 
you perceive them. I also believe the average TB is also in denial about that 
cult status. However, I don't recognize TM as a religion, although M. said at 
the end of my Age of Enlightenment course that this ( Age of Enlightenment 
Program) should be your religion. I recognized that as metaphoric speech. TM is 
no more a religion than fasting is a religion. Yeah, yeah, the puja  wreaks of 
Hinduism and M tried to explain it away but one doesn't *practice* the puja 
unless you are a TB and believe all that crap. I find M's explanations to be 
far more truthful and sincere from his early days when he described TM as a 
tool that could benefit any religion and it's adherents . The same could be 
said of fasting. It's purely mechanical and doesn't require belief, faith or 
indoctrination. So, is my view the product of brainwashing? No, I don't think 
so. I can accept, as universal truths, much of what M originally taught. I just 
don't buy the whole thing, hook, line and sinker. The mark of a good master is 
to inspire the devotee to push on through the desert. The carrot dangling from 
the end of a stick can motivate many , for a while, maybe long enough to get to 
the next oasis. So I'll give M credit, where credit is due.
   From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife  
 Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 4:40 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] I think former TM teachers fear the C word because of 
the D word
    Here's my theory, which is mine. 

I have long noticed the vehemence and exaggerated outrage with which long-term 
TMers (and especially current or former TM teachers) react to having  the C 
word aimed in their direction. This is curious, because many of them use the C 
word all the time to describe *other* organizations that they see as 
"competing" with TM, as in "Sure, Scientology is a cult because of its weird 
beliefs about alien overlords bringing humans to Earth in space ships and then 
dropping them in volcanos, but when we talk about the Vedic gods and how *they* 
created the Earth, we're being rational." But the moment that term is applied 
to TMers -- or horror!, to themselves -- they flip out and go crazy. 

I think that this *consistent* overreaction to the C word is because most of 
these former TM teachers' minds are still controlled by the D word. 

The D word started being a big thing in their lives shortly after they returned 
from their TM Teacher Training Course. On that course, they had learned the 
things they were supposed to say in intro lectures, primary among which was, 
"TM is not in any way religious." But also on that course, they had learned the 
puja, along with its English translation, so they clearly knew not only *that* 
they were bowing down to Hindu gods every time they performed it, they actually 
knew these gods' *names*. 

So now the course is over, and they're giving their first intro lecture and 
someone asks, "Is TM a religion?" And they look at the person asking the 
question and they say "No. Absolutely not." And then they repeat the rest of 
the stock phrases they were taught to parrot whenever this question comes up. 

Bingo -- the D word. DENIAL. It's *not* IMO as if these people are actually 
*lying*. They've just learned to compartmentalize things such that when they 
say "TM is not religious" they manage to DENY what they know from the 
translation of the puja, that it is *definitely* religious in nature. And the 
more often they stand up in public and experience this level of DENIAL of what 
they really know, and "tell stories" that some part of them *knows* isn't true, 
the more cognitive dissonance they feel,  and the more guilty that part of them 
feels about lying. 

That GUILT is what I think gets triggered when they hear the C word applied to 
them. Part of them bris

Re: [FairfieldLife] Anyone else here watching the telomere world?

2015-05-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
People who try strict vegetarian diets like a vegan diet often feel good 
for awhile, maybe as long as a year or two.  But after a while their 
health often degrades unless for some reason they are set up for it 
genetically, such as ancestors who were from tropical countries.  We 
each have a genetic makeup that determines what we need to eat and how 
we adapt to changing seasons as well as changing locations.

Some health practitioners will use a vegetarian diet as a brief 
cleansing diet or a brief low carb high protein diet for a toning diet.  
If I do a low carb diet these days I become morose.  Eat some carbs and 
it goes away immediately.

I have always been a fan biochemical individuality ever since an ND told 
me that I couldn't be a vegetarian because I get anemic too easily.  I 
shared a house in the late 1970s with a TM teacher who would come home 
mid afternoon and crash.  He was a big guy who was trying to subsist on 
a vegetarian diet.  A year or two later he married and he and his wife 
got into metabolic typing through a friend who now runs that 
organization.  He was told he couldn't be a vegetarian as his genetics 
required some animal protein in his diet.  His wife, however, was the 
opposite and could subsist on a lighter diet though not strictly vegetarian.

I got into it too but couldn't keep up the cost of the supplements.  I 
had also read of Dr. George Watson's similar work.  He was a researcher 
at USC that tested how people experienced smells differently.  He found 
it was tied to their metabolism.  People with slow metabolisms seemed 
smell things differently than those with fast metabolisms.  He developed 
an inexpensive odor test for that.  I would often test as a slightly 
slow oxidizer.  He also provided inexpensive supplements for those 
types.  Eventually metabolic typing integrated his work too.

These concepts correspond with ayurveda as well as the concepts of yin 
and yang. Diet is not an ideology.

As for aging, our bodies are like cars.  They can run too hot which will 
cause problems and they can run too cold.  In general a vast amount of 
the public runs too hot, dries them out, thus making them age.  
Mediation can cool them them down as well as a change in diet.  It isn't 
that they need to be vegetarian but they probably don't need to be 
eating meat at every meal as most Americans do.

On 05/28/2015 04:01 PM, ultrarishi wrote:

My wife went vegan about 3 years after completing cancer therapy.  She 
now follows many sites for the latest on plant -base nutrition 
including this one,  Dr. Greger's videos are 
interesting although he sometimes is just a bit too smarmy for my 
taste.  Thought this one was relevant to our


Does Meditation Affect Cellular Aging? | 


Does Meditation Affect Cellular Aging? | NutritionF... 

Dr. Dean Ornish showed that his plant-based diet, exercise, and stress 
management intervention could in effect reverse the aging of our DNA. 
What e...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Anyone else here watching the telomere world?

2015-05-29 Thread ultrarishi
You guys crack me up.  Missed the point the entirely!

I didn't post this to engage folks in the pros or cons of veganism, but on the 
merits of meditation and specificially telomere length as a measure of 
longevity.  I am NOT a vegan, I was just giving contextt to the  story.

The take away was supposed to be how our thoughts effect our health and how 
long we live and how long we live without disease.

Probably you all didn't even watch it.

Elissa Epel, PhD. is doing incredible work with Nobel Prize winner Elizabeth 
Blackburn and others at the University of California San Francisco.  Her work 
on stress management and obesity is remarkable.
Here's another video I know you won't watch discussing the length of telomeres 
of chronically stressed care givers.

Emotions Stress and Rate of Telomere Shortening: Are Our Cells Listening to Us? 
 Emotions Stress and Rate of Telomere Shortening: Are O... (Visit: Does 
stress speed up the aging process at a genetic level? Our cells are constantly 
aging. When cell divide some telomer...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Posting Ratio

2015-05-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
From May 21 to this post, FFL has 458% more posts than The Peak. They are 
discussing crop circles over there.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Culinary Question for Sal

2015-05-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

In honor of Sal,  I had a British banger for breakfast this morning.  Yum.

On 05/29/2015 06:10 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

All right Sal?

Here I am, happy as Larry after eating my breakfast of smoked kippers 
on toast, and I was wondering if your predilection for vegetarian 
vittles was in place before you became a Citizen of the Age of 
Enlightenment, or did you have an epiphany after you began to transcend?

Also, how does afternoon program fit in with afternoon tea in 
Rendlesham and Skelmersdale?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Is Astrology Science?

2015-05-29 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]

 On Thursday, May 28, 2015 11:14 PM, Duveyoung  

     Anartaxius, you ignorant slut.  So, in replying to my criticism you are 
consorting with prostitutes and those of dim and unlearned intelligence? Seems 
like a good fit.
---In,  wrote :On Wednesday, May 
27, 2015 10:44 PM, Duveyoung  wrote:Seems to me that 
since a single photon of light hitting a dark-conditioned retina can trigger a 
change in the flow of consciousness -- a single photon could possibly be a 
tipping point's "final straw" and so, an 
infant's-personality-that's-ever-so-fragile could thereby get hard-wired into a 
"something or other."  I think we discussed this point some weeks ago. a single 
photon of light likely, on the basis of experiment, can affect the retina of 
the eye, but it is not an event the becomes conscious because the impulse does 
not get any further than this in the nervous system.  
I used "dark-conditioned retina" which I believe DOES send a full message to 
the brain about a single photon, but one or a dozen, so what?  The evidence is 
that a very small amount of light can be registered in consciousness -- which 
could be a tipping point experience.  EMPHASIS ON "COULD."  The issue is 
whether such an event in consciousness could be some sort of keystone in an 
upside down pyramid -- we know the concept "tipping point" is valid, and we 
know the infant is "brand new" and ready for "imprinting like a baby bird" 
MAYBE.  See the word "maybe" there?
Yes, but belief is not evidence. And the evidence of the experiments shows that 
while it is likely a single photon could affect the retina, considerably more 
photons are required for the signal to get sent from the retina further up the 
processing chain. There is a difference between a 'small amount of light' and a 
single photon. So far there has never been an experimental result where a 
single photon was noticed. In fact scientifically 'an event in consciousness' 
is undefined because there is no scientific definition of consciousness.

I am aware of the 'tipping point' concept (the writings of Malcolm Gladwell), 
but if there is no evidence that a single photon can have effects to the extent 
you would like to believe. You seem to be looking for some frail excuse to have 
jyotish somehow work even when your own experience demonstrates it failed.
Now if you had an infant just at birth, don't you think all the activity 
surrounded by the birth would have a much much larger impact on the child's 
experience? We encounter things all life long that appear to tip us in one 
direction or another. And many things that have more mass and energy than a 
single photon impact us everyday so looking for the tiniest, least effective 
impact to be the tipping point seems like a wasted opportunity and clearly on 
the borderlands of irrationality.
Of course, it's hard to imagine a research scenario that could measure such 
thing.  But I mention this as a viable concept for this discussion, because of 
the research on the "dirty water that is purified by radiation" -- "purified" 
means anything-not-water gets separated out.  I'll link below to the research, 
as I have done several times here at FFL, 
You did not link to the research, you linked to a YouTube video. That is not 
scientific research. Pollack supposedly published this research in a low 
quality on-line journal called Water, but it turns out, what was uploaded was 
not a scientific paper, but a page listing the table of contents of his book, 
purchasable elsewhere. So no published research at all, just advertising. This 
is the abstract for the article, which is not an abstract for research but a 
sales pitch:

So what? Do I need to do a Steve-Martin-EXCUSE ME? for using "research?"  Give 
me a  break -- it's clear  that the "error" you underline is not germane to the 
discussion -- do you admit this?  Are you not just a little bit happy to get in 
here and show me up as a less-than-top-notch-thinker?  Aand, if I'm not 
top-notch, who the fuck are you to try to rub my nose in it?  Is someone 
smarter than you chafing your ass and I'm the only one you can take it out on?  
Do you go around besting children at trivia games or what?  Your attitude 
belongs on a PhD orals-exam -- not here at FFL for Christ's sake.
You seem to be attracted to bad science. If you are using 'research' to support 
your contention, then certainly it is germane to the discussion. In the manner 
of your reply you seem to be underlining the words 'less-than-top-notch 
thinker' with a broad brush. We do have such conversations on FFL all the time. 
You are just not here very often.

 The video shows that research was done and that there's probably some 
paperwork to back it up.  Did I say I have PROOF?  The video SUGGESTS that 
light somehow helps water to purify.  It shows actual experiments being 
conducted.  The guy is legit, credentialed, and what the video shows is very 
interesting, and I thi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi School retrospective

2015-05-29 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I wish it were true, but it isn't. I think the current wave of New Age-y froo 
froo woo woo with all its talk of a golden age, and age of enlightenment is 
just one in a long line of spiritualist movement that always says the same 
thing: the world is about to be a better more enlightened, spiritual place 
where all things will be hunky dory. The last one was in the late 1800's - 
early 1900's with the Theosophical Society and others like it. Things quieted 
down during WWII and started gearing up in the late 60's. The current spate of 
spiritual crap-ola will result in the same amount of enlightenment the New 
Thought and ascended master crap of the early 1900's have produced.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 1:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi School retrospective
    Fortunateare we to be born at a time such as this
Diving deep within theself we know that life is bliss
All the world we see, in the lightof the unified field
As we grow in unity the truth of life’srevealed
So we give thanks for the gift of this knowledge Heavensent
And sing the praise of Maharishi School of the Age ofEnlightenmentEducationis 
ideal, when the knower, known, and knowing unite
Three in onereality makes learning pure deligh.
Nature must be pleased, as awitness to wisdom’s rebirth
Young enlightened sages bringingpeace to all on earth
So we give thanks, for the gift, of thisknowledge Heaven sent
and sing the praise, of Maharishi School ofthe Age of Enlightenment-MSAE Anthem

---In,  wrote :

So, just as the TM haters here learned to meditate with TM and may use it, I 
know a lot of TM'ers in Fairfield who are simply practitioners and not cultist.

---In,  wrote :

It's really rather fascinating to watch.
It's like an orgy really, or like dropping a few pellets of food into a pond 
with koi fish and watching them fall over themselves in a frenzy to eat the 
Someone throws out a tidbit of negativity about TM, or anything remotely 
connected to TM and these three, just go into hysterics trying to outdo the 
other with how to demean the whole organization.
And one of the three still practices the technique religiously!  Another of the 
three is on record describing all his unity and celestial experiences, and the 
other of the three says he still meditates daily, I presume, according to 
system where he thinks a mantra, quietly comes back to the mantra when he's 
lost it, and doesn't try to force out thoughts.  But still, he considers TM an 
insignificant technique.
And the leader of this pack left the organization over 40 years ago, but still 
writes about it daily, or dozens of times a week.
Does kind of leave you wondering.

---In,  wrote :

Wrong! You are bristling and taking personally something that has nothing to do 
with you. 
Buck is correct. You are using the classic "guilt by association" tactic in a 
debate. It is also a classic non sequitur. The current thread concerns the 
Maharishi School and basic meditation, not the cult you used to work for a few 
decades ago.

---In,  wrote :

You guyswho seem to be hating so much on TM here, did you once learn 
tomeditate? Was it TM? Do you do TM of a form even now when you takequiet time? 
Are you a meditator practitioner, a TM'er as such, andnot a cultist as a 
practitioner? Evidently you would seem to be one with a lotof meditators here 
in Fairfield, Iowa. 
anartaxius writes:  The lack of cultism in meditators is probably a reflection 
of their ability for critical thinking, logical analysis, and fact-checking, 
which tend to be in inverse proportion to a person's susceptibility to 
gullibility. I think everyone here now except for the occasional post from 
'emily' is or was a meditator, and what is posted here, all of it, is a 
reflection of TM's and the TMO's variable effect on people's minds. So what I 
post, what Steve posts, what Barry posts, what you post, etc., is all a 
testament to having learned TM, a testament to its effectiveness or its lack of 
it as the case may be.

---In,  wrote :

“What is Transcendental Meditation? Transcendental Meditation [can be] a 
simple, natural, and effortless technique practiced 20 minutes twice a day, 
while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. It is easy to learn and 
enjoyable to practice and is not a religion, philosophy or lifestyle.”

---In,  wrote :

And yourview points asserting that TM is all cultism does not include peoplewho 
are just practitioners of the meditation. You all seem to begrinding on a 
particular ax in a method as a means to slur meditators and meditation 

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

That depends totally on one's point of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi School retrospective

2015-05-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Fortunate are we to be born at a time such as this
Diving deep within the self we know that life is bliss
All the world we see, in the light of the unified field
As we grow in unity the truth of life’s revealed
So we give thanks for the gift of this knowledge Heaven sent
And sing the praise of Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment
 Education is ideal, when the knower, known, and knowing unite
Three in one reality makes learning pure deligh.
Nature must be pleased, as a witness to wisdom’s rebirth
Young enlightened sages bringing peace to all on earth
So we give thanks, for the gift, of this knowledge Heaven sent
and sing the praise, of Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment
 -MSAE Anthem

---In,  wrote :

 So, just as the TM haters here learned to meditate with TM and may use it, I 
know a lot of TM'ers in Fairfield who are simply practitioners and not cultist. 

---In,  wrote :


 It's really rather fascinating to watch.

 It's like an orgy really, or like dropping a few pellets of food into a pond 
with koi fish and watching them fall over themselves in a frenzy to eat the 

 Someone throws out a tidbit of negativity about TM, or anything remotely 
connected to TM and these three, just go into hysterics trying to outdo the 
other with how to demean the whole organization.

 And one of the three still practices the technique religiously!  Another of 
the three is on record describing all his unity and celestial experiences, and 
the other of the three says he still meditates daily, I presume, according to 
system where he thinks a mantra, quietly comes back to the mantra when he's 
lost it, and doesn't try to force out thoughts.  But still, he considers TM an 
insignificant technique.

 And the leader of this pack left the organization over 40 years ago, but still 
writes about it daily, or dozens of times a week.

 Does kind of leave you wondering.

---In,  wrote :

 Wrong! You are bristling and taking personally something that has nothing to 
do with you. 

 Buck is correct. You are using the classic "guilt by association" tactic in a 
debate. It is also a classic non sequitur. The current thread concerns the 
Maharishi School and basic meditation, not the cult you used to work for a few 
decades ago.




---In,  wrote :

 You guys who seem to be hating so much on TM here, did you once learn to 
meditate? Was it TM? Do you do TM of a form even now when you take quiet time? 
Are you a meditator practitioner, a TM'er as such, and not a cultist as a 
practitioner? Evidently you would seem to be one with a lot of meditators here 
in Fairfield, Iowa.  anartaxius writes:  The lack of cultism in meditators is 
probably a reflection of their ability for critical thinking, logical analysis, 
and fact-checking, which tend to be in inverse proportion to a person's 
susceptibility to gullibility. I think everyone here now except for the 
occasional post from 'emily' is or was a meditator, and what is posted here, 
all of it, is a reflection of TM's and the TMO's variable effect on people's 
minds. So what I post, what Steve posts, what Barry posts, what you post, etc., 
is all a testament to having learned TM, a testament to its effectiveness or 
its lack of it as the case may be.

---In,  wrote :

 “What is Transcendental Meditation? Transcendental Meditation [can be] a 
simple, natural, and effortless technique practiced 20 minutes twice a day, 
while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. It is easy to learn and 
enjoyable to practice and is not a religion, philosophy or lifestyle.”

---In,  wrote :

 And your view points asserting that TM is all cultism does not include people 
who are just practitioners of the meditation. You all seem to be grinding on a 
particular ax in a method as a means to slur meditators and meditation 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 That depends totally on one's point of view. 


 A group where the leaders wear robes and crowns, call themselves kings, are 
fearful of solar eclipses and south facing entrances, advocates tearing down 
all existing buildings in the entire world and rebuilding all structures by 
their standards, tout astrology and Hindu rituals and sacrifices as being 
science, celebrates all Hindu holidays and religious celebrations - only a TM 
True Believer would say this is not a cult.


 This is really the point. Presented with the description above of the TM 
organization (which strikes me as provably accurate), ONLY a TM True Believer 
would say that it is not a cult. 


 The organization's "normal" behavior just *screams* cult. You'd have to be 
pretty firmly stuck inside that organization's mindset not to have noticed. 
Just sayin'...



Re: [FairfieldLife] TV review: "Mr. Robot"

2015-05-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
We can hope that "Mr. Robot" can keep up the energy and edge that the 
pilot episode does.  And if so that we can view the episodes without 
needing cable or satellite accounts. Obviously I liked the setup 
episode.  I watched it on VUDU for free though the 1080 quality wasn't 
up to their usual HDX standards but it did have DD+ sound.

On 05/28/2015 12:01 PM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 

And then we have this next week. ;-)

On 05/28/2015 05:54 AM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
*/I saw this show pop up in my list of available downloads today, not 
having heard a word about it before. The blurb on the IMDB didn't 
tell me much about it when I looked it up, but I figured WTF...I 
should give it a chance. Good call.

"Mr. Robot" is really remarkably good. It's the first nerd/computer 
science-based TV show that has really made me want to watch it. For 
the nerds, the IT/nerd stuff is very good, using real nerdspeak and 
real technologies. But it's the writing and characterization that 
makes this show stand out for me, combined with spooky direction that 
really grabs you and puts you inside the head of the protagonist.

And that's a somewhat scary and uncomfortable place to be, because 
the narrator and protagonist of the series is Elliot, a borderline 
psychopath with diagnosed anti-social disorder who self-medicates 
with morphine and hacks into the cyber-universe of pretty much anyone 
he wants to. He's certifiable, and we're inside his head. Elliot is 
so distanced from the world he's almost autistic, but he's a 
brilliant coder, so in his Day Job he's on the staff of a computer 
security firm, and at night he turns into a Robin Hood-like white hat 

Rami Malek is tremendous at capturing all of this. And "all of this" 
is just the background stuff that goes down in this pilot episode 
before Elliot gets approached by Mr. Robot. Played by Christian 
Slater, he's an anarchist who has his own group of uber-hackers and 
wants Elliot to come on board and join the Revolution. He makes 
Elliot the proverbial offer he can't refuse: "What if you could set 
in motion the largest revolution the world will ever see – the single 
biggest incident of wealth redistribution in history?"

To cut to the chase, I really *like* this series. It's gritty and 
netherworldish like early William Gibson, and I haven't been so 
quickly grabbed by a new set of characters in quite some time. I 
finished the pilot looking forward to future episodes. Unfortunately, 
that seems to mean waiting until the end of June, when the show is 
due to air on the USA network. Here's the first few minutes, but the 
full pilot is widely available on the Net, so you can watch it for 
free if you're interested. I give it a big Thumbs-Up. /*

*/Mr. Robot: Extended Sneak Peek - New Series on USA (Premieres June 
24) /*



Mr. Robot: Extended Sneak Peek - New Series on USA (P... 

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MJ will love this

2015-05-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The link wasn't clickable on Thunderbird when posted but here's the 
funny thing it is where it is quoted in this post.  It's a problem of 
different email clients and interpretations via the Neo server.  The 
link is very long so that might be the problem.  Here it is using the 
Thunderbird encapsulation:

The shortened REST or REST like version works too at least in the browser:

Now we'll see if it breaks on the site.

On 05/29/2015 04:59 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

His links are not clickable on my Gmail feed that I read in 
Thunderbird. But, they are clickable on the website. Go figure.

---In,  wrote :

Its not clickable for the rest of us on Firefox. Just sayin'.

*From:* "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Thursday, May 28, 2015 8:41 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] MJ will love this

I'm using Thunderbird not Yahoo Mail. But the link is clickable both 
on Chrome and Firefox.  Thunderbird has a link option Neo seemed to 
break it the last time I used it.

On 05/28/2015 05:28 PM, Michael Jackson 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I think it is great! The Land of the Veda shows its true vibe.
And FYI, if you scroll down to the bottom of your yahoo mail
page, click on the little paper clip icon that will bring up the
PROPER field in which to enter the URL you want us to click on.
This actually makes it a clickable link rather than us having to
copy, cut and paste.

*From:* "Bhairitu


*Sent:* Thursday, May 28, 2015 7:35 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] MJ will love this

>From the "Land of the Ved", Hitler ice cream:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Culinary Question for Sal

2015-05-29 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Reckon the sugar in the jam makes for clearer transcending? I knew a guy on 
courses in North Carolina who used to eat between 1/3 to 1/2 cup of white sugar 
before his afternoon program - said it made his experiences fabulous.

 Sounds like he made himself hyperactive. Probably diabetic by now too...

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 11:16 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Culinary Question for Sal


---In,  wrote :

 All right Sal? 


 Here I am, happy as Larry after eating my breakfast of smoked kippers on 
toast, and I was wondering if your predilection for vegetarian vittles was in 
place before you became a Citizen of the Age of Enlightenment, or did you have 
an epiphany after you began to transcend?

 I was a very strict vegetablarian from an early age but lapsed a bit for a 
couple of years due to travelling and not being able to find veggie stuff in 
distant rural areas - and finding myself quite partial to a bit of goat.

 I got back into it when I learned TM as it made me more aware and 
self-critical of how I was living.
Also, how does afternoon program fit in with afternoon tea in Rendlesham and 
 It fits in just fine. In fact it's always been a movement tradition here to 
have tea on the lawn before the evening prog. Nothing too heavy. jut a few 
scones with jam. Yum...




Re: [FairfieldLife] Rise of the Machines pt 2

2015-05-29 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Nonsense. We'll just buy our own attack robots, and the "open carry" laws will 
be amended to say that we can be accompanied by them at all times. 

 Good thinking. I can't see any problems with that. They've already got these:

 AirDog drone automatically follows you and films your sporting feats 
 AirDog drone automatically follows you and films your s... Typical. 
You wait ages for an autonomous aerial camera drone and then two come along at 
once. We featured Squadrone System's Hexo+ drone yesterday and ...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
 All we need to do is equip it with some firepower, programme it to recognise 
people we don't like and we can stroll about in peace!


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 8:01 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Rise of the Machines pt 2
 Killer robots will leave humans 'utterly defenceless' warns professor
 Killer robots will leave humans 'utterly defenceless...
 Robots, called LAWS – lethal autonomous weapons systems – will be able to kill 
without human intervention

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 





 Killer robots will leave humans 'utterly defenceless' warns professor
 Killer robots will leave humans 'utterly defenceless...
 Robots, called LAWS – lethal autonomous weapons systems – will be able to kill 
without human intervention

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Culinary Question for Sal

2015-05-29 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Reckon the sugar in the jam makes for clearer transcending? I knew a guy on 
courses in North Carolina who used to eat between 1/3 to 1/2 cup of white sugar 
before his afternoon program - said it made his experiences fabulous.

  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 11:16 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Culinary Question for Sal

---In,  wrote :

All right Sal? 

Here I am, happy as Larry after eating my breakfast of smoked kippers on toast, 
and I was wondering if your predilection for vegetarian vittles was in place 
before you became a Citizen of the Age of Enlightenment, or did you have an 
epiphany after you began to transcend?
I was a very strict vegetablarian from an early age but lapsed a bit for a 
couple of years due to travelling and not being able to find veggie stuff in 
distant rural areas - and finding myself quite partial to a bit of goat.
I got back into it when I learned TM as it made me more aware and self-critical 
of how I was living.
Also, how does afternoon program fit in with afternoon tea in Rendlesham and 
Skelmersdale? It fits in just fine. In fact it's always been a movement 
tradition here to have tea on the lawn before the evening prog. Nothing too 
heavy. jut a few scones with jam. Yum...

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#yiv6075254225photos div label 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Culinary Question for Sal

2015-05-29 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 All right Sal? 


 Here I am, happy as Larry after eating my breakfast of smoked kippers on 
toast, and I was wondering if your predilection for vegetarian vittles was in 
place before you became a Citizen of the Age of Enlightenment, or did you have 
an epiphany after you began to transcend?

 I was a very strict vegetablarian from an early age but lapsed a bit for a 
couple of years due to travelling and not being able to find veggie stuff in 
distant rural areas - and finding myself quite partial to a bit of goat.

 I got back into it when I learned TM as it made me more aware and 
self-critical of how I was living.
Also, how does afternoon program fit in with afternoon tea in Rendlesham and 
 It fits in just fine. In fact it's always been a movement tradition here to 
have tea on the lawn before the evening prog. Nothing too heavy. jut a few 
scones with jam. Yum...


Re: [FairfieldLife] I think former TM teachers fear the C word because of the D word

2015-05-29 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
What was the Age of Enlightenment course like? Was it just for teachers? Was it 

  From: "Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 9:48 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I think former TM teachers fear the C word 
because of the D word
    Let me agree with you for a moment. I also recognize the TMO as a cult, a 
dirty, sneaky little cult, hell bent on controlling your every thought and how 
you perceive them. I also believe the average TB is also in denial about that 
cult status. However, I don't recognize TM as a religion, although M. said at 
the end of my Age of Enlightenment course that this ( Age of Enlightenment 
Program) should be your religion. I recognized that as metaphoric speech. TM is 
no more a religion than fasting is a religion. Yeah, yeah, the puja  wreaks of 
Hinduism and M tried to explain it away but one doesn't *practice* the puja 
unless you are a TB and believe all that crap. I find M's explanations to be 
far more truthful and sincere from his early days when he described TM as a 
tool that could benefit any religion and it's adherents . The same could be 
said of fasting. It's purely mechanical and doesn't require belief, faith or 
indoctrination. So, is my view the product of brainwashing? No, I don't think 
so. I can accept, as universal truths, much of what M originally taught. I just 
don't buy the whole thing, hook, line and sinker. The mark of a good master is 
to inspire the devotee to push on through the desert. The carrot dangling from 
the end of a stick can motivate many , for a while, maybe long enough to get to 
the next oasis. So I'll give M credit, where credit is due.
   From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife  
 Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 4:40 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] I think former TM teachers fear the C word because of 
the D word
    Here's my theory, which is mine. 

I have long noticed the vehemence and exaggerated outrage with which long-term 
TMers (and especially current or former TM teachers) react to having  the C 
word aimed in their direction. This is curious, because many of them use the C 
word all the time to describe *other* organizations that they see as 
"competing" with TM, as in "Sure, Scientology is a cult because of its weird 
beliefs about alien overlords bringing humans to Earth in space ships and then 
dropping them in volcanos, but when we talk about the Vedic gods and how *they* 
created the Earth, we're being rational." But the moment that term is applied 
to TMers -- or horror!, to themselves -- they flip out and go crazy. 

I think that this *consistent* overreaction to the C word is because most of 
these former TM teachers' minds are still controlled by the D word. 

The D word started being a big thing in their lives shortly after they returned 
from their TM Teacher Training Course. On that course, they had learned the 
things they were supposed to say in intro lectures, primary among which was, 
"TM is not in any way religious." But also on that course, they had learned the 
puja, along with its English translation, so they clearly knew not only *that* 
they were bowing down to Hindu gods every time they performed it, they actually 
knew these gods' *names*. 

So now the course is over, and they're giving their first intro lecture and 
someone asks, "Is TM a religion?" And they look at the person asking the 
question and they say "No. Absolutely not." And then they repeat the rest of 
the stock phrases they were taught to parrot whenever this question comes up. 

Bingo -- the D word. DENIAL. It's *not* IMO as if these people are actually 
*lying*. They've just learned to compartmentalize things such that when they 
say "TM is not religious" they manage to DENY what they know from the 
translation of the puja, that it is *definitely* religious in nature. And the 
more often they stand up in public and experience this level of DENIAL of what 
they really know, and "tell stories" that some part of them *knows* isn't true, 
the more cognitive dissonance they feel,  and the more guilty that part of them 
feels about lying. 

That GUILT is what I think gets triggered when they hear the C word applied to 
them. Part of them bristles, because being considered a cultist just doesn't 
"fit" with how they see themselves. But another part of them -- the part that 
lied so easily and so smoothly so many times during intro lectures -- realizes 
that this lying and this level of denial IS part and parcel of being a cultist, 
so they feel guilty. And that's why they lash out...they *hate* feeling guilty. 
They want to feel special, and superior, and above all *better* than these 
people who consider them to be cultists. But that feeling, too marks them as 

So that's my theory. It's *just* a theory. I am not presenting it as if it's 
Truth. So if it pushes your buttons and makes you angry, you 

Re: [FairfieldLife] I think former TM teachers fear the C word because of the D word

2015-05-29 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Well said. I have no problem whatsoever with this. Thanks for chiming in. 

  From: "Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 3:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] I think former TM teachers fear the C word 
because of the D word
    Let me agree with you for a moment. I also recognize the TMO as a cult, a 
dirty, sneaky little cult, hell bent on controlling your every thought and how 
you perceive them. I also believe the average TB is also in denial about that 
cult status. However, I don't recognize TM as a religion, although M. said at 
the end of my Age of Enlightenment course that this ( Age of Enlightenment 
Program) should be your religion. I recognized that as metaphoric speech. TM is 
no more a religion than fasting is a religion. Yeah, yeah, the puja  wreaks of 
Hinduism and M tried to explain it away but one doesn't *practice* the puja 
unless you are a TB and believe all that crap. I find M's explanations to be 
far more truthful and sincere from his early days when he described TM as a 
tool that could benefit any religion and it's adherents . The same could be 
said of fasting. It's purely mechanical and doesn't require belief, faith or 
indoctrination. So, is my view the product of brainwashing? No, I don't think 
so. I can accept, as universal truths, much of what M originally taught. I just 
don't buy the whole thing, hook, line and sinker. The mark of a good master is 
to inspire the devotee to push on through the desert. The carrot dangling from 
the end of a stick can motivate many , for a while, maybe long enough to get to 
the next oasis. So I'll give M credit, where credit is due.

 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife  
 Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 4:40 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] I think former TM teachers fear the C word because of 
the D word
    Here's my theory, which is mine. 

I have long noticed the vehemence and exaggerated outrage with which long-term 
TMers (and especially current or former TM teachers) react to having  the C 
word aimed in their direction. This is curious, because many of them use the C 
word all the time to describe *other* organizations that they see as 
"competing" with TM, as in "Sure, Scientology is a cult because of its weird 
beliefs about alien overlords bringing humans to Earth in space ships and then 
dropping them in volcanos, but when we talk about the Vedic gods and how *they* 
created the Earth, we're being rational." But the moment that term is applied 
to TMers -- or horror!, to themselves -- they flip out and go crazy. 

I think that this *consistent* overreaction to the C word is because most of 
these former TM teachers' minds are still controlled by the D word. 

The D word started being a big thing in their lives shortly after they returned 
from their TM Teacher Training Course. On that course, they had learned the 
things they were supposed to say in intro lectures, primary among which was, 
"TM is not in any way religious." But also on that course, they had learned the 
puja, along with its English translation, so they clearly knew not only *that* 
they were bowing down to Hindu gods every time they performed it, they actually 
knew these gods' *names*. 

So now the course is over, and they're giving their first intro lecture and 
someone asks, "Is TM a religion?" And they look at the person asking the 
question and they say "No. Absolutely not." And then they repeat the rest of 
the stock phrases they were taught to parrot whenever this question comes up. 

Bingo -- the D word. DENIAL. It's *not* IMO as if these people are actually 
*lying*. They've just learned to compartmentalize things such that when they 
say "TM is not religious" they manage to DENY what they know from the 
translation of the puja, that it is *definitely* religious in nature. And the 
more often they stand up in public and experience this level of DENIAL of what 
they really know, and "tell stories" that some part of them *knows* isn't true, 
the more cognitive dissonance they feel,  and the more guilty that part of them 
feels about lying. 

That GUILT is what I think gets triggered when they hear the C word applied to 
them. Part of them bristles, because being considered a cultist just doesn't 
"fit" with how they see themselves. But another part of them -- the part that 
lied so easily and so smoothly so many times during intro lectures -- realizes 
that this lying and this level of denial IS part and parcel of being a cultist, 
so they feel guilty. And that's why they lash out...they *hate* feeling guilty. 
They want to feel special, and superior, and above all *better* than these 
people who consider them to be cultists. But that feeling, too marks them as 

So that's my theory. It's *just* a theory. I am not presenting it as if it's 
Truth. So if it pushes your buttons and makes you angry, you might jus

[FairfieldLife] "Kung Fury" - 31 minutes of crowdfunded overthetopnessitude

2015-05-29 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Watch 'Kung Fury' In All Its Ridiculous Glory

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| Watch 'Kung Fury' In All Its Ridiculous Glory"Kung Fury" is finally here, and 
it's as ridiculously awesome as you'd expect. The crowdfunded short film about 
a time-traveling cop on a quest to kill Adolf Hitler... |
|  |
| View on www.huffingtonpost... | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |

Re: [FairfieldLife] I think former TM teachers fear the C word because of the D word

2015-05-29 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Let me agree with you for a moment. I also recognize the TMO as a cult, a 
dirty, sneaky little cult, hell bent on controlling your every thought and how 
you perceive them. I also believe the average TB is also in denial about that 
cult status. However, I don't recognize TM as a religion, although M. said at 
the end of my Age of Enlightenment course that this ( Age of Enlightenment 
Program) should be your religion. I recognized that as metaphoric speech. TM is 
no more a religion than fasting is a religion. Yeah, yeah, the puja  wreaks of 
Hinduism and M tried to explain it away but one doesn't *practice* the puja 
unless you are a TB and believe all that crap. I find M's explanations to be 
far more truthful and sincere from his early days when he described TM as a 
tool that could benefit any religion and it's adherents . The same could be 
said of fasting. It's purely mechanical and doesn't require belief, faith or 
indoctrination. So, is my view the product of brainwashing? No, I don't think 
so. I can accept, as universal truths, much of what M originally taught. I just 
don't buy the whole thing, hook, line and sinker. The mark of a good master is 
to inspire the devotee to push on through the desert. The carrot dangling from 
the end of a stick can motivate many , for a while, maybe long enough to get to 
the next oasis. So I'll give M credit, where credit is due.
   From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife  
 Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 4:40 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] I think former TM teachers fear the C word because of 
the D word
    Here's my theory, which is mine. 

I have long noticed the vehemence and exaggerated outrage with which long-term 
TMers (and especially current or former TM teachers) react to having  the C 
word aimed in their direction. This is curious, because many of them use the C 
word all the time to describe *other* organizations that they see as 
"competing" with TM, as in "Sure, Scientology is a cult because of its weird 
beliefs about alien overlords bringing humans to Earth in space ships and then 
dropping them in volcanos, but when we talk about the Vedic gods and how *they* 
created the Earth, we're being rational." But the moment that term is applied 
to TMers -- or horror!, to themselves -- they flip out and go crazy. 

I think that this *consistent* overreaction to the C word is because most of 
these former TM teachers' minds are still controlled by the D word. 

The D word started being a big thing in their lives shortly after they returned 
from their TM Teacher Training Course. On that course, they had learned the 
things they were supposed to say in intro lectures, primary among which was, 
"TM is not in any way religious." But also on that course, they had learned the 
puja, along with its English translation, so they clearly knew not only *that* 
they were bowing down to Hindu gods every time they performed it, they actually 
knew these gods' *names*. 

So now the course is over, and they're giving their first intro lecture and 
someone asks, "Is TM a religion?" And they look at the person asking the 
question and they say "No. Absolutely not." And then they repeat the rest of 
the stock phrases they were taught to parrot whenever this question comes up. 

Bingo -- the D word. DENIAL. It's *not* IMO as if these people are actually 
*lying*. They've just learned to compartmentalize things such that when they 
say "TM is not religious" they manage to DENY what they know from the 
translation of the puja, that it is *definitely* religious in nature. And the 
more often they stand up in public and experience this level of DENIAL of what 
they really know, and "tell stories" that some part of them *knows* isn't true, 
the more cognitive dissonance they feel,  and the more guilty that part of them 
feels about lying. 

That GUILT is what I think gets triggered when they hear the C word applied to 
them. Part of them bristles, because being considered a cultist just doesn't 
"fit" with how they see themselves. But another part of them -- the part that 
lied so easily and so smoothly so many times during intro lectures -- realizes 
that this lying and this level of denial IS part and parcel of being a cultist, 
so they feel guilty. And that's why they lash out...they *hate* feeling guilty. 
They want to feel special, and superior, and above all *better* than these 
people who consider them to be cultists. But that feeling, too marks them as 

So that's my theory. It's *just* a theory. I am not presenting it as if it's 
Truth. So if it pushes your buttons and makes you angry, you might just want to 
spend a few minutes trying to figure out why. Either that, or you could just 
stick with being angry and lashing out, and remain stuck in denial. 

  #yiv9761417982 #yiv9761417982 -- #yiv9761417982ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv9761417982 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Anyone else here watching the telomere world?

2015-05-29 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Tremendous article and resource, Alex. Many thanks. I am thinking of having the 
URL to it printed up on a business card so I can whip it out and give it to 
Vegan evangelists who attempt to convert me. 

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 3:21 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Anyone else here watching the telomere world?
    A critique of Dr. Gregor's claims:
---In,  wrote :

My wife went vegan about 3 years after completing cancer therapy.  She now 
follows many sites for the latest on plant -base nutrition including this one,  Dr. Greger's videos are interesting although he sometimes 
is just a bit too smarmy for my taste.  Thought this one was relevant to our

Does Meditation Affect Cellular Aging? |

|  |
|  | |  | Does Meditation Affect Cellular Aging? | NutritionF... Dr. 
Dean Ornish showed that his plant-based diet, exercise, and stress management 
intervention could in effect reverse the aging of our DNA. What e... |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

  #yiv3144209917 #yiv3144209917 -- #yiv3144209917ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Manhattanhenge

2015-05-29 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]

  From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife  
 Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 3:16 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Manhattanhenge
    Who knew? 

Manhattanhenge 2015: Where To Get The Best Views This Weekend

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| Manhattanhenge 2015: Where To Get The Best Views Thi...Manhattanhenge, a 
spectacular sunset where the sun aligns with New York City's street grid, 
happens only twice in 2015. The first occurrence will be at 8:12 p.m. on... |
|  |
| View on www.huffingtonpost... | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |

  #yiv1841853442 #yiv1841853442 -- #yiv1841853442ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv1841853442 
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monospace;}#yiv1841853442 #yiv1841853442ygrp-mlmsg * 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anyone else here watching the telomere world?

2015-05-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
A critique of Dr. Gregor's claims:

 ---In,  wrote :

 My wife went vegan about 3 years after completing cancer therapy.  She now 
follows many sites for the latest on plant -base nutrition including this one,  Dr. Greger's videos are interesting although he sometimes 
is just a bit too smarmy for my taste.  Thought this one was relevant to our

 Does Meditation Affect Cellular Aging? |
 Does Meditation Affect Cellular Aging? | NutritionF... Dr. Dean 
Ornish showed that his plant-based diet, exercise, and stress management 
intervention could in effect reverse the aging of our DNA. What e...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Manhattanhenge

2015-05-29 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Who knew? 

Manhattanhenge 2015: Where To Get The Best Views This Weekend

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| Manhattanhenge 2015: Where To Get The Best Views Thi...Manhattanhenge, a 
spectacular sunset where the sun aligns with New York City's street grid, 
happens only twice in 2015. The first occurrence will be at 8:12 p.m. on... |
|  |
| View on www.huffingtonpost... | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |

[FairfieldLife] Culinary Question for Sal

2015-05-29 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
All right Sal? 

Here I am, happy as Larry after eating my breakfast of smoked kippers on toast, 
and I was wondering if your predilection for vegetarian vittles was in place 
before you became a Citizen of the Age of Enlightenment, or did you have an 
epiphany after you began to transcend?
Also, how does afternoon program fit in with afternoon tea in Rendlesham and 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MJ will love this

2015-05-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 His links are not clickable on my Gmail feed that I read in Thunderbird. But, 
they are clickable on the website. Go figure.

---In,  wrote :

 Its not clickable for the rest of us on Firefox. Just sayin'.

 From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 8:41 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] MJ will love this
 I'm using Thunderbird not Yahoo Mail.  But the link is clickable both on 
Chrome and Firefox.  Thunderbird has a link option Neo seemed to break it the 
last time I used it.  
 On 05/28/2015 05:28 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] wrote:


   I think it is great! The Land of the Veda shows its true vibe. And FYI, if 
you scroll down to the bottom of your yahoo mail page, click on the little 
paper clip icon that will bring up the PROPER field in which to enter the URL 
you want us to click on. This actually makes it a clickable link rather than us 
having to copy, cut and paste.

 From: "Bhairitu 
 Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 7:35 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] MJ will love this
   From the "Land of the Ved", Hitler ice cream:





Re: [FairfieldLife] Anyone else here watching the telomere world?

2015-05-29 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
You are right - lots of activity. Some years ago, mom went with my sister and 
four of her friends to Italy. All of mom's companions bitched that they 
couldn't keep up with her walking up and down the hills when they went 
sightseeing. Her outdoor activity is limited these days cause she spends most 
of her time taking care of her husband who is in his 11 year of Alzheimers.

  From: "Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 8:41 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Anyone else here watching the telomere world?
    My Great Grandfather had PTSD from being shot a couple times during the 
civil war and being taken prisoner, along with all the other trauma the average 
confederate soldier went through. He lived to be 88, as did most of his 
children, and grand children, 88 or better. No TM and ate your typical southern 
diet as your mother does. Clean living, moderation of diet and lots of 
activity. Keep moving. Now if you walk anywhere, it's on a tread mill.

 From: "Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 7:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Anyone else here watching the telomere world?
    My mother was raised on a farm eating bacon, ham, eggs, wild game, chicken 
etc. She will be 88 in December and still eats the same way. Excellent health 
and can still drive a 32 foot motor home. 

 From: ultrarishi 
 Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 7:01 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Anyone else here watching the telomere world?
    My wife went vegan about 3 years after completing cancer therapy.  She now 
follows many sites for the latest on plant -base nutrition including this one,  Dr. Greger's videos are interesting although he sometimes 
is just a bit too smarmy for my taste.  Thought this one was relevant to our

Does Meditation Affect Cellular Aging? |
||||   Does Meditation Affect Cellular Aging? | 
NutritionF...  Dr. Dean Ornish showed that his plant-based diet, exercise, and 
stress management intervention could in effect reverse the aging of our DNA. 
What e...||
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|



 #yiv6440154798 #yiv6440154798 -- #yiv6440154798ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv6440154798 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] MJ will love this

2015-05-29 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Its not clickable for the rest of us on Firefox. Just sayin'.

  From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 8:41 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] MJ will love this
 I'm using Thunderbird not Yahoo Mail.  But the link is clickable both on 
Chrome and Firefox.  Thunderbird has a link option Neo seemed to break it the 
last time I used it.  
 On 05/28/2015 05:28 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 

     I think it is great! The Land of the Veda shows its true vibe. And FYI, if 
you scroll down to the bottom of your yahoo mail page, click on the little 
paper clip icon that will bring up the PROPER field in which to enter the URL 
you want us to click on. This actually makes it  a clickable link rather than 
us having to copy, cut and paste.
  From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 7:35 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] MJ will love this
     From the "Land of the Ved", Hitler ice cream:
  #yiv3670711085 #yiv3670711085 -- #yiv3670711085ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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[FairfieldLife] Vastu as you have never seen before...

2015-05-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Timeline Photos - Arquitectura Védica: Arq. Javier Ortiz Cabrejos | Facebook
 Timeline Photos - Arquitectura Védica: Arq. Javier Ortiz...
 Arquitectura Védica: Arq. Javier Ortiz Cabrejos posted this photo on 
2015-05-16. 7 likes. 0 comments. 0 shares.
 View on www.faceboo...
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: SRF Group Meditations

2015-05-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
An old TM'er and no longer allowed in the TM group meditations? Joining in the 
group dynamic of consciousness, the SRF silent group meditations are open for 
meditators likewise. You are warmly invited to attend..


 August 16 - 22

 Los Angeles



 Join thousands of Self-Realization Fellowship members and friends from around 
the world 

 "When you meditate long...the glory of the Divine shines forth. You realize 
then that all along there was something tremendous within you, and you did not 
know it."
 — Paramahansa Yogananda

 You are warmly invited to attend the
2015 Self-Realization Fellowship World Convocation
 August 16 - 22 
 Westin Bonaventure Hotel 
 Los Angeles  

---In,  wrote :

to viewers for the correction! Sri Daya Mata's original name was Faye Wright.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Faye Wright, took over leadership of Yogananda's SRF after James J. Lynn.  She 
died in 2010.

[FairfieldLife] SRF Group Meditations

2015-05-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Join thousands of Self-Realization Fellowship members and friends from around 
the world 

 "When you meditate long...the glory of the Divine shines forth. You realize 
then that all along there was something tremendous within you, and you did not 
know it."
 — Paramahansa Yogananda

 You are warmly invited to attend the
2015 Self-Realization Fellowship World Convocation
 August 16 - 22 
 Westin Bonaventure Hotel 
 Los Angeles  

---In,  wrote :

to viewers for the correction! Sri Daya Mata's original name was Faye Wright.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Faye Wright, took over leadership of Yogananda's SRF after James J. Lynn.  She 
died in 2010.

[FairfieldLife] SRF Elvis and Sri Daya Mata in Pacific Palisades

2015-05-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You are warmly invited to attend the
2015 Self-Realization Fellowship World Convocation
 August 16 - 22 
 Westin Bonaventure Hotel 
 Los Angeles  

---In,  wrote :

to viewers for the correction! Sri Daya Mata's original name was Faye Wright.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Faye Wright, took over leadership of Yogananda's SRF after James J. Lynn.  She 
died in 2010.

[FairfieldLife] I think former TM teachers fear the C word because of the D word

2015-05-29 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Here's my theory, which is mine. 

I have long noticed the vehemence and exaggerated outrage with which long-term 
TMers (and especially current or former TM teachers) react to having  the C 
word aimed in their direction. This is curious, because many of them use the C 
word all the time to describe *other* organizations that they see as 
"competing" with TM, as in "Sure, Scientology is a cult because of its weird 
beliefs about alien overlords bringing humans to Earth in space ships and then 
dropping them in volcanos, but when we talk about the Vedic gods and how *they* 
created the Earth, we're being rational." But the moment that term is applied 
to TMers -- or horror!, to themselves -- they flip out and go crazy. 

I think that this *consistent* overreaction to the C word is because most of 
these former TM teachers' minds are still controlled by the D word. 

The D word started being a big thing in their lives shortly after they returned 
from their TM Teacher Training Course. On that course, they had learned the 
things they were supposed to say in intro lectures, primary among which was, 
"TM is not in any way religious." But also on that course, they had learned the 
puja, along with its English translation, so they clearly knew not only *that* 
they were bowing down to Hindu gods every time they performed it, they actually 
knew these gods' *names*. 

So now the course is over, and they're giving their first intro lecture and 
someone asks, "Is TM a religion?" And they look at the person asking the 
question and they say "No. Absolutely not." And then they repeat the rest of 
the stock phrases they were taught to parrot whenever this question comes up. 

Bingo -- the D word. DENIAL. It's *not* IMO as if these people are actually 
*lying*. They've just learned to compartmentalize things such that when they 
say "TM is not religious" they manage to DENY what they know from the 
translation of the puja, that it is *definitely* religious in nature. And the 
more often they stand up in public and experience this level of DENIAL of what 
they really know, and "tell stories" that some part of them *knows* isn't true, 
the more cognitive dissonance they feel,  and the more guilty that part of them 
feels about lying. 

That GUILT is what I think gets triggered when they hear the C word applied to 
them. Part of them bristles, because being considered a cultist just doesn't 
"fit" with how they see themselves. But another part of them -- the part that 
lied so easily and so smoothly so many times during intro lectures -- realizes 
that this lying and this level of denial IS part and parcel of being a cultist, 
so they feel guilty. And that's why they lash out...they *hate* feeling guilty. 
They want to feel special, and superior, and above all *better* than these 
people who consider them to be cultists. But that feeling, too marks them as 

So that's my theory. It's *just* a theory. I am not presenting it as if it's 
Truth. So if it pushes your buttons and makes you angry, you might just want to 
spend a few minutes trying to figure out why. Either that, or you could just 
stick with being angry and lashing out, and remain stuck in denial. 

[FairfieldLife] I think former TM teachers fear the C word because of the D word

2015-05-29 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Here's my theory, which is mine. 

I have long noticed the vehemence and exaggerated faux outrage with which 
long-term TMers (and especially current or former TM teachers) react to having  
the C word aimed in their direction. This is curious, because many of them use 
the C word all the time to describe *other* organizations that they see as 
"competing" with TM, as in "Sure, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Dome report for June

2015-05-29 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

    I'm recommending to the MUM people to start a MC club of their own.  Bevan 
can ride his hog and Hagelin his chopper.  Then, stake out some territory and 
do the butt bouncing technique. to offset bad karmaand there's plenty of 
You might want to rethink this one. This is what Bevan would look like on a 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Grave New World?

2015-05-29 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Interesting study/article. Now what we need to do is use this sleep-unlearning 
technique on long-term TMers to see if we can remove that implicit bias they 
have developed that causes them to perceive anyone who isn't a gung-ho TMer as 
an enemy who is attacking them. 

  From: salyavin808 
What else could we do once we've mastered the technology? Who watches the 
watcher?In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, the overlords use “sleep teaching” 
to condition children to submit to their sinister moral values. Now scientists 
have found a more noble purpose for the technique in a study that suggests 
deep-rooted biases about race and gender could be “unlearnt” during a short 
nap.The findings appear to confirm the idea that sleeping provides a unique 
window for accessing and altering fundamental beliefs – even prejudices that we 
don’t know we have.Gender and racial bias can be 'unlearnt' during sleep, new 
study suggests
||||   Gender and racial bias can be 'unlearnt' during ...  
Playing auditory cues during sleep partially undid biases, raising possibility 
of using the technique to make permanent behavioural changes||
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Rise of the Machines pt 2

2015-05-29 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Nonsense. We'll just buy our own attack robots, and the "open carry" laws will 
be amended to say that we can be accompanied by them at all times. 

  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 8:01 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Rise of the Machines pt 2
    Killer robots will leave humans 'utterly defenceless' warns professor
||||   Killer robots will leave humans 'utterly 
defenceless...  Robots, called LAWS – lethal autonomous weapons systems – will 
be able to kill without human intervention||
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|

  #yiv6964658929 #yiv6964658929 -- #yiv6964658929ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: Stuff I'm not sure I wanted to know ...

2015-05-29 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
I read this just as I was about to pour "natural" strawberry syrup over my 
waffles. Thanks a LOT, man.  :-)

  From: "William Leed [FairfieldLife]" 

... And now that I know, I'm not sure what to do with it. 
-- Forwarded message -- 
     Natural Flavors Come From A Beaver’s Butt      Why do food companies 
list “Natural Flavors” as an ingredient? Probably because it sounds more 
appetizing than “Flavor Extracted From A Beaver’s Ass.”     For some unknown 
reason, the largest food flavoring company in the world recently revealed a 
number of revolting secrets to CBS News. Among other things, the story 
confirmed that “natural flavors come from nature, but not necessarily from what 
the label implies. For example, strawberry and vanilla flavor can come from the 
gland in a beaver’s backside.”     That gland is filled with Castoreum, 
described on Wikipedia as the “yellowish secretion of the castor sac in 
combination with the beaver’s urine.” According to a study published in the 
International Journal of Toxicology, the substance has been “used extensively 
in perfumery and has been added to food as a flavor ingredient for at least 80 
years.”     The bottom line is, natural flavor can come from anything in 
nature, no matter how grotesque. Artificial flavor, meanwhile, refers to a 
chemical additive that is 100 percent man-made, from scratch. These food 
flavors are designed from the ground up to be irresistible, addicting, and 
short-lived, to ensure that once we pop, we can’t stop.     You can watch the 
stunning report from 60 minutes and learn a whole lot more about the food 
flavor industry below.    
Sent from Gmail Mobile 

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