Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-13 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


Oh, I'd endorse it if I believed it, no problem. Trouble is, I can't see it 
working or how it could be working if I could see it!

 It's a nice idea that people can influence each other towards peaceful 
cooperation without them even being aware of it though. One of the best.

 I used to think there's no harm in trying, but there's been a lot of financial 
harm over the years. Marshy's last big idea was a wealth fund to keep a bunch 
of pundits chanting non-stop to create world peace. An awful lot of people gave 
up an awful lot of money for that, a fool and his money are soon parted you 
might say but surely we have to raise the alarm if they keep trying the same 
scam every time the world goes banana shaped...
 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-13 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Good nuance.  Good comparison.

 A Caliphate? So the TMO is a social system grounded in ancient literature? 
Yep, that's a fine comparison.

 I maintain that brain waves are real and affect one's environment.

 No one would argue that brain waves are real, but affecting the environment? 
Not even the TMO is claiming that. We can measure electrical activity in brains 
easily but you have to attach some sensitive electrodes directly to the scalp 
to do it. These signals are in the brain, if they could travel outside it would 
be easy to measure them because we already know the frequencies. 

 But we can't and that isn't what they are claiming, the Marshy Effect is 
supposed to work on some sort of "unified field" that connects all things via 
our consciousness. Convenient that it seems to be an unmeasurable phenomena, or 
am I unreasonable in expecting a physical basis to claims for the physical 

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   

 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

 Why on Earth would you want to maintain that?

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)



[FairfieldLife] Re: Microaggressions of Charity

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
What always gets to me when these kinds of incident are reported in the press 
is that the people targetted by the PC crowd always apologise. Always.  

 I would have told the Black Lives Matter idiots that children's lives also 
matter and why don't you guys take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut.



---In,  wrote :


 Crybullies of Kansas U Say Charity for Kids w/Cancer is Microaggression

 Who could possibly oppose raising money for kids with cancer? 
#BlackLivesMatter Does

 December 12, 2015 
 Daniel Greenfield 

 One of the underreported stories about the campus crybully protests is how 
aggressive the assorted racist crybully activists have been in demanding that 
other students join them. Dartmouth was one of the few times that the 
Crybullies of Color harassment of students made headlines. This story may end 
up going viral too.

 “In 7 minutes, you have the chance to show solidarity w/ students of color,” 
one participant tweeted just before the event was scheduled to start. “Head 
over to Wescoe now!”

 Since November, an unofficial student group calling itself “Rock Chalk 
Invisible Hawks” (RCIH) has been agitating for the university to adopt 
inclusivity initiatives outlined in an ultimatum presented to administrators, 
such as hiring a team of “multicultural counselors” for students of color and 
instituting “mandatory, intense ‘inclusion and belonging’ training” for 
students and faculty...

 Shortly thereafter, the RCIH demonstrators found themselves in conflict with 
another student group, the Tri Delta sorority, which was selling candy canes to 
raise money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in the same Wescoe Beach 
area in which the protesters were congregating.

 Who could possibly oppose raising money for kids with cancer? The usual 
#BlackLivesMatter human garbage could.

 “@KUTriDelta cares more about philanthropy than #blacklivesmatter,” Kinkead 
tweeted in an apparent reference to the sorority’s unwillingness to forsake 
their fundraiser and join the racial protest.

 “The shouts of @KUTriDelta are coming from privilege,” Kinkead added in a 
follow-up tweet. “They are silencing the students of color who are hurting.”

 The Invisible Hawks Twitter profile also picked up on that theme, writing, 
“Wouldnt [sic] standing with us be a good philanthropic effort, or…”

 Alex Kinkead "@KUnews do you see how the system is designed for @KUTriDelta  
to sell candy canes, but not listen to PoC"

 Alex Kinkead @KUTriDelta control your members. Now is NOT the time for 
laughin/candy canes. Have you heard of microaggressions? 


 Predictably the sorority apologized for fundraising for 
kids with cancer.
 "In regards to RCIH, our intention was solely to raise money for kids 
suffering from cancer. It was not to take away from the issue of oppression of 
marginalized groups or to appear racially intensive."

 This is how insane political correctness has gotten under Obama. 
Non-participation in racial protests is unacceptable. Even if you're raising 
money for kids with cancer.

 If you disagree, you must be some sort of #AllLivesMatter racist. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: You Don't Have to Be Liberal to Understand This

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Re "The number of mass shootings stopped by armed civilians in the last three 
decades is zero": 

 You might be being fooled by this statistic. 

 Think about it: a mass shooting is defined by "Four or more people are 
actually killed, not including the perpetrator".

 Now imagine: a would-be "mass shooter" walks into a shopping mall and kills 
one, two or three people. At that point an armed civilian takes action and the 
murderer is stopped in his tracks.

 As four or more people were not killed in this imagined incident it will *not* 
be classified as a "mass-shooting event"! But it would have been if the 
have-a-go hero hadn't been there.

 Neat, huh?

 Not really. It is all so much bluster and conjecture on everyones part. 
Fighting guns with guns is like fighting hate with hate. In the end, everyone 


---In,  wrote :


[FairfieldLife] Re: You Don't Have to Be Liberal to Understand This

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Re "The number of mass shootings stopped by armed civilians in the last three 
decades is zero": 

 You might be being fooled by this statistic. 

 Think about it: a mass shooting is defined by "Four or more people are 
actually killed, not including the perpetrator".

 Now imagine: a would-be "mass shooter" walks into a shopping mall and kills 
one, two or three people. At that point an armed civilian takes action and the 
murderer is stopped in his tracks.

 As four or more people were not killed in this imagined incident it will *not* 
be classified as a "mass-shooting event"! But it would have been if the 
have-a-go hero hadn't been there.

 Neat, huh?


---In,  wrote :


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Me, I'm not so sure.  I think the combined thoughts of humans is a powerful 
part of the equation. 

 I think changes in the earth affected the development of humans, and the 
development of the human intellect and reason had an effect on earth and it's 
landscape and fauna and flora.

 Don't ask me why, because I can't really answer that.

 But, I enjoy thinking about these things and looking at different theories.

---In,  wrote :

 They think we may influence the earth but I think that might be a little 
pretentious. The entire human race is nothing compared with the mass of the 





 On 12/13/2015 01:42 PM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Good nuance.  Good comparison.
 I maintain that brain waves are real and affect one's environment.
 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   
 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.
 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.
 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.
 mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote :
 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!
 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 
 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 
 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 
 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics
 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.
 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?
 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.
 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.
 mailto:dickmays@... wrote :
 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)



[FairfieldLife] You Don't Have to Be Liberal to Understand This

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: : NEXT GEN.

2015-12-13 Thread William Leed [FairfieldLife]

-Original Message-
To: don loos 
Sent: Sun, Dec 13, 2015 7:12 pm
Subject: Fw: : NEXT GEN.

For those of you who cannot figure it out yourselves, THIS little kid
will explain it to you in about 2 minutes.


[FairfieldLife] Re: ATT: Feste

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 I agree, with one possible exception.  If he determines the cost business wise 
is too high, he may exit after he loses the nomination.  

 I don't think so. He will still have backers even if he runs as an 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Should we start a "betting pool?"  Who thinks he will drop out if not selected 
as the GOP nominee?  Who thinks he will run independently if he doesn't get the 

 I like a good wager. I'll bet he will run as an independent if he doesn't get 
the nomination because he is basically so narcissistic, such a bully, such a 
bad loser, such a blowhard that he will just have to make a bid.

---In,  wrote :

 Still. Not. Convinced. 

---In,  wrote :





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Quite interesting.  This is how it starts.  Some will be ahead of curve,and 
some, likely the great majority, will be behind the curve.  But this is how it 

---In,  wrote :

 Or it's earth waves that influence are thinking and what we do.  It could be 
why astrology may more or less or considering planets used as markers for 
earth/solar cycles that recur.  Here's an interesting article about that:
 They think we may influence the earth but I think that might be a little 
pretentious. The entire human race is nothing compared with the mass of the 
 On 12/13/2015 01:42 PM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Good nuance.  Good comparison.
 I maintain that brain waves are real and affect one's environment.
 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   
 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.
 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.
 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.
 mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote :
 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!
 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 
 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 
 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 
 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics
 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.
 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?
 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.
 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.
 mailto:dickmays@... wrote :
 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)



[FairfieldLife] Re: TM in Estonia!

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
5% of the population with a mental needs diagnosis, is also a conservative 
round number used in the West too.   Also it seems TM can attract people with 
need who are looking with hope for help and healing.  

 but the KGB propaganda campaign was skilled and ruthless.“
 One of the most colourful episodes – even funny in hindsight – occurred when 
Dr Jaan Suurküla had to stand in front of a committee of psychiatrists to 
answer charges of Transcendental Meditation causing mental illness.

---In,  wrote :


 Dr Suurküla and Dr Tony Nader (the present day leader of the global TM 
organization happened to be visiting Estonia at the behest of Maharishi) were 
given 15 minutes to defend the meditation technique. „I started by saying: ’I 
hear that 4 people have reported psychotic incidents in different parts of 
Estonia.’ The psychiatrists confirmed with angry expressions on their faces: 
’Do you realize that these are very serious accusations, Dr Suurküla?’ I said: 
’This is very good news, indeed. I’m very happy to hear these numbers!’ They 
looked at me as if I was one of the crazy people, you know…“ laughs Dr Suurküla.
 „But then I asked them: ’Can you tell me what is the percentage of acute 
mental illness in Estonia? ’ They said, ’5 per cent.’ I said, ’Good. So let’s 
say, if 20.000 people have learned Transcendental Meditation in Estonia, what 
would be the number of mentally ill people among them? 1.000, right? Well, you 
see, 20.000 people have not learned Transcendental Meditation here. There have 
been 23.000 people.’ I really enjoyed that moment! We finished with a one-hour 
introductory presentation on Transcendental Meditation!“

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Mon 14-Dec-15 00:15:08 UTC

2015-12-13 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 12/12/15 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 12/19/15 00:00:00
45 messages as of (UTC) 12/13/15 22:19:12

  9 awoelflebater
  5 emily.mae50
  5 dhamiltony2k5
  4 hepa7
  4 emptybill
  3 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  3 Bhairitu noozguru
  2 jr_esq
  2 feste37 
  1 upfronter
  1 ultrarishi 
  1 steve.sundur
  1 salyavin808 
  1 j_alexander_stanley
  1 authfriend
  1 Dick Mays dickmays
  1 'Rick Archer' rick
Posters: 17
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

[FairfieldLife] TM in Estonia!

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


 Dr Suurküla and Dr Tony Nader (the present day leader of the global TM 
organization happened to be visiting Estonia at the behest of Maharishi) were 
given 15 minutes to defend the meditation technique. „I started by saying: ’I 
hear that 4 people have reported psychotic incidents in different parts of 
Estonia.’ The psychiatrists confirmed with angry expressions on their faces: 
’Do you realize that these are very serious accusations, Dr Suurküla?’ I said: 
’This is very good news, indeed. I’m very happy to hear these numbers!’ They 
looked at me as if I was one of the crazy people, you know…“ laughs Dr Suurküla.
 „But then I asked them: ’Can you tell me what is the percentage of acute 
mental illness in Estonia? ’ They said, ’5 per cent.’ I said, ’Good. So let’s 
say, if 20.000 people have learned Transcendental Meditation in Estonia, what 
would be the number of mentally ill people among them? 1.000, right? Well, you 
see, 20.000 people have not learned Transcendental Meditation here. There have 
been 23.000 people.’ I really enjoyed that moment! We finished with a one-hour 
introductory presentation on Transcendental Meditation!“

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-13 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Or it's earth waves that influence are thinking and what we do.  It 
could be why astrology may more or less or considering planets used as 
markers for earth/solar cycles that recur.  Here's an interesting 
article about that:

They think we may influence the earth but I think that might be a little 
pretentious. The entire human race is nothing compared with the mass of 
the planet.

On 12/13/2015 01:42 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Good nuance.  Good comparison.

I maintain that brain waves are real and affect one's environment.

Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

---In,  wrote :

All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube 
video to see what people think of it.A sane person would distance 
themselves from such *nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing 
yogic flying and the TMO to create world peace. Might pull for it 
secretly though, kind of like a Muslim secretly pulling for a Caliphate.

*From:* salyavin808 
*Sent:* Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and 
War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention 
yogic flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some 
research, they'll instantly find this:

And that will be that.

Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it 
anyway if it works. And then we can say; we havebeen doing it. And 
yagyas too!

So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at 
a distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. 
The crime rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly 
fluctuates over the year anyway, even the editors of the journal that 
one was published in weren't impressed.

And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back 
at that time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected 
when there people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because 
there wasn't. You can't say that more people would have died if we 
weren't meditating, how are you going to prove it? There are lies, 
there are damn lies and there are statistics

If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, 
aren't there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate 
in Washington would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. 
The war in Lebanon would have stopped. Even if it's as good as the 
claimed unmeasurable effects, how would that help in Syria? 10% fewer 
beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that interfere with Saudi Arabian 
justice a bit? They won't like that.

Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't 
even explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone 
demonstrate that it does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why 
this advert is heavy on promises and light on explanation?

Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and 
pundits all over the world would have had us all dancing in the 
streets by now, but we appear to be stuck with having to come up with 
actual solutions for problems rather than hoping some stirrings of 
bliss in some mythical unified field will magically save the world.

I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even 
had it explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war 
deaths and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and 
statistics below in the middle column.)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Good nuance.  Good comparison. 

 I maintain that brain waves are real and affect one's environment.

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   

 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

---In,  wrote :

 All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)



Re: [FairfieldLife] The Science of Compassion

2015-12-13 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Which is why some mantras are stimulating, some cooling and some 
calming.  There's is also a dietary connection to sympathetic and 
parasympathetic dominance.

On 12/12/2015 11:43 AM, ultrarishi wrote:

Short interesting lecture about the Autonomic Nervous System, 
meditation, healing, pranayama, etc.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The True Face of Jesus

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 If you take a look at the picture, do you think the FBI would suspect him as a 

Interesting article. It is food for thought.


 “He hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty 
that we should desire him.”

 I do not think Jesus was of great stature but rather smaller than average, and 
was as thin as a man could get without perishing, no doubt finding it 
impossible not to hand His food to any starving beggar or cripple.

 My understanding is that Jesus the Christ did nothing to betray His higher 
Self to the materialism of the Earth, even right down to physical appearance. 
So it was that even His physical form was unlovely to earthy thinkers so they 
could not say…”See here, the visible expression of the invisible Being 
portrayed physical beauty to show us the way!”

 There was nothing that was a privilege of the Godhead save His purity, and His 
little miracles were nothing compared to the unthinkable humility of the 
miracle of Divine Being submitting to Self-created laws and a lower existence 
in earthly terms even as to appearance. It is a sphere of humility, I believe, 
that humankind cannot fathom - because if it could this world would have its 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-13 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
All you have to do is read the comments at the bottom of the Youtube video to 
see what people think of it.A sane person would distance themselves from such 
*nonsense*. I wouldn't be caught dead endorsing yogic flying  and the TMO to 
create world peace. Might pull for it secretly though, kind of like a Muslim 
secretly pulling for a Caliphate.

  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!
Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic flying 
so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll instantly 
find this:

And that will be that. 
Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 
So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 
And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics
If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.
Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?
Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.
I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)  #yiv2003912747 #yiv2003912747 
-- #yiv2003912747ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv2003912747 
#yiv2003912747ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv2003912747 
#yiv2003912747ygrp-mkp #yiv2003912747hd 
0;}#yiv2003912747 #yiv2003912747ygrp-mkp #yiv2003912747ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv2003912747 #yiv2003912747ygrp-mkp .yiv2003912747ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv2003912747 #yiv2003912747ygrp-mkp .yiv2003912747ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv2003912747 #yiv2003912747ygrp-mkp .yiv2003912747ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2003912747 #yiv2003912747ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv2003912747ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv2003912747 
#yiv2003912747ygrp-sponsor #yiv2003912747ygrp-lc #yiv2003912747hd {margin:10px 
#yiv2003912747ygrp-sponsor #yiv2003912747ygrp-lc .yiv2003912747ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv2003912747 #yiv2003912747actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv2003912747 
 #yiv2003912747activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv2003912747 
#yiv2003912747activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv2003912747 #yiv2003912747activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2003912747 #yiv2003912747activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv2003912747 #yiv2003912747activity span 
.yiv2003912747underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv2003912747 
0;width:400px;}#yiv2003912747 .yiv2003912747attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv2003912747 .yiv2003912747attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv2003912747 .yiv200

[FairfieldLife] Re: ATT: Feste

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I agree, with one possible exception.  If he determines the cost business wise 
is too high, he may exit after he loses the nomination.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Should we start a "betting pool?"  Who thinks he will drop out if not selected 
as the GOP nominee?  Who thinks he will run independently if he doesn't get the 

 I like a good wager. I'll bet he will run as an independent if he doesn't get 
the nomination because he is basically so narcissistic, such a bully, such a 
bad loser, such a blowhard that he will just have to make a bid.

---In,  wrote :

 Still. Not. Convinced. 

---In,  wrote :





[FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: TM found to reduce them by 70%!

2015-12-13 Thread salyavin808

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.

---In,  wrote :

 Published scientific studies show TM and advanced practices reduce war deaths 
and terrorism by more than 70%. (See the journals and statistics below in the 
middle column.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: ATT: Feste

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
O.K.  Still, what I was doing was just forwarding the conversation a bit, 
stating the most obvious take on the article.   
---In,  wrote :

 Actualy, auth had her own reasons for posting that for my attention, and they 
were nothing to do with Trump's chances. Mind you, I'd say that anyone who uses 
a Trump quote to try to win a point must be in fairly desperate straits. 

Come on auth -- it's time to wake up and toss a few of your famous caustic 
barbs in my direction. 

---In,  wrote :

 Should we start a "betting pool?"  Who thinks he will drop out if not selected 
as the GOP nominee?  Who thinks he will run independently if he doesn't get the 

---In,  wrote :

 Still. Not. Convinced. 

---In,  wrote :




[FairfieldLife] Re: ATT: Feste

2015-12-13 Thread feste37
Actualy, auth had her own reasons for posting that for my attention, and they 
were nothing to do with Trump's chances. Mind you, I'd say that anyone who uses 
a Trump quote to try to win a point must be in fairly desperate straits. 

Come on auth -- it's time to wake up and toss a few of your famous caustic 
barbs in my direction. 

---In,  wrote :

 Should we start a "betting pool?"  Who thinks he will drop out if not selected 
as the GOP nominee?  Who thinks he will run independently if he doesn't get the 

---In,  wrote :

 Still. Not. Convinced. 

---In,  wrote :




[FairfieldLife] Re: ATT: Feste

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Should we start a "betting pool?"  Who thinks he will drop out if not selected 
as the GOP nominee?  Who thinks he will run independently if he doesn't get the 

 I like a good wager. I'll bet he will run as an independent if he doesn't get 
the nomination because he is basically so narcissistic, such a bully, such a 
bad loser, such a blowhard that he will just have to make a bid.

---In,  wrote :

 Still. Not. Convinced. 

---In,  wrote :




[FairfieldLife] Re: In a Nutshell...

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 What are you some kinda fur-i-nur?
 Neither a furrier nor a farrier.
 However, to the chanukstani-s - YOU are the foreigner.

 We are all strangers in even stranger lands. You belong nowhere and possess 
neither the soil you stand on or the boulder you might be sitting upon.

 Guess you musta been let in on a spousal visa.

 No stinkin' spousal visas for me, pants, I was a loner/single/unattached.

 Or are you now an official British Columbian?

 A citizen of two make-believe countries, I am. One is called "The United 
States of America" and one is called "Canada".
 So what did ol’ hubbie claim to get you in … “She was persecuted by the 
Republiscams.”? That would explain yer mindless “liberalism”. 

 See above, no hubbie at the time. But then I noticed a lost Canadian boy who 
needed a good friend and the rest is history.
 It all goes back to yer fascist “white privilege” – who else trains and rides 
horses anymore?

 Excellent question and one, by some fortuitous chance, I am able to answer. 
Those who ride and train horses are those who like hard work, risking their 
necks and who don't mind living in near poverty as you never make money doing 
it. It's amazing we haven't died out by now - it's not the smartest career 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest political pop songs

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
And there's the old, 'Victory Before War'. 
 'Victory Before War' had potential for galvanizing a movement. 
 One funnier TM moment on stage was with a small group singing 'Victory Before 
War' barbershop style while 'marching' around the microphone. The crowd loved 

 Om, the military man if included in his plans
 The practice of Transcendental Meditation
 Makes friends with the vacuum state
 His strength will be so great there will be
 Victory Before War! 

 !Victory, before War!
Nobody’s violating laws of nature anymore
Sound the triumphant horn, no enemy will be born
We meditate and then create a positive permanent peaceful state

 Then We'll have Victory before War! 

 Victory Before War,


---In,  wrote :

 The TM puja sung out as ‘The Holy Tradition’  was a type of a pop song that 
motivated a movement.


 ---In,  wrote :

 Anthems that bind or activate a movement.  These people grew up with this 
anthem and it guided them through WWII. Was sung at Winston Churchill’s 
funeral.  Look at  the crowd in this video, a lot singing the whole text by 
heart.  I doubt that most Americans now could sing their Anthem by heart.  
Maybe they could hum it.   That is why it is left mostly to professional 
singers in public settings to sing over crowds. The US Anthem is a feat of 
technical challenge even for professional singers.

 The English know this anthem: 

  I Vow To Thee My Country 



 I Vow To Thee My Country - Festival of Remembrance - Royal Albert Hall
 I Vow To Thee My Country - Festival of Remembrance -... Poem: I Vow to Thee my Country by 
Sir Cecil Spring Rice Music: Jupiter by Gustav Theodore Holst Event: Festival 
of Remembrance 2011

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 John Brown's Body was a pop song at a time that compelled a movement.
 John Brown's Body
 John Brown's Body Back around the 
time that northern Christians, abolitionists, free blacks, anti-slavery 
activists and Kansas land owners first formed the Republican party, J...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 Anthem //a rousing or uplifting song identified with a particular group, body, 
or cause.

 This song was an anthem of the growing anti-slavery movement in Britain

 45t New Brittain - Second Ireland Sacred Harp Convention, 2012
 45t New Brittain - Second Ireland Sacred Harp Conve... 45t New Brittain, led by Steve 
Biggs at the second Ireland Sacred Harp convention, March 3rd & 4th, 2012 Video 
by Seamus Hegarty. Audio by Danny F...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 Part of the Union re-adjusted can work to be 'political' satire too for TM.
 There is dis-enfranchised sentiment in the meditating community out there that 
could hope for more 'authenticity' in the TM movement community.

 Substitute “movement” for “union” with some other substitutions and Part of 
the Movement could work as a pop song for aspects of the meditating community. 
 It awaits a troubadour to come along with a guitar to amplify it again. 

 “Now I'm a [movement] man
Amazed at what I am
I say what I think, that the company stinks
Yes I'm a union man
 When we meet in the local hall
I'll be voting with them all
With a hell of a shout, it's "Out meditators, out!"
And the rise of the factory's fall
 Oh, you don't get me, I'm part of the union
You don't get me, I'm part of the union
You don't get me, I'm part of the union
Until the day I die, until the day I die
 As a union man I'm wise
To the lies of the company spies
And I don't get fooled by the factory rules
'Cause I always read between the lines
 And I always get my way
If I strike for higher pay
When I show my card to the Scotland Yard
And this is what I say
 Oh, oh, you don't get me, I'm part of the union
You don't get me, I'm part of the union.., etc.”



---In,  wrote :

 The Shakers, a spiritual re-gen movement like ours looking for broad cultural 
changes, used

[FairfieldLife] Re: ME'ish in the Bible??

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]



---In,  wrote :

 Joel 2: 28 (hepr. Yo'el 3:1), first sentence, YHVH sez:

 28 And it shall come to pass afterward,
 that I will pour out
 my spirit
 upon all flesh;


 וְהָיָ֣ה אַֽחֲרֵי־כֵ֗ן אֶשְׁפֹּ֤וךְ אֶת־רוּחִי֙ עַל־כָּל־בָּשָׂ֔ר


 vehaya aHare-Hen eshpoH et-ruHi al-kol-basar...


 (pereg gimel) vehaya...

[FairfieldLife] ME'ish in the Bible??

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Joel 2: 28 (hepr. Yo'el 3:1), first sentence, YHVH sez:

 28 And it shall come to pass afterward,
 that I will pour out
 my spirit
 upon all flesh;


 וְהָיָ֣ה אַֽחֲרֵי־כֵ֗ן אֶשְׁפֹּ֤וךְ אֶת־רוּחִי֙ עַל־כָּל־בָּשָׂ֔ר


 vehaya aHare-Hen eshpoH et-ruHi al-kol-basar...

[FairfieldLife] Microaggressions of Charity

2015-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Crybullies of Kansas U Say Charity for Kids w/Cancer is Microaggression

 Who could possibly oppose raising money for kids with cancer? 
#BlackLivesMatter Does

 December 12, 2015 
 Daniel Greenfield 

 One of the underreported stories about the campus crybully protests is how 
aggressive the assorted racist crybully activists have been in demanding that 
other students join them. Dartmouth was one of the few times that the 
Crybullies of Color harassment of students made headlines. This story may end 
up going viral too.

 “In 7 minutes, you have the chance to show solidarity w/ students of color,” 
one participant tweeted just before the event was scheduled to start. “Head 
over to Wescoe now!”

 Since November, an unofficial student group calling itself “Rock Chalk 
Invisible Hawks” (RCIH) has been agitating for the university to adopt 
inclusivity initiatives outlined in an ultimatum presented to administrators, 
such as hiring a team of “multicultural counselors” for students of color and 
instituting “mandatory, intense ‘inclusion and belonging’ training” for 
students and faculty...

 Shortly thereafter, the RCIH demonstrators found themselves in conflict with 
another student group, the Tri Delta sorority, which was selling candy canes to 
raise money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in the same Wescoe Beach 
area in which the protesters were congregating.

 Who could possibly oppose raising money for kids with cancer? The usual 
#BlackLivesMatter human garbage could.

 “@KUTriDelta cares more about philanthropy than #blacklivesmatter,” Kinkead 
tweeted in an apparent reference to the sorority’s unwillingness to forsake 
their fundraiser and join the racial protest.

 “The shouts of @KUTriDelta are coming from privilege,” Kinkead added in a 
follow-up tweet. “They are silencing the students of color who are hurting.”

 The Invisible Hawks Twitter profile also picked up on that theme, writing, 
“Wouldnt [sic] standing with us be a good philanthropic effort, or…”

 Alex Kinkead "@KUnews do you see how the system is designed for @KUTriDelta  
to sell candy canes, but not listen to PoC"

 Alex Kinkead @KUTriDelta control your members. Now is NOT the time for 
laughin/candy canes. Have you heard of microaggressions? 


 Predictably the sorority apologized for fundraising for 
kids with cancer.
 "In regards to RCIH, our intention was solely to raise money for kids 
suffering from cancer. It was not to take away from the issue of oppression of 
marginalized groups or to appear racially intensive."

 This is how insane political correctness has gotten under Obama. 
Non-participation in racial protests is unacceptable. Even if you're raising 
money for kids with cancer.

 If you disagree, you must be some sort of #AllLivesMatter racist.