Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Islamaphobia in Houston Texas

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
That mosque might do well to facilitate in some modern mental health trainings 
for their congregation and the community there.  

---In,  wrote :

 An upset attender?  A mosque member..  Public health stats say that about one 
in five people in the general population have a diagnosis-able mental illness 
of some kind.  I was at a conference a while ago and a social scientist there 
asked about some of the mental health things here in Fairfield, if they were 
violent?  ..His comment that violent actions usually have anger behind them.

---In,  wrote :

 No. However, it seems that I read something or heard something on the news 
that he may have a had an argument with a person or a couple of persons that 
helped run the Mosque. Might have been a revenge thing. It would be an 
excellent opportunity, time wise,for something like that. I don't think police 
have come up with a motive yet.


 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, January 1, 2016 10:50 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Islamaphobia in Houston Texas


---In,  wrote :

 I don't know if any of you here have heard about the Mosque that burned down 
here on Christmas day. Turns out an arrest was made a couple of days ago by a 
guy I frequently have breakfast with. He is an arson detective with the city of 
Houston. The arsonist is a Muslim named Gary Moore that has attended the Mosque 
for years now, praying five times a day at this center. Video of him was found 
showing that he was the last to leave the Mosque before it caught fire and a 
bottle of lighter fluid from a two pack was found in his home along with his 
back pack shown on the video. Fortunately, the Mosque attendees were not quick 
to point any fingers and city citizens were quick to help them find a new 
place. However, was quick to label the event as a product of 
Islamophobia and as far as I know hasn't' printed a retraction or the fact that 
it was a fellow Muslim that burned his own Mosque down. 


 Do you have any theories on why he did this?



[FairfieldLife] Re: For those interested in the "Neo-Advaita" phenomenon

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, the text is in the FFL archive here. 
 It is in FFL post#387484

 387484Andrew Cohen LightMint Gone Bad 
 Here is his statement:
 I’m fifty-seven years old and currently find myself facing the biggest 
challenge of my life. I’ve been a teacher of spiritual enlightenment for 
 years. Enlightenment has always been and always will be about transcending
 the ego. Over the last several years, some of my closest students have tried 
to make it apparent to me that in spite of the depth of my awakening, my ego is 
still alive and well.
 I’ve understood this simple truth—that we all have egos no matter how
 enlightened we may be—and even taught it to thousands of people all over the
 world throughout my career. But when I was being asked to face my own ego by 
those who were nearest and dearest to me, I resisted. And I often made their 
lives difficult as a result.
 I’m aware that many of my students over the years have also been affected by 
my lack of awareness of this part of myself. And for those of you who are 
reading this, I apologize. As time passes I intend to reach out and engage in a 
process of dialogue with those of you who would like to.
 In light of all this, for the sake of my own integrity as a spiritual teacher 
and as a human being, I’ve decided that I need to take some time off so I can 
make the effort to develop in many of the ways that I’ve asked other people to. 
Starting this fall, once I’ve fulfilled some prior commitments, I’m going to 
embark upon asabbatical for an extended period of time. During this hiatus, I 
will be stepping down from the leadership of my organization, I won’t be 
publishing anything here on my blog, and will not be doing any public teaching. 
My intention is to become a better teacher, and more importantly, a better man.
 One of the most beautiful fruits of my work over the years has been the
 international network of people who have studied, collaborated, and trained 
with me for so long. They are all examples of Evolutionary Enlightenment in 
their own right, and I couldn’t imagine a greater community of people to carry 
forward this movement. I’m looking forward to working with them in a very 
different way inthe future.




---In,  wrote :

 Does anyone have a copy of this apology letter from Andrew Cohen?  It seem to 
have been removed from his website.  I'd like to read it.  

 An open letter to all my former students upon return from my sabbatical.

Please post the letter here if you don't mind.  Thanks, B Joseph Kotrich on 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Islamaphobia in Houston Texas

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
An upset attender?  A mosque member..  Public health stats say that about one 
in five people in the general population have a diagnosis-able mental illness 
of some kind.  I was at a conference a while ago and a social scientist there 
asked about some of the mental health things here in Fairfield, if they were 
violent?  ..His comment that violent actions usually have anger behind them.

---In,  wrote :

 No. However, it seems that I read something or heard something on the news 
that he may have a had an argument with a person or a couple of persons that 
helped run the Mosque. Might have been a revenge thing. It would be an 
excellent opportunity, time wise,for something like that. I don't think police 
have come up with a motive yet.


 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, January 1, 2016 10:50 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Islamaphobia in Houston Texas


---In,  wrote :

 I don't know if any of you here have heard about the Mosque that burned down 
here on Christmas day. Turns out an arrest was made a couple of days ago by a 
guy I frequently have breakfast with. He is an arson detective with the city of 
Houston. The arsonist is a Muslim named Gary Moore that has attended the Mosque 
for years now, praying five times a day at this center. Video of him was found 
showing that he was the last to leave the Mosque before it caught fire and a 
bottle of lighter fluid from a two pack was found in his home along with his 
back pack shown on the video. Fortunately, the Mosque attendees were not quick 
to point any fingers and city citizens were quick to help them find a new 
place. However, was quick to label the event as a product of 
Islamophobia and as far as I know hasn't' printed a retraction or the fact that 
it was a fellow Muslim that burned his own Mosque down. 


 Do you have any theories on why he did this?



[FairfieldLife] Apparently they were still living along with homo sapiens

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Islamaphobia in Houston Texas

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 It's looking more like a *faked* hate crime. Mosque leaders say they didn't 
know the guy, yet Gary Moore aka Jamal Moore, claims he has attended this 
Mosque for five years on a regular basis, praying five times a day, seven days 
a week. The fire was set on Christmas day which was a Friday and Islamic holy 
day. Video was obtained from other businesses in the area showing him coming 
and going. Mosque leaders may have some 'splaining to do if video can establish 
the routine that  Jamal claims. Plus, Jamal was the last to leave that day. Did 
he have a key? What would a stranger be doing with a key to the Mosque? Was 
their fire insurance?


 The faked hate crime was my first thought. There are so many in the world 
right now trying to incite violence and ill will between others. And it appears 
that Trump is, indeed, being used as one of these inciters in Al Qaeda 
recruiting videos.

 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2016 6:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Islamaphobia in Houston Texas
 That mosque might do well to facilitate in some modern mental health trainings 
for their congregation and the community there.  

---In,  wrote :

 An upset attender?  A mosque member..  Public health stats say that about one 
in five people in the general population have a diagnosis-able mental illness 
of some kind.  I was at a conference a while ago and a social scientist there 
asked about some of the mental health things here in Fairfield, if they were 
violent?  ..His comment that violent actions usually have anger behind them.

---In,  wrote :

 No. However, it seems that I read something or heard something on the news 
that he may have a had an argument with a person or a couple of persons that 
helped run the Mosque. Might have been a revenge thing. It would be an 
excellent opportunity, time wise,for something like that. I don't think police 
have come up with a motive yet.


 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, January 1, 2016 10:50 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Islamaphobia in Houston Texas



---In,  wrote :

 I don't know if any of you here have heard about the Mosque that burned down 
here on Christmas day. Turns out an arrest was made a couple of days ago by a 
guy I frequently have breakfast with. He is an arson detective with the city of 
Houston. The arsonist is a Muslim named Gary Moore that has attended the Mosque 
for years now, praying five times a day at this center. Video of him was found 
showing that he was the last to leave the Mosque before it caught fire and a 
bottle of lighter fluid from a two pack was found in his home along with his 
back pack shown on the video. Fortunately, the Mosque attendees were not quick 
to point any fingers and city citizens were quick to help them find a new 
place. However, was quick to label the event as a product of 
Islamophobia and as far as I know hasn't' printed a retraction or the fact that 
it was a fellow Muslim that burned his own Mosque down. 


 Do you have any theories on why he did this?





[FairfieldLife] Re: Do most TMers in Sweden...

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
A conscious person here observes, the problems and solutions for the movement 
reside in the first three sutras of the TM-siddhis.

 A conscious person here observes, the problems and solutions for the movement 
reside in the first three sutras of the TM-siddhis.
 The first three sutras (maitrî, karunâ, muditâ) are the beginning set of the 
TM-Sidhi program. However, they are not listed in the third section of the YS 
(vibhuti-pada) which focuses on developing the siddhis. Rather, they occupy a 
significant place in the first section of the YS because they are important 
means to cultivate sattvic lucidity (prasâda). By practicing these bhâvâna-s 
(contemplative processes) in normal daily life, outside of meditative sanyama, 
this cultivation of lucidity becomes the means to generate steadiness in a firm 
single-pointed attention.  This is the view expressed in the commentaries of 
both Vyasa and Shankara.
 The obvious reason that the “administrators” lack these qualities is that they 
never cultivate them outside of tm-sidhis. Further, they are corrupted by the 
small amount of power they gather from their executive positions. 
 This is the same story seen everywhere. Guess that why it is called the 
Unifies Field.
 Here is the short form for developing these bhâvânas:
 The Four Brahma Viharas
 A guided meditation by Ven. Ayya Khema
 Think of the four brahma viharas, the four supreme emotions, loving-kindness, 
compassion, sympathetic joy (joy with others), and equanimity. And see them, as 
the Buddha explained them, as the only emotions worth having. Nothing else has 
any real place in our hearts. And think of your heart as yearning to be filled 
with love and compassion, with joy with others, and equanimity. See your heart 
as yearning for that and then fill it with those emotions. The warmth of love. 
The care of compassion. The generosity of joy with others. And the peacefulness 
of equanimity. Fill your heart to the brim.
 And now spread the love and compassion, the joy with others, and the 
equanimity throughout this room. So that there is the warmth and the care, the 
generosity and the peacefulness of it all through this room, so that everyone 
can partake of it.
 And now, let these four emotions, with their warmth and their caring, their 
generosity and their peacefulness emanate from your heart and reach out to the 
people who are close to you, so that they can have part of it, without 
expecting that you can get the same back.
 Now let all your friends partake of the beautiful emanation from your heart. 
Loving and compassionate. Caring and peaceful.
 Now reach out to other people you know. Neighbors. People you might work with. 
Those you meet in everyday life. Let the heart full of loving-kindness and 
compassion reach out to all these people that you can think of.
 Now think about anyone towards whom you have some negative feeling in your 
ordinary life - but don't change your heart now. Allow it to retain love and 
compassion, joy with others, and equanimity and let those same emotions reach 
out to that difficult person.
 Now feel your heart emanating these beautiful rays of love and compassion, the 
warmth and the caring, the giving and peacefulness and let these rays go out 
into the world and touch people’s hearts near and far. Think of the people 
around here and then go further afield. Let these beautiful rays and emanations 
from your heart go to as many hearts as you can find.
 Then put your attention back on yourself and feel the warmth of 
loving-kindness and the peacefulness of giving permeate you, fill you and 
surround you. The warmth in the heart brings joy and the peacefulness that 
surrounds you brings a feeling of security.
 May beings everywhere love each other.



[FairfieldLife] Wanna "see" a muon? : )

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]


[FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a festival in Europe

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
No, not all cultures are equal

 Norway has to teach immigrants not to rape women
 Norway has to teach immigrants not to rape women
 No, not all cultures are equal. 
 View on www.intellectualtak...
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Islamaphobia in Houston Texas

2016-01-02 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
It's looking more like a *faked* hate crime. Mosque leaders say they didn't 
know the guy, yet Gary Moore aka Jamal Moore, claims he has attended this 
Mosque for five years on a regular basis, praying five times a day, seven days 
a week. The fire was set on Christmas day which was a Friday and Islamic holy 
day. Video was obtained from other businesses in the area showing him coming 
and going. Mosque leaders may have some 'splaining to do if video can establish 
the routine that  Jamal claims. Plus, Jamal was the last to leave that day. Did 
he have a key? What would a stranger be doing with a key to the Mosque? Was 
their fire insurance?


  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2016 6:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Islamaphobia in Houston Texas
    That mosque might do well to facilitatein some modern mental health 
trainings for their congregation and the community there.  

---In,  wrote :

An upset attender?  A mosque member..  Public health statssay that about one in 
five people in the general population have adiagnosis-able mental illness of 
some kind.  I was at a conference a while ago and a social scientist there 
asked about some of the mental health things here in Fairfield, if they were 
violent?  ..His comment that violent actions usually have anger behind them.    

---In,  wrote :

No. However, it seems that I read something or heard something on the news that 
he may have a had an argument with a person or a couple of persons that helped 
run the Mosque. Might have been a revenge thing. It would be an excellent 
opportunity, time wise,for something like that. I don't think police have come 
up with a motive yet.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Friday, January 1, 2016 10:50 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Islamaphobia in Houston Texas

---In,  wrote :

I don't know if any of you here have heard about the Mosque that burned down 
here on Christmas day. Turns out an arrest was made a couple of days ago by a 
guy I frequently have breakfast with. He is an arson detective with the city of 
Houston. The arsonist is a Muslim named Gary Moore that has attended the Mosque 
for years now, praying five times a day at this center. Video of him was found 
showing that he was the last to leave the Mosque before it caught fire and a 
bottle of lighter fluid from a two pack was found in his home along with his 
back pack shown on the video. Fortunately, the Mosque attendees were not quick 
to point any fingers and city citizens were quick to help them find a new 
place. However, was quick to label the event as a product of 
Islamophobia and as far as I know hasn't' printed a retraction or the fact that 
it was a fellow Muslim that burned his own Mosque down. 

Do you have any theories on why he did this?

  #yiv7984038129 #yiv7984038129 -- #yiv7984038129ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv7984038129 
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#yiv7984038129ygrp-sponsor #yiv7984038129ygrp-lc .yiv7984038129ad 
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{text-decoration:none;}#yiv7984038129 .yiv7984038129attach img 

[FairfieldLife] Andrew Cohen - Traditional vs Neo-Advaita

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]

This explains the utter difference between Traditional Advaita and Neo-Advaita 
delusion. Cohen's statement is at the bottom.

 A Fallen Yogi
 Recently I received an email with a link to a web blog by a reasonably famous 
teacher, Andrew Cohen. He said he was stepping down so that he could work on 
himself and become a ‘better person.’ It was a surprising event because 
arrogant people invariably live in an ironclad state of denial, the better to 
project their emotional problems on others. In any case he is definitely a slow 
learner…evidently the chorus of angry voices that has followed him for 
twenty-seven years swelled to such a din that it became too loud to ignore. His 
statement will undoubtedly be seen as a courageous act of contrition, the 
uplifting resolve of a reprobate taking the first halting steps on the road to 
redemption. We wish him well and hope that he becomes the person he needs to be.
 The real lesson here is not his personal story but what it says about his view 
of enlightenment, since it was behind this view that he perpetrated so much 
misery. Had he been taught by a proper teacher…he was one of the first Papaji 
Neos…he might have actually known what enlightenment is and hundreds of people 
would have been spared so much heartache. Papaji, a shaktipat guru, propounded 
 experiential view of enlightenment.
 Mr. Cohen was obviously not enlightened by even the most liberal definition. 
What he called enlightenment was merely a ‘deep awakening,’ an epiphany that 
had a profound effect on his ego. It convinced him that there was something 
‘more’ than his way of seeing. It convinced him wrongly, that ‘he’ was 
 In fact. enlightenment, as it is popularly conceived, is not enlightenment 
because enlightenment is not a special experience, an ‘awakening.’ It is the 
hard and fast knowledge, “I am awareness, the ‘light.’ It is not something that 
 because you, awareness, were never unenlightened. You are unborn and never 
die. Experiences are born and die. They do not change you, make you into 
something else. If you take yourself to be an ego, an experiencing entity, you 
 be apparently modified by what happens to you, spiritual or otherwise. We do 
not like the word ‘enlightenment’ because of its experiential connotations but 
if you insist on using it, enlightenment is simply shedding ignorance of one’s 
 as awareness. It is not the gain of a special state or status.
 Any experience is only as good as the interpretation of it. If I am awareness 
there is no way to conclude that I am special or unique and that I have 
something that you don’t, because everyone and everything is awareness. The 
understanding I
 am awareness neutralizes the ego, because the ego is just a notion of 
specialness and uniqueness. It does not mean that the ego disappears or is 
transcended. It means that it is known for what it is, an idea of separateness 
appearing in me, awareness.
 We do not doubt the profundity of Mr. Cohen’s experience. We question his 
interpretation. Because anyone is free to define enlightenment in any way he or 
she chooses, he is free to call his epiphany enlightenment. However, it should 
 noted that most of the mischief in the spiritual world in the last thirty 
years from Muktananda to Osho and Adi Da right up the present…the examples of 
fallen gurus are too numerous to mention…can be laid squarely at the feet of 
the experiential view of enlightenment.
 What actually happened? Under the spell of apparent ignorance, the 
self…limitless awareness…mistook itself for an experiencing entity, an ego, had 
a particular type of experience known as an ‘awakening’, declared itself 
enlightened and imagined that it had transcended itself. It came to believe 
that it now inhabited a special experiential niche reserved only for the few 
and that said experience empowered it to enlighten others not so blessed. 
Evidently, in Mr. Cohen’s case his exalted status came with the companion 
belief that the end justifies the means, opening the door to abusive ‘teaching’.
 This is the story: an ordinary ego had an extraordinary experience, one that 
changed its idea of itself but little else. The impurities that were there 
before the epiphany survived…as they do…and immediately out pictured when the
 experience ended…with predictable results. I recall hearing many stories of 
abuse at Mr. Cohen’s hands over the last twenty plus years.
 The enlightenment scenario he envisioned, which he obviously did not 
critically examine, is classic duality. It amounts to splitting the ego into a 
transcendental self and a self to be transcended. To make this idea work, the 
ego needs to be in
 a state of complete denial. It must imagine that the  non-transcendent part of 
itself doesn’t exist. It didn’t exist for him but sadly it existed for everyone 
else. To keep the myth of transcendence alive, he was forced to lay the problem 
at the feet 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Islamaphobia in Houston Texas

2016-01-02 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Radical Islamist are going to use any and everybody  to prove their point, that 
all Muslims should hate the *great Satan*. They don't have any respect for any 
American politician including Obama and Hillary. They repeatedly asked Bergdahl 
if Obama was gay and of course Hillary is a woman and Bill the fornicator. They 
also laugh at us for bending over backwards to prove that we aren't racist or 
xenophobic and use our good will against us just as they use our freedoms to 
attack us. At least Trump didn't directly insult them. He said to stop letting 
Muslims into the country *until* leaders can figure out what's going on. Quite 
frankly, Islamist don't want us in their countries either, an idea that they 
can respect. And of course, all Muslims can understand that any ill will felt 
towards them is the responsibility of Radicals. 


  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2016 9:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Islamaphobia in Houston Texas

---In,  wrote :

It's looking more like a *faked* hate crime. Mosque leaders say they didn't 
know the guy, yet Gary Moore aka Jamal Moore, claims he has attended this 
Mosque for five years on a regular basis, praying five times a day, seven days 
a week. The fire was set on Christmas day which was a Friday and Islamic holy 
day. Video was obtained from other businesses in the area showing him coming 
and going. Mosque leaders may have some 'splaining to do if video can establish 
the routine that  Jamal claims. Plus, Jamal was the last to leave that day. Did 
he have a key? What would a stranger be doing with a key to the Mosque? Was 
their fire insurance?

The faked hate crime was my first thought. There are so many in the world right 
now trying to incite violence and ill will between others. And it appears that 
Trump is, indeed, being used as one of these inciters in Al Qaeda recruiting 

  From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2016 6:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Islamaphobia in Houston Texas
 That mosque might do well to facilitatein some modern mental health trainings 
for their congregation and the community there.  

---In,  wrote :

An upset attender?  A mosque member..  Public health statssay that about one in 
five people in the general population have adiagnosis-able mental illness of 
some kind.  I was at a conference a while ago and a social scientist there 
asked about some of the mental health things here in Fairfield, if they were 
violent?  ..His comment that violent actions usually have anger behind them.    

---In,  wrote :

No. However, it seems that I read something or heard something on the news that 
he may have a had an argument with a person or a couple of persons that helped 
run the Mosque. Might have been a revenge thing. It would be an excellent 
opportunity, time wise,for something like that. I don't think police have come 
up with a motive yet.

  From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, January 1, 2016 10:50 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Islamaphobia in Houston Texas


---In,  wrote :

I don't know if any of you here have heard about the Mosque that burned down 
here on Christmas day. Turns out an arrest was made a couple of days ago by a 
guy I frequently have breakfast with. He is an arson detective with the city of 
Houston. The arsonist is a Muslim named Gary Moore that has attended the Mosque 
for years now, praying five times a day at this center. Video of him was found 
showing that he was the last to leave the Mosque before it caught fire and a 
bottle of lighter fluid from a two pack was found in his home along with his 
back pack shown on the video. Fortunately, the Mosque attendees were not quick 
to point any fingers and city citizens were quick to help them find a new 
place. However, was quick to label the event as a product of 
Islamophobia and as far as I know hasn't' printed a retraction or the fact that 
it was a fellow Muslim that burned his own Mosque down. 

Do you have any theories on why he did this?

  #yiv0172248208 #yiv0172248208 -- #yiv0172248208ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv0172248208 
#yiv0172248208ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv0172248208 
#yiv0172248208ygrp-mkp #yiv0172248208hd 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Andrew Cohen - Traditional vs Neo-Advaita

2016-01-02 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Spiritual techniques are like learning chords on a guitar.  Once you've 
learned them you can do all kinds of things with them.  But it's still 
just a technique.

Of course there is "remains of ignorance" or samskaras with with 
enlightened people.  I once had an employee who told me he had no ego 
and I replied "should I be contacting your next of kin?"

On 01/02/2016 07:16 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

This explains the utter difference between Traditional Advaita and 
Neo-Advaita delusion. Cohen's statement is at the bottom.

*A Fallen Yogi*


Recently I received an email with a link to a web blog by a reasonably 
famous teacher, Andrew Cohen. He said he was stepping down so that he 
could work on himself and become a ‘better person.’ It was a 
surprising event because arrogant people invariably live in an 
ironclad state of denial, the better to project their emotional 
problems on others. In any case he is definitely a slow 
learner…evidently the chorus of angry voices that has followed him for 
twenty-seven years swelled to such a din that it became too loud to 
ignore. His statement will undoubtedly be seen as a courageous act of 
contrition, the uplifting resolve of a reprobate taking the first 
halting steps on the road to redemption. We wish him well and hope 
that he becomes the person he needs to be.

The real lesson here is not his personal story but what it says about 
his view of enlightenment, since it was behind this view that he 
perpetrated so much misery. Had he been taught by a proper teacher…he 
was one of the first Papaji Neos…he might have actually known what 
enlightenment is and hundreds of people would have been spared so much 
heartache. Papaji, a /shaktipat /guru, propounded the

experientialview of enlightenment.

Mr. Cohen was obviously not enlightened by even the most liberal 
definition. What he called enlightenment was merely a ‘deep 
awakening,’ an epiphany that had a profound effect on his ego. It 
convinced him that there was something ‘more’ than his way of seeing. 
It convinced him wrongly, that ‘he’ was ‘enlightened.’

In fact. enlightenment, as it is popularly conceived, is not 
enlightenment because enlightenment is not a special experience, an 
‘awakening.’ It is the hard and fast knowledge, “I am awareness, the 
‘light.’ It is not something that happens

because you, awareness, were never unenlightened. You are unborn and 
never die. Experiences are born and die. They do not change you, make 
you into something else. If you take yourself to be an ego, an 
experiencing entity, you will

be apparently modified by what happens to you, spiritual or otherwise. 
We do not like the word ‘enlightenment’ because of its experiential 
connotations but if you insist on using it, enlightenment is simply 
shedding ignorance of one’s nature

as awareness. It is not the gain of a special state or status.

Any experience is only as good as the interpretation of it. If I am 
awareness there is no way to conclude that I am special or unique and 
that I have something that you don’t, because everyone and everything 
is awareness. The understanding I

am awareness neutralizes the ego, because the ego is just a notion of 
specialness and uniqueness. It does not mean that the ego disappears 
or is transcended. It means that it is known for what it is, an idea 
of separateness appearing in me, awareness.

We do not doubt the profundity of Mr. Cohen’s experience. We question 
his interpretation. Because anyone is free to define enlightenment in 
any way he or she chooses, he is free to call his epiphany 
enlightenment. However, it should be

noted that most of the mischief in the spiritual world in the last 
thirty years from Muktananda to Osho and Adi Da right up the 
present…the examples of fallen gurus are too numerous to mention…can 
be laid squarely at the feet of the experiential view of enlightenment.

What actually happened? Under the spell of apparent ignorance, the 
self…limitless awareness…mistook itself for an experiencing entity, an 
ego, had a particular type of experience known as an ‘awakening’, 
declared itself enlightened and imagined that it had transcended 
itself. It came to believe that it now inhabited a special 
experiential niche reserved only for the few and that said experience 
empowered it to enlighten others not so blessed. Evidently, in Mr. 
Cohen’s case his exalted status came with the companion belief that 
the end justifies the means, opening the door to abusive ‘teaching’.

This is the story: an ordinary ego had an extraordinary experience, 
one that changed its idea of itself but little else. The impurities 
that were there before the epiphany survived…as they do…and 
immediately out pictured when the

experience ended…with predictable results. I recall hearing many 
stories of abuse at Mr. Cohen’s hands over the last twenty plus years.

The enlightenment scenario he envisioned, which he obviously did not 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a festival in Europe

2016-01-02 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I'm a liberal and I don't except the demands of Islam.  Those ideas were 
for another time for very primitive people who got little or no 
education.  They're not necessary now in a more educated world.

On 01/02/2016 02:42 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
Bharitu, I'm with you dude! I think western cultures are asking for 
trouble though. Islamic cultures tell us that all of these 
restrictions that they have on women are for their protection. This 
gives them an *excuse*, in their eyes, to do what they do when they 
see things that are out of the norm for them. The point is that 
Muslims are going to expect us to change as much as we expect them to 
change. Are western liberals willing to accept the demands of Islam? I 
don't think so.

*From:* "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Saturday, January 2, 2016 3:56 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are 
having a festival in Europe

Nope, should be "when in Rome do as the Romans do."  Sorry if it 
doesn't work for primitive animal like people.

On 01/02/2016 01:44 PM, Mike Dixon 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:
The obvious compromise is that all European women need to wear Burkas 
so that these poor horny Muslim men aren't tempted beyond their norm. 
Isn't that what compromise is all about, you give a little and I'll 
give a little and we'll meet in the middle?

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Saturday, January 2, 2016 1:53 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having 
a festival in Europe

No, not all cultures are equal

Norway has to teach immigrants not to rape women 


Norway has to teach immigrants not to rape women 

No, not all cultures are equal.

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a festival in Europe

2016-01-02 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Bharitu, I'm with you dude! I think western cultures are asking for trouble 
though. Islamic cultures tell us that all of these restrictions that they have 
on women are for their protection. This gives them an *excuse*, in their eyes, 
to do what they do when they see things that are out of the norm for them. The 
point is that Muslims are going to expect us to change as much as we expect 
them to change. Are western liberals willing to accept the demands of Islam? I 
don't think so.


  From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2016 3:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a 
festival in Europe
 Nope, should be "when in Rome do as the Romans do."  Sorry if it doesn't 
work for primitive animal like people. 
 On 01/02/2016 01:44 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] wrote:
    The obvious compromise is that all European women need to wear Burkas so 
that these poor horny Muslim men aren't tempted beyond their norm. Isn't  that 
what compromise is all about, you give a little and I'll give a little and 
we'll meet in the middle?
From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2016 1:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a festival 
in Europe
    No, not all cultures are equal
  Norway has to teach immigrants not to rape women  
  |   Norway has to teach immigrants not to rape  women  No, not all 
cultures are equal. |  
| View on www.intellectualtak...   |Preview by Yahoo|


  #yiv2515478173 #yiv2515478173 -- #yiv2515478173ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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div#yiv2515478173ygrp-mlmsg #yiv2515478173ygrp-msg p a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Guy Is Certifiable

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I will say misleading titles bug me.  The true title should be,  "Erase Donald 
Trump from Your Internet" 

 The fact that the authors fail to do this, indicates fear on their part, or at 
least weakness.

 It sounds too weak to say, "your" in this case, but that's exactly what it is.

 I don't care for him, but he has every right to participate in the way he is 

 I'm not afraid to hear what he has to say.


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Use Chrome browser and install this:

Erase Donald Trump from the Internet.
 Erase Donald Trump from the Internet. A Chrome 
extension that will erase all mentions of Donald Trump from the Internet.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Brilliant! Now, next trick - erase him from the world.

---In,  wrote :

 Grump is nuts. I told you all he wants to do is win, to trumpet his greatness 
from his pinnacle atop the fallen bodies of his adversaries. Please, if nothing 
else, can you meditators put your attention on silencing this buffoon once and 
for all?

Re: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a festival in Europe

2016-01-02 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Nope, should be "when in Rome do as the Romans do."  Sorry if it doesn't 
work for primitive animal like people.

On 01/02/2016 01:44 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
The obvious compromise is that all European women need to wear Burkas 
so that these poor horny Muslim men aren't tempted beyond their norm. 
Isn't that what compromise is all about, you give a little and I'll 
give a little and we'll meet in the middle?

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Saturday, January 2, 2016 1:53 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a 
festival in Europe

No, not all cultures are equal

Norway has to teach immigrants not to rape women 


Norway has to teach immigrants not to rape women 

No, not all cultures are equal.

View on www.intellectualtak... 

Preview by Yahoo

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Old Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups of Fairfield

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]

---In,  wrote :

 Om Shanti,
 --- In, 
"Buck" wrote:
 > 2013
 > --- In, 
 > "Buck" wrote:
 > >
 > > 
 > > 
 > > --- In, 
 > > Michael Jackson  wrote:
 > > >
 > > > I was wondering how the original pre-TM citizens of Fairfield and 
 > > > Jefferson county feel about it all.
 > > > 
 > > >
 > > 
 > > Jack, 
 > > Great sociological question about Fairfield. Folks generally have figured 
 > > out how to at least co-exist together in Fairfield. It is a lot better 
 > > than it once was. However this thing with the spiritual groups within the 
 > > meditating community is another question. About this narrow question about 
 > > these active spiritual groups... these spiritualized kinds of groups 
 > > mostly start because meditators of the meditating community are of it. It 
 > > comes of the meditating community that it is being done as in, over the 
 > > years the inviting these saints or spiritual people to come to town and 
 > > visit. The traditional townies don't really come to these kinds of 
 > > meetings, though the groups are usually open and publicly advertised in 
 > > the Weekly Reader or on posters. The local folks are not looking for it or 
 > > know to look for it much. A few traditional folks only if at all or 
 > > occasionally a progressive more open traditional church minister newly 
 > > coming in to an area church might venture over to see what is going on. 
 > > But not much. It's really a meditator community thing though not 
 > > exclusive. But certainly part of the culture of (spiritual) Fairfield now. 
 > > -Buck in the Dome
 > > 
 > > > 
 > > > 
 > > > 
 > > > From: awoelflebater  > >>
 > > > To: 
 > > > Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2012 9:43 PM
 > > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice 
 > > > Groups of Fairfield
 > > > 
 > > > 
 > > > Â  
 > > > 
 > > > 
 > > > --- In 
 > > >, Michael Jackson  
 > > > wrote:
 > > > >
 > > > > Well as "negative" as I have been about TMO and MMY, I have to say I 
 > > > > am surprised at the number and breadth of what is going on in 
 > > > > Fairfield today - it was hidden and underground in the 80's. I have to 
 > > > > admit it must have been the TM infusion that created the kernel around 
 > > > > which all the other energy formed.
 > > > 
 > > > I think these travelling medicine men and side shows recognize an 
 > > > opening (Fairfield Iowa) when they see one. Good Lord, what a load. Is 
 > > > there shoulder room in that town? And the townies back in the early 70's 
 > > > thought it was crazy when MIU moved in. I have to say I don't get it, 
 > > > not one little bit. And one more thing, the title of this post seems a 
 > > > tad generous. Shall we call it instead, "Directory of Active Groups 
 > > > Happy to Take You All For a Ride".
 > > > > 
 > > > > 
 > > > > 
 > > > > 
 > > > > 
 > > > > From: wgm4u 
 > > > > To: 
 > > > > Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2012 7:13 PM
 > > > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice 
 > > > > Groups of Fairfield
 > > > > 
 > > > > 
 > > > >   
 > > > > WOW, it's become a literal smorgasbord of Religions! Probably not what 
 > > > > MMY or the tmorg had in mind, but then, TM ain't a Religions so, what 
 > > > > would you expect?
 > > > > 
 > > > > --- In 
 > > > >, "Buck" wrote:
 > > > > >
 > > > > > Spiritual Practice Groups of Fairfield
 > > > > > 
 > > > > > 
 > > > > > 
 > > > > > Directory of Active Fairfield Spiritual Practice Groups
 > > > > > 
 > > > > > Outside of Fairfield, people intently ask, "What is going on in
 > > > > > Fairfield?"
 > > > > > The spiritual, utopian side of Fairfield is something they are
 > > > > > wondering
 > > > > > about. Fairfield has become recognized as a spiritual Mecca of sorts,
 > > > > > ranking with Sedona, Arizona, Boulder and Crestone, Colorado,
 > > > > > Ashville,
 > > > > > North Carolina and the like. Within these past four decades,
 > > > > > Fairfield
 > > > > > spiritual practice groups have matured, giving this community a
 > > > > > rich, new
 > > > > > face.
 > > > > > The long-time Fairfield meditating community today is its own center
 > > > > > for
 > > > > > spiritual practice. The breadth of spiritual practice groups in
 > > > > > Fairfield is
 > > > > > 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a festival in Europe

2016-01-02 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
The obvious compromise is that all European women need to wear Burkas so that 
these poor horny Muslim men aren't tempted beyond their norm. Isn't that what 
compromise is all about, you give a little and I'll give a little and we'll 
meet in the middle?


  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2016 1:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a festival 
in Europe
    No, not all cultures are equal

Norway has to teach immigrants not to rape women 
||||   Norway has to teach immigrants not to rape women  
No, not all cultures are equal. ||
| View on www.intellectualtak...|Preview by Yahoo|


  #yiv1144999477 #yiv1144999477 -- #yiv1144999477ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest political pop song

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
"dhamilton" has a rather wide definition of what constitutes a political *pop* 
song ;-) 

 I originally opted for Lennon's "Gimme Some Truth" with its rage against the 
machine. But Lennon had rather dubious alternatives to replace The Man.

 Here is a better choice that perfectly captures the mood of our present 
parlous state - "Everybody Knows" by the incomparable Leonard Cohen (always 
preferred him to Dylan). The song was used to great effect in Atom Egoyan's 
movie "Exotica". Don't miss that one. 



[FairfieldLife] Vedic Horoscopes

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]

Re: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a festival in Europe

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I'm a liberal and I don't except the demands of Islam. 

No traditional muslim will care whether you call yourself liberal, 
conservative, libertarian, marxist, maoist, plain old-time communista. 

You are a kufir (an unbeliever). You are a pollution in the view of Allah. If 
the musselmen are feeling condescending then maybe you'll be allowed to live as 
a dhimmi - including paying the tax for receiving the "protection" of the 
State. Just 'cause that sounds like mafia protection-money doesn't mean it 
could possibly be that ... (ahem). 

If they are not feeling condescending, then you will be treated like the 
prophet treated the kufir ... beheading them and using their women for work 
slaves and sex slaves. The only men remaining were used as slaves. 

In the Ottoman empire the captured boys and young teenages were castrated and 
thrown onto a heaping pile. Those strong enough to survive and not die were 
then used as work slaves. 

Welcome to your future. ISIS 2.0

[FairfieldLife] Re: The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a festival in Europe

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yep - you take in large numbers of young single men from the most misogynistic 
societies on the planet and place them amongst sexually "liberated" 
Scandinavian blondes. What could possibly go wrong?  

 It will end in tears. You heard it here first.



---In,  wrote :

 No, not all cultures are equal

 Norway has to teach immigrants not to rape women
 Norway has to teach immigrants not to rape women
 No, not all cultures are equal. 

 View on www.intellectualtak...
 Preview by Yahoo 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Andrew Cohen - Traditional vs Neo-Advaita

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Andrew Cohen - what a complete dipstick. 

 David Christopher Lane, a professor of philosophy, has a typical take:

 I hesitated in writing back because I had read enough about Andrew Cohen to 
almost immediately realize that he, like Da Free John, suffered from an acute 
case of adolescent narcissism. In other words, both of these so-called 
spiritual teachers had yet to grow-up and act like mature adults. When they 
don't get their way and cannot control the behavior of their fawning devotees 
(which happens a bit more frequently than one might at first suspect), they 
have hissy fits. Da Free John would invariably go into one of his spiritual 
sulks or lash out in an indignant rage if he felt that his disciples didn't 
"get" his teachings.

 Andrew Cohen doesn't at all act like an enlightened guru passing on valuable 
gems of wisdom. Rather, he acts like a spoiled brat who suffers from a chronic 
case of high-school insecurity and has finally discovered a way to get even.

 Ken Wilber has never fully admitted how mistaken he was about Da Free John and 
his nefarious actions (lamely back-peddling, albeit slightly, only after the 
New York-born guru was exposed in the national media). It is all too clear that 
Wilber hasn't a clue about the gurus he associates with or endorses. Or, to put 
it in a darker light, it seems as if Ken Wilber will chummy up with any guru 
provided he or she will give him a featured section in their monthly journal.

 I personally think Andrew Cohen is in deep need of long-term therapy. Then he 
should apologize first to his mother and then to every student he has ever 
taken under his wing. Hopefully, he will then refund whatever money he has 
manipulatively gathered in his name.

 From Cohen's statement at the end of your post it sounds like the penny 
finally dropped.








---In,  wrote :

This explains the utter difference between Traditional Advaita and Neo-Advaita 
delusion. Cohen's statement is at the bottom.

 A Fallen Yogi
 Recently I received an email with a link to a web blog by a reasonably famous 
teacher, Andrew Cohen. He said he was stepping down so that he could work on 
himself and become a ‘better person.’ It was a surprising event because 
arrogant people invariably live in an ironclad state of denial, the better to 
project their emotional problems on others. In any case he is definitely a slow 
learner…evidently the chorus of angry voices that has followed him for 
twenty-seven years swelled to such a din that it became too loud to ignore. His 
statement will undoubtedly be seen as a courageous act of contrition, the 
uplifting resolve of a reprobate taking the first halting steps on the road to 
redemption. We wish him well and hope that he becomes the person he needs to be.
 The real lesson here is not his personal story but what it says about his view 
of enlightenment, since it was behind this view that he perpetrated so much 
misery. Had he been taught by a proper teacher…he was one of the first Papaji 
Neos…he might have actually known what enlightenment is and hundreds of people 
would have been spared so much heartache. Papaji, a shaktipat guru, propounded 
 experiential view of enlightenment.
 Mr. Cohen was obviously not enlightened by even the most liberal definition. 
What he called enlightenment was merely a ‘deep awakening,’ an epiphany that 
had a profound effect on his ego. It convinced him that there was something 
‘more’ than his way of seeing. It convinced him wrongly, that ‘he’ was 
 In fact. enlightenment, as it is popularly conceived, is not enlightenment 
because enlightenment is not a special experience, an ‘awakening.’ It is the 
hard and fast knowledge, “I am awareness, the ‘light.’ It is not something that 
 because you, awareness, were never unenlightened. You are unborn and never 
die. Experiences are born and die. They do not change you, make you into 
something else. If you take yourself to be an ego, an experiencing entity, you 
 be apparently modified by what happens to you, spiritual or otherwise. We do 
not like the word ‘enlightenment’ because of its experiential connotations but 
if you insist on using it, enlightenment is simply shedding ignorance of one’s 
 as awareness. It is not the gain of a special state or status.
 Any experience is only as good as the interpretation of it. If I am awareness 
there is no way to conclude that I am special or unique and that I have 
something that you don’t, because everyone and everything is awareness. The 
understanding I
 am awareness neutralizes the ego, because the ego is just a notion of 
specialness and uniqueness. It does not mean that the ego disappears or is 
transcended. It means that it is known for what it is, an idea of separateness 
appearing in me, awareness.
 We do not doubt the profundity of Mr. Cohen’s experience. We question 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Meditator Bloc Vote?

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You gotta admit, this is pretty damn funny.

---In,  wrote :

 Iowa being Iowa, if one shows up at campaign events then you are likely to get 
to see the person of the next leader of the free world.  It is pretty 
incredible to be able to see how people are and think on their feet with people.

 Hillary lights up the room, while the room lights up Bernie. Hillary has quite 
a lot of cultivated shakti that she gives like dharsan. Bernie, he is no dim 
bulb either but quite evidently is conveyed a power activated from 'the 
people'. Martin O'Malley is lit in a way a lot like Hillary. They are good 
people. My bet is that Hillary and Martin have been meditators, spiritually. 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 I agree with you there, Mike. Best left to individuals. Here in Fairfield, as 
much as I can tell, there is huge enthusiasm among meditators for Bernie 
Sanders, less enthusiasm but some support for Hillary, and about zero support 
for any Republican. I have not encountered a single Trump supporter in the 
meditating community.

See, there are enlightened folks in FF. ;-) TM works!!

---In,  wrote :

 When the TMO starts telling people who to vote for, they'll isolate half the 
country, half the people that they seek to initiate and it won't increase 
initiation either. TMO getting involved in politics is a no- win situation.


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 9:36 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Meditator Bloc Vote?
 So, how would you feel that meditators should vote in the Iowa presidential 
caucus or the other primaries ? The meditator's candidate? Meditators should 
turn out and favor which party and which candidate?  

---In,  wrote :

 As we all know, anyone who can think can meditate. Is it the place for 
[organizational] TM'ers as representative transcendentalists to tell people 
what to think, or how to vote? Should the TM movement have an administrative 
position on TM teachers and staff who would use the TM-lectern to advocate 
political views? What do you feel about this?   

---In,  wrote :

 This brings up an important administrative question, should TM’ers who 
represent the TM movement express political opinion? Publicly?  Does that 
confuse/conflate the TM practice to politics?  

 Like, individual meditators may have and may express opinions but what of 
those who represent TM?   How would you administratively handle them if a TM 
teacher became particularly publicly politicized, advocating from the lectern 
that meditators support and vote for a particular mundane political party, or 
cause, or person? 

---In,  wrote :

 Should TM'ers support the Sverigedemokraterna? 

---In,  wrote : the (right-wingish) Sverigedemokraterna (Sweden-democrats)?





[FairfieldLife] Post Count Sun 03-Jan-16 00:15:05 UTC

2016-01-02 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 01/02/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 01/09/16 00:00:00
22 messages as of (UTC) 01/03/16 00:05:41

  5 dhamiltony2k5
  4 emptybill
  4 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  3 Bhairitu noozguru
  1 zen
  1 s3raphita
  1 hepa7
  1 feste37 
  1 awoelflebater
  1 Dick Mays dickmays
Posters: 10
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Islamaphobia in Houston Texas

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
just unconscionable. I don't see how a news organization can maintain their 
credibility if that's the case.  I assume you mean, not ""

---In,  wrote :


 However, was quick to label the event as a product of Islamophobia 
and as far as I know hasn't' printed a retraction or the fact that it was a 
fellow Muslim that burned his own Mosque down. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a festival in Europe

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 I'm a liberal and I don't except the demands of Islam. 

No traditional muslim will care whether you call yourself liberal, 
conservative, libertarian, marxist, maoist, plain old-time communista. 

You are a kufir (an unbeliever). You are a pollution in the view of Allah. If 
the musselmen are feeling condescending then maybe you'll be allowed to live as 
a dhimmi - including paying the tax for receiving the "protection" of the 
State. Just 'cause that sounds like mafia protection-money doesn't mean it 
could possibly be that ... (ahem). 

If they are not feeling condescending, then you will be treated like the 
prophet treated the kufir ... beheading them and using their women for work 
slaves and sex slaves. The only men remaining were used as slaves. 

In the Ottoman empire the captured boys and young teenages were castrated and 
thrown onto a heaping pile. Those strong enough to survive and not die were 
then used as work slaves. 

Welcome to your future. ISIS 2.0

 Gosh Pants, you worry about the strangest things. Women slaves, beheadings, 
castration - it almost makes me think your life is without enough variety, 
drama, meaning - so you have to create so much drama. You should move to 
somewhere where there is a bit of danger, a little spicy mystery; you need to 
get out more. But, I understand the need to live in your head and to spread 
your fear and mistrust and disappointment to others - it is simply the nature 
of unhappiness to seek to sow more unhappiness. You've got to try a whole lot 
harder to make a dent with me though, silly Pants.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Islamaphobia in Houston Texas

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 just unconscionable. I don't see how a news organization can maintain their 
credibility if that's the case.  I assume you mean, not ""










---In,  wrote :


 However, was quick to label the event as a product of Islamophobia 
and as far as I know hasn't' printed a retraction or the fact that it was a 
fellow Muslim that burned his own Mosque down. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a festival in Europe

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Of course you don't! Who would, except a Muslim? Islam is stuck in the seventh 
century. Any deviation from the faith is considered apostate and you know their 
view on apostates. They still think killing people that insult their religion 
is acceptable!

 This is making me laugh: "except" a Muslim. It reminds me of Curtis who, in 
all his verbosity, could never spell manner correctly (it was always "manor").

 Even funnier, I misread your "except" but it was Bhairitu who wrote "except" 
when he meant "accept". Not that I don't make millions of typos. LOL

 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2016 6:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a 
festival in Europe
 I'm a liberal and I don't except the demands of Islam.  Those ideas were for 
another time for very primitive people who got little or no education.  They're 
not necessary now in a more educated world.
 On 01/02/2016 02:42 PM, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... mailto:mdixon.6569@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Bharitu, I'm with you dude! I think western cultures are asking for trouble 
though. Islamic cultures tell us that all of these restrictions that they have 
on women are for their protection. This gives them an *excuse*, in their eyes, 
to do what they do when they see things that are out of the norm for them. The 
point is that Muslims are going to expect us to change as much as we expect 
them to change. Are western liberals willing to accept the demands of Islam? I 
don't think so.

 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2016 3:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a 
festival in Europe

 Nope, should be "when in Rome do as the Romans do."  Sorry if it doesn't work 
for primitive animal like people. 
 On 01/02/2016 01:44 PM, Mike Dixon mailto:mdixon.6569@...mdixon.6569@... 
mailto:mdixon.6569@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   The obvious compromise is that all European women need to wear Burkas so 
that these poor horny Muslim men aren't tempted beyond their norm. Isn't that 
what compromise is all about, you give a little and I'll give a little and 
we'll meet in the middle?

 From: mailto:emptybill@...[FairfieldLife]"emptybill@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2016 1:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a festival 
in Europe

   No,not all cultures are equal

 Norwayhas to teach immigrants not to rape women
 Norwayhas to teach immigrants not to rape women No,not all cultures are equal. 

 View on http://www.intellectualtak/www.intellectualtak 
 Preview by Yahoo 








[FairfieldLife] Re: The Guy Is Certifiable

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Aw, Pants, you're just sore I see you for the charlatan you are. 

Thank you for so easily proving my point. Girlies like you always devolve into 
the personal since you are unable to hold a general idea ... much less a 
universal. You probably think you are insulting me but you simply demonstrate 
my point over and over. 

Unintelligence is its own reward and you are a gold medalist. 

So parrot it to the heavens. You'll be so much appreciated.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a festival in Europe

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
After the rape squads start traveling around the cities, towns and countryside 
the death squads will follow. The state may try to save them by housing them in 
"protective camps" but if any get out and continue their rapes then the newest 
versions of the einsatzgruppen will form, activate and flourish.

It will the death squads of South America look like warm up teams.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a festival in Europe

2016-01-02 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Of course you don't! Who would, except a Muslim? Islam is stuck in the seventh 
century. Any deviation from the faith is considered apostate and you know their 
view on apostates. They still think killing people that insult their religion 
is acceptable!

  From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2016 6:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a 
festival in Europe
 I'm a liberal and I don't except the demands of Islam.  Those ideas were 
for another time for very primitive people who got little or no education.  
They're not necessary now in a more educated world.
 On 01/02/2016 02:42 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] wrote:
    Bharitu, I'm with you dude! I think western cultures are asking for trouble 
though. Islamic cultures tell us that all of these restrictions  that they have 
on women are for their protection. This gives them an *excuse*, in their eyes, 
to do what they do when they see things that are out of the norm for them. The 
point is that Muslims are going to expect us to change as much as we expect 
them to change. Are western liberals willing to accept the demands of Islam? I 
don't think so.
From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2016 3:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a 
festival in Europe
      Nope, should be "when in Rome do as the Romans do."  Sorry if it 
doesn't work for primitive animal like people. 
 On 01/02/2016 01:44 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] wrote:
    The obvious compromise is that all European women need to wear  Burkas so 
that these poor horny Muslim men aren't tempted beyond their norm. Isn't that 
what  compromise is all about, you give a little and I'll give a little and 
we'll meet in the middle?
 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2016 1:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of  Islam are having a festival 
in Europe
    No, not all cultures are  equal
  Norway has to teach immigrants not  to rape women  
  |   Norway has to teach immigrants not  to rape women  No, not all 
cultures are  equal. |  
| View on www.intellectualtak...   |Preview by Yahoo|



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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Islamaphobia in Houston Texas

2016-01-02 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Correctamundo! I think they took the original story down once it was found that 
a Muslim burned his own Mosque down instead of printing a retraction.


  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2016 8:18 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Islamaphobia in Houston Texas
    just unconscionable. I don't see how a news organization can maintain their 
credibility if that's the case.  I assume you mean, not ""

---In,  wrote :

However, was quick to label the event as a product of Islamophobia 
and as far as I know hasn't' printed a retraction or the fact that it was a 
fellow Muslim that burned his own Mosque down. 
  #yiv8388689198 #yiv8388689198 -- #yiv8388689198ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv8388689198 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a festival in Europe

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Of course you don't! Who would, except a Muslim? Islam is stuck in the seventh 
century. Any deviation from the faith is considered apostate and you know their 
view on apostates. They still think killing people that insult their religion 
is acceptable!

 This is making me laugh: "except" a Muslim. It reminds me of Curtis who, in 
all his verbosity, could never spell manner correctly (it was always "manor").

 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2016 6:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a 
festival in Europe
 I'm a liberal and I don't except the demands of Islam.  Those ideas were for 
another time for very primitive people who got little or no education.  They're 
not necessary now in a more educated world.
 On 01/02/2016 02:42 PM, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... mailto:mdixon.6569@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Bharitu, I'm with you dude! I think western cultures are asking for trouble 
though. Islamic cultures tell us that all of these restrictions that they have 
on women are for their protection. This gives them an *excuse*, in their eyes, 
to do what they do when they see things that are out of the norm for them. The 
point is that Muslims are going to expect us to change as much as we expect 
them to change. Are western liberals willing to accept the demands of Islam? I 
don't think so.

 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2016 3:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a 
festival in Europe

 Nope, should be "when in Rome do as the Romans do."  Sorry if it doesn't work 
for primitive animal like people. 
 On 01/02/2016 01:44 PM, Mike Dixon mailto:mdixon.6569@...mdixon.6569@... 
mailto:mdixon.6569@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   The obvious compromise is that all European women need to wear Burkas so 
that these poor horny Muslim men aren't tempted beyond their norm. Isn't that 
what compromise is all about, you give a little and I'll give a little and 
we'll meet in the middle?

 From: mailto:emptybill@...[FairfieldLife]"emptybill@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2016 1:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a festival 
in Europe

   No,not all cultures are equal

 Norwayhas to teach immigrants not to rape women
 Norwayhas to teach immigrants not to rape women No,not all cultures are equal. 

 View on http://www.intellectualtak/www.intellectualtak 
 Preview by Yahoo 








[FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest political pop song

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 "dhamilton" has a rather wide definition of what constitutes a political *pop* 
song ;-) 

 I originally opted for Lennon's "Gimme Some Truth" with its rage against the 
machine. But Lennon had rather dubious alternatives to replace The Man.

 Here is a better choice that perfectly captures the mood of our present 
parlous state - "Everybody Knows" by the incomparable Leonard Cohen (always 
preferred him to Dylan). The song was used to great effect in Atom Egoyan's 
movie "Exotica". Don't miss that one.

 Neither Cohen or Dylan could carry a tune. They should just have read their 
poetry, not sung it. I personally prefer Dylan. Cohen always sounds like he is 
mumbling some dirge at a rainy funeral. Can't stand the guy.



[FairfieldLife] Re: The Guy Is Certifiable

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Aw, Pants, you're just sore I see you for the charlatan you are. 

Thank you for so easily proving my point. Girlies like you always devolve into 
the personal since you are unable to hold a general idea ... much less a 
universal. You probably think you are insulting me but you simply demonstrate 
my point over and over. 

 It makes sense that you don't understand "the personal". This is your great 
and, may I add, tragic loss, your missing part, the experience you have failed 
to possess. Let me give you a hint. The personal is not a liability, it is a 
gift - a blessing, if you are are inclined to believe in such things as some 
higher power that has the ability to bestow such things. But, you as some 
disappointed, failed ascetic will not know this as long as you continue to 
nurse bitterness at your breast as if it was your beloved. 

Unintelligence is its own reward and you are a gold medalist. 
So parrot it to the heavens. You'll be so much appreciated.

[FairfieldLife] Re: FF meditator memoriam

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I appreciate you posting these lists, periodically, Doug.   

 I know many on these lists, and I do like to keep track of old friends and 
acquaintances even if I find them here.

 Glad to hear some of the old guard are flowing back in to FF.  I can easily 
understand why this might be.

---In,  wrote :

 Eileen Elsinger
 Jane Lorous
 Inez Valentine

 Will Hummer
 Toni Eckstein
 Marsha Grey
 Gopi Vargon Lutz
 Bonnie Stark
 Jeff Lanaan
 Joe Becker
 Michelle Ozman
 Serenity Stone
 Daniel Swartz
 Sheer-el Cohen
 Carpenter Wood

---In,  wrote :

 And previously, some Altruistic Worker-bee/Workhorse people of the old FF 
meditating community..
 John Meyers
 Eric Vigmostad 
 Charlie Moreno
 Warren Wechsler
 Harry Pavelka
 Chip Charleston 
 Charles 'Skip' Alexander

---In,  wrote :

 Jefferson Aikens passed away recently 

 pandits/Jefferson Aikens 
 pandits/Jefferson Aikens Image 
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---In,  wrote :

 356603RE: Purusha Passing List The passing of a generation

 Purusha list Fairfield Life 
 Fairfield Life 
Fairfield Life focuses on topics of interest to seekers (and finders) of truth 
and liberation everywhere. Fairfield, Iowa is home to Maharishi University of 
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---In,  wrote :

 Keeva Stansberry
 Marion Fellmer
 Helena Yellin
 Susan Arnold
 Mary Sue Schwartz
 Tim Hildebrandt 
 LB Shriver, FFL#345753Obit
 Mark Meredith FFL#219912Memorial
 Janis Langstaff
 Greg Heilman, FFL#42293Obit

---In,  wrote :

 Recently 'Gone Home',


---In,  wrote :

 Ron Hall passed away in Fairfield, Iowa recently. 
 Nice obit in the Fairfield Ledger.
 Ronald Edwin Hall - Fairfield Ledger 
 Ronald Edwin Hall - Fairfield Ledger Ronald Edwin 
Hall (“Ron”) died Wednesday, November 25, 2015, in Fairfield, Iowa, at the age 
of 82. 
 View on fairfield-ia.villagesou... 
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---In,  wrote :

 Margaret Ashelman  FFL#422720 FW,
 Just to let you know that Margaret Ashelman ascended into the Life Eternal 
Saturday November 28th, 2015 peacefully and gracefully.  She had achieved the 
ripe age of near 99 years and lived a very full dedicated, loving life.  A long 
time member of the meditating community and activist in life she was also a 
founding mother of the Society of Friends (Quaker) Meeting here in Fairfield.
 There will be a Vedic cremation ceremony Tuesday, December 1st at 2pm at 
Behner’s on South Main in the main room.  If you plan to come bring a dozen 
flowers (no arrangements please) to be used in the ceremony… Her memorial 
service will be later in December as family can assemble to honor and celebrate 
her with us.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


 Memorial for Betty Sheasgreen
 You are warmly invited to a memorial gathering Sunday, December 6, from 2:00 
to 4:00 pm in Dalby Hall, Argiro Student Center.
 Enjoy memories, amazing stories of great accomplishments, songs, photos, and a 
wonderful video of Betty on the Maharishi Channel July 4th, 2008.  
 We will also be showing photos and videos of Mom's Pitri celebrations at 
Varanasi and the Sangam, the meeting of the three rivers in Allahabad, India. 
These will include Arti on the Ganga and Navaratri the nine day Festival In 
 Mom loved watching the Model of Vedic Physiology so we will be playing the 
Model at the end of the celebration.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apparently they were still living along with homo sapiens

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]

---In,  wrote :

 Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The migrant rape-apes of Islam are having a festival in Europe

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 After the rape squads start traveling around the cities, towns and countryside 
the death squads will follow. The state may try to save them by housing them in 
"protective camps" but if any get out and continue their rapes then the newest 
versions of the einsatzgruppen will form, activate and flourish.

It will the death squads of South America look like warm up teams.

 Don't worry, pants, I've got the scythes, sickles, pitchforks and castration 
knives sharpened and ready.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Islamaphobia in Houston Texas

2016-01-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This picture reminds me of the movie I saw last night, "The Hateful Eight"  
What's the expression?  I've never used it before, but I think it means 
something along the lines of BFD, (sarcastically) and that is "meh" 

 that's my impression of the movie.(-:

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 just unconscionable. I don't see how a news organization can maintain their 
credibility if that's the case.  I assume you mean, not ""










---In,  wrote :


 However, was quick to label the event as a product of Islamophobia 
and as far as I know hasn't' printed a retraction or the fact that it was a 
fellow Muslim that burned his own Mosque down.