[FairfieldLife] Re: The War on Drugs

2016-04-16 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Study Finds Long-Term Pot Smokers Have More Social, Financial Problems
 People who smoke pot regularly over many years, end up in a lower social class 
than their parents, with lower-paying, less-skilled jobs. That's according to 
research published Wednesday based on a study of children in New Zealand, who 
were tracked from birth to age 38. The study participants who regularly use 
cannabis also reported more problems with debt and cash flow than those in the 
study who were dependent on alcohol. Forum discusses the findings with the UC 
Davis professor who authored the study.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Drug dog visits high school, two arrested - By ANDY HALLMAN Ledger news editor 
 Drug dog visits high school, two arrested - By ANDY H... 
 The Fairfield Police Department made two arrests and issued one citation 
Wednesday after sweeping the Fairfield High School’s lockers and vehicles for 

 View on fairfield-ia.villagesoup... 
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Marijuana clearly now is no good for brain development or subtle faculty 
functioning in life.  
 Yep, Maharishi even back in the 1960's saw in students then that the rec-drugs 
of that day inhibited subtle brain function.
 “..a requirement to refrain from using non-prescription drugs for 15 days 
before learning TM” 
 Evidently with good reason. 

 Interesting interview about the new science of brain function and the 
side-effects of recreational drugs..

  Why Teens Are Impulsive, Addiction-Prone And Should Protect Their Brains 
 Why Teens Are Impulsive, Addiction-Prone And Shoul... 
 Research shows that teenagers' brains are not fully insulated, which means 
that signals move slowly. Frances Jensen, who wrote The Teenage Brain, 

 View on www.npr.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Re: TM, Quietism, & the Quakers

2016-04-16 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Text from Northern Europe I'd like to track down an essay that was written from 
jail in Bern by Inspirationists who were at the risk of a conviction for heresy 
and a death sentence. The essay was a crafted explanation of their separatist 
spirituality, written judiciously in defense so as to get themselves out of 
jail without tripping wires. They got out of jail that time.

 The inquisitors or magistrates in these circumstances went after what people 
'believed' by extracting from them statements of their creeds. Not with an 
interest in context of people's experience but what did they 'believe', point 
by point. There being a Church ideological disinterest in people's experience, 
unless of course the 'experience' could convict the separatist. If once moved 
on to a religionist's turf of comparing 'creeds', “..what exactly do you 
believe?”, then it is all over for spirituality and spiritual people.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ..Lot of spiritual people [transcendentalists by other names] fled moving from 
Europe to America.  That can be mapped.  A Lot like practicing meditators have 
skirted around and left the TMO as it became doctrine bound, overtly 
administrative, and itself more a belief-based (religious?) culture. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Excerpts that I heard presented in papers at a conference sounded very similar 
to Barclay's Apology and not unlike a defended sort of fear that practicing TM 
meditators contend with in the TMO's guidelines and administrative inquisitions 
that are held in Fairfield around being able to stay in or even attend 
sanctioned group meditations in the Domes.
 Barclay's Apology

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Does TM have any European antecedents?


 These old writings reference other writings coming from around Europe, the 
lowlands, France and Spain and Austria. Through history these spiritual people 
would have to take periodic refuge from the religion of the day and so they 
moved around with their experiences too.   

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I was at a conference not long ago where papers were given by scholars who 
recently have translated old German texts, letters, pamphlets, and tracts of 
satsang-like spiritual groups that were in Northern Europe. Some of these old 
texts were of the Community of True Inspiration, from their own long line of 
mystics going way back who existed in satsanga 'separately' through time while 
the Roman and Orthodox Churches and then subsequently the institutional 
Lutheran churches were each doing their religious persecuting thing. In these 
works of the separatists were overlapping writings from around Europe from 
spiritual luminaries of different decades and centuries. 
 This is recent scholarly work translating this material by American born and 
reared scholars raised speaking German within their families. A best of both 
mother tongues?  Their translations make nice reading as these scholars are 
fluent in both German and English. 

  From this material it is evident that those spiritual folks who surfaced by 
generation or so as leaders or spokespersons by force of spiritual experience 
are like more powerfully transforming people we could recognize today like 
Ammachi, Meera, John Douglas, Janet Sussman, Connie Huebner and such folks. 
Different than just religionists each have Quietism running through the 
cultural DNA of their spirituality and teaching.  


yifuxero writes: 

 Thanks for the followup discussions!  I had to google Lollardy to find out 
more.  In that it's associated with Wycliffe and many Lollards were his 
followers; it appears that relating to the eventual development of Quietism, 
Wycliffe may have been in some ways a setback.  His "Bible" only viewpoint help 
set many free from the clutches of Catholicism and present day Evangelicals 
rank him as one of the greatest of all-star predecessors to the antinomianism 
we see today in say, the Southern Baptists.
   Unfortunately, there seems to be no strain of Self(Gnosis) revelation in 
Wycliffe, unlike Fox who in my book was one of the greatest of the 
Enlightenment pioneers.   Hencesegue to modern practitioners of meditation 
that have inherited the Quietist inspiration.

  The concept of cultural DNA is fascinating and makes the Provenance question 
all the more difficult to simplify in something like an unbroken linear tree 
(as may be found in Shankara's Tradition or  among the Patriarchs of Jerusalem 
  Such topics no doubt may provide fuel for a host of Phd dissertations, but 
there's one aspect of transmission such scholars would rather not touch upon 
due to political or cultural correctness:  That is - by way of example 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM, Quietism, & the Quakers

2016-04-16 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
..Lot of spiritual people [transcendentalists by other names] fled moving from 
Europe to America.  That can be mapped.  A Lot like practicing meditators have 
skirted around and left the TMO as it became doctrine bound, overtly 
administrative, and itself more a belief-based (religious?) culture. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Excerpts that I heard presented in papers at a conference sounded very similar 
to Barclay's Apology and not unlike a defended sort of fear that practicing TM 
meditators contend with in the TMO's guidelines and administrative inquisitions 
that are held in Fairfield around being able to stay in or even attend 
sanctioned group meditations in the Domes.
 Barclay's Apology

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Does TM have any European antecedents?


 These old writings reference other writings coming from around Europe, the 
lowlands, France and Spain and Austria. Through history these spiritual people 
would have to take periodic refuge from the religion of the day and so they 
moved around with their experiences too.   

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I was at a conference not long ago where papers were given by scholars who 
recently have translated old German texts, letters, pamphlets, and tracts of 
satsang-like spiritual groups that were in Northern Europe. Some of these old 
texts were of the Community of True Inspiration, from their own long line of 
mystics going way back who existed in satsanga 'separately' through time while 
the Roman and Orthodox Churches and then subsequently the institutional 
Lutheran churches were each doing their religious persecuting thing. In these 
works of the separatists were overlapping writings from around Europe from 
spiritual luminaries of different decades and centuries. 
 This is recent scholarly work translating this material by American born and 
reared scholars raised speaking German within their families. A best of both 
mother tongues?  Their translations make nice reading as these scholars are 
fluent in both German and English. 

  From this material it is evident that those spiritual folks who surfaced by 
generation or so as leaders or spokespersons by force of spiritual experience 
are like more powerfully transforming people we could recognize today like 
Ammachi, Meera, John Douglas, Janet Sussman, Connie Huebner and such folks. 
Different than just religionists each have Quietism running through the 
cultural DNA of their spirituality and teaching.  


yifuxero writes: 

 Thanks for the followup discussions!  I had to google Lollardy to find out 
more.  In that it's associated with Wycliffe and many Lollards were his 
followers; it appears that relating to the eventual development of Quietism, 
Wycliffe may have been in some ways a setback.  His "Bible" only viewpoint help 
set many free from the clutches of Catholicism and present day Evangelicals 
rank him as one of the greatest of all-star predecessors to the antinomianism 
we see today in say, the Southern Baptists.
   Unfortunately, there seems to be no strain of Self(Gnosis) revelation in 
Wycliffe, unlike Fox who in my book was one of the greatest of the 
Enlightenment pioneers.   Hencesegue to modern practitioners of meditation 
that have inherited the Quietist inspiration.

  The concept of cultural DNA is fascinating and makes the Provenance question 
all the more difficult to simplify in something like an unbroken linear tree 
(as may be found in Shankara's Tradition or  among the Patriarchs of Jerusalem 
  Such topics no doubt may provide fuel for a host of Phd dissertations, but 
there's one aspect of transmission such scholars would rather not touch upon 
due to political or cultural correctness:  That is - by way of example - that 
a. as in the case of individuals such as Fox, direct revelation from some 
aspect of "God" is possible and may lead to new Movements of great importance.  
Likewise from the Indian subcontinent there are many examples of great Saints 
having no particular Guru.  b. Similarly, a whole wave of  people can incarnate 
and be ready for an appearance of somebody like MMY; and it would be difficult 
for anybody to come up with logical antecedents or an explanation even from 
cultural DNA.

 Simply put, a. individuals and groups can receive direct experiential 
revelation through interior means and such pioneers are ready for the new 
knowledge because they have prepared for it in previous incarnations.  This 
idea would be completely taboo among Ivy League scholars. But imo there would 
be no other way to explain why MMY came to the West and people were already 
prepared for it!  Why? Because they incarnated to meet up with that particular 
Sage in space/timewith no 

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Sun 17-Apr-16 00:15:06 UTC

2016-04-16 Thread FFL PostCount ffl.postco...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 04/16/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 04/23/16 00:00:00
12 messages as of (UTC) 04/16/16 21:46:45

  4 dhamiltony2k5
  3 hepa7
  2 Doug Hamilton dhamiltony2k5
  2 Bhairitu noozguru
  1 awoelflebater
Posters: 5
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Youtube's "Shiva-channel"...

2016-04-16 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]
...with awful Finnish so called rally-English (spoken typically by famous
 Finnish rally drivers):

 Can you fold paper more than 7 times with hydraulic press 

 Can you fold paper more than 7 times with hydraulic pres... 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuG_CeEZV6w A3 sheet of paper vs. our press 
Jukin Media Verified (Original) * For licensing / permission to use: Contact - 
licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom Music T...
 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuG_CeEZV6w 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] First two seasons of the New Twin Peaks wraps

2016-04-16 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
Two seasons eh?  That's a lot of coffee and pie.  Sherilynn still in it? 
Must use CG to make her look younger and thinner (she's been a bit busy 
doing other shows like "Shameless" and "Ray Donovan"). Maybe it's "Twin 
Peaks 21st Century".


Get some of that chewing gun that about to come back in style.

[FairfieldLife] Oops I forgot!!!

2016-04-16 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
The USA is a jointly owned subsidiary of the People Republic of China 
and Saudi Arabia:

[FairfieldLife] Two Wonderful Men

2016-04-16 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Two people who could and are making the world a better place. Let's hope they 
aren't ahead of their time - figuratively speaking. At least one of them holds 
a position of great power and perhaps the second will do so in November.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditators Should Come (back) to the Domes the next 4-5 weeks ~ Important time for coherence in consciousness

2016-04-16 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
World peace research http://www.worldpeacegroup.org/world_peace_research.html 
 World peace research http://www.worldpeacegroup.org/world_peace_research.html 
World peace research carried out over the last 35 years is the basis for this 
world peace project. Science understands that we can get people to meditate on 
our behalf to create a transformation in social well being and prosperity
 View on www.worldpeacegroup.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Research shows that with enough TM-Sidhas meditating together in one place at 
the same time, World Peace is within our grasp within 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Asking around how it got so bad for the Dome meditation numbers, someone 
reflecting was saying:
 “Meditators once came to Fairfield and we are here for world peace and with no 
denouncement of other gurus or comment on other people and not burdened by 
fear, deceit and judgment.  If that had been the movement’s continued 
administration it would not have died.  When the fear and lying became 
requirements, not an option but required, to just lie, it ended.   The irony is 
that in the stand of people’s own integrity people have left.”

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 This new order of business that came in to the new TM movement was very much 
about exclusivity and securing trademark and market share in their minds.  This 
is embedded in the group meditation guidelines too.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 This business shift over to Old Testament-like judgements about people and 
vengeful retributions in separating off old TM teachers by a kind of summary 
business personality in the middle of TM has become something of a huge loss of 
resource, both human and financial, that could have been handled differently. 
 By a Corporate coldness and a mercantile administration of a bunch of wealthy 
people there was not much of a sustained attempt at visiting around with people 
of the old movement after Maharishi died by 2008. In effect they turned a lot 
of people out by trying to use the org to discipline people to their own minds. 
 They quite effectively lost a lot of capital and love.  The metrics are not 
good when you look at them.   

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Old TM teachers had a relationship more directly to Maharishi in being 
cultivated and certified by him and under essential understanding in 
relationship to use what they learned from him without letting money get in the 
way of people learning to meditate.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There was a further mercantile shift in administration of old TM after 
Maharishi.  The complete change over after Maharishi was handled most 
unfortunately by a strong mind of making old testament like judgments about old 
teachers and then retributions by some business-minded group consciousness of 
some wealthy fanatical followers, ..as Feste here reduces how they 'frame' it. 
Sounds so rational but was poorly handled. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 You know, the TMO has always operated in a cliquish manner. When you first get 
initiated ,everything is cool. You belong to a unique group of people *saving 
the world*. But then you notice various cliques have formed. There are plane 
ol' meditaters,( the lowest of the low, that nobody wants to hang with) sidhas, 
pre-teachers, Teachers, Governors, Rajas, Maharajas, ministers of this and 
that, administrators, cooks and dish washer, etc
 Disenfranchising a group could have the effect of making them scramble to get 
in a better position, even if it costs them a lot of money to *belong*.
 Thank God, I don't want to *belong*!
 I don't remember how many teachers Maharishi trained before this 
recertification program started but imagine getting every, or nearly every, 
teacher to plop down a couple of thousand bucks just to maintain their status. 
Might pay some bills with that kind of cash. Plus, you can tighten your grip on 
confidentiality of the teaching process.


 I think I managed to avoid all of this messy stuff by not becoming an 
initiator. It just never appealed to me - all that standardized code of 
behavior and dress and conduct. I simply enjoyed the technique and MIU back in 
the 70's was really a gas - a demographically diverse student body and a 
feeling of tapping into something special in terms of the curriculum and how it 
related to SCI. I'm not sure how it feels on the campus now, but back then it 
was perfectly timed for who I was and what I needed. Consequently, no hard 
feelings and I simply moved on. The Robin adventure was sort of like stealing a 
car and going 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The War on Drugs

2016-04-16 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Drug dog visits high school, two arrested - By ANDY HALLMAN Ledger news editor 
 Drug dog visits high school, two arrested - By ANDY H... 
 The Fairfield Police Department made two arrests and issued one citation 
Wednesday after sweeping the Fairfield High School’s lockers and vehicles for 
 View on fairfield-ia.villagesoup... 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Marijuana clearly now is no good for brain development or subtle faculty 
functioning in life.  
 Yep, Maharishi even back in the 1960's saw in students then that the rec-drugs 
of that day inhibited subtle brain function.
 “..a requirement to refrain from using non-prescription drugs for 15 days 
before learning TM” 
 Evidently with good reason. 

 Interesting interview about the new science of brain function and the 
side-effects of recreational drugs..

  Why Teens Are Impulsive, Addiction-Prone And Should Protect Their Brains 
 Why Teens Are Impulsive, Addiction-Prone And Shoul... 
 Research shows that teenagers' brains are not fully insulated, which means 
that signals move slowly. Frances Jensen, who wrote The Teenage Brain, 

 View on www.npr.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] LSD: coherence??

2016-04-16 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]

 Neural correlates of the LSD experience revealed by multimodal neuroimaging 

 Neural correlates of the LSD experience revealed by mult... 
http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2016/04/05/1518377113 Author contributions: 
R.L.C.-H., S.M., K.M., R.L., J.E., K.D.S., R.G.W., A.F., and D.J.N. designed 
 View on www.pnas.org http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2016/04/05/1518377113 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Pics in a Finnish science magazine:

 Lsd palauttaa aivot samanlaiseen tilaan kuin vauvana 
 Lsd palauttaa aivot samanlaiseen tilaan kuin v... 
 Aivokuvaukset osoittavat, että lsd:n vaikutuksen aikana aivot käsittelevät 
näkötietoa paljon laajemmin kuin normaalisti.
 View on www.tiede.fi 
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] UK pedophile gangs...

2016-04-16 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]
