[FairfieldLife] Trump Launches Missiles Against Syria

2017-04-06 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
This act may not deter the Assad government.  He's challenging the US to do 
something against him knowing that the Russians are supporting him.  He's 
thinking the US will not dare to start a world war over a Syrian conflict.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Nithyananda teleporting turmeric rice!

2017-04-06 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Nithyananda has one problem against him.  He's a convicted criminal.


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Real siddhi?

 Nithyananda (in Sanskrit proper: nityaananda [nitya + aananda: eternal bliss])
 teleporting turmeric rice to Oman:

 https://youtu.be/tfrQwmI2-VQ?t=18m26s https://youtu.be/tfrQwmI2-VQ?t=18m26s






[FairfieldLife] An Earth-like Exoplanet with an Atmosphere

2017-04-06 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
It's nice to know that it exists.  But it is not likely humans can ever visit 
the place since it's too far away for our present technology to reach.  And we 
have not heard of any radio signals that any ETs live there.  So, we keep on 
searching...with billlions and billions of stars to go..

[FairfieldLife] BBC The Why Factor: Yoga

2017-04-06 Thread eustace10679

Yoga is an ancient practice that includes meditation, exercise and 
spirituality. It’s said to date back thousands of years and originate in the 
east. But why do millions of us


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating in the Dome Which one have left the movement?

2017-04-06 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
It is time for a new policy of inclusion. The old adage is, “You can’t lead 
from behind”.  The ™ Rajas need to bravely get out front on this now. And,those 
Raja who can’t need to recuse themselves and get out of the way. 

 This part of culture change is going to take some extraordinary leadership by 
some brave Rajas to step in to position out in front of us all. ..Grant them 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I appreciate your concern here but it would be an invasion of some people's 
privacy to go on about this here. The more important thing here in this subject 
thread is what cultural fiduciary position the TM Raja have with the TM 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Please share with us as U may know what Rajas have left or become in active in 
our movement! Thanks in advance 4 this news
 -Original Message-
 From: dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
 To: FairfieldLife 
 Sent: Thu, Apr 6, 2017 2:20 pm
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating in the Dome
 The TM Rajas? The TM Raja of America? They are the equivalent of corporate 
executive vice-presidents with some Trustees as directors over them. Except for 
Dr. Hagelin as Raja of America who is also one of a small group of the trustees 
at the top of everything TM. In the flow chart they can be like divisional exec 
VP-CEO’s of areas or lesser incorporations of the larger corporation. It is 
time for them Raja all to collectively rise up together and effect change in 
the Administrative State of the TM Movement’s group meditations.
 Flow chart, for instance:
 374777FW: How Our Community Works
 Corporate Communal TM, the flow chart.. 
 Some number of those who became Raja with Maharishi have abandoned their posts 
and are long gone now on to other things. Yet there are some who are dedicated 
holding steady to corporate missions. Jai Guru Dev 
 What is Raja of  America?
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
mailto:dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :
 There are two lines of thought here that work in opposition, the evident 
statistical fact of science for meditation and meditation in groups and then 
the ‘administrative state’ of the Domes that excludes practicing meditators of 
the community from the Domes. 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
mailto:dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 It is way past time to re-draft the national guidelines that regulate 
membership for inclusion in the group meditations.  There are way too many 
“non-compete” clauses that remain in the guidelines, still. Clauses that 
exclude capable meditators from the collective of the group meditations.  It is 
sinful what the Rajas have continued to abide in excluding people. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
mailto:dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 Just simply reading the published science, it is compelling. 
 A common sense of the statistical fact of the science certainly justifies now 
an immediate change of the membership guidelines for facilitated group 
meditations to directly remediate the hurtful damage that was done to people 
that suppresses still the collective meditation in the United States.  The 
‘fundamental’ problem now in this are the Raja of the corporate culture. By the 
science these Raja of TM should come to be the ones now asking for, demanding, 
change to improve our circumstance of the collective meditation here. 

 Well, i gots to say that the Dome is an awesome activated place to meditate. A 
No-mantra- no-thought waking down awakened transcendent kind of place. 

 A lot of mornings I just go there for a shorter meditation time and leave to 
get on with the farm day. 200 percent. That also is very much within the 
instructions of the program that M gave us. I often get there early and I am on 
my way for the day before they start yogic flying.  I would encourage folks to 
update their badges and at least go for their meditation in the group, even if 
they don’t do 'the long program' anymore.  The Dome, is a fabulous place to 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
mailto:j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com> wrote :

I stopped doing program about 25 years ago, so The Vedic Inquisition has no 
power over me. And, because I'm making possible the Petra Stanley Center for 
Regenerative Organic Agriculture on campus, I'm on very good terms with Hagelin.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: recent published research

2017-04-06 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Yi, I am liking that you continue a dialogue here in a persistence of 
 I am liking this line of critique of yours on the metering/measuring of shakti 
and how we experience it. The MUM science people freely acknowledge too the 
limits of the tools available now, like for imaging the subtle body, the 
spiritual heart. That is not going to just stop the making of observation, 
hypothesizing and the science to try to test it. Spirituality is an interesting 

 Somewhat as a related aside here is a Youtube that I suspect you will enjoy. 
Historic and yet parallel to aspects of culture and science we see now. Shakti: 
  George Fox's Book Of Miracles. 
 ..Is a good detective story. You’ll like this, sit with it a while:

 ..back it up to where it starts.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Thx, again, correlation is not causation, so the MUM research falls short of 
the requirement of modern scientific methodology.  As pointed out in the 
Wikipedia entry on the ME, cherry picking of results is operative, as well as 
an experimental basis for causation.  The latter would require a measurement 
process for the Agent infolved (i.e. the "field", traditionally known as 
Shakti).  Either the measurement of the Shakti is internal (in which ase 
insufficient since science needs external validation); OR, there is an external 
validation which is objective and verifiable with a measurement device.
 Compare with the Higgs particle(s)/field:  The experiment is generated with 
the LHC, but measured with a cloud chamber.
 In contrast, the ME is generated through human nervous systems without an 
objective means of measuring it since no machine is involved, only the 
statement of some MUM Prof that the effect is taking place and that it 
correlates inversely to some result (say opioid deaths).
 Since there's no objective external measurement device in play, the results 
can't be validated.
 OTOH, the Higgs particle has been validated since the collision of protons 
results in a recording in the cloud chamber.
 What is the measurement device used to register the strength of the ME "field" 
(Shakti)? There is no, so the research is bogus.  Correlation is necessary, but 
insufficient to count as scientific validation.
 On the excellent point brought up by Srijau relating to good and bad 
statistics (the idea is that there were insufficient numbers of participants 
during a period and thus, the stats showed more deaths in different categories. 
 Nice try, but there's another flaw in that reasoning:

 Let's say that the ME resulted in decreased deaths during a period. and that 
the claim as to causation was "real".  OK, for the sake of argument, let's say 
that in the next time period there were insufficient numbers of participants 
and the deaths went up.  In the latter case, it';s a different type of  TMO 
failure since they FAILED to gather the required number of participants.  What 
good is the ME if they can't get enough people to generate the claimed results?

 So, on two levels, the TMO is generating "fake" news:  First, they haven't 
shown causation, only correlation.
 Second, during the "bad" periods they claim it's because not enough people 
showed showed up.  Both cases represent a dismal failure on the part of the TMO.
 Shalom Aleichem


[FairfieldLife] Re: recent published research

2017-04-06 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Yi, I am appreciating that you continue a dialogue here in a persistence of 
 I am liking this line of critique of yours on the metering/measuring of shakti 
and how we experience it. The MUM science people freely acknowledge too the 
limits of the tools available now, like for imaging the subtle body, the 
spiritual heart. That is not going to just stop the making of observation, 
hypothesizing and the science to try to test it. Spirituality is an interesting 

 Somewhat as a related aside here is a Youtube that I suspect you will enjoy. 
Historic and yet parallel to aspects of culture and science we see now. Shakti: 
  George Fox's Book Of Miracles. 
 ..Is a good detective story. You’ll like this, sit with it a while:



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Thx, again, correlation is not causation, so the MUM research falls short of 
the requirement of modern scientific methodology.  As pointed out in the 
Wikipedia entry on the ME, cherry picking of results is operative, as well as 
an experimental basis for causation.  The latter would require a measurement 
process for the Agent infolved (i.e. the "field", traditionally known as 
Shakti).  Either the measurement of the Shakti is internal (in which ase 
insufficient since science needs external validation); OR, there is an external 
validation which is objective and verifiable with a measurement device.
 Compare with the Higgs particle(s)/field:  The experiment is generated with 
the LHC, but measured with a cloud chamber.
 In contrast, the ME is generated through human nervous systems without an 
objective means of measuring it since no machine is involved, only the 
statement of some MUM Prof that the effect is taking place and that it 
correlates inversely to some result (say opioid deaths).
 Since there's no objective external measurement device in play, the results 
can't be validated.
 OTOH, the Higgs particle has been validated since the collision of protons 
results in a recording in the cloud chamber.
 What is the measurement device used to register the strength of the ME "field" 
(Shakti)? There is no, so the research is bogus.  Correlation is necessary, but 
insufficient to count as scientific validation.
 On the excellent point brought up by Srijau relating to good and bad 
statistics (the idea is that there were insufficient numbers of participants 
during a period and thus, the stats showed more deaths in different categories. 
 Nice try, but there's another flaw in that reasoning:

 Let's say that the ME resulted in decreased deaths during a period. and that 
the claim as to causation was "real".  OK, for the sake of argument, let's say 
that in the next time period there were insufficient numbers of participants 
and the deaths went up.  In the latter case, it';s a different type of  TMO 
failure since they FAILED to gather the required number of participants.  What 
good is the ME if they can't get enough people to generate the claimed results?

 So, on two levels, the TMO is generating "fake" news:  First, they haven't 
shown causation, only correlation.
 Second, during the "bad" periods they claim it's because not enough people 
showed showed up.  Both cases represent a dismal failure on the part of the TMO.
 Shalom Aleichem


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating in the Dome Which one have left the movement?

2017-04-06 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 I appreciate your concern here but it would be an invasion of some people's 
privacy to go on about this here. The more important thing here in this subject 
thread is what cultural fiduciary position the TM Raja have with the TM 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Please share with us as U may know what Rajas have left or become in active in 
our movement! Thanks in advance 4 this news
 -Original Message-
 From: dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
 To: FairfieldLife 
 Sent: Thu, Apr 6, 2017 2:20 pm
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating in the Dome
 The TM Rajas? The TM Raja of America? They are the equivalent of corporate 
executive vice-presidents with some Trustees as directors over them. Except for 
Dr. Hagelin as Raja of America who is also one of a small group of the trustees 
at the top of everything TM. In the flow chart they can be like divisional exec 
VP-CEO’s of areas or lesser incorporations of the larger corporation. It is 
time for them Raja all to collectively rise up together and effect change in 
the Administrative State of the TM Movement’s group meditations.
 Flow chart, for instance:
 374777FW: How Our Community Works
 Corporate Communal TM, the flow chart.. 
 Some number of those who became Raja with Maharishi have abandoned their posts 
and are long gone now on to other things. Yet there are some who are dedicated 
holding steady to corporate missions. Jai Guru Dev 
 What is Raja of  America?
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
mailto:dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :
 There are two lines of thought here that work in opposition, the evident 
statistical fact of science for meditation and meditation in groups and then 
the ‘administrative state’ of the Domes that excludes practicing meditators of 
the community from the Domes. 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
mailto:dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 It is way past time to re-draft the national guidelines that regulate 
membership for inclusion in the group meditations.  There are way too many 
“non-compete” clauses that remain in the guidelines, still. Clauses that 
exclude capable meditators from the collective of the group meditations.  It is 
sinful what the Rajas have continued to abide in excluding people. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
mailto:dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 Just simply reading the published science, it is compelling. 
 A common sense of the statistical fact of the science certainly justifies now 
an immediate change of the membership guidelines for facilitated group 
meditations to directly remediate the hurtful damage that was done to people 
that suppresses still the collective meditation in the United States.  The 
‘fundamental’ problem now in this are the Raja of the corporate culture. By the 
science these Raja of TM should come to be the ones now asking for, demanding, 
change to improve our circumstance of the collective meditation here. 

 Well, i gots to say that the Dome is an awesome activated place to meditate. A 
No-mantra- no-thought waking down awakened transcendent kind of place. 

 A lot of mornings I just go there for a shorter meditation time and leave to 
get on with the farm day. 200 percent. That also is very much within the 
instructions of the program that M gave us. I often get there early and I am on 
my way for the day before they start yogic flying.  I would encourage folks to 
update their badges and at least go for their meditation in the group, even if 
they don’t do 'the long program' anymore.  The Dome, is a fabulous place to 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
mailto:j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com> wrote :

I stopped doing program about 25 years ago, so The Vedic Inquisition has no 
power over me. And, because I'm making possible the Petra Stanley Center for 
Regenerative Organic Agriculture on campus, I'm on very good terms with Hagelin.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
mailto:dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :
 Om no, Alex. You may be throwing your Dome meditation badge status on the hard 
rocks of the Dome badge guidelines with this.   Publicly bringing Misra in 
here, a competing system to the Rajas’.  Our movement ‘administrative state’ 
works this place to sieve out members who would promote other systems. 
 “We have some questions we should like to ask you..”


[FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 07-Apr-17 00:15:25 UTC

2017-04-06 Thread FFL PostCount ffl.postco...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 04/01/17 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 04/08/17 00:00:00
70 messages as of (UTC) 04/06/17 23:38:04

 20 dhamiltony2k5
 14 devindersingh gulati dgulhati
  8 yifuxero
  6 srijau
  6 hepa7
  3 upfronter
  3 jr_esq
  2 email4you mikemail4you
  1 rajawilliamsmith
  1 martyboi
  1 martin.quickman
  1 iMac dickmays
  1 dgulhati
  1 William Leed WLeed3
  1 Rick Archer rick
  1 FairfieldLife
Posters: 16
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: recent published research

2017-04-06 Thread yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Thx, again, correlation is not causation, so the MUM research falls short of 
the requirement of modern scientific methodology.  As pointed out in the 
Wikipedia entry on the ME, cherry picking of results is operative, as well as 
an experimental basis for causation.  The latter would require a measurement 
process for the Agent infolved (i.e. the "field", traditionally known as 
Shakti).  Either the measurement of the Shakti is internal (in which ase 
insufficient since science needs external validation); OR, there is an external 
validation which is objective and verifiable with a measurement device.
 Compare with the Higgs particle(s)/field:  The experiment is generated with 
the LHC, but measured with a cloud chamber.
 In contrast, the ME is generated through human nervous systems without an 
objective means of measuring it since no machine is involved, only the 
statement of some MUM Prof that the effect is taking place and that it 
correlates inversely to some result (say opioid deaths).
 Since there's no objective external measurement device in play, the results 
can't be validated.
 OTOH, the Higgs particle has been validated since the collision of protons 
results in a recording in the cloud chamber.
 What is the measurement device used to register the strength of the ME "field" 
(Shakti)? There is no, so the research is bogus.  Correlation is necessary, but 
insufficient to count as scientific validation.
 On the excellent point brought up by Srijau relating to good and bad 
statistics (the idea is that there were insufficient numbers of participants 
during a period and thus, the stats showed more deaths in different categories. 
 Nice try, but there's another flaw in that reasoning:

 Let's say that the ME resulted in decreased deaths during a period. and that 
the claim as to causation was "real".  OK, for the sake of argument, let's say 
that in the next time period there were insufficient numbers of participants 
and the deaths went up.  In the latter case, it';s a different type of  TMO 
failure since they FAILED to gather the required number of participants.  What 
good is the ME if they can't get enough people to generate the claimed results?

 So, on two levels, the TMO is generating "fake" news:  First, they haven't 
shown causation, only correlation.
 Second, during the "bad" periods they claim it's because not enough people 
showed showed up.  Both cases represent a dismal failure on the part of the TMO.
 Shalom Aleichem


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating in the Dome Which one have left the movement?

2017-04-06 Thread William Leed wle...@aol.com [FairfieldLife]
Please share with us as U may know what Rajas have left or become in active in 
our movement! Thanks in advance 4 this news

-Original Message-
From: dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
To: FairfieldLife 
Sent: Thu, Apr 6, 2017 2:20 pm
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating in the Dome

The TM Rajas? The TM Raja of America? They are the equivalent of corporate 
executive vice-presidents with some Trustees as directors over them. Except for 
Dr. Hagelin as Raja of America who is also one of a small group of the trustees 
at the top of everything TM. In the flow chart they can be like divisional exec 
VP-CEO’s of areas or lesser incorporations of the larger corporation. It is 
time for them Raja all to collectively rise up together and effect change in 
the Administrative State of the TM Movement’s group meditations.

Flow chart, for instance:
374777FW: How Our Community Works
Corporate Communal TM, the flow chart.. 

Some number of those who became Raja with Maharishi have abandoned their posts 
and are long gone now on to other things. Yet there are some who are dedicated 
holding steady to corporate missions. Jai Guru Dev 

What is Raja of  America?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

There are two lines of thought here that work in opposition, the evident 
statistical fact of science for meditation and meditation in groups and then 
the ‘administrative state’ of the Domes that excludes practicing meditators of 
the community from the Domes. 

Well, i gots to say that the Dome is an awesome activated place to meditate. A 
No-mantra- no-thought waking down awakened transcendent kind of place.  

A lot of mornings I just go there for a shorter meditation time and leave to 
get on with the farm day.  200 percent. That also is very much within the 
instructions of the program that M gave us. I often get there early and I am on 
my way for the day before they start yogic flying.  I would encourage folks to 
update their badges and at least go for their meditation in the group, even if 
they don’t do 'the long program' anymore.  The Dome, is a fabulous place to 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I stopped doing program about 25 years ago, so The Vedic Inquisition has no 
power over me. And, because I'm making possible the Petra Stanley Center for 
Regenerative Organic Agriculture on campus, I'm on very good terms with Hagelin.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Om no, Alex. You may be throwing your Dome meditation badge status on the hard 
rocks of the Dome badge guidelines with this.   Publicly bringing Misra in 
here, a competing system to the Rajas’.  Our movement ‘administrative state’ 
works this place to sieve out members who would promote other systems. 
“We have some questions we should like to ask you..”

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Only 180 meditating in the men's Dome this morning. 

Raja William, you raise an important equivalence which the science is making 
more and more evident, that we are in the service of all humankind here with 
this transcendental meditationist project for Global peace that we have going 
here.  Though, I feel (people) may judge Dr. Hagelin too harshly at this point. 
He has only recently consolidated being Raja of America and now President of 
the University. Though he is unable to rule simply by decree I feel great 
changes are in the corporate community works. 

rajawilliamsm...@yahoo.com> wrote :

Can anyone help me out with trying to understand what is going on in the 
domes.. and what non compete agreements are that cause people not to go to the 
domes , now just to clarify . I agree with John Hagelin about fanatical 
believers , although don't know if i would call them fanatical, but quoting 
Maharishi to assert a meaning which not there, is common,  Maharishi always 
gave a discourse, to express a holistic meaning and understanding, An enlighten 
mans understanding. ..

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I get asked all the time by meditating folks in town, “Have they changed?” 
“Have things changed?”  

Dr. Hagelin explained in a meeting more recently: there are those who assert, 
“Maharishi -‘saids’..” but that if you really spent time with Maharishi what 
you saw, that what was more important and you could appreciate was ‘what 
Maharishi thought’ and ‘what he did’.  That Maharishi was completely practical 
and adaptive as to what was brought to him and need at hand. It is time for 
re-adaptive change here. 

It is time for the fanatical believers to get out of the way of meditating in 
the Domes, it is time for them to stand aside on this. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

It is way past time to re-draft the national guidelines that regulate 
membership for inclusion in t

[FairfieldLife] Re: recent published research

2017-04-06 Thread upfron...@ymail.com [FairfieldLife]
 “The researchers first calculated a baseline trend for monthly fatality rates 
during 2002-2006, and then used time series intervention analysis to compare 
that baseline with the corresponding trend for the intervention period 
2007-2010. A rapidly rising trend in the drug-related fatality rate (see Figure 
1) during the baseline period leveled out and slowed significantly when the 
Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi group exceeded 1,725 participants 
beginning in January 2007 (vertical dashed line). This flatter trend continued 
through 2010.”
 OK, these are “drug-related fatalities in general”, but, according to the TM 
researchers' hypothesis for the intervention period 2007-2010, drug overdose 
fatalities by opioid should show a fairly similar trend.
 Well, considering there is almost some kind of bias in groups of people with 
agendas, I have to ask myself which graphs do I trust to be presented in as 
unbiased a manner as possible? 
 Now, to me, perhaps a science simpleton compared to those distinguished and 
knowledgeable men and women, I would rather that facts be presented to me 
plainly and simply, laying aside time-series-intervention-analysis for 
see-the-data-as-it-really-is pictorially.
 See FIGURE 2. Drug overdose deaths involving opioids, by type of opioid — 
United States, 2000–2014
 So, forgive this one for his ignorance but to me the data here does not show a 
marked decrease for the intervention period 2007-2010 for drug overdose deaths 
 * Opioids  -

 * Natural and semisynthetic opioids  -  -
 * Synthetic opioids (excluding methadone)  -  -  --

 * Heroin  -- -- --

 Only methadone appears to have decreased over the intervention period 
(2007-2010) to which the TM ME claim could be attributed, but this decrease 
continues well beyond the intervention period through to 2014.

 * Natural and semisynthetic opioid deaths increase during the intervention 
period (2007-2010) up until 2011 and then decrease (2012, 2013). 
 * Synthetic opioid (excluding methadone) deaths rise during the intervention 
period (2007-2010) and decrease for a couple of years after the intervention 
period (2011, 2012).

 This cannot be blamed on synthetic opioids (if that is a reason?) because 
deaths by heroin clearly increased to the highest level during the claimed 
intervention period (2007-2010) since the year 2000 (which makes complete sense 
as *the increase in heroin initiates reached its peak (2009) during the 
intervention period (2007-2010).
 See FIGURE 2 *

 Personally, the TM Sidhi program, even just the TM part, revives and 
rejuvenates me with the aliveness of something ‘special’ which is just waiting 
to be tapped in such a simple manner. My life would not be the same and I am 
eternally grateful for this meditation practice. 


 I would love for the TM ME research claims to be true but at present I 
personally consider them well overstated even with the best intentions. I 
rather think that the power and energy created is more localised to the group 
itself and while there may be an enlivening and purification in the finer 
etheric environment elsewhere, it is not on the scale claimed, for if it were, 
I think we would see very different graphs. 


 It is more about influence than anything else in my opinion. A calm, patient, 
kind, determined, disciplined, selfless, enlivened being can meet 100 people in 
a week and raise their consciousness even in the smallest, most subtle and even 
unintentional manner. 1%. Surely 1 in 100 can do this through regular 


[FairfieldLife] test

2017-04-06 Thread upfron...@ymail.com [FairfieldLife]



[FairfieldLife] RE: Waging Radical Peace, A Call to Group Meditations

2017-04-06 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
South China Sea Heats Up Again.  Philippine Army To Occupy Disputed Islands In 
South China Sea 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 from e-mail, it would be great to have an air conditioning program for N. 
Korea like Maharishi had for China.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 'Damn the Torpedoes'?  We are talking targeted nuclear tipped warhead missiles 
there and If only one of those goes off anywhere over there..  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 China and Asia are back in the news..

 China’s Missile Defense Meltdown with the US:
 [read further down in this BBC blog through to the transcript interview for 
the insight. Yikes!]


 Damn the Torpedoes. ..

 It is time to deploy for peace. 

 We need volunteers right now and then even conscription beyond this if we 
can't have the volunteers join in right away for world-wide service. Call up 
the reserves, even the young in their schools, the old too, the home-makers and 
the workers of our farms, factories and service industries, everyone. Like the 
old minute-soldiers of our frontier militias, the sons and daughters of liberty 
and committees of safety to deploy where ever they are, to stop in their busy 
outer lives and take the time to go within even for a moment's meditation where 
ever they Be! It is time to activate the transcendental meditator as mediator 
in field effect of peace everywhere.
 And to all quarters: Turkey, Russia, Syria, the whole of the Mid-East, Putin 
v. Nato/Europe, Crimea, Georgia, Baltic Countries, Sub-saharan Africa..

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Transcendental Revolution.. A call to meditative 'Inaction'!
 Enter the Vacuum State:

  It's the Ukraine, Russia and the Crimea too.  That part of the world has just 
festered too long in incoherence. The foreign policy of all good nations should 
be to deploy meditators in to the Crimea now, to occupy the Crimea with 
vibration of peace.

 It high is time to bring spirituality back to Russia and the Ukraine. As the 
science shows as is the experience we know, change in this case begins within. 
It is quite time to launch a landing of meditation in these troubled places. 
Mediation, Meditation in collective consciousness by more meditators for world 
peace. It is time to launch a spiritual blessing for that part of the world for 
a substantial lasting cultural change there for everyone's peace and 
well-being. It is quite time to at least bring higher brain coherence 
functioning, if the parties there don't want to talk about higher spirituality. 
At the least deploy there going in with more meditation, show them the science, 
and have them teach their school children to meditate for all kinds of good 
modern materialistic reasons if they ever want to have any competitive chance 
in the world for their people and the future of their children. Practicality if 
not just Spirituality. There is all kind of good reason for meditation to be in 
there. -U.S. Buck

 Peace by the Meissner-like effect of groups meditating:
 Creating an Ideal Society:
 The phenomenon of a powerful influence of harmony spreading through a whole 
community or nation when a small fraction of the population practices the 
Transcendental Meditation technique is known as the Maharishi Effect [ME]. The 
influence of orderliness generated from the state of infinite correlation 
experienced during the Transcendental Meditation technique is so powerful that 
even one per cent of the people in society practising the Transcendental 
Meditation technique is sufficient to neutralize negative tendencies and give 
an evolutionary direction to community life as a whole. With the growth of 
individual consciousness, family consciousness, community consciousness, 
national consciousness, and world consciousness are enriched. More than one and 
a half million people currently practising the Transcendental Meditation 
technique are constantly intensifying the Maharishi Effect and contributing to 
the Age of Enlightenment. The dawn is rising to the day. 
 12 January 1977

 Brave meditators, you have done all we asked you to do, and more than could be 
reasonably expected; but your own global country of World Peace is at stake, 
your partners, families, your homes and all that you hold dear. You have worn 
yourselves out with fatigues and hardships of waging world peace, but we know 
not how to spare you. If you will consent to stay in the Domes only one month 
longer, you will render that service to the cause of liberty of all and to your 
global country of wor

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating in the Dome

2017-04-06 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
The TM Rajas? The TM Raja of America? They are the equivalent of corporate 
executive vice-presidents with some Trustees as directors over them. Except for 
Dr. Hagelin as Raja of America who is also one of a small group of the trustees 
at the top of everything TM. In the flow chart they can be like divisional exec 
VP-CEO’s of areas or lesser incorporations of the larger corporation. It is 
time for them Raja all to collectively rise up together and effect change in 
the Administrative State of the TM Movement’s group meditations.

 Flow chart, for instance:
 374777FW: How Our Community Works
 Corporate Communal TM, the flow chart.. 

 Some number of those who became Raja with Maharishi have abandoned their posts 
and are long gone now on to other things. Yet there are some who are dedicated 
holding steady to corporate missions. Jai Guru Dev 


What is Raja of  America?
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There are two lines of thought here that work in opposition, the evident 
statistical fact of science for meditation and meditation in groups and then 
the ‘administrative state’ of the Domes that excludes practicing meditators of 
the community from the Domes. 



Well, i gots to say that the Dome is an awesome activated place to meditate. A 
No-mantra- no-thought waking down awakened transcendent kind of place. 

 A lot of mornings I just go there for a shorter meditation time and leave to 
get on with the farm day. 200 percent. That also is very much within the 
instructions of the program that M gave us. I often get there early and I am on 
my way for the day before they start yogic flying.  I would encourage folks to 
update their badges and at least go for their meditation in the group, even if 
they don’t do 'the long program' anymore.  The Dome, is a fabulous place to 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I stopped doing program about 25 years ago, so The Vedic Inquisition has no 
power over me. And, because I'm making possible the Petra Stanley Center for 
Regenerative Organic Agriculture on campus, I'm on very good terms with Hagelin.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Om no, Alex. You may be throwing your Dome meditation badge status on the hard 
rocks of the Dome badge guidelines with this.   Publicly bringing Misra in 
here, a competing system to the Rajas’.  Our movement ‘administrative state’ 
works this place to sieve out members who would promote other systems. 
“We have some questions we should like to ask you..”


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Only 180 meditating in the men's Dome this morning. 

 Raja William, you raise an important equivalence which the science is making 
more and more evident, that we are in the service of all humankind here with 
this transcendental meditationist project for Global peace that we have going 
here.  Though, I feel (people) may judge Dr. Hagelin too harshly at this point. 
He has only recently consolidated being Raja of America and now President of 
the University. Though he is unable to rule simply by decree I feel great 
changes are in the corporate community works. 


rajawilliamsm...@yahoo.com> wrote :
 Can anyone help me out with trying to understand what is going on in the 
domes.. and what non compete agreements are that cause people not to go to the 
domes , now just to clarify . I agree with John Hagelin about fanatical 
believers , although don't know if i would call them fanatical, but quoting 
Maharishi to assert a meaning which not there, is common, Maharishi always gave 
a discourse, to express a holistic meaning and understanding, An enlighten mans 
understanding. ..

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I get asked all the time by meditating folks in town, “Have they changed?” 
“Have things changed?”  

 Dr. Hagelin explained in a meeting more recently: there are those who assert, 
“Maharishi -‘saids’..” but that if you really spent time with Maharishi what 
you saw, that what was more important and you could appreciate was ‘what 
Maharishi thought’ and ‘what he did’. That Maharishi was completely practical 
and adaptive as to what was brought to him and need at hand. It is time for 
re-adaptive change here. 

 It is time for the fanatical believers to get out of the way of meditating in 
the Domes, it is time for them to stand aside on this. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It is way past time to re-draft the national guidelines that regulate 
membership for inclusion in the group meditations.  There are way too many 
“non-compete” clauses that remain in the guidelines, still. Clauses that 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating in the Dome

2017-04-06 Thread rajawilliamsm...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
What is Raja of  America?

[FairfieldLife] Apple babble - Nokia poke ya!

2017-04-06 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]





RE: [FairfieldLife] Re:Disordered 'Spiritual' narcissism: 'He said he could do what he wanted': the scandal that rocked Bikram yoga

2017-04-06 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


 FW: Talks on Spiritual v Spiritism:

 David R. Hawkins - Don't Waste Time Exploring The Astral Domains

 David R. Hawkins - The Temptation of Power

 David R. Hawkins - The Lower Astral Seeks To Subvert Truth


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Asking around, more FF satsanga notes.. 

 "These are cultivated people caught up in this, these are people who have 
meditated a lot, long and hard.  Meditation. It is such a fascinating thing to 
see someone struggling in this way because this black magician guy showed up.  
The guy’s honey-ied words, like the devil. 
 You think of Jesus in the wilderness, it is offered, everything is offered. 
You could be king of the world. You could have everything you want, by a 
powerful super driven black magician, whatever you want to call that."


 " ‘My’ power, mine. ‘I’ can do these things. That is what this guy apparently 
languages. I am going to show you, the ‘I’ meaning him.  ‘I’ am going to show 
you the meaning of life. ‘I’ am going to open your consciousness to Divine 
Love. “I” can? “I” can open *your* consciousness to divine love?  
 Warning! Warning! "   

 "Like spiritual hooks in the fabric of the system..It isn’t like it isn’t real 
but what is its significance as things in the subtle astral body system are 
releasing is only to get beyond them and the power of their influence. But they 
can become seductive when you have these experiences whether it is these 
powers, or anything that is going to groom the spiritual ego. It is just ego." 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 No, it seems the guy is elsewhere and some people here found out about him by 
word of mouth and the internet and went to his programs. It sounded like he is 
on the West coast. I don’t think he has been to Fairfield. 
 This it seems has created some turmoil here and goofed some long time 
meditators up with his influence. Though it all seems a good reflection 
discerning about what is a “number one” spiritual experience along the way.

Interesting too about Cohen. Thanks. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re:Disordered 'Spiritual' narcissism: 'He said he 
could do what he wanted': the scandal that rocked Bikram yoga

 >I was thinking of Andrew Cohen and neo-advaitas you have had on batgap.  You 
 >kind of gave them their ropes to let them hang themselves.. A lot of 
 >spiritual ego by example. 
 I recently took Cohen’s interview down, because I had taken down another two 
interviews by a rather popular Advaita teacher whom we discovered (through 
credible feedback from the victim) had drugged and raped a girl between her 
ages of 14-16 when he was 40ish, back in the early ‘80’s. His students were 
complaining that it was unfair that I had taken him down and left Cohen up. I 
had done so because what Cohen had done wasn’t illegal, and was also well-known 

 >This more recent thing I didn't get the name on.  The people sitting around a 
 >table at Revelations were being real guarded to not get anyone in trouble but 
 >it was an active concern of theirs. I just listened some and asked questions 
 >a little and wrote some notes. It was interesting spiritual satsanga.   -FFL  
 So some guy in FF is engaging in sexual tantra with multiple partners and some 
sort of soul-swapping black magic? That’s what you’re saying?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
mailto:r...@searchsummit.com> wrote :
 Who is this?: recently watched Rick Archer let one NPD'ed hang out to dry in 
his Batgap interviews
 And this?: From the spiritual sexual tantra kind of encounter with him, this 
scandalous man, this ne'er-do-well, .. takes people around and puts them into 
other people’s bodies.  Bad.  This guy facilitates that, he is like a black 
 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] 
Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2017 2:33 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:Disordered 'Spiritual' narcissism: 'He said he 
could do what he wanted': the scandal that rocked Bikram yoga

  More Satanga,  
 “Spiritual egos..They are feeders, they are particular narcissists, they need 
the energy of others for validation. They don’t have much. Their spiritual 
identification is about the ego.  That is the level of their identification 
spiritually. It isn’t Self but it, the identification has sufficient juice. 

 So this guy has the ability to give these people these very flashy experiences
 that have embedded in the

[FairfieldLife] Nithyananda teleporting turmeric rice!

2017-04-06 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Real siddhi?

 Nithyananda (in Sanskrit proper: nityaananda [nitya + aananda: eternal bliss])
 teleporting turmeric rice to Oman:

 https://youtu.be/tfrQwmI2-VQ?t=18m26s https://youtu.be/tfrQwmI2-VQ?t=18m26s






[FairfieldLife] Re: many many pubished studies in peer reviewed scientific journals..

2017-04-06 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
This is actually interesting what they are doing in larger dialogue of science 
process in taking the clear criticism from the skeptical and going back to test 
it out further by looking at parallel non-meditating towns of the time in 
comparison. That seems fair enough to further test the hypothesis.. Read the 

 Adding in control cities to Paper 98..

 In 1972 there were a number of cities in the U.S. where 1% of the population 
had learned the Transcendental Meditation technique. For 11 such cities another 
nearby city was chosen with comparable demographic variables (geographic 
location, population and student population) where TM had not yet been learned 
by 1%. These served as the control cities. Then crime statistics were requested 
from the FBI and compared.

 The statistics showed that in the 1% cities (full line) a significant decrease 
occurred in crime from 1972, both compared to earlier trends in the same city, 
and compared to the control cities. There was a decrease in the number of 
crimes of 16.5% (p<.001). Compared to overall crime trends in the U.S. the 
decrease was even greater, 18%.

 This therefore appears to be extra confirmation of the effect. As soon as the 
1% threshold is reached, crime will decrease.

 Current work:

 The original (1976) work:
 Paper 98
 Improved Quality of Life Through The Transcendental Meditation Program:
 Decreased Crime Rate

 Crime rate decreased in cities after one percent of their populations had 
begun practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique. -Editors


 In 1960 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation 
program, predicted that a transition in society toward a more orderly and 
harmonious functioning would occur when a small fraction -on the order of one 
percent- of a population practiced the Transcendental Meditation technique (6), 
and in December 1974 we found that crime rate did decrease in four Midwestern 
U.S. Cities in which one percent of the population was practicing the TM 


 Candace Borland, Ph.D., and Garland Landrith III, M.A., 'Improved Quality of 
City Life Through the Transcendental Meditation Program: Decreased Crime Rate' 
in Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program: Collected 
Papers, Vol. I, eds. David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D., and John T. Farrow, Ph.D., 
West Germany, MERU Press, 1976

 Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program
 Collected Papers,
 Volume I,
 pp 727


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


[FairfieldLife] Re: many many pubished studies in peer reviewed scientific journals..

2017-04-06 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
This is actually is interesting what they are doing in larger dialogue of 
science process in taking the clear criticism from the skeptical and going back 
to test it out further by looking at parallel non-meditating towns of the time 
in comparison. That seems fair enough to further test the hypothesis.. Read the 

 Adding in control cities..

 In 1972 there were a number of cities in the U.S. where 1% of the population 
had learned the Transcendental Meditation technique. For 11 such cities another 
nearby city was chosen with comparable demographic variables (geographic 
location, population and student population) where TM had not yet been learned 
by 1%. These served as the control cities. Then crime statistics were requested 
from the FBI and compared.

 The statistics showed that in the 1% cities (full line) a significant decrease 
occurred in crime from 1972, both compared to earlier trends in the same city, 
and compared to the control cities. There was a decrease in the number of 
crimes of 16.5% (p<.001). Compared to overall crime trends in the U.S. the 
decrease was even greater, 18%.

 This therefore appears to be extra confirmation of the effect. As soon as the 
1% threshold is reached, crime will decrease.

 Current work:

 The original (1976) work:
 Paper 98
 Improved Quality of Life Through The Transcendental Meditation Program:
 Decreased Crime Rate

 Crime rate decreased in cities after one percent of their populations had 
begun practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique. -Editors


 In 1960 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation 
program, predicted that a transition in society toward a more orderly and 
harmonious functioning would occur when a small fraction -on the order of one 
percent- of a population practiced the Transcendental Meditation technique (6), 
and in December 1974 we found that crime rate did decrease in four Midwestern 
U.S. Cities in which one percent of the population was practicing the TM 


 Candace Borland, Ph.D., and Garland Landrith III, M.A., 'Improved Quality of 
City Life Through the Trancendental Meditation Program: Decreased Crime Rate' 
in Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program: Collected 
Papers, Vol. I, eds. David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D., and John T. Farrow, Ph.D., 
West Germany, MERU Press, 1976

 Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program
 Collected Papers,
 Volume I,
 pp 727


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



2017-04-06 Thread email4you mikemail4...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

The world’s largest solar power plant 
is completed in India >>>
India confirmed today that it completed its solar farm in Kamuthi, Tamil Nadu, 
and it is taking the title of ‘the world’s largest solar power plant’ with a 
capacity of 648 MW – significantly more than the previous largest solar farm, 
the Topaz Solar Farm in California with a capacity of 550 MW.They released some 
impressive images of the massive farm built on an area of 10 sq km (3.9 sq 
miles) – you can see a picture above and a video below...