[FairfieldLife] Political Inspiration and the Power of Music

2018-10-23 Thread Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com [FairfieldLife]
Something remarkably rare & uplifting from the political world - 3 minutes.

Two fiercely competitive candidates surprise voters after their library debate 
with an unexpected duet--see the power of music!


[FairfieldLife] Reply on Supreme Court Order on Adultery

2018-10-23 Thread dattapr2...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
(Excerpt from Message of Shri Datta Swami)  
 (On 28.09.2018 the judgement given by Supreme Court came in news papers, which 
says that the personal relationship between a lady and gent with mutual consent 
is not wrong since it is linked to mind and emotion. Several devotees phoned 
and requested Swami to analyze this issue and give a message. Following is the 
message given by Swami on that issue.)
 When marriage-ritual takes place between a male and female, both promise 
before God that both will confine to each other only without any deviation. 
Such promise is done on God, who is omniscient, omnipotent and most holy 
personality. There is no second equal personality to God and not to speak of 
higher personality than God as said by the Veda (Na tat 
samaschaabhyadhikashcha...). For any believer in God, there is nothing and none 
higher than God. Even an ordinary promise without the name of God should not be 
broken and what about the promise made on God!
 99% of humanity has such ultimate and extreme faith in God and we are not 
concerned with the minority which does not believe in God and live as they like 
in the name of full freedom. The promise made by both is regarding strict 
discipline of mind confining to each other in doing justified deeds, financial 
matters, sexual life and spiritual life (Dharme Arthe Kaame mokshe 
naaticharaami). This means that in doing justified actions, in spending 
finance, in having sexual life and in spiritual life both will confine to each 
other only and will not deviate this promise by selecting some other person 
(male or female) in these four issues in the latter life after marriage.
  Hence, all the other parameters have to be overlooked before the holy promise 
made before the most holy God. There is no higher sin than deviating the 
promise made in the name of God. All other issues rising in this subject are 
secondary only and must be adjusted with full discipline to the promise made in 
the name of God.
 The judges giving this judgement need not be blamed since they have to confine 
to the fundamentals of the human constitution only in any case. We should take 
the holy-scriptures written by ancient sages through whom God spoke the divine 
constitution. One may escape the punishment here from the Government in any 
case based on the judgement given by the human constitution. Today, we are 
seeing several such cases in which the injustice is benefited and the justice 
is harmed. The interpretations made by the lawyers are tremendously 
unimaginable by which in several cases justice is harmed.
 In olden days, advocate studies the case thoroughly to find justice in the 
case and then only accept the case for argument. But, today any advocate takes 
any case for the sake of fees only! In such case, even though the advocate 
knows that justice is on the other side, he/she argues for the victory of 
injustice of their side only by twisting the constitution itself. But, 
ultimately, the divine constitution prevails over our human constitutions and 
intelligence of the advocates supporting injustice for the sake of money.
 The divine administration is the ultimate authority. Even if you win a case 
with the help of a clever advocate and grab others’ property in the dispute and 
if it is injustice, you will lose your property ten times more than you have 
won in the case. The same will happen even in the case of advocate, who earned 
the fees by arguing for the victory of injustice because the doer and promoter 
of injustice equally share the punishment. The intensive sins are punished here 
itself. Our human constitutions are written by human beings and we find several 
times the amendments of the human constitution done through parliament. This 
means that the human constitution is not the ultimate word of God. Hence, the 
free personal relationship as per the emotion of mind can’t be justified in the 
name of fundamental right of human constitution. Already, God introduced the 
punishment for free illegal sex in the form of most horrible disease called 
AIDS. This disease was not heard in ancient days when such free sex did not 
exist due to perfect ethical discipline. The medical care to prevent this 
disease fails when God wants to punish the sin of illegal sex and the disease 
will attack the sinner through some unimaginable way.

 posted by: surya (disciple of Swamiji)
 www.universal-spirituality.org http://www.universal-spirituality.org


[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Pocahontas A little humor on this DNA thing ! HA! [1 Attachment]

2018-10-23 Thread William Leed wle...@aol.com [FairfieldLife]
Hope we all may laugh together on this

-Original Message-
From: Logan McK. Cheek III 
To: Cooper Milburn ; David Edwin Cook ; 
David F. Twyman ; Edward Eggers ; 
George Thomas Atwood, Ph. D. ; Phillip Randolph Carson 
; Rick Carrington ; William D. 
Sent: Tue, Oct 23, 2018 1:09 pm
Subject: Fwd: Pocahontas

Now that the silly season is peaking 
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