[FairfieldLife] Re: Muckraking Fairfield or Yellow Journalism

2018-12-27 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
From Email:
 Q:   “I just "stumbled into" something today ..and I hope some of you will 
read it and I encourage any responses - I would love to hear "your take" on 
this. The topic is MUM/Suicides and Missing Persons (and other interesting 
MUM/Maharishi info). 
 I know none of you are big in the TM movement any more ("got what you needed 
and moved on" so to speak)  . . and I am not shocked by anything any more, and, 
this has created some noticeable "cognitive dissonance" . .  and at the same 
time, some "things came together" for me with this as well.
 If you chose to read this far, and read her report below, please consider 
letting me know what you think.. 
 . .
 A: I just scrolled the length of the thing but did not read it deeply. A 
re-mix of things that were ‘gathered’ and put in her blog place. Though the 
headlines promote flame the processes of the stories are dated even now. It 
seems too simple to just assert it is all ‘cult’ where more interesting and 
better things are in the backstories. Those are cultural in context.  
 History will have its longer perspective if journalism that gathers the story 
now is well gathered, comprehensive and may be not bias now in presentation. 
Her journalism it seems is taking the shortcut. It needs a lot more 
consideration with people for context and perspective. Her gathering is not the 
end of the story yet. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The blog has all the tell-tale of yellow. Yellow journalism uses eye-catching 
headlines for increased sales, vs. reform-minded progressive muckraking 
journalism, the blogger leads with eye-catchers, ‘murder’, ‘trafficking’, 
‘suicides’, ‘missing persons’, ‘Maharishi’.  On the internet it seems anyone 
can be a journalist. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: In Satsanga Fairfield, Iowa

2018-12-27 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Q: AND THEN you have David Spero activating, transmitting soul energy this 
other aspect, shakti. Is able to trigger that palpably in people. He is very 
effective at transmitting this.   
 A: That is the first track Matt Kahn is describing, that is what the first 
group is. That is that job. His job is the first ascension group. He is out 
there holding the light, that is his job.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 In FF satsang: 

 ..Don’t get hung up on Matt Kahn’s goofy shirts that he wears. or his 
 But Matt Kahn is cheering on those of us who are so interested in and have 
been dedicated to spiritual development, the Big “S” Spiritual development, 
upliftment. That it is not for nothing. That because as one has been engaged in 
it that it is not useless in this world or it is frivolous or inconsequential 
to what needs to happen here. That actually it holds the vibration and holds 
the criminal element back. 
 He says that it is all part of one light, even the ones who are asleep. They 
are all still of the light. It is very uplifting. He has quite a construct of 
understanding, as a teacher at another level, as a native adept, like Janet 
Sussman. He is both very practical and advaitin-like in a way he strips down to 
the essentials, stripping the constructs, the excess to get to the essentials, 
the essential value of nonduality, which Cynthia very astutely gets to.  .


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The FF Satsang continuing, over coffee:
 “..They are meant to be together (head and heart) . You don’t abdicate the 
head, the brain, the mind or the heart, they are together, the ‘masculine and 
 Q: it sets up a duality talking about this, identifying it. 
 A: What Matt Kahn points out is that there are people on various tracks, we 
are all on ascension tracks, we are all in tracks, this is not a better than 
the other. The first track is the one is where the people are standing in light 
where the people are light bearers. Where people are light holders. The people 
who are in consciousness where they are standing there in the light and that is 
their main job. Being light holders. 
 Then you have the second track, which is people who are becoming activated by 
what they see as problems in the world and they are going to look for social 
justice solutions, constructs, and so they are activated, and then a third 
track of people asleep. The third track is people who are always up to 
technology, on their phones, who their reference is always the phone, IT, 
 Light holders, social construct, and then the asleep who are willing and 
wanting to wed themselves to technology. 
 Matt Kahn is saying we all have our place in this, we are all in to this 
together. In his view this is going to become very clear in the next two years, 
unambiguous.  These Three general tracks is how people are going to be moving 
forward. He says there are people just waiting to have apps in their heads, for 
there to be apps, downloaded and become wedded to their technology, some kind 
of artificial intelligence. 


 FF Coffee haus Satsang:  
 “You have to love this, I love this that there she was at SAND. Wow!   Thank 
god that someone is finally speaking to this.” 
 Q: The TM neuroscience people would be studying this if he had an apparatus to 
do it, the heart-mind?  
 A: “They do but they are brain-centric. 
 “..In this discussion of spirituality Matt Kahn has a good description, 
embedded in the discussion of the expression of spirituality he says, and this 
makes sense, that we are moving from a third dimensional reality to a 5th 
dimensional reality. The third dimensional reality is dominated by the mind and 
the fifth dimensional reality is dominated by the heart. 
 So you have the head and the heart, 3rd and 5th, and how to get there is 
through here, the connecting of the head and heart.  The connectivity is what 
Janet Sussman identifies as the ‘articulation’ between the two, the 
communication between the two where you are moving from the third dimension of 
the mind and its constructs to the non-linear value of the fifth.  It does make 
sense that we are moving from a third dimensional reality to a fifth. The third 
dimensional reality, it is that we are dominated by the mind. The fifth 
dimensional reality is dominated by the heart. How do you get between the  two? 
The fourth dimension is time. We are moving through that, the throat area , 
expression. The connectedness, the ‘articulation’, as Janet says it. 
 What you see in the advaitins and the TM people is that it is all about the 
brain,  the head and the mind. Some Buddhists too, some of the Buddhist 
practices are very head centered.  
 The The third eye is insight and the throat area, the 4th, is poetry, 
speaking, the expression between the two, the fourth dimension. The vehicle, 
this part, the fourth dimension is time. So you

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Tattva

2018-12-27 Thread netineti108
Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji has never declared He is God. Keep 
posting. You're doing a great job.


[FairfieldLife] Take life as it comes

2018-12-27 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 These words by MMY sound simple and innocuous when you first hear them.  But, 
with deeper reflection, you will realize there is power hidden in them.  It 
implies that the person is adjustable to all situations in life and can succeed 
in whatever situation  life provides.  He or she does not have to show 
superhuman abilities as shown in the movies.   As stated in the Gita, all you 
need is to ... 'Be established in yoga, and perform actions.'  And at the 
highest level of human development these actions should include "devotion" to 
one's Ishwara.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Morality

2018-12-27 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Rick Archer’s panel enumerates sexual, emotional, and financial abuse. 
 There was a guy, Mark Meredith who was really good a ferreting out financial 
records on the ™ movement.  Mark is passed away now some time ago but he had 
background in things both financial management and also the ™ movement. He was 
really helpful in his way with shedding light on this area of behavior. 
 Within Rick’s oversight group there could be helpful facilitation to .org 
financials of gurus and such. Often times it takes insiders to help with 
insight to shells within groups. Mark was particularly good at looking through 
all the various incorporporations with ‘Maharishi’ in their name.  
 A service like Charity Navigator could be helped to have category for 
spiritual teachers/healers/guru non-profits. A committee of Rick’s SAND group 
could be quite helpful working with a credible group like Charity Navigator to 
help them get a better look at these peculiar ‘spiritual’ people and groups. 
 This last summer the Shambhala community at large was racked by both sexual 
and financial abuse at the top.  Watching John Douglas’ business get hooked up 
with a former ™ operative could make anyone seeing that wonder where that money 
all is going. 

 Which groups can accede to standards out there like Charity Navigator’s of 
financial behavior? This could be helped to be made more clear. 
 Evaluating Charities Not Currently Rated by Charity Navigator 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Rick’s group of concerned therapist spiritual counselors corrals the 
perpetration and the teacher/leader perps of spiritually hurtful bad behavior.  
May be this group in their thoughtful concern could hold their focus and refer 
or collaborate the communal part of the work to people who mediate communal 
hurt already. It is real interesting to see the communal re-mediating work 
being actively done right now on the Shambhala community. 
 Way down in the SAND discussion comes consideration of the effect of poor 
behavior on “community” offering “Truth and Reconciliation” as a model.  
 Re-developing community seems another whole jurisdiction of work. What has 
been the experience of mediated work of peace movements, ‘truth and 
conconcilliation’ processes, ‘non-violent communication’ is extended with the 
work of ‘restorative justice’.  Remediating the perps is one level of the work, 
the community they work in is a whole nother. Cornering the perps civilly or 
criminally is its own work, but their effect on their community is another part 
of the work. 
 NPR posted a link recently to some research demonstrating how a lot of people 
lack empathy. Rick’s example of the disordered narcissistic spiritual teacher 
is a good example. I had conversation a while ago with one of the main owners 
of the ™ movement about the problems, who replied the same kind of response, 
“what problems?”. Yet, as was said many times in the panel discussion, this 
cannot hold for very long in contemporary culture with the fluidity and 
transparency of social media now. 
 An example of process on the Communal Hurt part of the Equation, here is 
abstracted a process that happened in the trauma of a guru passing away, 
 Engaging Restorative Justice in Reclamation of Community


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 This ethics work at the SAND conference is a very good distillation to the 
 Locally the atonement part of the work Is something yet to be really applied 
towards what are the subsets of the meditating community in Fairfield, Iowa 
“with standards of expectation”, 

 “We’re trying to balance our subjective perspectives with standards that fit 
our contemporary culture.. Of behavior and abdication of behavior sexually, 
financially, emotional, ..causing divestment of life savings, causing harm, and 
dissolution. "

 "..Revisiting traditions of patriarchy, power play and equality that are being 
shattered by contemporary culture and being rebuilt in an honest way that is 
reflective of contemporary culture.   ..All too often, when teachers are 
challenged on their behavior, they ignore the challenger or become defensive.”

 In Fairfield and the TMO it seems what those that were the meditating movement 
have 'moved on' with any latent hurt they may have had. Unacknowledged. At a 
distance now. 
 Maharishi died about 10 years ago. The sex and that money stuff, the biggest 
building in the world, the 'Brahmasthan of America', happened before that. The 
Pundits gone now.  Figure there were about 6000 TM teachers in the United 
States in 1975, and what, 360 active TM teachers in the US now.  About that 

[FairfieldLife] Muckraking Fairfield or Yellow Journalism

2018-12-27 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 The blog has all the tell-tale of yellow. Yellow journalism uses eye-catching 
headlines for increased sales, vs. reform-minded progressive muckraking 
journalism, the blogger leads with eye-catchers, ‘murder’, ‘trafficking’, 
‘suicides’, ‘missing persons’, ‘Maharishi’.  On the internet it seems anyone 
can be a journalist.