[FairfieldLife] Re: FF meditator memoriam

2019-01-28 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
János Szász Sr. • June 4 1936 • October 19 2017 (diwali day) • Budapest •
Decorated Hungarian freedom fighter • 
TM teacher 1977 San Francisco • MIU community + Purusha 1980-1990 • 
Was only one to demonstrate yogic flying behind the iron curtain Aug 15 1986  •
Initiated many in Hungary • National leader for some time • His work continues •

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Recently deceased.. 
 Chip Gallagher 
 Dolly Honkenon
 Savannah Wechsler 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Len Labagh passed away Sunday morning, Jan 14. 

 Gary Gill 

 Judy Walls   
 Bryan Peterson passed  

 Stanley Kresky  
 Randy Coplin,  1949-2018 

 Gary Rich, passed away early this morning, Sept 11, 2018  

David Seager 
 Merle C. Dockendorff 
 Robert Iverson 
 David Gannon has dropped the body. Rosie Estrin passed away this morning July 
1, 2018
 Transcendental Meditationist Fairfield, Iowa and a TM Movement Memoriam..

 Stewart Oestreich 

 Robert Oats  Jerry Jarvis 
 Peter Just 

 Enloe Willingham 


 ​Y​ou probably heard that Enloe

 ​ Willingham​

 passed last week. The following is a story that he told to four of us who were 
present in his hospital room about a month ago.
 Enloe was one of the 108s in the early 70s. One day Maharishi asked a group of 
108s: Who would be willing go to foreign countries using their own resources 
(not the Movement resources). Maharishi also said: you just have to go there, I 
will do the rest.
 Enloe went to Indonesia, a country he knew very little about at the time. On 
his way he was told by several people: be very careful, they don’t like 
foreigners in Indonesia, especially Indians.
 So Enloe decided that he would spend the first weeks in Indonesia just getting 
a feel of the country, not mentioning why he was there.
 One day he was in a shop. The shopkeeper’s three small children were there and 
Enloe asked the shopkeeper if he could take a picture of the children. She 
agreed, but said: come back on Sunday, they will be nicely dressed.
 When Enloe returned on Sunday, the shopkeeper asked: What are you doing in 
 Enloe replied: Have you ever heard of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi?
  She replied: Yes, he initiated my whole family when my father was ambassador 
to Sweden.
 She introduced Enloe to her father, who then introduced him to the top people 
in the government, many of whom Enloe initiated.
 So Maharishi’s words came true: Enloe just had to go to Indonesia and 
Maharishi did the rest.
 Now Enloe has gone to another new location and we expect Maharishi has taken 
care of the rest there.
 Jai Guru Dev


 Norman Zierold passed away at pre-dawn 7 March 2018. 

 There will be a gathering for cremation at Behner Funeral Home in Fairfield, 
2pm Friday 

 Sharon Starr Cynthia Cole

 Whoever has come, will certainly go; nobody stays here. 
 Always keep your bags packed. We never know when the call will come. The call 
of death is like an arrest warrant: there is no hope of further "appeal."72 
Then and there, one must drop everything and leave. Wherever, however, one must 
go. This need not be difficult if you are prepared from the beginning.  
 He who is always ready to go cannot commit sins. Sins are possible only when 
one forgets about the life hereafter. If one can always remember that he has to 
leave one day, then a man will never adopt lying and bad conduct.  
 Realizing that your fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers have not 
stayed, it is easy to understand that, "I, too, cannot stay here permanently." 
Since it is certain that you will leave, then those people who prepare for the 
journey at the outset can rest comfortably; and if you are not ready, then you 
will surely have difficulty. Take care: "don't do something that will make you 
repent when you go." 
 Discourse 23, The Sweet Teachings of the Blessed Sankaracarya
 Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (..Maharishi's teacher)


 There are additional names gathered further back in this thread. Yahoo now 
truncates for length. There are more names and also the Purusha passing list is 
further back in this thread.   


 I have placed a larger file of this memoriam list over on to a Google-group.
 Yahoo-groups truncates now in a way that makes researching back in to yahoo 
subject threads difficult to work. 
 A longer version of this list that scrolls more easily 
 can be found and opened at:

 Patrick Gearon, The Quantum (car) Mechanic

 Charles (Charly) Vaughn 
 Savannah Alyn Harrell  John L. Petit 

 Robert David passed away yesterday. 
 Wonderful character in the community,
 lovely person,
 a very spiritual guy. 

 Timothy Kasten,  from online obit, "We were all MIU students in 1974, close as 
thieves sharing the grand TM adven

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Elects = YFfers??

2019-01-28 Thread Jim Sutherland isydo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

On Monday, January 28, 2019, 5:53 PM, Jim Sutherland isydo...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife]  wrote:

Thanks for reading about the Elect. Only those who Are members of the Elect 
KNOW they are, yet never know about other’s Election, and Reprobates never know 
they are Reprobates, even to the end of their lives. But the Elect know the 
Calling on their lives, and flounder around looking for the Key to open the 
Door to their heart, and some find it in the Bible, some find it in the Gita, 
while many find the Key, yet never learn how to use it, until they are 
initiated by a Master in to a Spiritual Path. I never ever bought a TM 
Initiation, yet I practiced the Meditation Technique using the TM Mantra for my 
age, as I had the entire list of TM Mantras. Of course, that was not like being 
accepted as a Desciple , but I was accepted by This Master, and was initiated 
by Him. I still meditate 2-3 hours daily, using the Technique, which has opened 
many Windows of Heaven for me , that never opened for me using TM or Christian 
Prayer. This was an Article witten about my Guru shortly after his death. But I 
am quite confident that very few Reprobates will be found among TMers or Sant 
Matters. At last, not those still meditating daily! They can hide in the 
Churches more easily, posing as the Elect.
 Best Regards,Jim

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

On Monday, January 28, 2019, 2:29 PM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
E wrote:


Thanks, for contributing this material. That is interesting to look through..   

Back in the 1980’s this kind of theology was probably more compelling and 

Since then a switch over in new generations has come along and evidently some 
are gone reprobate with their being way more spiritual than religious. Likewise 
FFL in reflecting spiritual community this old theological argumentation may 
sit fallow not resonating with today’s more commonly found spiritualities. 

Sometime as you may visit Fairfield I’d have you meet a friend in the area who 
began TM in high school while at a Quaker school out East, then studied in St. 
Louis at an ashram there with  

 [ Swami Satprakashananda (1888-1979), a monk of the Ramakrishna Order and a 
disciple of Swami Brahmananda, founded The Vedanta Society of St. Louis in 
1938. He had the good fortune of seeing Swami Vivekananda in 1901, and later he 
met Sarada Devi and nine direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna. The swami was a 
great scholar and wrote several books on Vedanta.] 

...then this friend was sent out from the ashram there to go ‘return to Jesus’, 
to seminary and thence was a Methodist pastor in churches in Iowa, was ordained 
Greek Orthodox and subsequently became an Elder with the Primitive Baptists at 
a point. He lives nearby Fairfield and comes singing with a harmony group of 
meditators in Fairfield. 

I see him most every week. http://fairfolk.org/prairieharmony

You would appreciate visiting first hand and talking around the theology of the 
Christian ‘Elect’ and such with him.

Kind Regards,  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Here is the Biblical meaning of Election, written by me, as a Seminary Student 
in 1983 , which is part of my Master’s Degree Thesis. This is my Blog, where I 
have written as either “ Eternal Flame” or “ Marked Elect. “ of course, I have 
added baggage to my Belief System, over the years, since then, but am pretty 
much up to date on my Blog on my last, most current Post giving my view on 
Advaita Vedanta. For Scholars interested in Biblical Election, the back side 
should not be ignored, i.e. Reprobates. Scrolling through the rest of my Thesis 
will compare Members of God’s Elect to God’s Reprobates. My Doctoral Degree 
Theses, earned for my Th.D.,  is also on the Blog, which defines the Tongues 
Controversy, Miracles and Healings, and Prophecy. This is my first post on this 
forum, as I have been a Voyeur.Best  Regards to All.      

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

On Sunday, January 27, 2019, 7:10 AM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 



The word "election," or "elect," comes from the Greek word eklectos and occurs 
about 25 times in the New Testament. It signifies "to pick out, choose, to pick 
or choose out for one's self, a choosing one out of many.."1 The one who does 
the choosing, the electing, is God..

predestination and election?

Predestination and election are both biblical teachings. The English 
"predestination" is translated from the Greek word proorizo which means 1) to 
predetermine, decide beforehand; 2) in the NT, of God decreeing from eternity; 
3) to foreordain, appoint beforehand.1  Prede

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Elects = YFfers??

2019-01-28 Thread Jim Sutherland isydo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Thanks for reading about the Elect. Only those who Are members of the Elect 
KNOW they are, yet never know about other’s Election, and Reprobates never know 
they are Reprobates, even to the end of their lives. But the Elect know the 
Calling on their lives, and flounder around looking for the Key to open the 
Door to their heart, and some find it in the Bible, some find it in the Gita, 
while many find the Key, yet never learn how to use it, until they are 
initiated by a Master in to a Spiritual Path. I never ever bought a TM 
Initiation, yet I practiced the Meditation Technique using the TM Mantra for my 
age, as I had the entire list of TM Mantras. Of course, that was not like being 
accepted as a Desciple , but I was accepted by This Master, and was initiated 
by Him. I still meditate 2-3 hours daily, using the Technique, which has opened 
many Windows of Heaven for me , that never opened for me using TM or Christian 
Prayer. This was an Article witten about my Guru shortly after his death. But I 
am quite confident that very few Reprobates will be found among TMers or Sant 
Matters. At last, not those still meditating daily! They can hide in the 
Churches more easily, posing as the Elect.      
 Best Regards,Jim

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

On Monday, January 28, 2019, 2:29 PM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
E wrote:


Thanks, for contributing this material. That is interesting to look through..   

Back in the 1980’s this kind of theology was probably more compelling and 

Since then a switch over in new generations has come along and evidently some 
are gone reprobate with their being way more spiritual than religious. Likewise 
FFL in reflecting spiritual community this old theological argumentation may 
sit fallow not resonating with today’s more commonly found spiritualities. 

Sometime as you may visit Fairfield I’d have you meet a friend in the area who 
began TM in high school while at a Quaker school out East, then studied in St. 
Louis at an ashram there with  

 [ Swami Satprakashananda (1888-1979), a monk of the Ramakrishna Order and a 
disciple of Swami Brahmananda, founded The Vedanta Society of St. Louis in 
1938. He had the good fortune of seeing Swami Vivekananda in 1901, and later he 
met Sarada Devi and nine direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna. The swami was a 
great scholar and wrote several books on Vedanta.] 

...then this friend was sent out from the ashram there to go ‘return to Jesus’, 
to seminary and thence was a Methodist pastor in churches in Iowa, was ordained 
Greek Orthodox and subsequently became an Elder with the Primitive Baptists at 
a point. He lives nearby Fairfield and comes singing with a harmony group of 
meditators in Fairfield. 

I see him most every week. http://fairfolk.org/prairieharmony

You would appreciate visiting first hand and talking around the theology of the 
Christian ‘Elect’ and such with him.

Kind Regards,  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Here is the Biblical meaning of Election, written by me, as a Seminary Student 
in 1983 , which is part of my Master’s Degree Thesis. This is my Blog, where I 
have written as either “ Eternal Flame” or “ Marked Elect. “ of course, I have 
added baggage to my Belief System, over the years, since then, but am pretty 
much up to date on my Blog on my last, most current Post giving my view on 
Advaita Vedanta. For Scholars interested in Biblical Election, the back side 
should not be ignored, i.e. Reprobates. Scrolling through the rest of my Thesis 
will compare Members of God’s Elect to God’s Reprobates. My Doctoral Degree 
Theses, earned for my Th.D.,  is also on the Blog, which defines the Tongues 
Controversy, Miracles and Healings, and Prophecy. This is my first post on this 
forum, as I have been a Voyeur.Best  Regards to All.      

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

On Sunday, January 27, 2019, 7:10 AM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 



The word "election," or "elect," comes from the Greek word eklectos and occurs 
about 25 times in the New Testament. It signifies "to pick out, choose, to pick 
or choose out for one's self, a choosing one out of many.."1 The one who does 
the choosing, the electing, is God.

predestination and election?

Predestination and election are both biblical teachings. The English 
"predestination" is translated from the Greek word proorizo which means 1) to 
predetermine, decide beforehand; 2) in the NT, of God decreeing from eternity; 
3) to foreordain, appoint beforehand.1  Predestination, then, is the biblical 
teaching that God predestines certain events and people to accomplish what He 
so desires. The word proorizo occurs six times in the New Testament, each time 
demonstrating that God is the one who

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation! Excellent well written Doug! Great start for a FRESH & look inwards via the dome experience to be more inclusive

2019-01-28 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
In FF conversation.. 

"..Spiritual Evolution is a whole lot easier in a group. It will take a whole 
lot longer individually, to do this individually alone. It ‘takes a village’. 
When we do this together obviously you are the first beneficiary of it but you 
are also affecting the collective, our collective and also the larger 
collective.  So thank you for coming to Fairfield and the group meditation in 
community we do here." 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yes, thanks for seeing this. . 

 It should be important in the survival of the Dome meditation right now that 
any who have access to levels of the ownership in TM where policy is made could 
be copying and pasting points of this exchange below in to communication with 
those power people at the top. Engage whoever and wherever the power is vested, 
where the levers of power are.  Send ‘em a letter, mail, e-mail, imessages, 
facebook messenger, phone them, tweet them, however. 

 The Dome meditation attendance numbers are in crisis. Month by month these 
numbers continue to dwindle. The metrics of this situation are foreboding. 
Numbers are dropping in a consistency by 10 and 20 a month for many many months 
now. This is not just an administrative problem but one of leadership. The 
recent month attendance numbers are not just lower but now hitting lows lower 
than they were prior to the beginning of the late assembly in 2006.  

 There evidently is a core cultural problem in leadership of the TM movement 
that for a cohesion in survival of this community needs to be proactively 
addressed right now. Everyone’s help is needed on pressing this now.  

 Who has contact with, policy access to Dr. Nader? 
 Dr. Hagelin: MUM President’s Office,  641-472-1260. presid...@mum.edu 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 EXCELLENT Doug very well thought  & presented in a respectful, &  loving manor 
with the past restrictive codes put aside, MOST REFRESHING!  To read & to see 
the compassion & love between the lines Doug!
 The group meditation  & coupling it with the TM Sidhi program reduces combat , 
prevents wars & is most helpful for the health of the community at large.
 AGAIN THANKS in gratitude for your well shared KNOWLEDGE back up with Guru Dev 
 -Original Message-
 From: dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
 To: FairfieldLife 
 Sent: Sun, Jan 20, 2019 7:59 am
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
 ..based on the non-religious Transcendental Meditation (TM) program,
 As strange as it may sound, when large groups of trained practitioners sit 
down on a daily basis to do this meditation program together, a powerful "field 
effect" of coherence and peace ripples throughout the consciousness of the 
surrounding population. The bigger the group the bigger the effect. The 
outcomes, confirmed repeatedly by extensive scientific research, are consistent 
and measurable decreases in war deaths, terrorism, and crime.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
 Dear Drs. Hagelin and Nader:

 Now that the pundits are gone from Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa could you write 
the membership application guidelines for the Domes anew?

 The old guidelines are yet too inflammatory towards superradiance as they are 
cobbled and wordsmithed.  Please sit and write with a new piece of paper a new 
and fresh Dome application guideline now for membership in the group programs, 
now the pundits are gone. Start with a fresh sheet of paper.  Get it down to 
simple: did someone learn the ™ programs and that this is what they will do in 
the group programs for superradiance. 

 This would be a good time to just go in and gut, drop the clause from the 
guidelines that remains excluding from membership people who spend money on 
‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish and yagya. The earnest reason it was put in there 
originally evidently has gone away. It is time to just get rid of that clause 
in the membership application guideline. There is no sense now to having the 
office staff there investigating that one on people anymore. 

 The pundit program had been a long endured suction of resource out of the 
Fairfield community. That clause about people spending monies on 
‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish and yagya along with the couple of other clauses that 
are left there as some kind of fealty test within the membership guidelines is 
just needlessly inflammatory to succeeding with the Dome attendance numbers and 
superradiance in Fairfield now.  

 Sincerely, Doug Hamilton.  
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
 A morality,   Q: I don’t recall anything about “principles of higher moral 
character” in the air when we first came here from Amherst.
 A: Meditation in groups,  Maharishi was consistent the whole way about the 
utility of group meditating influencing a wellbeing of good for others at a 
distance. This remarkable idea in practice

[FairfieldLife] Re: “Schismogenesis”

2019-01-28 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
“People, meditators are for getting done what needs are for themselves as what 
they are getting done communally.” 
 “Within the various meditator infused churches, temples, and spiritual groups, 
Fairfield, Iowa this has not just only to do with groups meditating, the 
transcendent is an important part of it, Maharishi got it off to a realy good 
start, Jai Guru Dev. It is fantastic. We have a transcendent practice, Jai Guru 
Dev. But the need to go beyond that in terms of how we are going to live it, 
that is what is happening in Fairfield. Group practice wherever you find it.  
The Trillium people, the Art of Living people, the Oneness people, the 
meditators in the Liberal Catholic churches, the meditators in the Jewish, the 
Germain, and the Hindu Temples, the silent Quakers, go for it.”

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 People, practicing meditators were disaffiliated from the group? 
 A: Just on the intellectual level of belief by personality of administration. 
The naturally limiting value of beliefs is that not everyone is going to 
believe the same thing. Just like a forest of trees are not going to be all 
 And yet disaffiliation has happened. Separating people over belief structures, 
over ‘devotion to the guru’, pressing an alignment to the guru. That is really 
what is under the TM Dome guidelines for membership and how they have been 
enforced for decades.  A contriving of feeling that people made promises and 
that people are in violation and should be punished and separated.

 For example, 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 “Is it necessary for something to be strong for everyone to act and behave in 
a similar way on a behavioral level?  This is one of the amazing things about 
Fairfield, Ia. is that it proves ‘no you don’t have to be’. That you can have 
wildly different people who believe, have wildly different politics, different 
religions, all of it, and ask them and it is TM where they all started and are 
informed by. It is incredible.”

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Using “schismogenesis” as an anthropologist's social science vehicle for 
driving through the Fairfield, Iowa story becomes a whole different level of 
exploration into the story of community.  

 At a Communal Studies Association Annual Conference I presented a paper as an 
overview road-map interpretation for outsiders who would look in on meditating 
Fairfield, Ia.  An irony is that locals are not themselves necessarily able to 
fathom the meditating community..

 The Text of that paper is posted as: 
 Describing Communal (Meditating) Fairfield, Iowa


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 "..Is not this diversity in community with the transcendent experience a good 
thing? That you could have such diversity exploring and such unified 
perspective. Avenues of teachings, pathways or faithways that relate. Informed 
by experience, is that diversity a schism or a healthy diversification?"


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ‘Schismogenesis’? What a hoot. Someone got their doctorate coming up with that 

 Q:  In a communalism that is here in Fairfield, Ia. it is interesting to see 
that there has been overt and covert schismatic processes going on that is 
reflected in subsets of community that are here.   Academic, global country, 
the meditating community in town.

 A:  Those are ideas, alignment of belief structure.  This does not touch the 
commonality of the experience in this which is consciousness itself.   It, the 
experience of state in transcendentalism, is like an ultimate unifier even when 
groups get together in Fairfield.  
 If you go around a room of the meditating community and really ask people and 
you will get people who are really TM’ers to people who are Mahur Baba people, 
whatever  they are exploring or have gone in to; or waking down, Artee, mystic 
Christianity, all of it is informed by the experience of this. In going around, 
in spite of that, we all can understand this because we all know what we are 
talking about because it is in the experiential. This is how deep does that TM 
community go. Does it have to be ‘schism’ or is it the expression of diversity 
in the community of the experience.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 "..Some types of schismogenic behavior are expressed, yes. But what we have 
here in community is there is ‘no schism is possible in consciousness’.   

 She, the author of the paper is not going to see that because she does not 
meditate or is coming in from outside, she is not going to understand what that 
means and the implicat

[FairfieldLife] Re: Second-Generation Consolidation

2019-01-28 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
In FF conversation..

 “In Fairfield, Iowa we are growing up.  There are young people here having 
amazing spiritual experience. These are profoundly spiritual people. They are 
having Unity experiences. They have spiritual practices, meditation that they 
do as they need it. In their lives they are spiritual on the hoof. That is 
their requirement of their age. It does not mean that they do not sit or have 
sitting practice. Theirs is going to have to be eclectic stepping outside of 
this little TM box.  When they get together it is a yagya of love. That is the 
power of the group here, how it is lived. That is Fairfield with consciousness 
in a room or a place. It is overwhelming when you are with it. This is a 
palpable real deal.” 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 In FF conversation..

 “Q: There is a thesis in hoping that some young people can hold on for a while 
longer in the group TM culture, hoping for some young people to come along?”

 A: “It is not going to happen with a first gen group bound themselves into an 
identity that is about obedience and self-doubt “I can only do what Maharishi 
said”, it will take a second or third generation. They had this January 12 
meeting and what do they do? They put this crown on Tony Nader. That is this 
stupidest shit thing that they ever did. I am sorry, Maharishi, but that was 
stupid to create Kings and Rajas. 
 ..Done with the movement, but the funny thing is that the meditation i still 
recommend to people. We refer new initiates. We are doing our part and they 
wear crowns. This first gen group is locked in to a belief structure about 
their efficacy. It is a belief structure. 
 The community though is not done. Where would it, the common meditators as 
people, go to replicate this? Just up and move? Most people own only one house 
at a time in their lives. 

It is going to take a third gen people in wisdom to speak to it who are not 
necessarily locked in to the belief structure. You are going to see it: Women 
coming back in to it too. It must be women too and in our world today it needs 
to be collaborative and not patriarchal-hierarchical”

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 In an application to join FFL...
 “My Father (God rest his soul) was way into TM. I consider myself spiritual, 
but I never quite understood his connection to an organization that basically 
charged him for a Mantra…”
 In and around Fairfield, Iowa there evidently is a second generation of the 
old meditating community making lives, buying houses, living, engaging in the 
culture of the larger community.  Around Fairfield also now a third generation 
of the old meditating community is raising, clearly visible. Second gen 
engagement in the ™ meditating community seems reserved, remote or passive yet 
some are clearly quite spiritual in their lives.  There has started to be a 
genre of second gen writing about their experience growing up as children of 
the meditating community. Living processes of community can appear subterrain 
or unspoken unless one shows up. 

 Culture generally is slow to move but clearly something is on the move in 
meditating Fairfield, generation to generation. It will be particularly 
interesting for those living it to see where the meditating community of 
Fairfield, Iowa is in 5 years.
 This link is to a reflection on the range of communal processes that are in 
communal Fairfield..  
 Engaging Restorative Justice in Reclamation of Community
 As anyone has comments to share directly with Fairfield Life 
 they can e-mail comments to consider to the owner-link on the Yahoo-group 
Fairfield Life main page. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 President Hagelin Elevates Role of Young Administrators

 In recent months President John Hagelin has elevated younger administrators to 
leading positions and has added 10 of them to his “cabinet,” the group that 
helps run the university. This new group of 10 is sometimes referred to as the 
“young cabinet.” 

 “These very dedicated, talented, and accomplished young leaders are building 
the bright future of our university,” Dr. Hagelin said. “They constantly 
demonstrate their brilliance and their vision for moving MUM forward. In 
collaboration with our long-standing cabinet members, they are continually 
upgrading and expanding the university’s operations and successes.” 
 The young cabinet members include Carol Passos, director of human resources, 
Patrik Siljestam, comptroller, Aster Hesse, associate dean of admissions, 
Taniya Hallman, registrar, Gwen Stowe, director of admissions, Tiago Passos, 
director of development, Leslie Doyle, director of Student Support Services, 
Eric Liu, director of MUM Online and continuing education, Selin Ozbudak, 
associate dean of enrollment a

[FairfieldLife] RE: Waging Radical Peace, A Call to Group Meditations

2019-01-28 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
The revelation that group meditation reduces turbulence in society and improves 
community or global health is simply an extension of the individual practice of 
 This is a new paradigm to be implemented, for it may hold the secret for 
planetary peace. If wars start in the minds of men, then peace logically should 
start there as well.
  438473Prevent Terrorism

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Kim Jong-un warns of change in direction on denuclearisation He made the 
remarks during his closely-watched annual New Year's address.
 Mr Kim said, "if the US does not keep its promise made in front of the whole 
world... and insists on sanctions and pressures on our republic, we may be left 
with no choice but to consider a new way to safeguard our sovereignty and 
 The annual New Year's address is a tradition Mr Kim picked up from his 
grandfather, Kim Il-sung, founder of the communist country.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ..at the interdisciplinary Global Zen Consciousness Conference in Atlanta...

 The conference was organized by the Shaolin Chan [Zen] Foundation, which hopes 
to “create a worldwide revolution by combining the spheres of science and 
Eastern philosophy to help humanity realize that at the deepest sub-nuclear 
level and at the innermost consciousness level we are all one.” “This was a 
breakthrough event, with both the modern and ancient corroborating each other 
in an authentic and science-based manner,” said Dr. Schneider, dean of MUM’s 
College of Integrative Medicine. Dr. Hagelin spoke about the physics of 
consciousness and higher states of consciousness. Dr. Schneider discussed the 
physiological correlates.. 


 Peace by the Meissner-like effect of groups meditating:
 Creating an Ideal Society:
 The phenomenon of a powerful influence of harmony spreading through a whole 
community or nation when a small fraction of the population practices the 
Transcendental Meditation technique is known as the Maharishi Effect [ME].  The 
influence of orderliness generated from the state of infinite correlation 
experienced during the Transcendental Meditation technique is so powerful that 
even one per cent of the people in society practising the Transcendental 
Meditation technique is sufficient to neutralize negative tendencies and give 
an evolutionary direction to community life as a whole. With the growth of 
individual consciousness, family consciousness, community consciousness, 
national consciousness, and world consciousness are enriched. More than one and 
a half million people currently practising the Transcendental Meditation 
technique are constantly intensifying the Maharishi Effect and contributing to 
the Age of Enlightenment. The dawn is rising to the day.
 12 January 1977

 Brave meditators, you have done all we asked you to do, and more than could be 
reasonably expected; but your own global country of World Peace is at stake, 
your partners, families, your homes and all that you hold dear. You have worn 
yourselves out with fatigues and hardships of waging world peace, but we know 
not how to spare you. If you will consent to stay in the Domes only one month 
longer, you will render that service to the cause of liberty of all and to your 
global country of world peace which you probably never can do under any other 
 -Buck in the Dome

 Transcendental Meditation:

 Crime rate decreased in cities after one percent of their populations had 
begun practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique. -Editors


 Paper 98
 Improved Quality of Life Through The Transcendental Meditation Program:
 Decreased Crime Rate

 Paper 98
 In 1960 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation 
program, predicted that a transition in society toward a more orderly and 
harmonious functioning would occur when a small fraction -on the order of one 
percent- of a population practiced the Transcendental Meditation technique (6), 
and in December 1974 we found that crime rate did decrease in four midwestern 
U.S. Cities in which one percent of the population was practicing the TM 

 Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program
 Collected Papers,
 Volume I,
 pp 727


 From quite early on Maharishi Mahesh Yogi employed the

 radical direct action of groups meditating deployed in field effect as like 
the Meissner Effect of consciousness mediation of meditation as then even in 
1962 meditating a peaceful resolution to the Cuban Missile crisis of 1962. 
Maharishi called for group meditations at that time to avert the critical 
danger of incoherence the world was suffering in at that moment in time.   In a 
move of scientific radical peace-activism Maharishi lead group meditations 
against the turmoil in the world then. To his transcendental mediation we look 
back at it now as The Cuban missile cri

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Elects = YFfers??

2019-01-28 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Thanks, for contributing this material. That is interesting to look through.   
 Back in the 1980’s this kind of theology was probably more compelling and 
 Since then a switch over in new generations has come along and evidently some 
are gone reprobate with their being way more spiritual than religious. Likewise 
FFL in reflecting spiritual community this old theological argumentation may 
sit fallow not resonating with today’s more commonly found spiritualities. 

 Sometime as you may visit Fairfield I’d have you meet a friend in the area who 
began TM in high school while at a Quaker school out East, then studied in St. 
Louis at an ashram there with  
 [ Swami Satprakashananda (1888-1979), a monk of the Ramakrishna Order and a 
disciple of Swami Brahmananda, founded The Vedanta Society of St. Louis in 
1938. He had the good fortune of seeing Swami Vivekananda in 1901, and later he 
met Sarada Devi and nine direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna. The swami was a 
great scholar and wrote several books on Vedanta.] 

 ..then this friend was sent out from the ashram there to go ‘return to Jesus’, 
to seminary and thence was a Methodist pastor in churches in Iowa, was ordained 
Greek Orthodox and subsequently became an Elder with the Primitive Baptists at 
a point. He lives nearby Fairfield and comes singing with a harmony group of 
meditators in Fairfield. 
 I see him most every week. http://fairfolk.org/prairieharmony 

 You would appreciate visiting first hand and talking around the theology of 
the Christian ‘Elect’ and such with him.

 Kind Regards,  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Here is the Biblical meaning of Election, written by me, as a Seminary Student 
in 1983 , which is part of my Master’s Degree Thesis. This is my Blog, where I 
have written as either “ Eternal Flame” or “ Marked Elect. “ of course, I have 
added baggage to my Belief System, over the years, since then, but am pretty 
much up to date on my Blog on my last, most current Post giving my view on 
Advaita Vedanta. For Scholars interested in Biblical Election, the back side 
should not be ignored, i.e. Reprobates. Scrolling through the rest of my Thesis 
will compare Members of God’s Elect to God’s Reprobates. My Doctoral Degree 
Theses, earned for my Th.D.,  is also on the Blog, which defines the Tongues 
Miracles and Healings, and Prophecy. This is my first post on this forum, as I 
have been a Voyeur.Best  Regards to All.   

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/?..src=iOS

 On Sunday, January 27, 2019, 7:10 AM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
 Election The word "election," or "elect," comes from the Greek word eklectos 
and occurs about 25 times in the New Testament. It signifies "to pick out, 
choose, to pick or choose out for one's self, a choosing one out of many."1 The 
one who does the choosing, the electing, is God.

 predestination and election? 

 Predestination and election are both biblical teachings. The English 
"predestination" is translated from the Greek word proorizo which means 1) to 
predetermine, decide beforehand; 2) in the NT, of God decreeing from eternity; 
3) to foreordain, appoint beforehand.1 
https://carm.org/predestination-and-election#footnote1_rzjn9h3  Predestination, 
then, is the biblical teaching that God predestines certain events and people 
to accomplish what He so desires. The word proorizo occurs six times in the New 
Testament, each time demonstrating that God is the one who is foreordaining and 
bringing about certain events:


 There is, however, controversy as to the nature of this predestination 





---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Well, I thought Yogic Flyers could be the eklektos of our times. Not too 
seriously, though... 



 Some could seriously agree with the prospect though Trouble is the portending 
of holy war with Pompeo and Pence at Trump's left and right hand whispering 
Christian ideologies in to his ear. Jeeezuz! 




[FairfieldLife] Hidden agenda behind Trump's Wall

2019-01-28 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Keep the Mexicans out of the USA.  At the same time, give contracts to build 
the wall to friends of Trump or the Republican Party.  And have all Americans 
from various political spectrum to pay for the boondoggle.  I don't believe 
that the American Constitution was designed for this purpose.

[FairfieldLife] OBE!

2019-01-28 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]
There's some discussion on a Finnish astrology forum of OBE. Did Maharishi ever 
speak about it?